Page 15 of Rogue Belador

  Evalle didn't have to look at Storm.

  All at once, she felt his burst of pride and love roll over her.

  This was a scary step, but she'd been down similar paths with Macha, and had barely escaped with her skin more than once. If they could return Brina's memories, Evalle believed Brina would stand firm about her relationship with Tzader, and would support her Beladors. Brina had asked for Evalle's trust in the past and, unlike Macha, Brina had earned that trust more than once.

  Now it was time for the Beladors to support their warrior queen, because Evalle saw no hope for any of them to have a life without Brina in power.

  Returning to the topic, she settled in her chair again and nodded at Tzader. "You said Ceartas made the point that this war has gone on for thousands of years. From all I've heard since joining the Beladors, he's right. The way I see it, we're just the current pawns in a game between those two goddesses. I will not be sent back to Treoir as a prisoner, and no other gryphon should be forced to stay against his or her will. Once this is done, I'll find a way to free them, too."

  Storm reached over and took her hand.

  Evalle left no question about what she was saying. "Storm and I will go with Tzader to rescue that dragon to cure Brina, and to find out what he knows that we don't about Queen Maeve's plans ... and about Macha."

  Tzader said, "I believe this Ceartas. I think this dragon may be our only hope once Macha finds out what's going on. He's keen on Brina being protected at all costs. I don't know why, but I'm banking on whatever he has up his sleeve to protect her ... and any of you who go with me. But that doesn't change the fact that if Macha doesn't see it the way we do, she has the right to take our lives and that of everyone in our families. I don't have any more family, except Brina, but the rest of you do."

  Evalle said, "Understood." She put a fist against her chest. "But we are the Beladors. Based on what you've said, the dragon is agreeing to support us for helping him and Brina. Who will support us once Macha takes full control of Brina? We have a choice and we have duties, but we have never agreed to blindly follow anyone. I'm willing to put my faith in Tzader and the dragon."

  Storm spoke up. "If this goes badly, I have a backup plan, and anyone involved in this will be welcome. I agree with Evalle, and am willing to join you for the chance that Brina can be restored to power so we can stay here. I don't care where we live, but given a choice I know Evalle would rather stay here. That won't happen if Macha is left unchecked."

  She squeezed his fingers.

  Quinn had listened quietly. "I second everything Evalle and Storm have said. I, also, have had concerns about Macha for a long time, but I never wanted to create problems for the Beladors. I will not stand by while she hands Brina and your baby to another man, Tzader. I know you wouldn't if our places were reversed. If Macha finds out that I have Kizira's body in a mausoleum here in Oakland Cemetery, she'll very likely consider that a broken vow as well, so I'm taking no new risk by joining you. My only concern would be leaving our Belador warriors without a Maistir while I'm gone. I can't deal with Lanna right now, but neither do I want to send her home with her at risk from Grendal."

  Storm said, "Lanna will be safe here. The building is warded. Anyone can leave if there's an emergency, but no one can scry inside or enter with malicious intent. But you still need to be the Maistir while we're gone, Quinn. We'll need the ground support back here at home. Someone who can cover for us."

  Quinn started to argue.

  Tzader stood up, and everyone fell quiet. "As I said, I don't want any of you going with me--"

  "Can't stop us," Evalle pointed out.

  Tzader gave her a stern look and added, "I know. I'm saying if you're determined to be a part of this, then we need a plan. I will not do this half-assed and put you at risk any more than you obviously have to be." He sent his next words in Quinn's direction. "Storm's right. We'll need Queen Maeve and Cathbad drawn away from TAmr Medb when we're ready to teleport in. You're the only person who has a chance of getting them out of that tower when it's time."

  Pondering that a moment, Quinn said, "Yes, that would be key to a successful insertion. Dragging them into a Tribunal meeting should do it."

  Before they got strategizing further, Evalle said, "We have one more issue. That little critter in the corner is called Oskar. He's a witch's familiar. Lucien, Casper, and I found him with a bunch of kidnapped dogs tonight."

  They all took in the black-and-gray pile of shaggy hair for a moment before she continued. "I went to see Rowan. Oskar belongs to Mother Mattie, one of the white witch council members. Rowan thinks the Medb may be behind three missing white witches, and that they now have Mother Mattie. Rowan went to VIPER when the first one disappeared, and Sen said the Tribunal would not listen to her accusations unless the new witch council wanted to join the coalition."

  "That bugger Sen," Quinn grumbled, echoing Evalle's thoughts. "The whole point of creating the witch council was to keep them from having to join the coalition. VIPER makes exceptions for trolls, for crying out loud, but not witches who will support us?"

  "Exactly," Evalle said. "I need Storm to go with me to track a Noirre residue at Mattie's house before we leave to free the dragon. Hopefully, we'll find something that might give us a lead on where they're holding Mattie, if the kidnapped witches are still in the human world."

  Tzader said, "Noirre residue is enough evidence to authorize a VIPER investigation."

  "Rowan doesn't want to call them at this point," Evalle explained. "She thinks it's odd for the Noirre residue to be so obvious when the Medb clearly shielded their scent when they created demons. Even the creature we killed tonight had no Medb scent or any evidence of Noirre. She thinks the blatant Noirre clue is a trap, and the minute she shows that to VIPER the white witches will be accused of trying to frame the Medb."

  Storm murmured, "Could be. Keep in mind there could be another player. There's always been a black market for that kind of majik, plus a lot of Noirre was traded during the beast championship on Cumberland Island."

  Now for the punch line. Evalle said, "We have a time issue. Mattie's sister is a powerful Fae who is coming to see Mattie Saturday morning. At this point, the sister doesn't know Mattie is missing. If we don't find Mattie before this Caron visits, Caron will flatten the city."

  "Caron as in Caron of Sidhe Orlaith? That Fae is her sister?" Quinn asked, appalled.

  "Half sister, but yes, that sounds right. We have it on good authority that Caron will take the city apart to find Mattie, and with no regard for human witnesses." No point in mentioning that Deek was the good authority. Storm hadn't forgotten that Evalle owed Deek a favor. She'd have to break it to him later about agreeing to find Mattie to pay her debt.

  Quinn shared, "Caron destroyed seventeen different commercial property locations belonging to Deek D'Alimonte." He described how Caron had cherry-picked the targets for destruction, not killing a person.

  "I heard," Evalle confirmed. "If we don't find Mattie before we leave for TAmr Medb, we'll need Quinn to work covertly with Trey to find the witch."

  "Understood." Quinn speculated, "I might be able to use that in some way to draw Queen Maeve and Cathbad into a Tribunal meeting."

  "And one more thing," Evalle said. "We can't tell anyone that Oskar is alive and here, because Rowan says the kidnappers will realize we might be able to track Mattie through Oskar. If tonight's hunt doesn't pan out, I'll ask Lanna to touch Oskar's hair to see what that shows her. I'd ask her now, but she looked whipped, plus we have to go to Mattie's and I don't want to rattle Feenix again tonight."

  Tzader stood up and shoved in his chair before addressing Quinn. "Queen Maeve and Cathbad are cagey. Just don't give the Tribunal any reason to retaliate against you." He took a look at his watch and asked, "How about a ride to my place?"

  "Certainly. With Lanna here, I can drop you, check in with VIPER to see if anything critical is happening, plus talk to Trey and stop by my hotel before returning." Quinn sug
gested, "It's after two now. I say we convene back here at eight. Sound good?"

  Evalle said, "Yes."

  Storm nodded.

  Tzader looked as if he wanted to overrule that.

  Evalle walked around and put her hand on Tzader's arm. "We'll get the dragon and, with a little luck, no one will know it was us, but if they do we'll face the consequences together. Once the dragon returns Brina's memories, she'll be a game changer with Macha, who wouldn't dare push Brina at that point. We do this together. Just like we always have. If Macha's willing to betray you and Brina, plus treat me and the other gryphons as if we're only beasts to be ordered around like trained dogs, then she's not a person who deserves my loyalty."

  "You have a lot to risk these days, Evalle," Tzader warned.

  "That's exactly why I'm willing to take a stand with you and Quinn, and why Storm will, too." She leaned in and kissed Tzader's cheek, then told him, "You look exhausted. Meeting at eight will allow me the time I need for a few things, too. Get some sleep before you come back."

  "I'll be ready," he said.

  She doubted he intended to rest, but hoped exhaustion would win out.

  Storm stepped over. "If you're not sharp, you'll put your entire team at risk."

  "Point taken," Tzader said, clearly accepting that everyone was in agreement. He walked out with Quinn.

  She turned to Storm. "I don't want to go back out, but--"

  "We need to check Mattie's house right away before something happens to disrupt the scents."

  "Right." She waited as he locked up behind Tzader and Quinn.

  On the way to the Land Cruiser, Storm said, "Don't think for a minute that I didn't notice how you failed to inform the other two about who would be teleporting the team. It's not Deek, right?"

  "No." She hurried over to the passenger door, hoping to jump in and come up with a way to avoid this conversation by the time he got in.

  Storm's hand came down on the top of the door before she could open it. Crap.

  She flipped around. "What?"

  He dropped his head until their noses almost touched. "I only know of one other person you could ask to teleport us, but he's still flying his gryphon gig on Treoir, right?"

  Storm had been born a human lie detector, so she didn't waste effort sidestepping the question. "Tristan is in Atlanta. Grady told me about it tonight as I was leaving Rowan's house. When I found Tristan, he said he's been experimenting. He's teleported three at one time between Treoir and here. I know you don't like him--"

  "Understatement. To be more accurate, I don't trust him," Storm corrected.

  "Right. But he's our best hope for making this work."

  Storm put his other hand down, caging her between his arms. Any other time, this could lead somewhere interesting, but at the moment Storm wouldn't let this Tristan bone go.

  He said, "This is the same person who put you in a jam with Macha and a Tribunal."

  "Well, yes--"

  "Tristan also grabbed his group and ran, while you stood between him and a black ops team sighting in on all of you."

  "Technically, I asked him to--"

  Storm interrupted, "He walked you into a Medb trap and--"

  "Teleported me away so I could escape," Evalle managed to say.

  Storm's face became even fiercer. "Yes, Tristan did teleport you ... right into Deek D'Alimonte's private office, and almost got you killed by that centaur."

  She gave up defending Tristan.

  Storm sizzled with renewed anger at the Alterant whose actions Evalle had tried to defend. He said, "If Tristan agrees to teleport the team both ways, then so much as hiccups at the wrong time and puts you in danger again, he'll be unable to ever teleport, fly, walk, or eat without a straw when I'm finished with him."

  Storm kissed her forehead and opened the door for her.

  Yep, this was shaping up to be so much fun.


  Chapter 15

  TAmr Medb, home of the Medb coven

  Queen Maeve passed through the tall double doors carved with disgusting erotic scenes, and entered her private chamber in TAmr Medb. If she planned to stay here very long, she'd reconstruct most of the tower, but there was no point in wasting majik on this place when she'd be moving to Treoir Castle soon.

  Cathbad the Druid waited with his hands tucked behind him and a smug smile on his face. He enjoyed dressing in the modern styles, wearing a dark gray suit today with a black turtleneck pullover. Pale brown hair had just enough curl to add to his devilish attraction. Striking eyes the color of a dark beer followed her as she crossed the room.

  He was the druid who'd first come to her aid two thousand years ago, and he was still her partner today.

  The doors swung shut upon her silent command.

  She spared a glance for Daegan, the dragon she'd cursed to serve as her throne. His silver eyes were trained on her and shooting death wishes her way. "Don't make the mistake of allowing your eyes to close, Daegan."

  A deep rumbling shook the throne, but she had not freed his tongue since the last time he mouthed off at her.

  Cathbad threw Daegan a derisive glance, muttering, "Keepin' that beast alive so long concerns me."

  She found that amusing. "Seeing him shackled in that shape is entertaining. He's not a threat."

  Cathbad waited until he was closer to say, "I've been told the dragon's eyes were green while you were not queen, but they be silver now. What if that beast is gainin' strength?"

  An interesting observation, but nothing she considered significant. "He's locked in that spell. His body could change color and I wouldn't care, so you shouldn't."

  Still not convinced, Cathbad pointed out, "He's been privy to everythin' said in this room for two thousand years. 'Tis a mistake to allow him to continue listenin' to our plans now."

  She made a scoffing sound in Cathbad's direction, dismissing his argument. "The only mistake I made with Daegan upon cursing him was to prevent anyone from compelling him to talk."

  "'Twas a good plan so he did not share anythin' with successive queens who ruled until we returned." Cathbad angled his head, thinking. "However, it would save us considerable time if that beast could be compelled to tell us how to access the history in the scryin' wall."

  "Agreed." Queen Maeve dismissed Cathbad's concerns. There was only one place Daegan could be a danger to her. He'd never see that place again.

  Not unless he could figure out how to open his wings and fly as a throne.

  No, Daegan was just fine where she had him.

  This way she could enjoy his misery every single minute possible. If not for him, she wouldn't have--

  "Are you ready for an update on Ossian's integration into VIPER?" Cathbad asked.

  Ignoring the dragon's evil gaze following her every move, she turned to Cathbad. "Tell me about my gryphons. I've waited long enough. I want them. Now!"

  "I have no' heard from the Tribunal yet."

  "Send a message. The Tribunal's deadline for this decision has passed. What is the delay?"

  Cathbad strolled several steps. "Could be nothin' more than arrogant gods and goddesses makin' a point, or it could be they don't have three willin' to work together yet to form a Tribunal. Not all the pantheons joined the VIPER coalition and, of the ones that did, not all get along. I canna be seen in Atlanta at the moment, not until VIPER sends word. It's part of the sanction for what trouble our rogue warlock caused with the Witchlock mess."

  "The Tribunal deities are fools to think that sanction means anything to me."

  He sighed heavily, the way he always had when he'd try to appease her in the past. "I hear ya, but if we are to keep up this ruse of pretendin' ta be a part of the coalition ... " He stretched his arms out and shrugged. "We need to play the part."

  She wished for something to kill. Nothing eased her anger like a bloody death. Letting the topic go for the moment, she said, "Very well. Do you bring me good news?"

  "I believe so. Our man Ossian has inserted
himself into VIPER, and has been receivin' agent assignments."

  "How is that news?"

  "I should be more specific." Cathbad held up a finger then cocked his head, which meant he was speaking telepathically with Ossian. Nodding once, he waved his hand and Ossian appeared.

  Or a version of Ossian.

  Cathbad had created a unit of elite warlock warriors and endowed them with a few extra perks, such as being able to mask their Medb scent.

  He'd hand selected Ossian to be even more special. After weeks of majikal influence, Ossian was capable of polymorphic changes to his outer appearance.

  Today he was slight in size with narrow shoulders. Maintaining his footing in a strong wind would be a challenge. His inch-long, mud-brown hair had a disturbing shape, but she'd seen his hair much darker and longer, with a striking face to match. Not this time. Dark-rimmed glasses he didn't need for his vision perched on his too-long nose, and his thin lips parted to show crooked front teeth. He wore an unflattering dove-gray suit and white shirt, standard clothing that turned human men invisible once they joined a herd of similarly dressed males at jobs in their world.

  Cathbad beamed. The druid did enjoy showing off his handiwork. "Ossian has encouragin' news. He has recently been assigned to an intelligence team that answers directly to Vladimir Quinn of the Beladors."

  "Oh?" The queen moved her attention to Ossian. "Are we closer to gaining access to the mausoleum where Quinn hides Kizira's body?"

  "I hope so, my queen. I'm making headway in developing a closer association with Quinn, though that Belador is one surly bastard at the moment. It is difficult to gain a meeting with him, and he's distant on the rare occasions I can draw his attention. But he's becoming accustomed to seeing me around VIPER. The agents believe I'm a warrior mage from the Julian Alps in Italy. I actually lent a hand to save a Belador from a demon attack last week." Ossian hurried to add, "Of course, I performed that action only as part of my duty to you."