Page 20 of Rogue Belador

  She grabbed the dagger handle with both hands and reached up, trying to cut through whatever muscle held her. Tears ran from her eyes at the strain. She was making gurgling noises, and everything was getting dim.

  It yanked her up again, banging her arm backwards against a limb. Ow.

  Her mate attacked, ripping chunks away from an invisible shape that turned gray as Storm tossed the pieces aside.

  Wild snarling and growling erupted. The creature struggled to break free of Storm, but still it held her as if ordered to do so even in death.

  What kind of beast could do that?

  Beast. Damn. She had another weapon.

  Evalle called up her Belador warrior form. Her neck expanded, forcing the creature's fingers to open further. Her biceps and forearms thickened. Then her power jacked up.

  The thing howled and hit Storm, knocking him sideways off the higher branch. He flipped in midair like the cat he was, landing surefooted one branch down.

  Evalle gripped the arm holding her and wrenched in two directions, snapping bones and ripping muscle. She snatched her dagger out of the thing and shoved it sideways into the heel of the creature's hand, but its fingers had already let go. She managed to use her kinetics to break the twelve-foot fall so she could land on her feet

  It howled a painful sound of agony.

  Storm attacked again, leaping higher this time and clawing viciously.

  The creature dropped its cloaking, or couldn't hold it, as it tried to shield the head that Storm had finally found. An oversized horse head, with a ten-foot-tall, human-like body, but this one was covered in short gray fur with blotchy patches of rhino hide.

  Had to be related to the dog-thief creature.

  It dove from the tree, dragging Storm with it.

  Breathing hard, Evalle called her dagger back from the creature's hand. Were the horse-head things demons after all? Her vision cleared gradually and she moved forward to back up Storm.

  But she knew better than to jump in at the wrong moment and put him at more risk.

  Energy powered up, slapping her skin. The creature had called up majik. It shoved Storm twenty feet to the side. Storm hit the ground and spun, ready for the kill.

  That's when the creature bent its legs and leaped over the house into the front yard.

  Storm landed in the empty spot, snarling and looking up. He hunched down and jumped onto the roof, raced up to the crest, and paused. He stared out toward the street for a long moment, then padded back down and landed silently in the yard.

  In two steps, he shifted into his human form, walking the rest of the way. He pulled her into his arms without a word, and held her as if this moment was all he lived for.

  Even after she'd joined the Beladors, she fought her own battles, never expecting anyone to take care of her.

  To protect her.

  Storm had come along and changed all that.

  But she loved the feeling of being safe within Storm's arms. When it came to her, he'd jump in with no thought for his own safety. She'd do the same for him.

  That's why Macha was not taking him from her. Ever.

  When he finally eased his fierce grip, she said, "That was like the thing that captured the dogs and Oskar. Did you pick up the Noirre scent inside?"

  "Yes. In the house, but Rowan's right. I think the Noirre is planted. The residue was in one spot, as if someone had literally placed it in a circle around Mattie's bed."

  "Do you think they teleported her out of here?"

  "No, I smelled some of her clothes, and that combined with what I got off of Oskar is plenty to determine what belongs to Mattie. A scent trail of Mattie plus a really unusual one, which is nowhere else in the house, led from the bed, then out the front door to a space two car-lengths down from where we parked. That's where I was when your emerald alerted me. I'm thinking somebody was able to breach Mattie's wards, force her out of the house, and then drive her away. Once they got in the car, though, the trail disappears." He shook his head, staring off. "Whoever did this is powerful as hell. I've never encountered a trail I can't track as long as the target didn't teleport, but this trail vanishes at the street."

  "We have nothing then."

  "Yes, we do. That creature we fought had a scent I've smelled before. And it was the same odor that was with Mattie's scent from the house to the curb. But the scent trail of that thing we fought disappeared at the top of the house right after the creature went over."

  "Where'd you smell it before?"

  "At the beast matches in the mountains, and at the beast games on Cumberland Island."

  "Can you pinpoint it?"

  "No. I have to think on it some. I may have to go back to that valley in the mountains and scout it to find the spot where I smell it again. Once I find it, I'll know what I saw in that spot."

  "What do you think that creature was tonight?"

  "I don't know."

  "It made weird noises, and you know what?" Evalle turned in a circle and looked around, considering. "I haven't heard even one dog bark around here."

  "I think the weird noises were because its tongue had been ripped out, and whoever came for Mattie must have put a protective sound and scent spell on the yard to prevent dogs or humans from detecting that monster. Might be a demon, but being one, I would normally recognize the blood of another. That wasn't demon blood. Not even sure it was blood at all."

  "You are not a demon," she corrected him. "You only have demon blood."

  "Semantics, sweetheart." He let his red demon eyes flash at her, then kissed her quickly. "I've had enough of investigating. Let's get you healed up, then go home."

  She hugged him to her. "I'm ready. I can heal on the way there. How's your side?"

  He twisted. His Skinwalker gifts were already healing the gash. "Be good as new as soon as I get a shower."

  While Evalle brought him a spare set of jeans and T-shirt that he kept in the truck, Storm locked the house and grabbed what was left of his original clothes.

  "Good thing for the privacy fence," Evalle noted as he pulled away. She called Rowan and filled her in using the speaker on her phone.

  Rowan mused, "If it's not Medb, then I wonder who has our witches. Do either of you have an idea why they would leave a sentry at Mattie's house?"

  Evalle had been thinking about that. "Maybe it was there to capture more witches that came by."

  Storm shook his head. "We have to assume it might have been there when Rowan stopped by. She'd be a high-value capture, but it didn't show itself to her."

  The discussion paused. Evalle said, "Storm said he's smelled the creature's scent before, back during the beast games, and it matched a scent that was in the house."

  "That's more than we've had," Rowan offered.

  Nothing fit in any of this for Evalle. "That creature would not have been there on its own, so it belongs to someone." She kept piecing her thoughts together. "I don't think it would have attacked me if I hadn't discovered where it was hidden. If that's the case, it could have been left there to keep track of who came by and report to the master."

  "That makes sense," Rowan replied. "But we're back to the question of why. Why steal the witches? What do they want?"

  "I don't know," Evalle admitted. "Quinn will get in touch with Trey today to discuss how to search for the witches without alerting VIPER to what they're doing."

  "I've already told Trey to let me know if any of you have ideas that would require my abilities."

  "Thanks, Rowan. We will." Evalle wished Rowan could help with breaking the curse on the dragon, but Rowan did not deal in dark majik. "I'll be in touch once we know more about the strange scent."


  Storm pulled into the garage at a quarter to five, and hustled Evalle into the unfinished office area. He released a heavy sigh. "I had hoped for a calmer evening, or morning, to do this, but let's go see our new living quarters."

  So much had happened she'd forgotten about moving in today. "We're really all
moved in?"

  "Yes." He walked her up the three flights of stairs and told her, "Close your eyes."

  When she did, he led her twenty steps and said, "Open your eyes."

  She blinked, and started smiling. All the things she'd labored over choosing with Storm had been placed right where she'd envisioned each piece. For the past few weeks, she'd stressed over the furnishings, and he'd given only minimal input. He'd pointed out that he furnished his house in Midtown, but he wanted this to belong to him and Evalle.

  For that to happen, she'd had to go shopping.

  He'd even arranged for some places to stay open later in the evening to allow her extra time on the nights she had free from her duties.

  They still had plenty of open areas for adding new pieces, but the overstuffed leather furniture already gave the space a comfortable feel. Mixing glass and teak for the tables and burnished copper for accents looked even better than she'd imagined in the showrooms.

  Her heart thumped a crazy beat at seeing their home for the first time. She'd loved her underground place with Feenix, because before that she'd been living in a storage unit.

  But this ... was a home.

  Her home with Storm.

  He pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. "I love everything you picked out."

  She hadn't realized until that moment just how worried she'd been about screwing up the decorating. "Really?"

  "Yes, sweetheart. We have enough to make this livable, and we can take our time to add more as we find things that interest us. That's what will make this our home."

  Our home. Two words she'd never thought to hear together. "I love it, too."

  "I'm sorry this is a quick tour, and there's more to see, but we'll have to be back downstairs in less than three hours."

  "I know you're tired."

  His fingers slid down her front then back up under her shirt, and higher. She held her breath, waiting for him to touch her. When he did, her knees almost folded. Her bottom bumped into the front of his jeans.

  He murmured, "Does that feel like I'm tired?"

  She tried to sound nonchalant, which was beyond her acting skills with a man like Storm making it clear he wanted her. "I need a shower and--"

  He spun her around and started pulling clothes off, walking her backwards. "I can help with that."

  She was down to panties and a bra in three steps. How did he do that? She put a hand on his chest. "I'm not taking off another piece until you catch up."

  The grin he shot her was pure devil. He shrugged out of the jacket. Crossing his arms, he grabbed the tail of his shirt. He peeled it off his body, revealing each ridge of an eight-pack and chest muscles that begged to be licked.

  When he flicked the shirt away, he unzipped his pants and stepped out. That's right. He'd gone commando when he'd dressed at Mattie's.

  Storm had always been comfortable in his skin. Literally. He'd have no trouble walking around naked all the time.

  She wouldn't care either, as long as no one saw him but her.

  He reached for her waist and nipped at each side of her bra, giving her shivers. His carved biceps flexed when he lifted her, and she felt heat wick down between her legs. The man held her without a bit of strain.

  They were moving. Him walking. Her floating in a frenzied sea of passion.

  His mouth was doing incredible things to her stomach, lifting her higher and kissing lower.

  When he let up on the sweet torture and brought her back to the floor, he turned her slowly so she could take in the bathroom.

  She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

  This bathroom--theirs--was the size of her whole bedroom in her old apartment. A whirlpool bath that would accommodate a small group had been installed so that half of it was below floor level. A glass shower stood next to the bath, large enough for two and then some. Multiple showerheads pointed from every direction.

  The entire place had slate floors, sleek dark granite counters, and teak cabinetry. Not a decorator showcase, but deeply personal.

  He'd kept this hidden from her, wanting to finish the bathroom himself. To surprise her, he'd said.

  When had the word surprise become inadequate?

  In that moment, she took in all the love he'd poured into this. He'd listened to her apologize constantly because she was embarrassed every time she saw him in her tiny apartment bathroom after being in the spacious one at his Midtown house. Even that one paled next to this one.

  He tugged her around. "Do you like it?"

  "I love it." She smiled, reflecting the pleasure lurking in his gaze, begging to break out. "Love you. Love us."

  His eyes turned thoughtful and he kissed her softly, with a sort of reverence. When he lifted his head, he reached around and released her hair from the ponytail. His smile caught fire and the gleam lit his eyes. "Good. I have plans for ways to have you on every surface."

  Her nipples perked up. This man could twist up her insides with just a look, but he'd turned on the jets in the shower and had unclasped her bra just as quickly.

  "You going to shower in those panties?" he asked.

  Just to see what he'd do, she said, "Maybe."

  He grinned, then grabbed her and hauled her into the shower that blasted her from all directions.

  She shouted, "Wait. I'll take them off."

  "Lost your chance." He put her down and spun her around.

  Water pinged over her too-sensitive skin. His hands cupped her breasts and she forgot about the panties. Shower or not, they'd be wet by now anyhow. His hands swept down the front of her, taking his time as he went. He slowly pushed the underwear down and kissed the backs of her legs, then at the last moment, ripped the material. It hit the corner with a splat.

  "Those were ..." She gasped when his lips caressed the backs of her knees. "New."

  Moving around in front of her on his knees, he said, "You have a new Victoria's Secret charge card. Buy plenty."

  His eyes glittered up at her, full of challenge and promise. Reaching around to cup her lower back, he said, "Lean back. I've got you."

  As if she'd deny him anything?

  She arched back and the water tortured her breasts, raining down with a thousand tiny pricks on her skin. At the same moment, Storm's mouth closed on her and she had no idea if her feet touched the floor any more.

  Sensation overload. Water cascaded like a thousand electric fingers, sizzling over her aching breasts and skin.

  Storm's tongue lashed across the fragile folds between her legs, stroking and not stopping in spite of her crying out. She shook with her release that went on and on.

  Then he was there, pulling her to him and holding her in his arms--the only place she'd ever felt truly safe. And loved.

  Water continued to rush over them. She took a shuddering breath and murmured, "That all you got?"

  Storm's chest shook. He was laughing. "Don't ever change from the hellion I fell in love with."

  "Still waiting." Strong words from a woman with boneless legs. She'd get her second wind any minute now and torture him the same way.

  His erection pulsed against her and she wanted him.

  All of him.

  She had to find the kinetic energy to call a condom to them, but she didn't even know where they were. Storm must have, because she heard the crisp sound of a package opening.

  He swore he couldn't read her thoughts, but his empathic ability gave her away just as easily. He hoisted her to eye level. She hooked her legs around him, never taking her eyes off of him as he lowered her down, down, down until she sucked in a breath at the feel of him sliding inside her.

  And Macha thought she'd walk away from Storm?

  Foolish goddess.

  Chapter 20

  Evalle, are you and Storm home from tracking Mattie?

  She sat up, disoriented. Shoving hair out of her eyes, she took in the dark room, then the incredible male body lying next to her. She was at their new home. Got it.

/>   She called back to Quinn telepathically. Yes. How close are you?

  After a brief hesitation, he asked, Should I give you more time?

  She leaned over Storm to see the time on the nightstand clock. Sixteen minutes. She'd dressed in less time. We'll be ready, Quinn. See you in a few.

  Storm's hand hooked around her waist and pulled her against his chest. "Where do you think you're going?"

  "Quinn just called me telepathically. He's on the way. He and Tzader will be here in sixteen minutes."

  "Oh, hell. Is it eight already?" His lips twitched. "Easy to forget about time when I'm sleeping with a woman who keeps me up half the night, having her way with me."

  Evalle smiled at his gruff morning voice. "How long will it take you to be ready?"

  "Depends on what I'm doing." He flipped her over onto her back and loomed above her, all dark and sleepy eyed. He lowered his mouth to play havoc with her neck.

  If her body had a vote, it would go with Storm's plan. But she didn't want to have Quinn and Tzader show up with her and Storm tangled up. "Don't start that, or I won't have time for a shower."

  Growling like the jaguar he kept hidden inside, he pushed up from the bed, still gloriously naked and definitely in the mood for sex.

  She teased him, "Such a shame to waste that."

  "Then let's not." He scooped her up.

  "Storm. We don't have time to--"

  He sucked on her breast, and she forgot about the clock.

  Storm mastered in multitasking. He'd managed to get them both showered while fitting in a quickie, and now brewed coffee as she raced downstairs with her wet hair pulled back.

  Just as her foot hit the office area at street level, Quinn and Tzader walked in from the garage access door.

  She pulled up short. "How'd you get inside without me opening the garage door?"

  Tzader looked at Quinn, who sent a chiding look at Evalle. "I called Storm and he activated it from where he is. I am as adept at using a telephone as I am telepathy."

  Had Quinn made a joke? "Ah." When in doubt, make a noise that could be construed as a reply.

  "What the hell happened to your neck?" Tzader said, eyeing it as if blood gushed from a wound. She had four vivid bruises.

  "We ran into something at Mattie's place. Tell you about it as soon as Storm comes down." She moved ahead of them to open up the conference room, which still smelled new to her even though it had been in use for two months.