Page 30 of Rogue Belador

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Tzader turned to Storm, who had just pulled his shirt over his head, finished dressing. "Can you scent Lanna in here, Storm?"

  "No, and I didn't scent her outside either. The wizard must have cleaned her scent or replaced it. I could smell the strongest scent in here, and it's the same odor I encountered twice a few months back. I didn't recognize it last night at Mattie's house," he said, walking over to Tzader. "The trail was somehow concealed from that point, too, which was not normal."

  Tzader admitted, "I think Grendal's the wizard behind all this."

  Evalle walked up. "It's got to be him, Storm. He was involved in the beast games. You picked this scent at Mattie's house that you recognized as being from the illegal beast fight in the mountains where we met Imogenia." She cringed in Tzader's direction. "That you don't want to know about since you were Maistir at the time, so forget I mentioned that."

  "The least of my worries right now." Tzader swallowed. "Grendal has Lanna. This was all set up just to capture her."

  Evalle said, "We heard. What are we going to do now?"

  Tzader looked at his watch.

  All he could think about was that the dragon scale Brina had was losing power by the second.

  She'd be alone, and vulnerable to whatever Macha had in mind, none of which was in Brina's best interest.

  If Macha hadn't done something already.

  Brina's last time in hologram form had him worried. The fact that she'd been failing to dream walk concerned him even more. He'd been refusing to focus on any of that because, if he did, he'd lose his ability to think clearly or to lead his team.

  Mattie stared at her granddaughter and snuffled softly.

  Tzader patted Mattie's shoulder. "Our people will be here soon. We have druids who can help her."

  "We have Adrianna outside shielding some of our group, too," Evalle said as she walked around Mattie's table to stand next to Tzader.

  Mattie turned her nose up. "I don't need any Sterling witch to take care of my family."

  Ah, hell. Tzader didn't want to put those two anywhere near each other. Adrianna's patience had already been tested severely by Daegan.

  When Trey came over, he explained that he was handpicking Beladors he could trust to transport the women, but he had to find the ones who were not already on duty with non-Beladors and give them time to access ambulances not presently in use. Trey asked Mattie questions about what had happened. Knowing him, he was also using telepathy concurrently to communicate and organize the medical support.

  Evalle nudged Tzader with a shoulder.

  He asked, "What?"

  "Don't give up hope," she whispered. "We will save Brina."

  He gave her a sad smile, not even trying to deny where his mind had been. "I have to break a two-thousand-year-old curse to free a dragon and take him to Treoir. I have no way to get the dragon to Treoir. I also have to find Lanna before Grendal leaves the country with her, and Quinn is putting himself in danger right now trying to keep Maeve and Cathbad out of our way. Looking pretty bleak."

  He reached to free Mattie's arm from the leather clasp.

  Light flashed and a cloud of sparkles showered in one spot. When it cleared, a six-foot-two woman with rich mocha skin, eyes sparkling like sapphires, and auburn hair blanketing her shoulders stood glaring at everyone in the room.

  Her gaze landed on Tzader's hands still holding one last strap on Mattie's arm.

  The Amazon beauty's frigid gaze went to Tzader's face. She announced, "You die first."

  Chapter 32

  Evalle shoved a kinetic force field in front of her, Mattie, and Tzader. In a flash, Storm and Trey showed up next to her and Tzader. Had Grendal set this as a trap, then sent someone back to the basement to wipe them all out?

  The crazy sparkly woman pointed her finger and said, "Now you're just pissing me off--"

  Mattie called out, still sounding drugged. "Don't harm them, Caron! They're saving me."

  Evalle groaned. "Crap." Now she recognized that face as the one in the photo at Mattie's house The photo that had freakin' looked up at her.

  Caron pulled back her still-loaded finger and tapped her chin. "Mattie? What are you doing here?"

  "Having tea. What the hell does it look like?"

  "Your language could use a good scrubbing," Caron muttered, then focused on Evalle and her group. "You were snooping around Mattie's house."

  Caron knew? That was give-you-nightmares scary, and Evalle couldn't deny the accusation. "I was trying to find out who'd kidnapped her."

  With no indication of whether she accepted that or not, Caron ordered, "Drop that ridiculous shield or I'll turn it into a head wrap for all of you."

  Since they'd all heard that Caron was capable of leveling a city, Evalle lowered her shield. She asked Caron, "How'd you know she was here?"

  "You talkin' to me?" Caron replied in a voice pitched with an accent straight from a New York 'hood.

  Trey snapped his fingers. "De Niro in Taxi Driver, right?"

  "I should never have encouraged you to watch my movies," Mattie grumbled. "Worst Robert De Niro impression ever."

  Evalle's mouth dropped open. Mattie was just waking up from being obviously abused, they were surrounded by innocent women who, from the look of it, might never fully recover from the horror they'd suffered, and these two were sniping at each other about movies.

  "Better than you crooning songs by that old fart, Sinatra, while you cook."

  Mattie gasped. "You are so disrespectful."

  "You are so right."

  Caron marched over to where Mattie was sitting completely upright now, with Tzader's help. Mattie said, "Glad you're here, but I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow. What brought you in early?"

  "I got a message."

  Mattie studied Caron with lifted eyebrows. "Oh? From an old boyfriend?"

  "From an old slug." Caron glanced around her. "What are you doing in this place?"

  Mattie gave Caron a short version of what Grendal had done.

  "He's mine," Caron declared, leaving no room for discussion.

  Evalle would like to watch Grendal go up against Caron. She had a hunch Grendal had picked his last fight. But she doubted Grendal would be traveling alone. Evidently Caron believed she could take on anything. Guess we'll find out.

  Tzader told Caron, "He has a young woman who is important to us. We need to find out what Grendal's done with her before anyone kills him."

  Caron huffed. "Why is this my problem?"

  Evalle started to speak, but Mattie beat her to it. "Because that young woman put her life at risk to find me, plus she's the reason I'm not dead, and now we have a chance to save Sissy."

  Caron's forehead creased in confusion. "Sissy? What's wrong with her? Where is she?"

  Mattie pointed to the next bed. Tzader stepped aside as Caron hurried around. Trey had found a blanket to better cover up Mattie's granddaughter, who had yet to make a sound. When Caron pulled the cover back, she sucked in a breath at the vicious bruises, dried blood, and the glassy-eyed stare.

  Caron released that breath in a vicious growl.

  Emotion rasping her voice, Mattie said, "Grendal raped and tortured her because I wouldn't help him find Lanna. I didn't know where she was, but even if I'd known, we don't sacrifice one life for another. What are we going to do?"

  Caron tenderly stroked the young woman's forehead, then brushed her eyelids closed. "Let me clear her memories and put her into a deep sleep to allow her body to begin healing. She'll need at least a week in stasis, then we'll figure it out." Caron laid her hand back on the abused woman's forehead and murmured soft words, which Evalle doubted she would recognize even if Caron had spoken louder.

  Once the Fae woman had finished, she turned to Mattie. "I need to follow this wizard while the trail is fresh. Are you safe until I return?"

  "Yes, but how will you find them so quickly? From what Grendal was saying, he and his bodyguard were leaving with Lanna and heading fo
r an airport. They were using a vehicle. No way to follow a scent."

  Caron stared at her half sister for long seconds, then finally said, "Do you have anything the wizard touched?"

  "Sissy's shirt. He tore it off her."

  "Probably this one," Trey said as he crossed the room and lifted a pink sweatshirt spotted with blood. "It was underneath her table when we came in." He brought it to Caron, who nodded her acknowledgement and said, "I know someone who can find them with this."

  Mattie's mouth fell open. "You think Deek will help?"

  Caron shrugged. "If he refuses me, I'll rip his tongue out."

  Evalle met Tzader's gaze. Having a centaur and Fae battle would put the cherry on this day.

  "Caron," Mattie said in a tired voice.

  "Oh, all right. I'll try not to kill him before I get what I need. Satisfied?"

  "Yes. Please find the girl. If there's a choice between bringing Lanna back safely and killing Grendal, save the girl, because he plans something worse for her than he did to Sissy."

  Tzader interrupted. "Hold on. Depending on how long it takes you to get back, we may have to leave with the women. I have three people outside, a block away, who will be exposed if any Medb show up and the cloaking fails."

  Evalle ticked each threat off mentally. Queen Maeve, Cathbad, or the Scath Force. Then there was Macha and VIPER.

  "I don't have time to waste," Caron said. "You will protect these women with your life and stay here until I return."

  Tzader went from understanding to fierce in two seconds. "Now wait a minute."

  Caron lifted her arms and vanished.


  His outburst worried Evalle. "I'm not just sitting here."

  Mattie warned, "Please give her a chance to find Grendal and come back. If I know Caron, she'll find them fast and return in a blink. She left Sissy and me only because I told her I trust you. As long as I'm right here with you when she returns, it will be fine. If not, well, let's just say it would be dangerous to push her when she's already on edge. She and Sissy are very close."

  Evalle suggested to Tzader, "All the women are stable right now. What if Trey and I bring the other three here?"

  "That's a much better idea than crossing Caron," Mattie interjected. "She acts as if ice water runs through her veins, but the truth is she's insanely protective of those she holds dear. Give her a chance to find this Grendal and your Lanna."

  Tzader had little choice, which showed on his face.

  It wasn't as though he could make it to Treoir without getting Tristan back up to speed anyway, and that wasn't happening any time soon.


  Evalle and Trey hurried to where Adrianna, Tristan, and the grouchy dragon waited in the park at the corner.

  Adrianna was starting to tire from trying different approaches with the throne while maintaining the cloaking. Tristan had fallen asleep, and the dragon started in on Evalle and Trey the minute they entered the concealed area.

  Daegan ordered, "What is taking you so long? How do you people get anything done?"

  Tristan shook his head and stood up, listing to one side. He shoved a hand against the wall to support himself. His words were mangled. "We reshcued you, didn't we? Why, I'm shtill not sure."

  Evalle heard the slur in Tristan's speech and took a closer look.

  Daegan scoffed, "Pat yourself on the back for a half-assed mission. Yes, I'm out of the tower, but locked in this form I'm a sitting target."

  "Detailsh, detailsh," Tristan mumbled.

  Evalle frowned at Tristan. "Can you walk a block under your own power?"


  She turned to the witch. "Adrianna, if you'll keep us cloaked until we reach that next building, you'll get a break."


  "Trey and I are going to carry the throne."

  Tristan slurred, "Not usin' ki...neticsh?"

  "We're pretty wiped out and have to save what we have in case more Medb show up." However, as a Belador, and especially as an Alterant-gryphon, she was far stronger than a human.

  She tilted the throne back and caught his shoulders. Trey grabbed the bottom.

  Daegan grumbled, "This is absurd."

  Evalle held her head back away from that fire-breathing snout. "We killed five of their elite Scath Force, which means someone will come looking for them or the witches as soon as Cathbad and Queen Maeve leave the Tribunal meeting we set up to get them out of TAmr Medb. One of our friends is keeping those two busy arguing a case, but there's a limit to how much time anyone can drag out one of those meetings. Unless you want to remain right here in this form forever, work with us while we get the witches set."

  "Fine, but why're you wasting precious minutes on a bunch of witches when your warrior queen is running out of time and needs my help?"

  The group moved quickly across the intersection even with Tristan stumbling alongside them.

  Evalle said, "Because this is how we roll. No one left behind. We don't leave those in need or put our own interests first."

  "Oh? You follow Macha who puts her interests first."

  "That's not going to be part of the equation after this."

  "What do you mean?"

  Evalle gritted out her reply while trying to keep up her end of the throne. "Surely you can figure it out. Every Belador involved in this operation to get you out of TAmr Medb has gone rogue. We've all broken our vows to Macha, and we all face possible death for this level of breach." Evalle shifted her hold and strained to keep walking. "You weigh a ton."

  Tristan muttered, "You should try teleporthing his heavy asth."

  "You should all stop speaking of me as though I'm a piece of furniture," Daegan warned.

  Tristan glanced over at Evalle and sent the word certifiable to her telepathically.

  She wasn't arguing.

  Daegan said, "Don't worry about Macha. You'll be under my protection."

  Right. No one home in that camp. Evalle and Storm had talked about potential consequences.

  If all else failed, Storm got to implement his Plan B, which meant disappearing, but only if Evalle could take everyone else with them.

  Thinking about giving up everything she'd been building with Storm hurt too much. When they reached the locked front door of the building, Evalle asked Tristan, "Can you get us in this way?"

  "Eashy," he boasted. It took him longer than normal just to execute the simple task, but he managed to move the tumblers kinetically. Finally he had the door open, allowing them to enter on the street level and finally put the dragon down.

  Tristan locked up behind them. "Now what?"

  Adrianna found a place to sit on a set of stairs. "I'm not moving another inch until I have to."

  Evalle said, "I'm going back down to help Tzader and Storm."

  Trey stepped over next to her. "Me, too."

  "You're going to leave me up here exposed?" Daegan complained. "You don't think the Medb can walk through that door just as easily?"

  Aiming a give-me-a-break look at Daegan, Evalle said, "Fine. We're all going downstairs. You, too, Adrianna."

  She made a disturbingly scary sound and stomped over to the dragon. "I hate you." Then she headed down the stairs.

  Tristan opened his mouth and Evalle just knew he was going to agree. She said, "Tristan, you go down next in case we need some help stopping him if I drop my end of the throne."

  "Do not toy with me," Daegan growled.

  That brought a grin to Tristan's face, then he was gone.

  Trey took the heavy downside end, which was fine by Evalle since the Belador brute outweighed her by a hundred pounds of muscle. When they finally found a suitable spot downstairs for the dragon, Evalle stood upright and stretched her back.

  No sign of the Fae woman yet.

  Chapter 33

  Tribunal meeting, Nether Realm

  "Now that Queen Maeve and Cathbad the Druid are present, what is your grievance against them, Belador?"

  Quinn just managed no
t to roll his eyes at Loki's booming announcement.

  He'd have to do his best to drag this out without Loki, Varpulis, or Ma'at losing patience ... or losing all the gryphons to this queen bitch.

  That might end with bloodshed. His.

  Shifting his attention to the queen and Cathbad, Quinn said, "I am the current Maistir over the North American Beladors. As such, it is my duty to protect all those the VIPER coalition serves, second only to protecting humans. But it is my moral obligation to see that no one is falsely accused of any crime. We live in chaotic times, and I wish to see the end of this conflict that has gone on too long between the Medb and the Beladors."

  Loki's eyes had narrowed more with each comment, surely ready to pounce on Quinn and demand he move this along faster. That was until Quinn made noises about smoothing out relations between the Beladors and the Medb.

  Queen Maeve and Cathbad eyed him with suspicion, as they should.

  He certainly had no intention of making their lives any easier.

  Quinn continued, expounding on how he'd personally protected a witch of the Medb coven recently and how he'd been instructing his Beladors to do the right thing.

  In truth, he'd slammed on his brakes right before hitting a woman crossing the street against the light, who'd then yelled at him and threatened to report him to VIPER. He'd protected the witch from his wrath, thus making his statement true.

  And he had told Beladors over and over to do the right thing, which was to always protect the tribe.

  Cathbad interrupted a couple of times, trying to push Quinn to make his point, but Quinn knew how to orate and would use those opportunities to ask, "Am I the only one present who truly wishes to see peace between our peoples?"

  That shut up Cathbad and drew groans from the peanut gallery on the dais.

  Time often ran longer in the human world than it did here. When Quinn felt he had stretched his intro as far as he could, he said, "With all that in mind, I bring a grave situation to this Tribunal."

  He heard mutters of "Finally," from all around the space.

  Quinn held his pleasant composure, but turned his "concerned face" up a notch. "I'm sure by now that Queen Maeve and Cathbad have been made aware of the white witches who were recently kidnapped in Atlanta of the human world."