Page 33 of Rogue Belador

  She was executing Mother Mattie's instructions.

  If Adrianna had a heart attack, Tzader wasn't sure any of them could cross that fire to reach her, because he was pretty sure she had the dragon throne locked inside a ward.

  White light raced around and around the orb, which now hovered above her hand.

  Storm watched Adrianna with a doubtful gaze when he wasn't keeping surveillance on their surroundings.

  Tristan had his arms crossed, peeking at Adrianna between worried looks he cast toward the castle.

  Evalle's attention was just as divided, but she had no poker face. Her eyes were shiny with hope that mirrored the gut-wrenching longing Tzader harbored in his heart.

  All at once, the white light spinning around the orb lassoed Daegan. The circle of flames turned fiery red and flared higher.

  The throne wobbled, jerking back and forth. Parts bulged and bent, jerking in and out in sickening ways.

  Daegan opened his dragon snout and sucked in hard.

  The curved outline of flames shot into the air and swept around Adrianna then into Daegan's mouth. It seemed as if that went on forever, but it took only seconds until every flame had vanished and the dragon jaws clamped shut.

  Adrianna had been watching Daegan closely. Her eyes bloomed with fear. She backed up and took off running, right past Tzader as she shouted, "Move!"

  The others scattered, and Tzader started backpedaling as the throne expanded and bulged, growing larger. The gold of the throne began to change color, turning from glowing metallic to maroon. Steam poured from it as the metal took on a leathery texture and muscles began to buckle and shift. Bones snapped with the loud crack of two-foot-thick trees breaking. The odd-shaped conglomeration curved backwards, straining and shaking with the effort to break free.

  Scales formed over the leathery skin in a rapid layering pattern.

  They gleamed iridescently at first, but as Daegan moved, light caught the scales, turning them all a brilliant red just like the one Brina had held.

  Tzader's heart tried to claw its way to freedom.

  Macha had not made an appearance, but Brina hadn't shown her face either.

  If he'd lost Brina ... all the vengeance in the world wouldn't bring light back into his life.

  The mangled shape at the top of the still-forming dragon had to be Daegan's head, which dropped back as he appeared to stare at the sky. His body expanded faster, straining and shaking.

  His jaws opened, and fire belched fifty feet into the air, sounding like a rocket engine. With a roar that raised chills across Tzader's skin, Daegan's reptilian-looking wings whipped away from his body.

  When it was all done, the dragon stood fifteen feet tall, with a wingspan capable of carrying all that weight.

  "Damn." Tzader hadn't allowed himself to believe they could do this, not until this very moment.

  Shouts came from the direction of the castle.

  Tzader stepped around to see Belador soldiers pouring out. "They should have known the minute we arrived."

  Adrianna had returned and informed him, "I kept all of this shielded until Daegan exploded it."

  Seeing the castle guards running with Belador speed toward them, Tzader sighed. He wasn't done. He looked over his shoulder at the fierce dragon arched above him. "Daegan? Can you understand me in that form?"

  Dipping his giant head down to eye level with Tzader, Daegan spoke in a deep baritone. "Yes. Now you shall learn the truths you've never known."

  "Ceartas said that," Tzader said.

  "I know."

  Tzader replayed the meetings with Ceartas in his mind and said, "Why was--"

  "Do you want to save Brina or not?"

  A hundred soldiers flooded the trees, surrounding them. The first ten stepped into the clearing, swords drawn, all following that damn Allyn.

  Tzader stepped between them and Daegan. "I am Tzader Burke, former Belador Maistir. Allyn is not your leader. This dragon is here to aid your warrior queen. Do not harm him, or you will all pay for that mistake with your lives."

  In the next second, Evalle and Storm stepped up on his right. Tristan and Adrianna lined up on his left. He felt their solidarity, and was damn glad he had this hardheaded bunch on his side.

  Tzader had so seldom asked anyone for anything, but Ceartas had said he couldn't win wars alone. That crazy warrior was right.

  It took the support of people willing to put their lives on the line for what they believed.

  These four, and Quinn, had risked everything for him. Even Trey had stuck his neck out.

  And Tzader would do no less in protecting them.

  Allyn stepped forward. "You are no longer a Maistir, Tzader Burke. You were banished from Treoir. Now you dare to return uninvited and bring this ... beast with you? You have committed treason."

  Evalle quipped, "Awww, now you've gone and hurt the dragon's feelings."

  Daegan snorted at that.

  Tzader wanted to strangle Allyn, but getting through these soldiers to reach Brina came first above all else. He was still a Belador, and these men were doing their duty. He did not want to harm any of them.

  Daegan's commanding voice filled the air. "I will not forget how the five of you put your lives at risk for mine, but now I need you to move aside. Leave these Beladors to me."

  Murmurs of awe and whispered questions came from the group of castle guards when they heard Daegan speak. Tzader sighed. This was all going to blow up before they got to Brina, but he'd come this far and had no choice but to back the dragon now.

  He nodded at the other four, who moved reluctantly, then he stepped aside.

  Allyn raised his sword, looking like a child pointing a toothpick at a snarling Rottweiler. "I will defend this castle, my queen, and my goddess with my life."

  Daegan crooked his head, eyeing Allyn like someone would consider a tasty morsel at a party. "That's an enticing offer, because I haven't taken a life for two thousand years, and find I'm in terrible need of spilling some blood," the dragon warned in a frightening voice. Anger swirled in his silver eyes. The black diamond pupils narrowed. "I will allow you one chance to redeem yourself at this slight, Allyn, and you should take it. I'm not known for showing mercy."

  Tzader had been watching both of them and noticed Allyn's sword shook almost as much as his knees.

  Daegan ordered, "Stand down until you have a reason to defend anyone or anything. If you make a move before I give you permission, I will destroy you. Keep in mind that my dragon fire is not precise. You'll likely kill the ten closest to you as well."

  The dragon's head was probably fifty feet from Allyn, but who knew how far that torch could actually reach?

  Allyn had enough sense to look confused and think a moment.

  No confusion with the other guards. They shuffled backwards, putting distance between them and the dragon.

  Daegan raised his head and called out, "I command you to present yourself to me, Brina of Treoir."

  No one could call her that way except Macha.

  Tzader started to explain so the dragon wouldn't lose his shit when she didn't show, but ... there she was, shimmering into solid form right in front of Daegan.

  And wearing her finest gown. Tzader had seen a painting of her mother wearing that gown--on her wedding day.

  Allyn made a move toward Brina.

  Daegan growled and the ground shook.

  Tzader stood frozen at Daegan's side. "Brina?"

  She turned to him, her eyes glassy.

  No one home.

  He swallowed, refusing to accept that he was too late. Please let the dragon bring Brina back. Macha could strike Tzader down when she found out what he'd done, but he was not leaving Brina like this.

  If this didn't work ... he'd lose any hope of ever seeing Brina again. Macha would not be so kind as to dump him back in the human realm. She'd send him somewhere he'd spend eternity alone, with only his thoughts of how he'd failed Brina.

  He'd go willingly if that would s
ave her.

  Brina gazed up at the dragon, struggling with what she saw. "Who are you?"

  Daegan addressed everyone, but kept his voice quiet. "I'm going to return to my human form. Those of you who think I'm vulnerable while shifting, think again. Brina and the group who stand with me are under my protection. If you dare to approach me or harm any one of my people, you'll die screaming, and death will be slow to embrace you."

  In a swirl of flashing red, Daegan shrank all that mass to a six-foot-four man wearing a white shirt, leather vest, pants, and boots. A man Tzader had seen before.

  Now that he looked more closely at the tattoo on Daegan's bicep, he realized it was the tail of a dragon.

  Tzader struggled to force out one word. "Ceartas?"

  Daegan's smirk said it all, but still he confirmed, "Another name I have been called in my life."

  Tzader's thoughts raced around, trying to figure out where to start and where to end. He caught a glimpse of Adrianna, which knocked him back to the moment, reminding him what Daegan had to do next. He asked Daegan in a whisper, "Do you need to know the special whammy Adrianna used to break your curse for curing Brina?"

  "I am only reversing a Noirre spell now, not breaking a curse placed on me by an immortal who has lived far longer than she deserves. I know what to do. No more talking." Daegan now stood twenty feet from Brina.

  He offered his hand. "Come to me, niece."

  The blood drained from Tzader's head. Niece?

  He heard that word echoed around the clearing.

  "Silence." Daegan shot everyone a look that warned consequences if anyone failed to obey.

  Not even the wind dared stir after that order.

  That might be because Tzader wasn't the only one holding his breath, waiting to see what happened next.

  Confusion breaking through her gaze, Brina walked to Daegan and took his hand.

  He said, "Queen Flaevynn of TAmr Medb cast a spell to steal your past, your present, and your future. Close your eyes and listen to my words. Take them deep into your heart as I ask the favor of having the spell removed. To force this spell from your body, I must give you something to take its place." He leaned close to her ear and whispered nonstop for over a minute. As he continued speaking, Brina's skin turned purple.

  Tzader started to step forward, but caught himself. He felt his heart clench. What was the dragon doing?

  The purple wicked off Brina's body and coalesced into the shape of an empty-eyed ghoul that lifted above her, still tied to her by a smoky, black umbilical cord that touched the back of her neck.

  Daegan lifted away from her face and barked an order in a strange language that sounded even older than Daegan must be. Tzader didn't recognize it, and he'd grown up around ancient languages.

  The purple, undulating shape opened its jaws and howled.

  Daegan roared and hit the ghoul with a short blast of fire, turning it into gray ashes that blinked away.

  Daegan nodded to Tzader, and Tzader took a step toward Brina, unsure whether approaching too quickly or touching her now would startle her.

  Daegan turned her around to face Tzader and kept his hands on her shoulders, steadying her.

  Beautiful green eyes shimmered in a face Tzader wanted to see every day for the rest of his days, which might be fewer than he'd ever expected once Macha returned. He really did not care. Not when Brina stared at him now with the love he'd first seen when she was a young girl. "Tzader!"

  She lunged into his arms, hugging and kissing him.

  He didn't give a damn who stood in the clearing. He kissed Brina with all the feeling he'd kept bottled up during four long years waiting for her. He picked her up and swung her around, finally, hearing his group cheering for him.

  Screw the rest of the guards.

  Daegan chuckled, then admonished, "Take care with her condition."

  Slowing, he placed her feet on the ground.

  She smiled. "I don't have any uncles. Who is this man, Tzader, and what condition would he be talkin' about?" Her face turned green and she spun away, falling to her knees.

  Tzader held her and kept her hair from her face as she threw up.

  She grumbled, "I'm never sick."

  Daegan laughed.

  Brina gave him a look that threatened bodily harm as soon as she felt better.

  Smiling now, Daegan said, "You're not sick, niece. You're carryin'."

  Adrianna walked over. "Have we stepped back into medieval times? Carryin'?"

  Daegan grinned and produced a cup of water out of thin air for Brina, who took it gladly and rinsed out her mouth.

  She started shaking her head. "Pregnant?" Her hand went to her still-flat belly. "How could I be pregnant and not know?"

  Tzader pulled her to him when they stood, and hugged her close to his side. "Macha's been keeping that from you, and keeping you from me." Tzader looked over at Allyn. "I realize Macha has played us all at one time or another. If Daegan can keep from killing you after you mouthed off at him, then I won't kill you either as long as you never come within a mile of my future wife ever again. Understood?"

  "Yes, Maistir." Allyn became the epitome of humility.

  Power whipped into the clearing. "What the devil are you doing here, you miserable dragon?"

  Macha had arrived.

  Chapter 38

  Evalle stepped close to Storm and whispered, "Whatever you do, don't attack Macha here. She is all powerful in Treoir."

  Storm whispered, "I don't plan to lift a finger."

  His easy acceptance surprised Evalle, especially combined with the oddly calm outlook he had regarding Macha's arrival.

  But Macha was ready to wave her hand and destroy everyone in the clearing.

  Starting with Daegan.

  Daegan crossed his arms. "Hello, Macha. Long time no see, but then you knew where I was and chose to let me rot in TAmr Medb."

  Evalle exchanged glances with Tzader, who seemed as blown away as she was.

  Macha finally took note of Brina's presence and the way Tzader had her in his protective embrace. She cut her gaze back to Daegan. "What are you up to, dragon? Leave Brina alone and get off my island."

  "Your island?" Daegan's deep voice bellowed with such intensity he blew leaves off the trees. "You've had two thousand years to lie and manipulate, but your reign of abuse and mishandling Treoir descendants is over. This is my island, my castle, and my family."

  Silence slammed the air. Everyone stood tense, watching as a deadly goddess faced off with a furious dragon shifter.

  Brina turned to Daegan. "What would you be talkin' about?"

  For her, Daegan's voice softened. "You are a direct descendant of my sister, Breanna, one of two sisters I had before Macha and Maeve started warring for control of this island and the Beladors. She's had thousands of years to convince generation after generation that her distorted version of Treoir history is the truth."

  He wheeled his furious gaze back to Macha. "Haven't you? You had Brina under your thumb, and convinced everyone she had to stay in the castle, didn't you?" He never gave Macha a chance to answer. "Treoir women are never told that their place is inside, waiting to be treated as brood mares. Treoir women are warriors who lead their armies into battle and live life as they choose. When they have a child, it's born of love, and not to be a power source for anyone. You have taken advantage of Treoir women for the last time."

  Macha's hair blazed bright red. It literally looked to be on fire. Her eyes went from human to immortal, pissed-off-goddess red in seconds, burning brighter than anything Evalle had ever witnessed on that woman.

  The goddess snarled at Evalle and Tristan. "You expect me to go to bat in a Tribunal to free you after this? If you side with him, gryphons will never be free."

  Daegan laughed, but the sound rocked dark humor. "They don't need you or some spineless Tribunal to grant them the freedom that was theirs upon birth. Every gryphon here is under my protection, and anyone who dares to touch one will not like the c

  Tristan stepped up. "What he said."

  Macha's voice turned shrill. Energy shot from her balled fists. "You can't take control of this island. You've been gone too long. I've infused power into this continually, protecting every generation of Treoirs. This island lives and dies by me. The Beladors belong to me." She lifted off the ground in a blaze of righteous anger. Lightning bolts sparked and shot through the clearing, barely missing bodies.

  Daegan roared and opened his arms.

  Oops. Never wake the bear, or, in this instance ... the dragon.

  A red cloud of flame flashed in the air above him, and in the next moment he stood in all his dragon glory. His voice deepened and his eyes turned a deadly silver. "I am the son of King Gruffyn of Treoir. By his word, I am the last of my kind, and by your blood oath given, you may rule this island in agreement with his descendants and take possession only if his three children no longer live. As his last living child and sole son, I rule this island and you must obey me! The Beladors swore fealty to my father and our family. Not to any pantheon. They are under my protection. Get off my island, Macha."

  Tristan quipped, "Nothing like new management."

  Evalle watched in amazement at the horror filling Macha's face. There was someone above her in the food chain?

  Macha opened her mouth to speak, but her body started turning translucent before their eyes, and not a word came out during her silent, panicked yelling.

  When she vanished, Evalle let out her breath. She looked at Storm. "You suspected this, didn't you?"

  "Sort of. Everything I sensed from Daegan said he could back up his words. More than that, he spoke not one lie in all that he just said."

  Allyn's face drooped. He probably needed new underwear about now. "May, um, I apologize for ..."

  Daegan made a dragon noise that Evalle translated as a sigh then he waved a massive claw tipped with talons. "Accepted. Go back to your duties and take the castle guards with you. We'll speak later, but if I were you, I'd keep my distance from Tzader. I've fought him when he thought I was a threat to Brina, and he's not one to cross."

  Once Allyn and the troops hurried back to the castle, Tzader turned to Daegan. "I may owe you an apology as well."