THERE were a king and queen who were dotingly fond of their only son,notwithstanding that he was equally deformed in mind and person. Theking was quite sensible of the evil disposition of his son, but thequeen in her excessive fondness saw no fault whatever in her dearFuribon, as he was named. The surest way to win her favor was to praiseFuribon for charms he did not possess. When he came of age to have agovernor, the king made choice of a prince who had an ancient right tothe crown, but was not able to support it. This prince had a son, namedLeander, handsome, accomplished, amiable--in every respect the oppositeof Prince Furibon. The two were frequently together, which only made thedeformed prince more repulsive.

  One day, certain ambassadors having arrived from a far country, theprince stood in a gallery to see them; when, taking Leander for theking's son, they made their obeisance to him, treating Furibon as a meredwarf, at which the latter was so offended that he drew his sword, andwould have done them a mischief had not the king just then appeared. Asit was, the affair produced a quarrel, which ended in Leander's beingsent to a far-away castle belonging to his father.

  There, however, he was quite happy, for he was a great lover of hunting,fishing, and walking: he understood painting, read much, and played uponseveral instruments, so that he was glad to be freed from the fantastichumors of Furibon. One day as he was walking in the garden, finding theheat increase, he retired into a shady grove and began to play upon theflute to amuse himself. As he played, he felt something wind about hisleg, and looking down saw a great adder: he took his handkerchief, andcatching it by the head was going to kill it. But the adder, lookingsteadfastly in his face, seemed to beg his pardon. At this instant oneof the gardeners happened to come to the place where Leander was, andspying the snake, cried out to his master: "Hold him fast, sir; itis but an hour since we ran after him to kill him: it is the mostmischievous creature in the world."

  Leander, casting his eyes a second time upon the snake, which wasspeckled with a thousand extraordinary colors, perceived the poorcreature still looked upon him with an aspect that seemed to implorecompassion, and never tried in the least to defend itself.

  "Though thou hast such a mind to kill it," said he to the gardener,"yet, as it came to me for refuge, I forbid thee to do it any harm; forI will keep it, and when it has cast its beautiful skin I will let itgo." He then returned home, and carrying the snake with him, put it intoa large chamber, the key of which he kept himself, and ordered bran,milk, and flowers to be given to it, for its delight and sustenance;so that never was snake so happy. Leander went sometimes to see it, andwhen it perceived him it made haste to meet him, showing him all thelittle marks of love and gratitude of which a poor snake was capable,which did not a little surprise him, though he took no further notice ofit.

  In the meantime all the court ladies were extremely troubled at hisabsence, and he was the subject of all their discourse. "Alas!" criedthey, "there is no pleasure at court since Leander is gone, ofwhose absence the wicked Furibon is the cause!" Furibon also had hisparasites, for his power over the queen made him feared; they told himwhat the ladies said, which enraged him to such a degree that in hispassion he flew to the queen's chamber, and vowed he would kill himselfbefore her face if she did not find means to destroy Leander. The queen,who also hated Leander, because he was handsomer than her son, repliedthat she had long looked upon him as a traitor, and therefore wouldwillingly consent to his death. To which purpose she advised Furibonto go a-hunting with some of his confidants, and contrive it so thatLeander should make one of the party.

  "Then," said she, "you may find some way to punish him for pleasingeverybody."

  Furibon understood her, and accordingly went a-hunting; and Leander,when he heard the horns and the hounds, mounted his horse and rode tosee who it was. But he was surprised to meet the prince so unexpectedly;he alighted immediately and saluted him with respect; and Furibonreceived him more graciously than usual and bade follow him. All of asudden he turned his horse and rode another way, making a sign to theruffians to take the first opportunity to kill him; but before he hadgot quite out of sight, a lion of prodigious size, coming out of hisden, leaped upon Furibon; all his followers fled, and only Leanderremained; who, attacking the animal sword in hand, by his valor andagility saved the life of his most cruel enemy, who had fallen in aswoon from fear. When he recovered, Leander presented him his horse toremount. Now, any other than such a wretch would have been grateful, butFuribon did not even look upon him; nay, mounting the horse, he rode inquest of the ruffians, to whom he repeated his orders to kill him. Theyaccordingly surrounded Leander, who, setting his back to a tree, behavedwith so much bravery that he laid them all dead at his feet. Furibon,believing him by this time slain, rode eagerly up to the spot. WhenLeander saw him he advanced to meet him. "Sir," said he, "if it was byyour order that these assassins came to kill me, I am sorry I made anydefense."

  "You are an insolent villain!" replied Furibon, "and if ever you comeinto my presence again, you shall surely die."

  Leander made no answer, but retired sad and pensive to his own home,where he spent the night in pondering what was best for him to do; forthere was no likelihood he should be able to defend himself againstthe power of the king's son; therefore he at length concluded he wouldtravel abroad and see the world. Being ready to depart, he recollectedhis snake, and, calling for some milk and fruits, carried them to thepoor creature for the last time; but on opening the door he perceived anextraordinary luster in one corner of the room, and casting his eye onthe place he was surprised to see a lady, whose noble and majestic airmade him immediately conclude she was a princess of royal birth. Herhabit was of purple satin, embroidered with pearls and diamonds; sheadvanced toward him with a gracious smile.

  "Young prince," said she, "you find no longer your pet snake, but me,the fairy Gentilla, ready to requite your generosity. For know that wefairies live a hundred years in flourishing youth, without diseases,without trouble or pain; and this term being expired, we become snakesfor eight days. During that time it is not in our power to prevent anymisfortune that may befall us; and if we happen to be killed, we neverrevive again. But these eight days being expired, we resume our usualform and recover our beauty, our power, and our riches. Now you knowhow much I am obliged to your goodness, and it is but just that I shouldrepay my debt of gratitude; think how I can serve you and depend on me."

  The young prince, who had never conversed with a fairy till now, was sosurprised that it was a long time before he could speak. But at length,making a profound reverence, "Madam," said he, "since I have had thehonor to serve you, I know not any other happiness that I can wish for."

  "I should be sorry," replied she, "not to be of service to you insomething; consider, it is in my power to bestow on you long life,kingdoms, riches; to give you mines of diamonds and houses full of gold;I can make you an excellent orator, poet, musician, and painter; or, ifyou desire it, a spirit of the air, the water, or the earth."

  Here Leander interrupted her. "Permit me, madam," said he, "to ask youwhat benefit it would be to me to be a spirit?"

  "Much," replied the fairy, "you would be invisible when you pleased, andmight in an instant traverse the whole earth; you would be able to flywithout wings, to descend into the abyss of the earth without dying,and walk at the bottom of the sea without being drowned; nor doors, norwindows, though fast shut and locked, could hinder you from enteringanywhere; and whenever you had a mind, you might resume your naturalform."

  "Oh, madam!" cried Leander, "then let me be a spirit; I am going totravel, and should prefer it above all those other advantages you haveso generously offered me."

  Gentilla thereupon stroking his face three times, "Be a spirit," saidshe; and then, embracing him, she gave him a little red cap with a plumeof feathers. "When you put on this cap you shall be invisible; but whenyou take it off you shall again become visible."

  Leander, overjoyed, put his little red cap upon his head and wish
edhimself in the forest, that he might gather some wild roses which he hadobserved there: his body immediately became as light as thought; he flewthrough the window like a bird; though, in flying over the river, he wasnot without fear lest he should fall into it, and the power of the fairynot be able to save him. But he arrived in safety at the rose-bushes,plucked the three roses, and returned immediately to his chamber;presented his roses to the fairy, overjoyed that his first experimentshad succeeded so well. She bade him keep the roses, for that one of themwould supply him with money whenever he wanted it; that if he put theother into his mistress' bosom, he would know whether she was faithfulor not; and that the third would keep him always in good health. Then,without staying to receive his thanks, she wished him success in histravels and disappeared.

  Leander, infinitely pleased, settled his affairs, mounted the finesthorse in the stable, called Gris-de-line, and attended by some of hisservants in livery, made his return to court. Now you must know Furibonhad given out that had it not been for his courage Leander would havemurdered him when they were a-hunting; so the king, being importuned bythe queen, gave orders that Leander should be apprehended. But when hecame, he showed so much courage and resolution that Furibon ran to thequeen's chamber and prayed her to order him to be seized. The queen,who was extremely diligent in everything that her son desired, wentimmediately to the king. Furibon, being impatient to know what would beresolved, followed her; but stopped at the door and laid his ear to thekeyhole, putting his hair aside that he might the better hear what wassaid. At the same time, Leander entered the court-hall of the palacewith his red cap upon his head, and perceiving Furibon listening at thedoor of the king's chamber, he took a nail and a hammer and nailed hisear to the door. Furibon began to roar, so that the queen, hearing herson's voice, ran and opened the door, and, pulling it hastily, tore herson's ear from his head. Half out of her wits, she set him in her lap,took up his ear, kissed it, and clapped it again upon its place; butthe invisible Leander, seizing upon a handful of twigs, with which theycorrected the king's little dogs, gave the queen several lashes upon herhands, and her son as many on the nose: upon which the queen cried out,"Murder! murder!" and the king looked about, and the people came runningin; but nothing was to be seen. Some cried that the queen was mad, andthat her madness proceeded from her grief to see that her son had lostone ear; and the king was as ready as any to believe it, so that whenshe came near him he avoided her, which made a very ridiculous scene.Leander, then leaving the chamber, went into the garden, and there,assuming his own shape, he boldly began to pluck the queen's cherries,apricots, strawberries, and flowers, though he knew she set such a highvalue on them that it was as much as a man's life was worth to touchone. The gardeners, all amazed, came and told their majesties thatPrince Leander was making havoc of all the fruits and flowers in thequeen's gardens.

  "What insolence!" said the queen: then turning to Furibon, "my prettychild, forget the pain of thy ear but for a moment, and fetch that vilewretch hither; take our guards, both horse and foot, seize him, andpunish him as he deserves."

  Furibon, encouraged by his mother, and attended by a great number ofarmed soldiers, entered the garden and saw Leander; who, taking refugeunder a tree, pelted them all with oranges. But when they came runningtoward him, thinking to have seized him, he was not to be seen; he hadslipped behind Furibon, who was in a bad condition already. But Leanderplayed him one trick more; for he pushed him down upon the gravel walk,and frightened him so that the soldiers had to take him up, carry himaway, and put him to bed.

  Satisfied with this revenge, he returned to his servants, who waitedfor him, and giving them money, sent them back to his castle, thatnone might know the secret of his red cap and roses. As yet he hadnot determined whither to go; however, he mounted his fine horseGris-de-line, and, laying the reins upon his neck, let him take hisown road: at length he arrived in a forest, where he stopped to shelterhimself from the heat. He had not been above a minute there before heheard a lamentable noise of sighing and sobbing; and looking abouthim, beheld a man, who ran, stopped, then ran again, sometimes crying,sometimes silent, then tearing his hair, then thumping his breast likesome unfortunate madman. Yet he seemed to be both handsome and young:his garments had been magnificent, but he had torn them all to tatters.The prince, moved with compassion, made toward him, and mildly accostedhim. "Sir," said he, "your condition appears so deplorable that I mustask the cause of your sorrow, assuring you of every assistance in mypower."

  "Oh, sir," answered the young man, "nothing can cure my grief; this daymy dear mistress is to be sacrificed to a rich old ruffian of a husbandwho will make her miserable."

  "Does she love you, then?" asked Leander.

  "I flatter myself so," answered the young man.

  "Where is she?" continued Leander.

  "In the castle at the end of this forest," replied the lover.

  "Very well," said Leander; "stay you here till I come again, and in alittle while I will bring you good news."

  He then put on his little red cap and wished himself in the castle. Hehad hardly got thither before he heard all sorts of music; he enteredinto a great room, where the friends and kindred of the old man and theyoung lady were assembled. No one could look more amiable than she;but the paleness of her complexion, the melancholy that appeared inher countenance, and the tears that now and then dropped, as it were bystealth from her eyes, betrayed the trouble of her mind.

  Leander now became invisible, and placed himself in a corner of theroom. He soon perceived the father and mother of the bride; and comingbehind the mother's chair, whispered in her ear, "If you marry yourdaughter to that old dotard, before eight days are over you shallcertainly die." The woman, frightened to hear such a terrible sentencepronounced upon her, and yet not know from whence it came, gave a loudshriek and dropped upon the floor. Her husband asked what ailed her:she cried that she was a dead woman if the marriage of her daughter wentforward, and therefore she would not consent to it for all the world.Her husband laughed at her and called her a fool. But the invisibleLeander accosting the man, threatened him in the same way, whichfrightened him so terribly that he also insisted on the marriage beingbroken off. When the lover complained, Leander trod hard upon his goutytoes and rang such an alarm in his ears that, not being able any longerto hear himself speak, away he limped, glad enough to go. The reallover soon appeared, and he and his fair mistress fell joyfully into oneanother's arms, the parents consenting to their union. Leander, assuminghis own shape, appeared at the hall door, as if he were a stranger drawnthither by the report of this extraordinary wedding.

  From hence he traveled on, and came to a great city, where, upon hisarrival, he understood there was a great and solemn procession, in orderto shut up a young woman against her will among the vestal-nuns. Theprince was touched with compassion; and thinking the best use he couldmake of his cap was to redress public wrongs and relieve the oppressed,he flew to the temple, where he saw the young woman, crowned withflowers, clad in white, and with her disheveled hair flowing about hershoulders. Two of her brothers led her by each hand, and her motherfollowed her with a great crowd of men and women. Leander, beinginvisible, cried out, "Stop, stop, wicked brethren: stop, rash andinconsiderate mother; if you proceed any further, you shall be squeezedto death like so many frogs." They looked about, but could not conceivefrom whence these terrible menaces came. The brothers said it wasonly their sister's lover, who had hid himself in some hole; at whichLeander, in wrath, took a long cudgel, and they had no reason to say theblows were not well laid on. The multitude fled, the vestals ran away,and Leander was left alone with the victim; immediately he pulled offhis red cap and asked her wherein he might serve her. She answered himthat there was a certain gentleman whom she would be glad to marry, butthat he wanted an estate. Leander then shook his rose so long that hesupplied them with ten millions; after which they were married and livedhappily together.

  But his last adventure was the most agreeable. Entering into a
wideforest, he heard lamentable cries. Looking about him every way, atlength he spied four men well armed, who were carrying away by force ayoung lady, thirteen or fourteen years of age; upon which, making up tothem as fast as he could, "What harm has that girl done?" said he.

  "Ha! ha! my little master," cried he who seemed to be the ringleader ofthe rest, "who bade you inquire?"

  "Let her alone," said Leander, "and go about your business."

  "Oh, yes, to be sure," cried they, laughing; whereupon the prince,alighting, put on his red cap, not thinking it otherwise prudent toattack four who seemed strong enough to fight a dozen. One of themstayed to take care of the young lady, while the three others went afterGris-de-line, who gave them a great deal of unwelcome exercise.

  Meantime the young lady continued her cries and complaints. "Oh, my dearprincess," said she, "how happy was I in your palace! Did you butknow my sad misfortune, you would send your Amazons to rescue poorAbricotina."

  Leander, having listened to what she said, without delay seized theruffian that held her, and bound him fast to a tree before he had timeor strength to defend himself. He then went to the second, and takinghim by both arms, bound him in the same manner to another tree. In themeantime Abricotina made the best of her good fortune and betook herselfto her heels, not knowing which way she went. But Leander, missing her,called out to his horse Gris-de-line; who, by two kicks with his hoof,rid himself of the two ruffians who had pursued him: one of them had hishead broken and the other three of his ribs. And now Leander only wantedto overtake Abricotina; for he thought her so handsome that he wishedto see her again. He found her leaning against a tree. When she sawGris-de-line coming toward her, "How lucky am I!" cried she; "thispretty little horse will carry me to the palace of pleasure." Leanderheard her, though she saw him not: he rode up to her; Gris-de-linestopped, and when Abricotina mounted him, Leander clasped her in hisarms and placed her gently before him. Oh, how great was Abricotina'sfear to feel herself fast embraced, and yet see nobody! She durst notstir, and shut her eyes for fear of seeing a spirit. But Leander tookoff his little cap. "How comes it, fair Abricotina," said he, "that youare afraid of me, who delivered you out of the hands of the ruffians?"

  With that she opened her eyes, and knowing him again, "Oh, sir," saidshe, "I am infinitely obliged to you; but I was afraid, for I feltmyself held fast and could see no one."

  "Surely," replied Leander, "the danger you have been in has disturbedyou and cast a mist before your eyes."

  Abricotina would not seem to doubt him, though she was otherwiseextremely sensible. And after they had talked for some time ofindifferent things, Leander requested her to tell him her age, hercountry, and by what accident she fell into the hands of the ruffians.

  "Know then, sir," said she, "there was a certain very great fairymarried to a prince who wearied of her: she therefore banished him fromher presence, and established herself and daughter in the Island of CalmDelights. The princess, who is my mistress, being very fair, has manylovers--among others, one named Furibon, whom she detests; he it waswhose ruffians seized me to-day when I was wandering in search of astray parrot. Accept, noble prince, my best thanks for your valor, whichI shall never forget."

  Leander said how happy he was to have served her, and asked if he couldnot obtain admission into the island. Abricotina assured him this wasimpossible, and therefore he had better forget all about it. While theywere thus conversing, they came to the bank of a large river. Abricotinaalighted with a nimble jump from the horse.

  "Farewell, sir," said she to the prince, making a profound reverence; "Iwish you every happiness."

  "And I," said Leander, "wish that I may now and then have a small sharein your remembrance."

  So saying, he galloped away and soon entered into the thickest part ofthe wood, near a river, where he unbridled and unsaddled Gris-de-line;then, putting on his little cap, wished himself in the Island of CalmDelights, and his wish was immediately accomplished.

  The palace was of pure gold, and stood upon pillars of crystal andprecious stones, which represented the zodiac and all the wonders ofnature; all the arts and sciences; the sea, with all the variety of fishtherein contained; the earth, with all the various creatures which itproduces; the chases of Diana and her nymphs; the noble exercises of theAmazons; the amusements of a country life; flocks of sheep with theirshepherds and dogs; the toils of agriculture, harvesting, gardening. Andamong all this variety of representations there was neither man norboy to be seen--not so much as a little winged Cupid; so highly had theprincess been incensed against her inconstant husband as not to show theleast favor to his fickle sex.

  "Abricotina did not deceive me," said Leander to himself; "they havebanished from hence the very idea of men; now let us see what they havelost by it." With that he entered into the palaces and at every step hetook he met with objects so wonderful that when he had once fixed hiseyes upon them he had much ado to take them off again. He viewed avast number of these apartments, some full of china, no less fine thancurious; others lined with porcelain, so delicate that the walls werequite transparent. Coral, jasper, agates, and cornelians adorned therooms of state, and the presence-chamber was one entire mirror. Thethrone was one great pearl, hollowed like a shell; the princess sat,surrounded by her maidens, none of whom could compare with herself. Inher was all the innocent sweetness of youth, joined to the dignity ofmaturity; in truth, she was perfection; and so thought the invisibleLeander.

  Not seeing Abricotina, she asked where she was. Upon that, Leander,being very desirous to speak, assumed the tone of a parrot, for therewere many in the room, and addressed himself invisibly to the princess.

  "Most charming princess," said he, "Abricotina will return immediately.She was in great danger of being carried away from this place but for ayoung prince who rescued her."

  The princess was surprised at the parrot, his answer was so extremelypertinent.

  "You are very rude, little parrot," said the princess; "and Abricotina,when she comes, shall chastise you for it."

  "I shall not be chastised," answered Leander, still counterfeiting theparrot's voice; "moreover, she will let you know the great desire thatstranger had to be admitted into this palace, that he might convinceyou of the falsehood of those ideas which you have conceived against hissex."

  "In truth, pretty parrot," cried the princess, "it is a pity you are notevery day so diverting; I should love you dearly."

  "Ah! if prattling will please you, princess," replied Leander, "I willprate from morning till night."

  "But," continued the princess, "how shall I be sure my parrot is not asorcerer?"

  "He is more in love than any sorcerer can be," replied the prince.

  At this moment Abricotina entered the room, and falling at her lovelymistress' feet, gave her a full account of what had befallen her, anddescribed the prince in the most glowing colors.

  "I should have hated all men," added she, "had I not seen him! Oh,madam, how charming he is! His air and all his behavior have somethingin them so noble; and though whatever he spoke was infinitely pleasing,yet I think I did well in not bringing him hither."

  To this the princess said nothing, but she asked Abricotina a hundredother questions concerning the prince; whether she knew his name, hiscountry, his birth, from whence he came, and whither he was going; andafter this she fell into a profound thoughtfulness.

  Leander observed everything, and continued to chatter as he had begun.

  "Abricotina is ungrateful, madam," said he; "that poor stranger will diefor grief if he sees you not."

  "Well, parrot, let him die," answered the princess with a sigh; "andsince thou undertakest to reason like a person of wit, and not a littlebird, I forbid thee to talk to me any more of this unknown person."

  Leander was overjoyed to find that Abricotina's and the parrot'sdiscourse had made such an impression on the princess. He looked uponher with pleasure and delight. "Can it be," said he to himself, "thatthe masterpiece of nature, that the won
der of our age, should beconfined eternally in an island, and no mortal dare to approach her?But," continued he, "wherefore am I concerned that others are banishedhence, since I have the happiness to be with her, to hear and to admireher; nay, more, to love her above all the women in the universe?"

  It was late, and the princess retired into a large room of marble andporphyry, where several bubbling fountains, refreshed the air with anagreeable coolness. As soon as she entered the music began, a sumptuoussupper was served up, and the birds from several aviaries on each sideof the room, of which Abricotina had the chief care, opened their littlethroats in the most agreeable manner.

  Leander had traveled a journey long enough to give him a good appetite,which made him draw near the table, where the very smell of such viandswas agreeable and refreshing. The princess had a curious tabby-cat, forwhich she had a great kindness. This cat one of the maids of honor heldin her arms, saying, "Madam, Bluet is hungry!" With that a chair waspresently brought for the cat; for he was a cat of quality, and had anecklace of pearl about his neck. He was served on a golden plate witha laced napkin before him; and the plate being supplied with meat, Bluetsat with the solemn importance of an alderman.

  "Ho! ho!" cried Leander to himself; "an idle tabby malkin, that perhapsnever caught a mouse in his life, and I dare say is not descended froma better family than myself, has the honor to sit at table with mymistress: I would fain know whether he loves her so well as I do."

  Saying this, he placed himself in the chair with the cat upon hisknee, for nobody saw him, because he had his little red cap on; findingBluet's plate well supplied with partridge, quails, and pheasants,he made so free with them that whatever was set before Master Pussdisappeared in a trice. The whole court said no cat ever ate witha better appetite. There were excellent ragouts, and the prince madeuse of the cat's paw to taste them; but he sometimes pulled his pawtoo roughly, and Bluet, not understanding raillery, began to mew and bequite out of patience. The princess observing it, "Bring that fricasseeand that tart to poor Bluet," said she; "see how he cries to have them."

  Leander laughed to himself at the pleasantness of this adventure; but hewas very thirsty, not being accustomed to make such large meals withoutdrinking. By the help of the cat's paw he got a melon, with which hesomewhat quenched his thirst; and when supper was quite over, he went tothe buffet and took two bottles of delicious wine.

  The princess now retired into her boudoir, ordering Abricotina to followher and make fast the door; but they could not keep out Leander, who wasthere as soon as they. However, the princess, believing herself alonewith her confidante:

  "Abricotina," said she, "tell me truly, did you exaggerate in yourdescription of the unknown prince, for methinks it is impossible heshould be as amiable as you say?"

  "Madam," replied the damsel, "if I have failed in anything, it was incoming short of what was due to him."

  The princess sighed and was silent for a time; then resuming her speech:"I am glad," said she, "thou didst not bring him with thee."

  "But, madam," answered Abricotina, who was a cunning girl, and alreadypenetrated her mistress' thoughts, "suppose he had come to admire thewonders of these beautiful mansions, what harm could he have done us?Will you live eternally unknown in a corner of the world, concealedfrom the rest of human kind? Of what use is all your grandeur, pomp,magnificence, if nobody sees it?"

  "Hold thy peace, prattler," replied the princess, "and do not disturbthat happy repose which I have enjoyed so long."

  Abricotina durst make no reply; and the princess, having waited heranswer for some time, asked her whether she had anything to say.Abricotina then said she thought it was to very little purpose hermistress having sent her picture to the courts of several princes, whereit only served to make those who saw it miserable; that every one wouldbe desirous to marry her, and as she could not marry them all, indeednone of them, it would make them desperate.

  "Yet, for all that," said the princess, "I could wish my picture were inthe hands of this same stranger."

  "Oh, madam," answered Abricotina, "is not his desire to see you violentenough already? Would you augment it?"

  "Yes," cried the princess; "a certain impulse of vanity, which I wasnever sensible of till now, has bred this foolish fancy in me."

  Leander heard all this discourse, and lost not a tittle of what shesaid; some of her expressions gave him hope, others absolutely destroyedit. The princess presently asked Abricotina whether she had seenanything extraordinary during her short travels.

  "Madam," said she, "I passed through one forest where I saw certaincreatures that resembled little children: they skip and dance upon thetrees like squirrels; they are very ugly, but have wonderful agility andaddress."

  "I wish I had one of them," said the princess; "but if they are sonimble as you say they are, it is impossible to catch one."

  Leander, who passed through the same forest, knew what Abricotina meant,and presently wished himself in the place. He caught a dozen of littlemonkeys, some bigger, some less, and all of different colors, and withmuch ado put them into a large sack; then, wishing himself at Paris,where, he had heard, a man might have everything for money, he went andbought a little gold chariot. He taught six green monkeys to draw it;they were harnessed with fine traces of flame-colored morocco leather.He went to another place, where he met with two monkeys of merit,the most pleasant of which was called Briscambril, the otherPierceforest--both very spruce and well educated. He dressed Briscambrillike a king and placed him in the coach; Pierceforest he made thecoachman; the others were dressed like pages; all which he put into hissack, coach and all.

  The princess not being gone to bed, heard a rumbling of a little coachin the long gallery; at the same time, her ladies came to tell her thatthe king of the dwarfs was arrived, and the chariot immediately enteredher chamber with all the monkey train. The country monkeys began toshow a thousand tricks, which far surpassed those of Briscambril andPierceforest. To say the truth, Leander conducted the whole machine. Hedrew the chariot where Briscambril sat arrayed as a king, and makinghim hold a box of diamonds in his hand, he presented it with a becominggrace to the princess. The princess' surprise may be easily imagined.Moreover, Briscambril made a sign for Pierceforest to come and dancewith him. The most celebrated dancers were not to be compared with themin activity. But the princess, troubled that she could not guess fromwhence this curious present came, dismissed the dancers sooner than shewould otherwise have done, though she was extremely pleased with them.

  Leander, satisfied with having seen the delight the princess had takenin beholding the monkeys, thought of nothing now but to get a littlerepose, which he greatly wanted. He stayed sometime in the greatgallery; afterward, going down a pair of stairs, and finding a dooropen, he entered into an apartment the most delightful that ever wasseen. There was in it a bed of cloth-of-gold, enriched with pearls,intermixed with rubies and emeralds: for by this time there appeareddaylight sufficient for him to view and admire the magnificence of thissumptuous furniture. Having made fast the door, he composed himself tosleep. Next day he rose very early, and looking about on every side,he spied a painter's pallet, with colors ready prepared and pencils.Remembering what the princess had said to Abricotina touching herown portrait, he immediately (for he could paint as well as the mostexcellent masters) seated himself before a mirror and drew his ownpicture first; then, in an oval, that of the princess. He had all herfeatures so strong in his imagination that he had no occasion for hersitting; and as his desire to please her had set him to work, never didportrait bear a stronger resemblance. He had painted himself upon oneknee, holding the princess' picture in one hand, and in the other alabel with this inscription, "She is better in my heart." When theprincess went into her cabinet, she was amazed to see the portrait ofa man; and she fixed her eyes upon it with so much the more surprise,because she also saw her own with it, and because the words whichwere written upon the label afforded her ample room for curiosity. Shepersuaded herself that it
was Abricotina's doing; and all she desiredto know was whether the portrait was real or imaginary. Rising in haste,she called Abricotina, while the invisible Leander, with his littlered cap, slipped into the cabinet, impatient to know what passed. Theprincess bade Abricotina look upon the picture and tell her what shethought of it.

  After she had viewed it, "I protest!" said she, "'tis the picture ofthat generous stranger to whom I am indebted for my life. Yes, yes, I amsure it is he; his very features, shape, and hair."

  "Thou pretendest surprise," said the princess, "but I know it was thouthyself who put it there."

  "Who! I, madam?" replied Abricotina. "I protest I never saw the picturebefore in my life. Should I be so bold as to conceal from your knowledgea thing that so nearly concerns you? And by what miracle could I come byit? I never could paint, nor did any man ever enter this place; yet herehe is painted with you?"

  "Some spirit, then, must have brought it hither," cried the princess.

  "How I tremble for fear, madam!" said Abricotina. "Was it not rathersome lover? And therefore, if you will take my advice, let us burn itimmediately."

  "'Twere a pity to burn it," cried the princess, sighing; "a finer piece,methinks, cannot adorn my cabinet." And saying these words, she cast hereyes upon it. But Abricotina continued obstinate in her opinion thatit ought to be burned, as a thing that could not come there but by thepower of magic.

  "And these words--'She is better in my heart,'" said the princess;"must we burn them too?"

  "No favor must be shown to anything," said Abricotina, "not even to yourown portrait."

  Abricotina ran away immediately for some fire, while the princess wentto look out at the window. Leander, unwilling to let his performance beburned, took this opportunity to convey it away without being perceived.He had hardly quitted the cabinet, when the princess turned about tolook once more upon that enchanting picture, which had so delighted her.But how was she surprised to find it gone! She sought for it all theroom over; and Abricotina, returning, was no less surprised than hermistress; so that this last adventure put them both in the most terriblefright.

  Leander took great delight in hearing and seeing his incomparablemistress; even though he had to eat every day at her table with thetabby-cat, who fared never the worse for that; but his satisfaction wasfar from being complete, seeing he durst neither speak nor show himself;and he knew it was not a common thing for ladies to fall in love withpersons invisible.

  The princess had a universal taste for amusement. One day, she wassaying to her attend-ants that it would give her great pleasure to knowhow the ladies were dressed in all the courts of the universe. Thereneeded no more words to send Leander all over the world. He wishedhimself in China, where he bought the richest stuffs he could lay hishands on, and got patterns of all the court fashions. From thence heflew to Siam, where he did the same; in three days he traveled overall the four parts of the world, and from time to time brought whathe bought to the Palace of Calm Delights, and hid it all in a chamber,which he kept always locked. When he had thus collected together all therarities he could meet with--for he never wanted money, his rose alwayssupplying him--he went and bought five or six dozen of dolls, which hecaused to be dressed at Paris, the place in the world where mostregard is paid to fashions. They were all dressed differently, and asmagnificent as could be, and Leander placed them all in the princess'closet. When she entered it, she was agreeably surprised to see suchcompany of little mutes, every one decked with watches bracelets,diamond buckles, or necklaces; and the most remarkable of them held apicture box in its hand, which the princess opening, found it containedLeander's portrait. She gave a loud shriek, and looking upon Abricotina,"There have appeared of late," said she, "so many wonders in this place,that I know not what to think of them: my birds are all grown witty; Icannot so much as wish, but presently I have my desires; twice have Inow seen the portrait of him who rescued thee from the ruffians; andhere are silks of all sorts, diamonds, embroideries, laces, and aninfinite number of other rarities. What fairy is it that takes such careto pay me these agreeable civilities?"

  Leander was overjoyed to hear and see her so much interested about hispicture, and calling to mind that there was in a grotto which she oftenfrequented a certain pedestal, on which a Diana, not yet finished, wasto be erected, on this pedestal he resolved to place himself, crownedwith laurel, and holding a lyre in his hand, on which he played likeanother Apollo. He most anxiously waited the princess' retiring to thegrotto, which she did every day since her thoughts had taken up withthis unknown person; for what Abricotina had said, joined to the sightof the picture, had almost destroyed her repose: her lively humorchanged into a pensive melancholy, and she grew a great lover ofsolitude. When she entered the grotto, she made a sign that nobodyshould follow her, so that her young damsels dispersed themselves intothe neighboring walks. The princess threw herself upon a bank of greenturf, sighed, wept, and even talked, but so softly that Leander couldnot hear what she said. He had put his red cap on, that she might notsee him at first; but having taken it off, she beheld him standing onthe pedestal. At first she took him for a real statue, for he observedexactly the attitude in which he had placed himself, without moving somuch as a finger. She beheld with a kind of pleasure intermixed withfear, but pleasure soon dispelled her fear, and she continued to viewthe pleasing figure, which so exactly resembled life. The prince havingtuned his lyre, began to play; at which the princess, greatly surprised,could not resist the fear that seized her; she grew pale and fell intoa swoon. Leander leaped from the pedestal, and putting on his little redcap, that he might not be perceived, took the princess in his arms andgave her all the assistance that his zeal and tenderness could inspire.At length she opened her charming eyes and looked about in search ofhim, but she could perceive nobody; yet she felt somebody who held herhands, kissed them, and bedewed them with his tears. It was a long timebefore she durst speak, and her spirits were in a confused agitationbetween fear and hope. She was afraid of the spirit, but loved thefigure of the unknown. At length she said: "Courtly invisible, why areyou not the person I desire you should be?" At these words Leander wasgoing to declare himself, but durst not do it yet. "For," thought he,"if I again affright the object I adore and make her fear me, she willnot love me." This consideration caused him to keep silence.

  The princess, then, believing herself alone, called Abricotina and toldher all the wonders of the animated statue; that it had played divinely,and that the invisible person had given her great assistance when shelay in a swoon.

  "What pity 'tis," said she, "that this person should be so frightful,for nothing can be more amiable or acceptable than his behavior!"

  "Who told you, madam," answered Abricotina, "that he is frightful? If heis the youth who saved me, he is beautiful as Cupid himself."

  "If Cupid and the unknown are the same," replied the princess, blushing,"I could be content to love Cupid; but alas! how far am I from such ahappiness! I love a mere shadow; and this fatal picture, joined to whatthou hast told me, have inspired me with inclinations so contrary to theprecepts which I received from my mother that I am daily afraid of beingpunished for them."

  "Oh! madam," said Abricotina, interrupting her, "have you not troublesenough already? Why should you anticipate afflictions which may nevercome to pass?"

  It is easy to imagine what pleasure Leander took in this conversation.

  In the meantime the little Furibon, still enamored of the princesswhom he had never seen, expected with impatience the return of the fourservants whom he had sent to the Island of Calm Delights. One of them atlast came back, and after he had given the prince a particular accountof what had passed, told him that the island was defended by Amazons,and that unless he sent a very powerful army, it would be impossible toget into it. The king his father was dead, and Furibon was now lordof all: disdaining, therefore, any repulse, he raised an army of fourhundred thousand men, and put himself at the head of them, appearinglike another Tom Thumb upon a war-horse.
Now, when the Amazons perceivedhis mighty host, they gave the princess notice of its who immediatelydispatched away her trusty Abricotina to the kingdom of the fairies,to beg her mother's instructions as to what she should do to drive thelittle Furibon from her territories. But Abricotina found the fairy inan angry humor.

  "Nothing that my daughter does," said she, "escapes my knowledge.The Prince Leander is now in her palace; he loves her, and she has atenderness for him. All my cares and precepts have not been able toguard her from the tyranny of love, and she is now under its fataldominion. But it is the decree of destiny, and I must submit; therefore,Abricotina, begone! nor let me hear a word more of a daughter whosebehavior has so much displeased me."

  Abricotina returned with these ill tidings, whereat the princess wasalmost distracted; and this was soon perceived by Leander, who was nearher, though she did not see him. He beheld her grief with the greatestpain. However, he durst not then open his lips; but recollecting thatFuribon was exceedingly covetous, he thought that, by giving him a sumof money, he might perhaps prevail with him to retire. Thereupon, hedressed himself like an Amazon, and wished himself in the forest, tocatch his horse. He had no sooner called him than Gris-de-line cameleaping, prancing, and neighing for joy, for he was grown quite wearyof being so long absent from his dear master; but when he beheld himdressed as a woman he hardly knew him. However, at the sound of hisvoice, he suffered the prince to mount, and they soon arrived in thecamp at Furibon, where they gave notice that a lady was come to speakwith him from the Princess of Calm Delights. Immediately the littlefellow put on his royal robes, and having placed himself upon histhrone, he looked like a great toad counterfeiting a king.

  Leander harangued him, and told him that the princess, preferring aquiet and peaceable life to the fatigues of war, had sent to offer hismajesty as much money as he pleased to demand, provided he would sufferher to continue in peace; but if he refused her proposal, she would omitno means that might serve for her defense. Furibon replied that he tookpity on her, and would grant her the honor of his protection; but thathe demanded a hundred thousand millions of pounds, and without which hewould not return to his kingdom. Leander answered that such a vast sumwould be too long a-counting, and therefore, if he would say how manyrooms full he desired to have, the princess was generous and rich enoughto satisfy him. Furibon was astonished to hear that, instead ofentreating, she would rather offer more; and it came into his wickedmind to take all the money he could get, and then seize the Amazon andkill her, that she might never return to her mistress. He told Leander,therefore, that he would have thirty chambers of gold, all full to theceiling. Leander, being conducted into the chambers, took his rose andshook it, till every room was filled with all sorts of coin. Furibon wasin an ecstasy, and the more gold he saw the greater was his desireto get hold of the Amazon; so that when all the rooms were full,he commanded his guards to seize her, alleging she had brought himcounterfeit money. Immediately Leander put on his little red cap anddisappeared. The guards, believing that the lady had escaped, ranout and left Furibon alone; when Leander, availing himself of theopportunity, took the tyrant by the hair, and twisted his head off withthe same ease he would a pullet's; nor did the little wretch of a kingsee that hand that killed him.

  Leander having got his enemy's head, wished himself in the Palace ofCalm Delights, where he found the princess walking, and with griefconsidering the message which her mother had sent her, and on the meansto repel Furibon.

  Suddenly she beheld a head hanging in the air, with nobody to hold it.This prodigy astonished her so that she could not tell what to think ofit; but her amazement was increased when she saw the head laid at herfeet, and heard a voice utter these words:

  "Charming Princess, cease your fear Of Furibon; whose head see here."

  Abricotina, knowing Leander's voice, cried:

  "I protest, madam, the invisible person who speaks is the very strangerthat rescued me."

  The princess seemed astonished, but yet pleased.

  "Oh," said she, "if it be true that the invisible and the strangerare the same person, I confess I shall be glad to make him myacknowledgments."

  Leander, still invisible, replied, "I will yet do more to deserve them;"and so saying he returned to Furibon's army, where the report of theking's death was already spread throughout the camp. As soon as Leanderappeared there in his usual habit, everybody knew him; all the officersand soldiers surrounded him, uttering the loudest acclamations of joy.In short, they acknowledged him for their king, and that the crown ofright belonged to him, for which he thanked them, and, as the firstmark of his royal bounty, divided the thirty rooms of gold among thesoldiers. This done he returned to his princess, ordering his army tomarch back into his kingdom.

  The princess was gone to bed. Leander, therefore, retired into his ownapartment, for he was very sleepy--so sleepy that he forgot to bolt hisdoor; and so it happened that the princess, rising early to taste themorning air, chanced to enter into this very chamber, and was astonishedto find a young prince asleep upon the bed. She took a full view of him,and was convinced that he was the person whose picture she had inher diamond box. "It is impossible," said she, "that this should be aspirit; for can spirits sleep? Is this a body composed of air and fire,without substance, as Abricotina told me?" She softly touched his hair,and heard him breathe, and looked at him as if she could have lookedforever. While she was thus occupied, her mother, the fairy entered withsuch a noise that Leander started out of his sleep. But how deeplywas he afflicted to behold his beloved princess in the most deplorablecondition! Her mother dragged her by the hair and loaded her with athousand bitter reproaches. In what grief and consternation were the twoyoung lovers, who saw themselves now upon the point of being separatedforever! The princess durst not open her lips, but cast her eyes uponLeander, as if to beg his assistance. He judged rightly that he oughtnot to deal rudely with a power superior to his own, and therefore hesought, by his eloquence and submission, to move the incensed fairy.He ran to her, threw himself at her feet, and besought her to have pityupon a young prince who would never change in his affection for herdaughter. The princess, encouraged, also embraced her mother's knees,and declared that without Leander she should never be happy.

  "Happy!" cried the fairy; "you know not the miseries of love nor thetreacheries of which lovers are capable. They bewitch us only to poisonour lives; I have known it by experience; and will you suffer the same?"

  "Is there no exception, madam?" replied Leander, and his countenanceshowed him to be one.

  But neither tears nor entreaties could move the implacable fairy; andit is very probable that she would have never pardoned them, had not thelovely Gentilla appeared at that instant in the chamber, more brilliantthan the sun. Embracing the old fairy:

  "Dear sister," said she, "I am persuaded you cannot have forgotten thegood office I did you when, after your unhappy marriage, you besoughta readmittance into Fairyland; since then I never desired any favorat your hands, but now the time is come. Pardon, then, this lovelyprincess; consent to her nuptials with this young prince. I will engagehe shall be ever constant to her; the thread of their days shall be spunof gold and silk; they shall live to complete your happiness; and I willnever forget the obligation you lay upon me."

  "Charming Gentilla," cried the fairy, "I consent to whatever you desire.Come, my dear children, and receive my love." So saying, she embracedthem both.

  Abricotina, just then entering, cast her eyes upon Leander; she knewhim again, and saw he was perfectly happy, at which she, too, was quitesatisfied.

  "Prince," condescendingly said the fairy-mother, "I will remove theIsland of Calm Delights into your own kingdom, live with you myself, anddo you great services."

  Whether or not Prince Leander appreciated this offer, he bowed low, andassured his mother-in-law that no favor could be equal to the one hehad that day received from her hands. This short compliment pleased thefairy exceedingly, for she belonged to those ancient days when
peopleused to stand a whole day upon one leg complimenting one another. Thenuptials were performed in a most splendid manner, and the young princeand princess lived together happily many years, beloved by all aroundthem.