Page 10 of The Darkest Touch

  A blistering current of need swept through every inch of her. I do. I want to touch him. And she wanted him to touch her...everywhere.

  "No," he said. "I'm already a carrier. But I can make you sicker."

  Disappointment cooled her desire. She drew her arms around herself, asking, "What are your plans now that I'm better?"

  "Get out of this realm. Get home." He paused. "Take you with me."

  He wanted to stay together? "But, Torin," she said, surprised by her sudden breathlessness.

  "Yes, Keys."

  The huskiness of his voice was a silky, intimate caress, somehow kicking open a mental door, allowing her yearning to return. She meant to say "That isn't wise." Instead, she said, "Have you ever had a girlfriend? And if so, did you sleep together?" Dangerous topic. Proceed with caution.

  And she'd thought him tense before. "Yes...and no."

  "How did she--or they--take care of your needs? How did you take care of theirs?"

  "We're not having this conversation, Keeley."

  "Because you're embarrassed?"

  "Because it's none of your business."

  "Wrong. The world belongs to me--I'm bonded to it--which means everything about everyone is my business."

  He waved a hand through the air, an unmistakable dismissal. "Speaking of bonds, don't create one with me."

  Eight words. One rejection. A hurt stronger than she would have thought possible. She snapped, "Don't worry. A permanent tie with the bubonic plague isn't high on my list of priorities."

  "Good," he snapped.

  A light mist began to shower them. "Did the females leave you because you couldn't meet their physical needs?" she asked. Must hurt him the way he hurt me.

  He twisted and locked his gaze with hers. Water droplets caught in his lashes. Fury radiated from him, and yet his skin paled rather than flushed. "Yes," he admitted softly. "They did. Happy now?"

  Not even close. Which bewildered her. She'd just given tit for tat, and yet she longed to apologize. What's wrong with me? "So you never touched them? Even with your gloves on?"

  "Very rarely." He frowned. "What about you and Hades?"

  "What about us?" she asked, the mist vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.

  "You slept together, right?"

  Had he heard of their tumultuous courtship? "We did. We also broke up."


  "Because, like you and your previous girlfriends, he couldn't meet my needs." Namely, the ones to avoid brimstone scars and dungeons.

  Torin ran his tongue over his teeth. "Are you difficult to please, then?"

  "Hardly. I'm the easiest."

  "Hardly," he mocked. "I've been taking care of you for days, princess. If you could have rung a bell to get my attention every time you decided you wanted something, you'd never have stopped ringing it. Even though I've only been a few feet away."

  He said that like it was a bad thing. "I'm a queen. That's what we do."

  "Well, then, it's no wonder royalty has such a bad rap."

  Oh, no, he didn't. He couldn't insult her without suffering the consequences. "You're honored to be in my presence, warrior. Say it."

  "Or what? You'll explode me? Sorry, princess, but that threat had a shelf life and it's already expired."

  Streams of anger, a crash of thunder. "Are you implying I can't harm you because of the brimstone? Because we've discussed this. I can find a way, I promise you."

  Tone low, almost sad, he said, "I'm saying I'm not afraid of the possibility. Death happens to all of us sometime or other."

  Well. How was she supposed to deal with this man? She'd never had trouble intimidating an opponent before.

  Another clap of thunder, even louder than the first.

  With a sigh, Torin moved in front of her and framed her face between his gloved hands. "Look at me, princess. Please."

  He's touching me. And it's good, so good. I need more. Have to have more. She couldn't not focus on him.

  "I've got something to tell you," he said. "Something that's going to change your life."

  Don't ever let me go. "O-okay."

  "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit--wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."

  She blinked, her mind unable to compute his meaning. "I...don't know how to reply to that."

  His thumbs traced the seam of her lips. He glanced up at the sky, nodded and released her, the corners of his mouth twitching. "I think our storm decided to go away."

  "That's nice." Touch me again.

  He returned to the fire pit.

  Tempt him...anything to prompt another physical connection.

  Self-perseveration spoke up. Have we not learned our lesson? Must we be taught twice? Bad boys do bad things.

  Don't care.

  She wanted Torin. And so she would have him.

  Yesterday we longed to kill him. Today we long to seduce him?

  So what? I'm a girl. I'm allowed to change my mind.

  They would be a couple, she decided. Touch--pleasure--had been denied her for far too long. A fact his presence had never allowed her to forget. He'd had other girlfriends so he knew how to handle a romantic relationship. They could do this, could make this work. And they would be vigilant, cautious, never courting danger.

  All she had to do was get him to agree.

  There was no better time to try. "I'm dirty," she announced. "Absolutely filthy, and I'm going to take a bath."

  "Good for you."

  So mocking.

  So unaware of his coming fall.

  "Be a dear and help me remove my dress," she said.

  A strangled sound left him. "It has no ties, no zipper. You tug it on and off."

  "Well, good news, then. As strong as you are, you shouldn't have any problems."

  His gaze swept over her and heated. He licked his lips, as if he could already taste her. "What game are you playing, princess?"

  "Does it matter?"

  "Yes. And why the hell are you looking at me like that?"

  "Like what?"

  "Like I'm a hero. I'm not a hero. I'm a villain."

  Did he not realize that only made her want him more? "Well, be a good little villain and help me out of my dress."

  "No." His tone dovetailed into guttural as he added, "I'm not going near you."

  He's definitely tempted. How thin was his control?

  "Very well. I'll near you." Hips swaying, she closed the distance between them. She reached out.

  He jerked away only to return--closer.

  She wrapped her fingers around his wrists and guided his hands to her hips.

  He resisted. At first.

  "Relax, warrior. We're protected by our clothes."

  His fingers clenched around her and held on tight. Did he think she would float away like a forgotten balloon?

  "What'" he gritted.

  Not exactly surrender, but close enough.

  She leaned forward, careful as her breath fanned over his ear. "All you need to do is feel good."

  "I can do that." He tugged her against him. Suddenly they were flush, the softest parts of her cradling the hardest parts of him. A growl rose from low in his chest as if, in this stolen moment, he'd regressed into little more than an animal. "I'm doing it right now."

  The pleasure...thoughts of being careful evaporated like mist. "Would you like to do more?"

  "More. Yes." His lips parted as he fought for breath. Eyes glazing with a wildness she'd never seen from anyone other than condemned prisoners, he squeezed her hard enough to bruise. "I'm going to take more, and you're going to like it."

  Any other day, she would have loved such unrelenting pressure. But the fever had left her fragile and sore and there was a good chance that, this close to the brimstone, she was weakened more with every second that passed.

  "Be careful with me," she whispered.

  It was like she'd punched him. He cursed and stepped back, severing contact.

  Unacceptable. She followed him,
and when he could go no farther, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I didn't tell you to stop, warrior."

  "You should have." His lids slowly dipped, hooding his eyes. "What about your vow to hurt me?"

  What about it? Her blood heated as she rubbed, rubbed against him. The delicious friction heightened her need for him, tension coiling deep in her belly. What would happen if she nipped at his lips...thrust her tongue in his mouth?

  Must resist the urge!


  "Don't talk," she said. "Just move against me."

  A moment of inaction. Then he undulated his hips, his erection pressing against her core. As she gasped, he retreated. He circled back and another gasp left her. He jerked her even closer, rubbed her even harder.

  Yes. Yes! This was exactly what she'd needed. But his hands squeezed her harder, too, and it hurt just a little, and she groaned. A second later it was--


  He pushed her away, clenched and unclenched his fists as he fought for breath. "I'll say this once, and only once. Nothing is going to happen between us, princess. If you try something like that again, you'll see a side of me even monsters fear."

  Her knees trembled, threatening to buckle. "Fine. Have it your way." For now. Not one to give up, she smiled what she hoped was a siren's smile and removed her dress--while he watched. "I'll take care of myself."

  His nostrils flared, and he once again stumbled away from her. But his gaze...his gaze remained locked on her, heating...eating her up one tasty bite at a time.

  "Get in the water," he said. "Now."

  "Why? Do you find me repulsive?" Slowly she turned and strutted to the spring. But she didn't climb into the water. She braced a foot against the rocks and looked back at him, praying there was something about her that he found appealing. Running a hand along her side, she said, "Or do you find me irresistible?"


  FOR THE ETERNITY it took Keeley to submerge under the cover of the water, Torin had to fight his most basic warrior instincts. Touch. Take. Own. Then never let her go.

  She would be his, only his.

  The woman was so gorgeous his insides were ripped to shreds every time he looked at her. But the attraction went deeper than her appearance. She was open and honest, such a rarity. She was also fearless, the first potential lover to mention the giant demon in the room--did your girlfriends leave you because you couldn't meet their physical needs--as casually as if they were discussing the weather.

  Everyone else had always tiptoed around the issue as if the truth would somehow break him, never realizing he was already broken. But this girl...she didn't seem to understand he would never be enough for her. That she would soon need more than he could give her.

  Hell, why didn't he understand? His hands still itched for her. Those breasts...that tuft of cobalt between her legs...he could play with her...sink his fingers in nice and deep. He wouldn't be too aggressive for her, not again. He wouldn't squeeze her too tightly or thrust too forcefully. He wouldn't let himself. She would like what he did.

  Or not.

  Disappointment was his specialty. As he'd just proven.

  Keeley leaned over the spring's edge and dug through his backpack. The tips of her exquisite breasts peeked up over the line of water, her nipples like ripe little blueberries.

  Dude. Look away.

  She withdrew a bar of soap and held it up like the prize it was, grinning seductively. But then everything about her was seductive, stealing bits and pieces of his sanity.

  "I'm about to become the queen of clean, what what," she sang. Then, voice dipping huskily, gaze sweeping over him, she added, "But I could certainly be convinced to get dirty all over again."

  Had a man ever died from too much desire or would Torin be the first?

  What did she want from him?

  How had Hades pleased her?

  Stupid question. One Torin despised. The guy was at the top of his must-kill list. Enemy one.

  Need distance. Now! "I'll hunt us some dinner and return."

  Keeley jolted, gasping out, "But--"

  "You gonna complain about missing me, princess?" He put just the right amount of sneer in his tone, guaranteed to irritate her. "How sweet."

  Her eyes narrowed to tiny slits. "If I'm a princess, then you're Prince Charming. So you go ahead and take all the time you need, Charming. Right now I'm pretty sure I'll have more fun on my own anyway."

  Direct hit.

  He turned to go.

  "Torin," she called, her sex-me voice no longer giving anything away.

  "What?" he snapped.

  "It's due to rain soon. Trust me, we want to be long gone from the realm before that happens."


  "Do you like drowning?"

  "Does anyone?"

  "That's why."

  What did a little rainfall have to do with drowning? "I'll be back when I'm back." He took off as if his feet were on fire. The rest of him certainly was.

  Why was she doing this to him? Acting as if all was forgiven? As if she cared about his well-being...and would die if she didn't get him in her bed? Or on the ground. Or in the tub.

  Punishment? Maybe. But he didn't think so. The way she'd looked at him before stepping into that if she could already feel him thrusting inside her...

  He had to readjust his pants before his erection burst free.

  Was she truly attracted to him? He wasn't irresistible like his friend Paris, the keeper of Promiscuity, or determined like Strider, the keeper of Defeat, but okay, yeah, he rocked warrior fierce. Since his possession, many women had tried to get a little some-some of his goods and services.

  But I can't even toe the line of dangerous with Keeley. Gloved touches here...there. Can't live with the consequences if I mess up.

  He stalked through the forest for over an hour before finally picking up the trail of...something. A group of four-legged beasts, their origins indeterminate. He tracked the combination of hoof and paw prints until he caught sight of his prey. Ginormous deer-things, facing away from him, clueless that they had just become the main course of his dinner buffet.

  He'd left camp without the handgun or the rifle, he realized. He'd have to use his dagger. Fine. Whatever. A battle would do him some good. He scaled one of the trees, positioned himself for attack, and whistled.

  All of the creatures stiffened. The biggest one turned and bounded over to search for the culprit--and that's when Torin computed the truth. He wasn't dealing with any kind of deer; he was dealing with something else entirely. An amalgamation of a lion, demon, gorilla and honey badger don't care.

  Torin went quiet. Maybe I can escape notice.

  Of course, that's when the creature looked up and met his gaze. Neon-red against otherworldly green.

  Too late.

  Here goes nothing, he thought--and jumped.


  SNAPPING TWIGS ALERTED Keeley to an impending visitor. Hades's minions at last?

  Angry muttering let her know exactly who that visitor was, and it wasn't a horde of demons. Perhaps a little too excitedly considering his parting words, she pushed to her feet and smoothed the tank and camo pants she'd found inside the backpack, ready to face Torin.

  He broke through a wall of foliage and spotted her. He stopped abruptly, his gaze raking over her, narrowing--and erupting with heat.

  She waited for the praise to begin.

  "There was a storm while I was gone," he said.

  Okay. Not the opener she'd hoped for, but not a total loss, either. "Yes." As long as she'd been alive, she'd learned to work any conversation in the direction she wanted. "The rain caused flowers to bloom, much like--"

  "Even though it didn't last," he interjected.

  "Correct." Because it hadn't sprung from the realm, but from her. "Much like my bath caused--"

  "You didn't drown."

  Argh! "No." She traced a hand down her side and rushed out, "Me to bloom" before he could interrupt her again. "Wo
uldn't you agree?"

  He looked her over a second time and shrugged. "I guess."

  He guessed?

  Disappointment struck.

  She returned the once-over, thinking she needed to insult him. Like for like. But she became snagged by the scowl darkening his features and found she wanted only to calm him. "Are you okay?" she asked. He had scratches all over his neck and arms, and in his hand was the leg of the Nephilim he'd been dragging.

  "I'm fine. Here's dinner," he said, throwing the creature at the fire she'd built. "You don't have to worry about getting sick because I've touched him. The disease died with him."

  "Backtrack just a bit. You don't have to in me?" She thumped her chest for emphasis. "I don't have to worry?"

  "Yes, you. You cook. We eat."

  Because of Hades and his poison, she only ever ate what she found.

  "Meanwhile," Torin added, "I need to bathe."

  Bathe? "No!" she shouted. "Don't go near the spring." Not yet. It would kill the hello-how-are-you vibe they had going.

  He frowned and, like the stubborn, obstinate warrior he was proving to be, stalked to the spring. "Seriously?" he bellowed.

  "Well." She shifted from one foot to the other. "Two of the prisoners you released showed up, and even though I was a perfectly mediocre hostess, they thought they'd evict me--after they finished ravishing me." The reason for the storm. "They found me irresistible," she grumbled.

  He scanned the campsite, and she wished she possessed the ability to alter a person's perception. A mess of blood and guts surrounded him. Thankfully the spring had some kind of filtering system and was no longer...chunky.

  "You killed them before they touched you?" he asked.

  "I'm the undefeatable Red Queen. What do you think?" The awful look in their eyes as they'd approached her, coupled with the disgusting words coming out of their mouths, had angered her to the point of no return.

  "Good." Torin bent down to pinch what looked to be a piece of a small intestine between his gloved fingers. He flung the thing into the farthest tangle of trees. "I think they got what they deserved."

  He wasn't afraid of her power, wasn't running from her--but then, when had he ever?

  Want him more than ever.

  "Now," she said to distract herself. "About dinner. I've already prepared you a feast. Sorry, but there are no roasted entrails."

  She'd heard the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. Which was an odd saying, because she'd punched her way through many a male torso, and she knew for a fact that the way to a heart was through the fourth and fifth ribs, but she understood the spirit of the phrase. If she could soften Torin's emotions toward her, maybe she could more easily tempt him to pleasure her.