Page 19 of The Darkest Touch

  "I won't be paying." Torin would, and everyone knew it.

  "You've watched the mists same as we have. You know she and Torin have parted, and she may not be willing to help him any longer. May strike out on her own. We can only rely on ourselves to find the Morning Star, and we have to do it before she does. You can strike out on your own, yes, but against such a powerful being, you'll have a better chance of success if someone is watching your back. Someone like me. But I won't help you until I have your vow to grant me whatever I desire when the Star is in your possession."

  "Hey! That's not what we agreed," Pandora shouted at the queen.

  Rhea flicked her hair over her shoulder, ignoring her, and said to Baden, "Until then." She strode away.


  THE HOME KEELEY remembered leaving behind was not the home she actually returned to find. She should be in the middle of a primitive cave--albeit palatial--filled with the most beautiful sediment and all of her treasures. This was a modern-day marvel with none of her furniture, jewels or gowns. The new pieces looked to have come from a sultan's harem.

  How had this happened?

  There was a hot spring complete with a showering waterfall in back. Plush couches, colorful carpets throughout. A coffee table carved from beautiful rosewood and surrounded by beaded pillows. A wardrobe made from the crystal that had once graced the ceiling, bursting with an array of scanty clothing. Hip-hugging jeans. Halter tops. Microminis.

  Whoever was responsible had not left any sign of his--or her--identity. And though the changes were nice, they infuriated her. Her sanctuary had been invaded without her permission.

  The roof above her rattled. The walls beside her and the floor beneath her, too.

  Princess has to get her way or everyone suffers.

  You choose not to control it.

  Torin's words haunted her. She breathed in...out...forced her mind to focus on positive things. She could take a long, steamy shower. She could dress to kill. Then she could return to Torin and make him hard for another four days. And no matter how long he begged, she wouldn't touch him! She would deny him as he seemed to enjoy denying her.

  Just like that, the rattling ceased.

  Maybe she could control the reaction, after all.

  Keeley puttered through the entire cave, searching for security issues--finding none. That meant her benefactor could flash, which narrowed the list of zero suspects She had no friends, no family.

  Perhaps a foe?

  But why would a foe help her?

  Ponder it later. She showered as imagined, using her favorite soaps and oils, each fragranced with wildflowers and almonds. Though she would have welcomed a nap, her first in ages, her mystery provider had nixed the possibility. She couldn't take the chance someone would sneak up on her while she was helpless.

  She dressed in a baby-blue top to match her eyes, the straps held together by--she was just guessing here--a wish, as well as a pair of short shorts, then completed the outfit with diamond-crusted cowgirl boots. Not bad. A little fun, a lot sexy.

  I hope you choke on your desire for me, Torin!

  "I'm glad you're here. And looking so good."

  That taking a baseball bat to the head.

  Slowly she turned to face the unwelcome intruder. Hades. Of course. Because that was the cherry topping on her melting sundae of a day.

  He was every bit as beautiful as she recalled--no, more so. He seemed taller, more muscular. Dark and sleek. Wearing a black suit paired with a crisp white shirt and a red tie, he was an object of class and sophistication, as if he'd never known a moment of pain or suffering.

  Maybe he hadn't.

  But he would. Soon.

  The urge to strike was immediate and strong, but she resisted. In war, there were times for battle and times for planning. Yes, she knew the final outcome she desired, but the road to get there needed work. There was no room for error with this man. Especially since she could feel the heat of multiple brimstone scars pulsing off him.

  "Why did you redecorate my home?" she demanded.

  "To make it prettier when you returned."

  Like he'd ever expected her to return. "It was fine how it was. I want my gowns."

  His smile was slow to come, but sunlight-bright when it reached full wattage. "There's my Keeleycael. The woman who used to ask me to fetch her ice cream, only to yell at me for allowing her to eat it."

  A girl had to watch her caloric intake-- Realization struck. "I'm not your Keeleycael," she snarled.

  "Are you sure? This sounds like nagging."

  "I'm not a nag. I'm a motivational speaker. But I can guess why you did what you did. You used my place as a love shack. Admit it."

  "I have no need of more love shacks, pet. I have them scattered all over the world."

  "I am not your pet." The urge to strike him intensified. "But how brave of you," she sneered. "Deciding to come to me yourself for once, rather than sending your minions."

  He waved away the implied insult and unveiled the lazy smile that had once melted her heart--and her panties. "You are exquisite, pet. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you...missed you...craved you in my arms."

  How dare he! As calmly as she was able, she said, "Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you, too--on the floor, your chest split open, your internal organs forming a burning circle around you."

  Smile taking on a sardonic edge, he said, "Is that what it would take to win you back?"

  Win her back? As if! "You lied to me, poisoned me, tricked me and ensured my imprisonment. We're past the point of second chances."

  "I never poisoned you," he said with a frown.

  "Then why was I always in a fog?" The answer seemed to download straight into her brain. The bond...his darkness. She'd fed from him on a daily basis; he'd known nothing about the fog.

  Fine. One crime to strike from his ledger.

  The bond with Torin did not cause any kind of fogginess--only an increase in arousal.

  "Never mind," she said. "It doesn't matter. I'm older. Wiser. There is nothing you could do to change my terrible opinion of you." Besides, he didn't even want her. Not really. I'm worth a barrel of whiskey to him.

  Like Torin, he only wanted something from her.


  "No!" she shouted. "Don't call me that." I'm not that foolish girl anymore. Forcing her tone to calm once again, she said, "Is this a continuation of your plan to weaken me? To keep me from becoming more powerful than you?"

  He walked through the space, tracing his fingertip over the countertop in the kitchen--

  Her stomach gave an embarrassing grumble. "Because it's already too late."

  --and lifting one of the knickknacks he'd given her.

  Mental note: trash it.

  "What I did to you was a mistake," he said.

  A mistake. A pretty word for the horrors she'd endured. "How sad for you."

  "One I'll never make again."

  "Because soon you'll be too busy being dead."

  He sighed.

  "By the way. You should give your minions a raise. All their taunting, spitting and most recently, attempting to kill me? Gold-star effort. Really."

  "Taunting? Spitting...kill? Keeleycael--Keeley, you have my word I knew nothing of such treatment. I sent the minions with tools to aid your escape."

  "Sure. That makes tons of sense. You could have aided me personally, and yet I don't recall your visit to the prison. Also, your word means nothing."

  "I could not give Cronus a chance to imprison me."

  "Oh, dear. You're right. But would you call that selfish of you? Or just plain cold?"

  His voice was laced with menace as he added, "The minions failed to obey me, and they will be punished."

  Liar! And suddenly, she couldn't bear to be around another male so determined to use her. "Leave."

  One second he was across the way, the next he was in front of her, toying with the ends of
her hair. He oozed seduction...carnality.

  She wanted only to claw out his eyes.

  "It only took a few years away from you to realize the depths of my mistake," he said.

  "A few years," she replied dryly. "My appeal is that potent? How special for me."

  "I spent time with other women, of course, but none could compare to you. I want you, more powerful than I am or not."

  "Oh, I am. I'm definitely more powerful than you."

  His eyes narrowed. "We would make an undefeatable team."

  And there it was. The real reason he wanted her. He might as well have thrown back his head and given the evil overlord laugh. Mwahaha.

  "I don't believe death is too good for my enemies," she said.

  "See? We think alike."

  "You are my enemy. I hate you."

  "Very well. You need time, space," he said. "I get it. But soon I'm coming after you, pet. You will be mine again."

  The arrogance! The audacity! "Sorry, but I already have a man." One she didn't like at the moment, but he was still hers. "Actually, no. I'm not sorry. He makes me laugh. He barely touches me and I go off like a rocket."

  Rage detonated in Hades's dark eyes. "Who is it?"

  That rage--another pretty lie meant to win her heart, to make her think he cared so she would fall for him and he could more easily hurt her. "That's none of your business. But, Hades?" she said.

  "Yes, pet," he replied, and he did not sound happy.

  She flashed a dagger into her hand and sank the blade deep into his stomach. She couldn't use her power against him because of those stupid scars, but she could use a weapon. He hissed in a breath as warm blood coated her hand. Screw waiting. Screw planning. She couldn't resist making a strike.

  She expected him to erupt.

  He merely smiled again--and pressed a hard kiss against her lips. "Your gowns will be returned by end of day tomorrow. Until next time, pet." He vanished.


  TORIN SWEPT HIS arm over the nightstand, knocking off the lamp. Where the hell was Keeley?

  Since her disappearance, he'd gone to an internet cafe, worked a little computer magic, visited a bank and cashed out some funds. He'd rented a posh hotel room, charged his phone. Called Lucien--left a message when it rolled straight to voice mail.

  All of that in two hours.

  Keeley had been gone six.

  He knew she would have no problem finding him. Some flashers--don't I wish--could do more than go to a specific location; they could go to a specific person, someone they had some kind of a connection with. And if "some" could do it, the super powerful Red Queen could do it. She just had to want to find him.

  Disease laughed, delighted by her continued absence.

  Torin tossed a lamp across the room, the porcelain base shattering. The moment he saw her, he was going to spank her. Hard. Blistering. And he wouldn't give her any salve afterward!

  If she didn't return soon, he would--


  Hunt her down and drag her back, that's what. They might have fought, but they definitely weren't finished. If she needed to be reminded of just who he was--pitiless, merciless warrior--he would remind her. And he wouldn't be gentle about it.

  "Keeley," he shouted. "We aren't operating on Keeley Standard Time here. We're operating on Torin Central. Return!"

  When there was no response, he pushed over the nightstand itself. The drawers spilled onto the floor, cracking.

  "Well, well, Charming. Who's the spoiled princess now?"

  She appeared in front of him, displaying more tanned skin than she concealed, her hair falling around her face in lush, golden waves. Her eyes glittered with remnants of her anger. Her lips were slightly swollen and pinker than usual.

  "Temper much?" she quipped.

  His relief was palpable. She hadn't forgotten him! But the relief was quickly replaced by concern. "Are you all right? Did someone hit you?"

  She blinked with confusion. "No. Why?"

  "Your lips are swollen."

  She rubbed them, color heating her cheeks. "Someone didn't hit me, but someone sure did hit on me."

  Hit on her. As in kissed her.

  Already on edge, Torin. Utterly. Erupted.

  He forgot everything he'd planned to do and say and got in Keeley's face, snarling, "Who was it?"

  Her eyes widened. "Hades. Why?"

  "You dare ask why? You belong to me! We agreed. You do not kiss other men, Keeley. Ever. Have you forgotten my rules?"

  Her jaw dropped, and she gasped out a few unintelligible words as if she couldn't quite figure out what to say to him.

  He stood in place, breathing too quickly, too heavily, his throat and lungs burning. He reached for her, but as so many times before, fisted his hands and dropped them just before contact. This is crazy. I'm crazy. I have to leave.

  "Are you...thinking about touching me?" she asked, her eyes widening again.

  No, she had to leave. He could not be in public right now. "Go shopping. Buy yourself something pretty. My treat." He basically tossed his credit card at her. He should be calm by the time she finished. "Come back in an hour. Maybe two. Actually, we'll reconvene tomorrow."

  "You are," she said. "You're thinking... Even craving me. You don't like the thought of another man's hands on me, and you want to replace the memory with your hands."

  That. Yes. Hades would die, and Torin...Torin would touch this woman and never stop.

  He gnashed his molars. "Last chance, Keeley. I suggest you take it and leave." Soon. His control was almost completely shredded.

  "No way. You're the big bad warrior, yet I've had to come on to you time and time again. I've had to battle within myself--worth the price or not worth it. Well, it's your turn."

  "There is no damn way you just suggested I haven't done the same. I've battled."

  "When have you ever caved without prompting from me? You've resisted me so easily, always walking away. Sure, you've snarled while you've done the walking, but still you left me behind. So, tell me. When did you ever--"

  "So easily?" he roared. Had she just said so easily? She had no clue about the intensity of his need--but he would teach her better.

  Torin cupped her by the nape, yanked her close and smashed his mouth against hers. The kiss was a brutal assault meant to silence her, to dominate and possess. He held her still, making her take it, take everything. But the moment she softened against him, welcomed him inside her mouth, the darkness churning inside him switched gears. From the need to punish and master to the need to seduce and please.

  This was Keeley. His princess. She deserved his best.

  He gentled the pressure, rolling his tongue inside her mouth, learning her all over again, tasting her. Summer berries and melted honey. So sweet. And mine. All mine. He framed her cheeks, angled her head and rolled his tongue just a little deeper. This time, she met him with a roll of her own.

  That was his undoing.

  He deepened the kiss. He sucked and he bit. She did the same, her fingers tangling in his hair, tugging as she angled him the way she wanted him. Heady, knowing she craved him as fiercely as he craved her. Sultry. Perfect, and oh, damn, he was becoming drunk on her, the need to strip her and take everything escalating.

  Strung as taut as a bow.

  He anchored his hands on her hips and lifted her. She wound her legs around him, clinging to him. Blood on fire, he walked toward the bed, put a knee on the mattress and leaned, pressing her down--pinning her on her back.

  "Yes," she gasped, arching up, rubbing against him. Feminine softness against all of his throbbing hardness.

  "Tell me if I hurt you."

  "Can't hurt me. You know I like it hard."

  My woman is everything I've ever dreamed. Torin ripped off his gloves, then ripped off her shirt. No bra. Good. He kneaded her breasts, then ran his thumbs over the distended crests. His bare thumbs. As before, her flesh reminded him of silk. Her heat teased him. He'd had this only once before, but it had
been enough to addict him. Forever.

  Have to taste. He licked his way down, flicked his tongue over a stiffened peak, then did the same to the other. Until both were red, swollen and moist. Her moans came one after the other, the sounds music to his ears.

  Her head thrashed from side to side, the sight of her uncontrolled passion nearly pushing him over the edge. "Torin."

  He twined locks of her hair around his hand until he reached her scalp. Then he fisted, pulling slightly, forcing her to still, his will to overcome hers; her moans became groans of the sweetest surrender. With his other hand, he traced a burning path between her legs. He was trembling as he slid his fingers under her panties.

  He thrust deep...and grunted his approval. The heat and the honey, the tight clasp, without any kind of barrier. He closed his eyes as ecstasy swept him away.

  "Princess is wet." He surged up to feed her another kiss--and another finger.

  She undulated her hips, sending him even deeper inside. "Torin. I need..." She was breathless, panting. "Mmm, harder. Give me harder."

  He would give her anything she desired, everything she needed. He pressed the heel of his palm against her swollen little bud, and she shattered, arching up, raking her nails down his back, crying out, spasms overtaking her. It was a beautiful sight, raw and carnal, one that almost sent him over the edge. Almost. He was stubborn, wanted her to finish him.

  When she sagged against the mattress, he withdrew his fingers--only to lick them clean as she watched. His erection pulsed with every stroke of his tongue.

  "Delicious," he rasped.

  Eyes luminous, she flattened a hand on his pec and pushed him to his back. She rose above him. "My bad boy deserves a prize."

  Yes. Please!

  Straddling his waist, she unfastened his pants. Unzipped. The appendage that had been giving him so much trouble lately sprang free. Moisture beaded at the tip.

  What would she use? Her hands...or her mouth?

  His hips lifted of their own accord. "Do it."

  She lowered her head, golden hair falling over his waist like a curtain. He tensed as her hot, hungry mouth gloved him, the pleasure almost pulling him from his skin.

  "Please, princess." He'd beg if necessary. He tangled his hand in her hair--to pull her off or push her deeper, he wasn't sure. "Don't stop. I want it. Need it." Had never had it before. Had always dreamed...always hoped, a temptation almost as strong as Keeley herself.