Page 22 of The Darkest Touch

  The last time Torin had seen Legion--a former demon turned real girl, a la Pinocchio--she'd been a wreck, having just been rescued from captivity and torture. The time he'd been away must have been good to her. The roses had returned to her cheeks and the sparkle to her dark eyes.

  Lucien moved to Anya's side, spoke a few quiet words. As he did, Paris and Sienna materialized.

  The reunion lacked only Kane, Cameo and Viola.

  Differing emotions were cast Torin's way. Elation, confusion, surprise, and of course, Anya's uneasiness. That uneasiness began to annoy him. Keeley should have been welcomed, no matter what, the way he had welcomed every other new addition to the family.

  "Good to have you back, my friend," said Sabin, the keeper of the demon of Doubts.

  "Who's the babe?" asked Strider, the keeper of Defeat. "She's--humph."

  Kaia elbowed him in the stomach.

  Though a thousand things had changed in the short time of separation, this had not, and it relaxed Torin. He wanted so badly to close the distance and hug each of his friends. But not a single one of them would welcome his touch, even a protected one. Keeley was the only person who'd ever been willing to risk all for his sake.

  He reached out and flattened his gloved hand on her lower back--couldn't stop himself. A show of support, gratefulness, and yes, desire.

  She flicked him a confused glance.

  He shrugged. He didn't know what to say.

  "What's going on?" Aeron demanded. "What's this about a Red Queen?"

  "I'm going to roundhouse kick her in the face!" Anya piped up. "Or watch someone else do it. Anyone? Anyone?"

  "Enough!" Or I won't be responsible for my actions. Though Keeley maintained a neutral, even bored expression, a soft rain began to patter against the windows. She was hurting. "She has a name, and you will use it. She will be treated with respect at all times. Anyone who offends her will answer to me--and I promise you, the questions will hurt."

  "Well, I already like her," Kaia said. "Anyone who makes Anya pee her pants in fear has to be totes amazeballs."

  "I haven't peed!" Anya paused and added glumly, "More than a little."

  "Torin," Lucien said, an edge to his tone. "If Keeley has done the things Anya mentioned--"

  "Oh, I have," Keeley interjected, unrepentant. "Those, and more. And worse."

  "Then she can't stay here. The children..."

  "Please. Do you truly believe I'd want to stay in such a hovel?" Keeley walked to the nearest window and peered out. "Ask me if I've ever heard anything so ridiculous."

  His heart ached for her. So defensive. Rejected by her parents. Rejected by Hades for a barrel of whiskey. She craved acceptance. And Torin got that. Probably better than she would have liked. Because of Disease, he'd been left behind for every battle, every celebration. He was a part of his friends' lives, but it was a part set aside, to be looked at but never handled, if that made any sense.

  Rage ignited. "I go where she goes. No exceptions."

  Her gasp echoed in the sudden quiet of the room. Less than an hour ago, he'd tried to get rid of her; but here he was, pledging to stay by her side. She might wonder at his reasoning, and he had no real answer for her.

  Sabin and Lucien shared a long, silent communication before stepping forward.

  "Stay," Sabin said with a nod.

  "We just got you back," Aeron said. "We can't lose you now."

  "Then no one threatens Keeley." Torin pinned Anya with a glare. "I mean it."

  "Fine," the goddess huffed. "I'll make sure you never hear what I have to say."

  Oh, really? "You may have witnessed the Red Queen's temper in action, but did Lucien tell you she is capable of so much more? She can find Cameo and Viola. She can bring Baden home." He paused, making sure he had everyone's undivided attention. "She can find Pandora's box." Also the Morning Star. But he once again kept that bit of news to himself. He planned to do a little research first. "However, I won't ask her to do any of those things if one unkind word is said. In my hearing or not."

  Silence descended, amazement almost palpable.

  Boom! The entire foundation of the fortress rocked. Dust fell from the rafters.

  Boom! Boom!

  He focused on Keeley. Temper issues? But she was paying him and his friends zero attention, just staring outside.

  "What's going on?" Ashlyn asked with a tremor. She secured her daughter on her hip and tugged her son to her side.

  Keeley pressed her hand to the window and said, "I think...we're under attack."


  SPARKS OF ANGER razed Keeley's chest. Being the Red Queen came with only one disadvantage. Enemies. She made them everywhere she traveled, and often, as with the minions, they followed her.

  Today's challengers? The Unspoken Ones.

  They thought to threaten her new life.

  They had to die.

  The rain stopped, and thunder boomed just as loudly as the bombs.

  She sent wisps of her power to curl around the Unspoken Ones, ready to flash them away...and follow with a hacksaw...only to realize they'd scarred themselves with brimstone. The wisps withered into nothing.

  Who had told them?

  Not difficult to surmise. The three demon-possessed crazies.

  They'll get theirs. Later.

  Time to mastermind a plan to pulverize the Unspoken Ones. She couldn't destroy the beasts the way she so desperately wanted--make them explode. And not just because of the scars. There would be other casualties. Probably a lot of other casualties. All of Torin's friends would explode, too, and the fortress would collapse.

  Of course, she could flash everyone away before the big event, saving them all at once--except for Torin. But Lucien could take care of him. However, that still left her with a problem: the fortress.

  Don't destroy it, Torin had once said. He'd even added a please.

  Now she understood why. If she brought the place crumbling down, his friends would never like her.

  Want them to like me.


  The entire fortress shook, dust plumping the air. The Unspoken Ones had just destroyed the tall iron gate surrounding the fortress, and in turn removed some of the booby traps Galen had told her were set along its perimeter.

  "Why don't they just flash inside?" she asked. They'd lost the element of surprise.

  "They aren't my biggest fans," the female named Sienna said. "I took measures against them."

  So, this was the new queen of the Titans. The one who'd usurped Cronus.

  Not the hulking she-beast I expected.

  "Are the Unspoken Ones strangers, Daddy?" Ever asked as sweet as candy.

  "Yes, sweetheart."

  "So I can hurt them?"

  "Yes," the warrior said, his tone as hard as steel. "You can hurt them bad."

  "Oh, goody!" Ever grinned and hugged her brother.

  Urban's expression remained stoic even as he hugged her back.

  "Actually, no," Keeley announced. "She can't." She faced the warriors as one of the rafters in the center cracked.

  "Sorry, your great and powerful majesty of whatever, but you don't get a vote in this. The big boys are going to field this one," the one named Strider said. "We're going to do things our way. The right way."

  "There's right, and there's better." She blinked, flashing the children, the females and Strider to a distant location.

  The rest of the warriors slid straight into a panic.

  "What did you do with them?" the father of the twins roared. "Where are they?"

  "Sure," Keeley said. "Blame the new girl. But okay, fine, your assumption happens to be true. And you should be rejoicing! They're safe. I'll return them after the battle." She rubbed her hands together. "Now, then. Let's get started, shall we?"


  "Torin," one of the dark-haired males demanded.

  "They aren't being harmed," Torin said. "You have my word. They're safe, and they will be returned."

e trusts me. More of those delicious rays of sunshine found her.

  She checked a wristwatch she wasn't wearing and said, "The Unspoken Ones will breach the walls soonish." She flashed in the arsenal from a bunker her spies had once told her about. Guns. Rifles. Grenades. Flamethrowers. Swords. "Take your pick, boys, with my compliments."

  "I can flash you to your bedroom, Torin," Lucien said. "We won't let the creatures get to you."

  Excuse me? They expected the fierce and mighty Torin to ride pine? Thought to bench their best player? Did they want to lose?

  "He's not suffering with menstrual cramps, so stop treating him that way," she announced. Then, to Torin, she commanded, "Don't even think about tapping out. Pick a weapon."

  After a moment's hesitation, he said, "Ma'am, yes, ma'am," selected two swords and a rifle and pulled his hood over his face. "And no, I don't think you're wearing mom jeans. Any jeans you wear automatically become babe jeans."

  There goes a piece of my heart.

  "Why can't you flash the Unspoken Ones away?" Lucien asked her. "Like you did the women and children."

  Torin might... No, surely he wouldn't.... But if he did tattle about the brimstone, it was going to hurt. Picking their safety over mine. But until then, she wouldn't say a word. "I have my reasons."

  A scowling Sienna materialized beside Paris. "Everyone's on a beach," she announced. She glared at Keeley. "Don't ever do that again."

  Won't roll my eyes. "Or what? You'll make me regret it? Please. You can do nothing. You're hemorrhaging power, darling, and have been for a good while, it seems." Probably the reason she couldn't flash the Unspoken Ones away. "Don't bother trying to deny it. I can feel it seeping out of you."

  Sienna's olive skin became a sickly chalk white.

  "What's she talking about, baby?" Paris asked.

  "It's jumping ship," Keeley continued, "and I know why. It's not yours, it's Cronus's. Meaning it hasn't bonded to you. You'll have to fix that if you hope to survive."

  "Is that a threat?" Paris pointed a semiautomatic at Keeley's chest. "Because I don't react well to threats to my girl."

  Torin stepped in front of Keeley and batted the gun away. "There's no time for this. And I shouldn't have to issue another warning, but I will. Don't threaten my girl, or I will put a bullet in your head."

  I'm his. Torin's. "And while you're recovering," Keeley said, "we'll shave off all your hair."

  Paris backed up, horrified, and patted his multicolored locks.

  Feeling magnanimous, Keeley added, "I'll allow you to question me about your female once the Unspoken Ones are dead. If you apologize to Torin for threatening his girl." Me. That's me.

  "Respectfully question," Torin added.

  Paris gave a stiff nod. "I'm...sorry."

  Keeley flattened her palm on Torin's back. He tensed at first but soon relaxed. Then he whirled around, his gaze hotly intense.

  "Stay safe," he commanded.

  For you? Always. "Ditto." Want to kiss him.

  Can't kiss him. Not now. But might just be worth the risk.

  The warriors ran off in different directions, some going upstairs, some down, all taking their places at windows and firing at the enemy. Too little, too late. The front door burst open, shards of wood and metal shooting through the foyer like missiles, slamming into several living targets.

  A female rushed inside the foyer. And, oh. Oh, wow. Ugly had a new poster child. Rather than a nose and mouth, she had a beak. Like a rabid bird. She wore a leather shirt, but Keeley wasn't sure why the creature had bothered to pull it on. The material that should have covered the crests of her breasts had been cut out. Her nipples were pierced with diamonds. A leather skirt wrapped around her muscular waist and thighs.

  The Unspoken One turned left, then right, studying her new surroundings. Small horns protruded from her spine, clear liquid leaking from the tips. Poison?

  The warriors who'd stayed in the living room opened fire on her, but the bullets had no effect. She even caught the rocket-propelled grenade, crushing it in her hand as it detonated. As white-hot air and sharp debris blasted throughout the room. Keeley flashed every warrior but Torin into another part of the fortress, out of harm's way.

  Stupid brimstone! How was she supposed to safeguard him at a moment's notice?

  He dropped to the floor, then popped to his feet relatively unharmed.

  A loud scuffle upstairs. Definitely violent. Should she interfere?

  In a lightning-fast move, the female Unspoken One reached behind her back, ripped off one of her own horns and tossed it at Keeley. Torin slammed into her side, knocking her out of the way. The horn soared over both their shoulders.

  My hero!

  But Keeley's anger returned--and in greater force. Beak Face had almost hurt her man.

  The fortress shook so intensely dust rose from the foundation.

  As Keeley wrangled with her anger, Beak Face flashed to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and pitched her across the room. Not to kill her, but to get her out of the way. She picked Torin up by the neck, not understanding what the action would cost her, and grinned over at Keeley, all watch me, watch what I will do to the one you defend.

  Shaking, shaking. Thunder.

  Keeley pushed to her feet and strode forward, summoning two daggers along the way. Going to gut her!

  "Torin," she said.

  He let the Unspoken One hold the bulk of his weight as he wrapped his legs around her waist. They toppled over, and he absorbed the impact even while reaching up, breaking her wrist and loosening her hold. He punched the heel of his palm into her beak. With a screech, she scrambled away from him. Blood poured down her face.

  His victory did nothing to dampen Keeley's emotions. They were already engaged, her power seething, desperate for release.

  "Keeley," Torin shouted over the noise.

  "Keep her occupied," she instructed, then flashed to the horn. Mine. My prize. She grabbed it and flashed to a remote, unoccupied island in the South Atlantic.

  Power exploded from her in a familiar burst, lifting her off her feet, rocking the entire island. A volcano crumbled, lava having nowhere to go but...everywhere. Large cracks appeared in the ground, a web of destruction. She inhaled smoke and coughed.

  When she quieted, the worst of her rage poured into the wreckage, she returned to the fortress. If something bad happened while I was gone...

  Torin and the Unspoken One were not where she'd left them. She flashed upstairs. Another fiend claimed her attention. He had a chest covered in scars and legs covered by carmine fur. Dark menace radiated from him as he roared and batted at Lucien, who swung a sword at him before flashing behind and swinging the sword from a different angle.

  Meanwhile, Sabin sprayed the Unspoken One with a flamethrower as Gideon pelted him with ammo from an automatic rifle.

  "My turn!" Keeley shouted. Going to enjoy this.

  To her surprise, Torin's friends paused midbattle, giving her the opening she needed.

  She flashed to the creature's shoulders and wrapped her legs around his neck. As he reached up to grab her and throw her off--good luck, sucker--she slammed the poisoned horn she still held into his eye. He bellowed in pain, his muscles seizing. He toppled over, remaining on the floor, unmoving.

  Keeley crawled out from under him, stood, and spit on him. "Finish him off. Remove his head and heart and then burn the pieces." No need to take chances.

  One down. Three to go.

  She flashed throughout the house, finding the remaining three beasts in a bedroom, working together. The two males were so tall and wide they were like living mountains. One was bald, with shadows seeping from his skull. Shadows that were thick and black and putrid. The other had blades rather than hair. Small but sharp, they spiked from his scalp, each glistening with blood.

  One of Torin's friends lay still and quiet on the floor. Aeron, the heavily tattooed one.

  Keeley didn't allow herself to study him too closely. Not yet. H
er emotions...

  The walls of the fortress began to shake all over again.

  Calm. Steady.

  Torin stood in front of his friend, sword-fighting Beak Face. Keeley paused for a moment, snared by the sight. What a hauntingly macabre picture they made. The beaked villain whose motions were as fluid as water, and the angelic hero whose every movement was calculated and methodical.

  The female flashed behind him, but he'd expected the action and turned, meeting her with the tip of his sword. Before he could deliver a deathblow, she vanished, appearing at his left. Keeley flashed to her, intending a sneak attack just as another of Torin's friends slid across the room on his knees, knocking both the Unspoken One and Keeley off their feet.

  "Sorry, sorry," he rushed out.

  "No worries," Keeley replied.

  Torin raised his sword to stab Beak Face, only to pause when he caught sight of Keeley.

  The pause cost him. Beak Face seized on the opportunity to kick him in the stomach, sending him propelling backward, through a wall and into another room.

  The shaking of the walls intensified.

  Keeley flashed Torin's sword into her own hand and then flashed, flashed, flashed, going from one place to another so that the Unspoken One could never get a lock on her. And when finally the creature was simply swinging in circles, batting at air, Keeley appeared a mere whisper away from her and stabbed her in the neck, then yanked the blade down...down...until it had split Beak Face's stomach and pelvis in two and come out between her thighs. Blood spurted as the female howled with agony and dropped.

  Keeley grinned. "Enjoy that? I did."

  The demon-possessed warrior who'd knocked Keeley down was close enough to the fallen Unspoken One to remove her head.

  Two down. Two to go.

  Torin returned and looked Keeley over. "You okay?"

  "Better than."

  "Gideon is in danger," someone called from downstairs.

  Keeley flashed away and had no trouble guessing which one was Gideon. The blue-haired warrior was halfway up the steps and flat on his back. The Unspoken One with the shadows seeping from his head had an arm raised, claws elongated and at the ready.

  "No!" She flashed Gideon to the other side of the fortress just as the grinning Unspoken One flashed to her, swinging his arm down...down...his plan all along.