Page 31 of The Darkest Touch

  Had Cameo been standing, shock would have drilled her to her knees. "But...that's..."

  "We're the cutest couple you've ever seen. We know. You may continue." Keeley waved her hand, a gesture that reeked of royalty

  Cameo almost snapped, He was my boyfriend first, female, but somehow restrained herself. Torin and Cameo had loved each other deeply...just not the way lovers were supposed to love. Not like this.

  "Is she immune to you?" Cameo asked, wanting so badly to be happy for him.

  Hate my demon.

  Torin shook his head, a familiar guilt spreading over his features. "No."

  "But he still gives me the greatest pleasure womankind has ever known," Keeley said, her pride unmistakable.

  Cameo's eyes widened. "You touch her skin-to-skin anyway?"

  "I have." He shifted in the chair, clearly uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. "But I've also found...other ways."

  "I highly recommend those ways," Keeley said. "But I also highly recommend you don't try them with my man."

  Torin reacted to the girl's increasingly rough tone surprisingly, smiling for the first time since Cameo had woken up. It was a punch to the gut. I could have had that with him--amusement and jealousy, possessiveness and obsession--but I kept my distance. Welcomed the distance. And so did he.

  Now she was stuck craving the man who'd amused himself with her life and led her on and probably would have kicked her out once she'd given him what he wanted. Talk about poor life choices.

  My specialty.

  "Do you remember what happened to you before Keeley came to get you?" Torin asked her.

  Keeley had rescued her? Great! I can't not like her, can I?

  Cameo thought back. The fog had choked her. Demons had stepped from the mist and dragged her away. Finally she had been able to breathe. But then she'd found herself flashed to a throne room. Fires crackled all around. Demons wandered this way and that. Screams filled the overhot air.

  A beautiful man loomed over her. Pale hair, black magic eyes. Features so perfect they'd made her chest ache.

  "You're going to help me with a little task," he'd said, his voice nothing more than a seductive whisper.

  Even still, she'd shuddered, repulsed by him but also ensnared by him. Something about him...

  Maybe the fact that Misery adored him, and had purred like a kitten inside her head.

  She'd tried to scramble away from him, but a horde of demons had held her down. He'd stabbed her with something sharp and black--and left it inside her.

  "Did you think you had a choice?" he'd asked and grinned coldly. "Well, you thought wrong." Then he'd looked to the demons. "Take her to her room."

  They'd dragged her away.

  She relayed all of this to Torin, embarrassed by her weakness and being unable to fight her way free. She was a warrior, but time and time again she'd come off as a damsel in distress. Hate that!

  "Lucifer," Keeley said, and she sounded annoyed. "Hades told the truth. For once."

  "Unless the two are working together," Torin said.

  "Not likely. I don't know how much you've heard about Lucifer, but before his fall, he divided his time between heaven and the underworld. Since no man can truly serve two masters, he eventually had to make a choice: Hades or the Most High. He chose Hades, thinking he would receive greater power and a higher position."

  "A mistake," Torin said.

  "Exactly. Hades claimed him as a son merely to betray him, binding him to the underworld while allowing himself to roam free. And in the centuries since, they have hurt each other too much to ever become allies. Especially since neither one seems to have the capacity to forgive anything."

  Cameo's gaze zinged between the pair. They were in sync. Feeding off of each other. And did Torin even realize that as he spoke, his hand moved up and down Keeley's arm in a gesture of adoring affection, as if he couldn't quite believe the treasure he held in his arms?

  A pang razed her from throat to stomach. He'd never been able to look past his fear and his guilt to truly be with Cameo, but he'd certainly done so for Keeley.

  Clearly his feelings ran deep.

  Would Cameo ever have something like that?

  Feeling sorry for myself.

  Nothing new there.

  Well, I have to stop.

  "I wonder if he found Viola, too," Torin said.

  "I didn't see her," Cameo said. But then, the underworld had been vast, and a lot of demons had come and gone, distracting her, and she'd been high as a kite from being denied air for so long. Oh, and she couldn't forget the blow she'd taken to the head when the demons had dragged her upstairs. She definitely could have missed the girl.

  "If she's there," Keeley said, "and Lucifer has realized Cameo is gone, he will have stepped up security for this Viola person. Getting her will be more difficult."

  "Doesn't matter. I'll get her." Torin peered at Keeley through narrowed eyes, radiating determination. "Are you listening to me? Do I have your full attention?"

  He'd never spoken to Cameo that way. Trouble in paradise already?

  "I have ears, don't I?" Keeley said, leaning more firmly against his chest.

  "You do, and they're lovely," he replied. "But you need to do us both a solid and use them. This time, you will not go through the portal without me. I repeat. Will not. Do you understand?"

  Keeley shivered as if he'd just relayed some sort of naughty bedtime story. "What will you do if I disobey?"

  His hand stopped on the girl's hip and squeezed, the glove pulling taut. Heat radiated from him, so much and so hotly it actually stroked over Cameo, making her shiver. "I'll have to show you." He jumped to his feet, using Keeley as a shield--to hide an erection?

  "You'll have to excuse us," he said, looking like a kid who'd just found out Santa had visited. "We have an argument to settle."

  "Bye." Keeley waved at Cameo as he dragged her out of the room.

  No trouble in paradise. He'd spoken so forcefully because he'd felt forcefully, wanting...needing. Cameo sank against her mound of pillows. Always in the back of her mind she'd wondered if she'd made a mistake parting with him. But no, she hadn't.

  I was never going to be the right female for him.

  Lazarus, on the other hand...

  It was a good thing she'd been taken from him. She might have stayed with him otherwise, and eventually he would have discarded her. No one could deal with her dark emotions for long.

  So...why did she still want to go back for him?


  KEELEY AND TORIN spent the day in bed, practicing skinless sex--masters had to be dedicated to their craft--interrupted only by the occasional knock on the door. Paris and Sienna had been ready to chat, and Keeley had known it would be futile and cruel to deny them. She'd explained the essentials of bonding, how Sienna had to flip a mental switch and stop thinking of the powers she wielded as belonging to Cronus; she had to see them as hers. For instance, the body Keeley inhabited would have decayed if she hadn't claimed it as her own.

  Keeley spent some time painstakingly outlining the other steps in the necessary process for Sienna to retain and even strengthen her powers, and the girl and Paris listened raptly. When they seemed to have grasped everything they had to do, Torin kicked them out. He'd had some more fun with Keeley, but it hadn't been long before Gideon and Scarlet had arrived to thank Keeley for flashing Gideon away from the Unspoken One before a deathblow could be delivered.

  While the interruptions irritated Torin, they delighted Keeley. This team of immortals had finally accepted her. They craved her input and her approval. All my dreams, finally coming true.

  The only crimp in her day was when, after another bout of naughty playtime, Torin had gone quiet, pensive.

  Thinking about Hades's offer?

  Fear showed up, bringing unwelcome thoughts. Was it only a matter of time before Torin decided this wasn't good enough for him--or her? She shook her head. She was Torin's treasure. T
hat wasn't going to change. It was time she had faith in him.

  Reyes knocked on their door late in the evening. Danika had recovered, he said, and was ready to use the artifacts again.

  Keeley dressed in casual clothing, saying to Torin, "Maybe I should try to find the box again. With the Morning Star, we won't need a portal to get to Viola and Baden."

  He thought on it a moment. "If it drains Danika, and we're unsuccessful, we'll be out another few days."

  "Worth the risk," she said. Except, when they crowded into the room together, even though Danika did all the right things, a portal did not open.

  Could there be some kind of mystical block on the box?

  Who had the power to do such a thing? Very few immortals.

  "I don't understand," Keeley said, flicking Torin an apologetic glance. "But I'm not going to worry about it." To the girl, she commanded, "Picture Viola."

  Danika, who did look a bit fatigued already, closed her eyes. Light immediately burst from the tip of the Rod, filling up the room.

  Torin moved to Keeley's side, banding his arm around her waist. On the walk to the room, his friends had tried to talk him out of going with her, sending someone else in his place. Someone who wouldn't cause a plague if things went bad. Like Anya or Kaia or even Strider. But Torin had flat-out refused. Where Keeley was, he'd said, he would be. End of. Remembering made her shiver.

  Doing that a lot lately--loving it.

  Loving him.

  Then the light dimmed, the air parting to reveal another realm, a doorway, and it became clear Viola was where Cameo had been. There was a throne room, just as the female had described. Fires raged, and demons scuffled throughout. Lucifer sat atop the throne of skulls that had once belonged to Hades, drumming his fingers against the arms, waiting for something. Someone?

  Where was--

  There. Keeley's stomach twisted. The girl had to be Viola, for she was just as Torin had portrayed her. Blond hair. Cinnamon-colored eyes. Bronzed skin. Perfect curves. She was chained to a wall, arms and legs spread, clothes stripped away. There was a gag in her mouth.

  What crimes had been committed against her?

  At least when Keeley had been imprisoned, she'd been alone.

  Going to kill her tormentors before I save her. Might even make her my new best friend. Everyone needed a sidekick.

  Torin's hold on Keeley tightened. "Ready?"

  She nodded, unfolded the Cloak and covered them both. She could have flashed to the girl since she knew where to go...maybe. The underworld was a tricky place and could snare a flasher in a maze of tunnels. If she reached her, though, she could have flashed her right back...again maybe. What if Viola was warded? But what Keeley couldn't do was flash Torin, since he still had his own wards. He had to go through the portal opened by the Rod, which meant she was going through the portal. Of course, that meant they would both have to leave through the portal, too; once they stepped through, they would be bound to it, whether it remained open or not, until they once again stepped through it, severing the tie.

  Together they walked through it, entering the throne room. Smoke thickened the air, darkened it. The scent of sulfur and rot stung her nostrils. Screams of pain and cackles of glee assaulted her ears.

  The place was bigger than she remembered, the smoke thicker. The screams louder and more numerous with every minute that passed. Beside Viola was a female with short dark hair and the lean muscle mass of a warrior--also chained. Who was she?

  Torin noticed her and stiffened. "Pandora."

  Under the Cloak, no one could hear their conversation, so neither of them had to be quiet. "If Pandora is here, your boy Baden is probably nearby, too. But I didn't wear the serpentine wreaths and won't be able to touch them. We'll have to come back for them later." When security would be even tighter. Fabulous.

  "No need. I have the wreaths under my hoodie," Torin said.

  Resourceful man.

  "But it looks like they won't be necessary," he added. "Pandora is wearing a pair of her own."

  Keeley looked, and sure enough, there were metal bands wrapped around the girl's wrists, peeking out from underneath the chains. "Good. Let's get this rescue mission underway. Ease forward, your steps aligned with mine...good...good."

  As they closed in on the females, Keeley studied the two more intently, checking for injuries she might have previously missed. There were no visible wounds on either girl, but there were smears of soot on their stomachs and thighs to suggest they'd been manhandled.

  Someone must pay. Keeley's hands fisted, and the walls of the palace began to shake.

  Still perched upon his throne, Lucifer looked around, frowned.

  Hello, Someone.

  Torin's warm breath fanned her ear. "Did you know the human stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, otherwise it will digest itself? Also, I looked it up and discovered beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon."

  "You know the weirdest things," she said, and the shaking stopped. "But beetles actually taste like peanuts."

  "I'll keep that in mind."

  "We'll need to create a distraction if we're going to get the girls home without putting them through a battle," she said. And there was only one way to do that. "I'll take care of Lucifer. You get the girls through the portal, then come back for me." While she could flash throughout this realm, she wouldn't be able to reenter the portal and leave it without the Cloak. "Tomorrow we're going to have a serious discussion about the removal of your brimstone scars. What if I need to flash you out of harm's way when you reach me?"

  "Consider them gone," he said, surprising her. "But I don't like your game plan. Don't like the thought of you doing anything with Lucifer."


  "Even still, I know how smart and powerful you are," he continued, "so I'll expect you to be careful. One tiny scratch, and I'll be angry."

  The hits of awesome just kept coming.

  "I wish I could kiss you," she said. Later, she thought with a shiver. A reward to them both--damn the consequences. "You be careful, too, or I'll be angry." Then she flashed just outside the throne room, leaving the Cloak with Torin.

  Demons spotted her and rushed forward. Sorry, boys, but I'm not sticking around for a powwow with you. She pushed open the doors and strode inside like she used to do when Hades brought her with him to visit his "son."

  Lucifer jumped to his feet, a triumphant grin lifting the corners of his mouth. "Keeleycael. How extraordinary. I'd heard you were free and hoped you would come to see me." His gaze raked over her. "But I did not expect you to look quite so...awful."

  She raised her chin. So she wasn't in one of her gowns. So what. "I heard you had plans to ruin Hades."

  He inclined his head, not even trying to deny it.

  "Would you like my help?" she finished, and he laughed.

  He didn't hesitate. "I would."

  She let her gaze scan the room. Not even she could see Torin now that she was out from under the Cloak. What was he doing?

  "Come to me," Lucifer said, waving her over. "Let's reacquaint ourselves."

  So formal and polite; such a liar. "I'm impressed," she said--while remaining in place. "If you want to chat with me here, that means you've done something Hades never could; you've gotten the demons to follow you absolutely and know they'd never betray you. Never publically reveal the words they hear you speak in private."

  His jaw clenched.

  Direct hit. She'd just reminded him that they couldn't talk openly in front of his soldiers. That the fiends could--and most likely would--run tattling to Hades. Now when Lucifer ushered her out of the throne room, it would be because it was his idea, not hers.

  "You're right," he said. "I have. But I've just realized there's no place for you to sit comfortably."

  Can't smirk. "This is true."

  As he closed in on her, she noticed the hard glint in his dark eyes--one he couldn't mask. Evil! Never-ending pit of des

  He offered her the use of his arm.

  Though she would have rather plucked out her eyes, she took it. He led her away, through a maze of elaborate hallways where demons fornicated in the vilest of ways, and into the master suite. The bedroom was a study of hedonism. Black satin, black velvet, black leather. Toys and weapons hanging on the walls. Mirrors everywhere. Candles glowing in the darkness.

  Demons rushed in behind them, carrying trays of food. In minutes, a five-star dining experience was set up, a table occupying the center of the room. He'd always been big on appearances. Liked people to think he was solicitous, loved beginning interactions with gallantry, playing the role of helper or whatever he thought his target desired, and then, when the person was well and truly hooked, flipping the psycho switch. It was a game he played.

  He held out her chair, and she sat.

  "Aren't you so very gracious," she muttered. Trying to lay a foundation he plans to rip out from underneath me.

  He poured her a glass of what looked to be wine but was probably blood and made her a plate, but she couldn't identify half of what was on there. As if she would take a single bite anyway.

  Watching her, he leaned back in his chair. "My sources tell me you've joined the Lords of the Underworld."

  There were threads of hatred in his voice, and she could guess why. He thought the Lords should follow him, allowing their demons to rule their lives. That the warriors continued to resist the evil inside them was a thorn in his cloven hoof.

  "I had, yes," she admitted. Why deny it? "Did your sources also tell you that the Keeper of Disease infected me over and over again? That he abandoned me on multiple occasions?" Was that resentment in her tone?

  Definitely. While she hated that she'd spoken ill of Torin, and to the enemy no less, the truth was the truth, and there was no way around it. At least it gave credence to her cover story.

  She fiddled with her food, feigning interest. "Why do you care about this anyway?"

  "Care?" He laughed. "I like to keep my options open, sweet. That's all."

  "And you truly believe the Lords are an option?" She couldn't keep the incredulity from her tone.

  He glared at her, and she mentally berated herself. She had to tread carefully and not antagonize him by dangling the carrot he could never quite reach in front of him. He was warded. If he decided he no longer needed her, she would be unable to use her power against him.