Page 37 of The Darkest Touch

  "That you are everything to me?"


  "Okay, I am a seriously good boyfriend."

  A laugh burst from her. "You certainly are. And modest, too."

  He released her, and she moaned at the loss. But she didn't have to go without him for long.

  He dropped to one knee and took one of her hands. His emerald eyes peered up at her, earnest, intent. "I love you with all that I am. I am nothing without you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Not just a little while. Because if home is where the heart is, then you're my home. So Keeleycael, Keeley, Keys, Red Queen, Princess, I'm hoping you will do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Torin."

  He held up a ring, and her breath got caught up in her throat. The jewelry had a tiny snow globe in place of a diamond, just large enough for her to see the couple embracing inside. A tiny couple carved from wood. He'd made this. For her.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as she jumped up and down. "Yes! I will be Mrs. Torin and you will be Mr. Dr. Keeley and we will plan a wedding that will nut-kick Anya and Lucien's."

  "Hey!" Anya called. "You're just setting yourself up for failure."

  Torin popped to his feet, and Keeley threw herself into his waiting arms. Once, she'd craved nothing more than being adored and pampered. She'd thought of settling down with a nice man and ruling her kingdom. Now she was adored. She was pampered. But she didn't have a nice man--she had a fierce warrior. Exactly what she'd needed.

  "I'm going to make you happy," she vowed.

  "Princess, you already do."


  If you like Gena Showalter's breathtaking

  paranormal stories,

  you'll love her new contemporary romance series,



  (in the anthology ALL FOR YOU)




  coming soon from Harlequin HQN!

  Keep reading for a sneak peek at two of the stories!

  The One You Want

  Prequel novella to the Original Heartbreakers series

  (featured in the anthology All for You) "Sit," Dane said, motioning to the couch. At the wet bar, he poured himself three fingers of whiskey. When he turned, Kenna was standing just where he'd left her, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. Wasn't going to trust him, or relax. Okay, then. He leaned against the edge of the desk, unwillingly snared by her loveliness. "I want to apologize for my behavior the last time you were here."

  "Okay. Wow. I kind of expected to be ice-picked." She toyed with the top of her scarf, causing it to shift, revealing even more of that freckled cleavage. "But an apology? Not even a blip."

  He felt he was falling into an oven. He was hot, sweat suddenly trickling between his shoulder blades. His heart pounded erratically, as if trying to escape his chest. His hands itched, and damn if his slacks didn't tighten, nearly choking the life out of his favorite appendage.

  "If you can forgive me--" he began.

  "Which I haven't," she interjected.

  "But if you can--"

  "Though I probably won't."

  "Yeah, but if you can, I would--" The teasing glint in her gorgeous green eyes shut him up. "Are you laughing at me?"

  "Only a little." A smile lifted the corners of her lips, brightening her entire face. Suddenly she glowed, and he realized he wasn't just falling back into the oven, but rather, he'd already been cooked.

  Stick a fork in me. I'm done. Charred all the way to the bone.

  He must have radiated heat, because the air between them utterly sizzled. She lost her smile, her features dimming. He cursed. Other women must have glowed like that, surely, but as he racked his brain, he came up empty.

  "Sorry," she said after clearing her throat. "I couldn't help myself. You were just so...intent. And really, there's no need for you to apologize, Mr. Michaelson."


  "You were a kid," she continued. "You were reacting to the horror of the situation."

  "You didn't react to the situation."

  Her next smile was slower to come but no less bright. "That just means I've always been more intelligent than you."

  Smart mouth.

  Gorgeous mouth. How did it taste?

  Stop. Stop!

  What kind of rare creature continuously teased the big bad ruler of the Michaelson fortune? A golden unicorn at the end of a rainbow? It was new to him. But...he liked it, he realized.

  Was this how she'd stolen the hearts of all her lovers?

  He stiffened, hating the thought. Earlier he'd convinced himself that West was right...that Kenna was just a sweet girl caught up in the falsity of rumor. He suspected, perhaps, that he hadn't wanted to believe it, that he hadn't wanted her to be just like her mother. But here she was, charming the uncharmable, stoking fires of a jealousy he'd never before experienced.

  "Do you have a kid?" The question left him before he could stop it.

  Her features shuttered, hiding all emotion. "Yes."

  Well, then. If one rumor was true...

  Why not all of them?

  "She's six," Kenna added. "But don't strain yourself doing the math. I'll just tell you. I got pregnant at sixteen and had her at seventeen."

  Something about her tone bothered him. He heard affection and love, sure, but also sorrow and pain. "Is the father--"

  "Uh, just hold on there, Mr. Michaelson."

  "Dane." Her insistence on calling him Mr. Michaelson frustrated him.

  A lot of things are frustrating me tonight.

  "I'm not discussing that part of my life with you," she said.

  Fair enough. The fact that he'd even broached the topic stunned him. He, one of the most private people in existence, often refused to answer the simplest of questions about himself, and he always despised those who dared to ask. Yet here he stood, grilling Kenna about the most intimate details of her life. As if he had a right to know.

  He should walk away from her. He'd done what he'd come to do. He'd apologized. But he was loath to leave things so strained between them. They would be seeing each other again, after all.

  Yeah. That was why. Not for any other reason. "I heard you say you're a student. What are you studying?"

  Leery, as if she expected him to laugh, she softly said, "Elementary education."

  Admirable. "When do you finish?"

  "Two years. I hope."

  "Why the late start?"

  She pushed out a heavy sigh. "Look. I can see the curiosity in your eyes, have seen it many times before, so why don't you ask what you really want to ask? Am I a husband-stealing whore?"

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. His gaze slid down her body, noting again how the dress hugged each of her delicious curves. She had gorgeous legs any man would kill to have wrapped around him, her feet encased in hooker heels.

  "Are you?" he asked.

  Her eyes narrowed, dark lashes fusing. While she had glowed with her amusement, she crackled savagely with her anger. What this girl felt, she really felt. Emotion affected her soul-deep.

  "What if I am?" she said. Up went her chin. Back went her shoulders. She pasted that fake smile on her face, one that definitely didn't glow. "Would my past make me any less of a person with feelings capable of being hurt now?"

  Hate myself. "No," he said. "You're not a whore. I had no right... Kenna, I--"

  "Don't bother. Goodbye, Mr. Michaelson." She walked out of the library, and she never once looked back.


  The Closer You Come

  Book 1 of the Original Heartbreakers series

  Jason--Jase--carted the petite bundle of fury into the backyard. She fought him every step of the way, but he held on as if she was a prized football and never lost his grip on her. The party guests watched with wide grins, enjoying the show. A few even followed him, curious to see how this little scene would play out.

  Behind him, the fir
ecracker he'd just slept with shouted, "Put my sister down this instant, you overgrown Neanderthal!"

  If he hadn't regretted sleeping with Jessie Kay before Brook Lynn had stormed into his bedroom, he would have regretted it in that moment. He'd just moved to Strawberry Valley, and this was the first time he'd ever really put down roots. He'd decided not to shit where he ate, so to speak, and mess everything up. This was his fresh start. A clean canvas, and he'd intended to keep it that way. Not create a perfect storm of drama. But he'd had a few beers too many, and Jessie Kay had crawled into his lap, asked if she could welcome him to town properly and that had been that.

  At least he'd had the presence of mind to make it clear there would be no repeat performance, no blooming relationship. Ever.

  He liked his freedom.

  Besides, it wasn't like women ever stuck around for long anyway. His mother sure hadn't. Countless foster moms hadn't. Hell, even his girlfriend hadn't. Daphne had taken off without ever saying goodbye.

  Light from the porch lamps cast a golden glow over the swimming pool, illuminating the couple who'd decided to skinny-dip. They, like everyone else within a ten-mile radius, heard the commotion, and they scrambled into a shadowed corner.

  Without a word, Jase tossed Brook Lynn Dillon into the deep end.

  Jessie Kay beat at his arm, screeching, "Idiot! Her implants aren't supposed to be waterlogged. She's supposed to cover them with a special adhesive."

  Please. "Implants are always better wet." He should know. He'd handled his fair share.

  "They aren't in her boobs, you moron. They're in her ears!"

  Well, hell. "Way to bury the lead," he muttered.

  Brook Lynn came up sputtering. She swam to the edge and climbed out with her sister's help, then made sure her hair covered her ears before glaring up at him. An avenging angel.

  He'd hoped the impromptu dunk would lessen her appeal, She wore a plain white T-shirt, and a pair of black slacks. Now each piece of clothing clung to her, revealing a breathtakingly slender build, breasts that were a perfect handful...nipples that were hard...and legs that were somehow a mile long.

  Those traits in themselves would have been dangerous for any man's peace of mind. But when you paired that miracle body with the face of an angel--huge baby-blue eyes and heart-shaped lips no emissary from heaven should ever be allowed to have...wicked invitation to sin--it was almost overkill.

  His thought at first glance? I want.

  His thought the moment he discovered her identity? Damn, I picked the wrong sister.

  But there was no help for it now. What was done was done.

  "I'm sorry about your hearing aides--" or whatever they were "--but catfights aren't allowed in my room. You're supposed to save all disputes for the ring, during the Jell-O Fight Night Beck plans on hosting."

  Brook Lynn lifted her chin, the very picture of stubborn female. Without looking away from him, she said, "Jessie Kay, get in the car."

  For the first time that evening, her sister heeded her command and took off like her feet were on fire.

  West and Beck came up beside him, both taking in the scene: a gorgeous woman who was soaking wet, probably chilled, standing as still as a statue, and Jase, who was fighting a freaking hard-on.

  "What the hell happened?" Beck demanded, running a hand through his hair.

  The action elicited a feminine whistle of appreciation somewhere in the background.

  Standard reaction. Women tended to go batcrap crazy for Beck, despite the fact that he was a self-proclaimed he-slut and was always moving from one lover to the next.

  "This is between him and me," Brook Lynn said, pointing to Jase.

  "Your hand is bleeding." Frowning, West reached for her.

  "I'm not your concern." She stepped away from him, avoiding contact, and would have toppled back into the pool if Jase hadn't caught her arm.

  Such a slender bone structure, he noted, with skin as soft and smooth as silk, and as warm as melted honey. Not chilled, after all. The longer he held on, the more electric the contact proved to be, somehow cracking through the hard shell he'd spent years erecting around his emotions, until he practically vibrated with the desire to touch all of hold on to her...

  What the hell?

  He released her and widened the distance between them. That hard shell wasn't just for grins and giggles. It was for survival. Emotions were a weakness that could be used against him. Desire, love, hate, hope. It didn't matter. He fought everything but lust, something as fleeting as it was forgettable. To feel anything else meant he'd placed value on something, whether for good or ill, and that meant the something--whatever it was--could be taken away from him.

  Feel nothing. Want nothing. Need nothing.

  Brook Lynn peered down at her wrist, as if she felt something she couldn't explain, before focusing on him, her eyes narrowing. "Don't touch me again," she said.

  "Don't worry. I won't." To Beck and West, he said, "Get everyone inside. I'll handle her."


  Keep reading for an excerpt from THE DARKEST CRAVING by Gena Showalter.

  Lords of the Underworld

  Glossary of Characters and Terms Aeron--Lord of the Underworld; former keeper of Wrath Alexander--human; past lover of Cameo

  All-key--a spiritual relic capable of freeing the possessor from any lock All-seeing Eye--human with the power to see into heaven and hell, past and future; Danika Ford Amun--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Secrets Anya--(minor) goddess of Anarchy; beloved of Lucien Ashlyn--human female with supernatural ability; wife of Maddox Atlas--Titan god of strength

  Axel--a Sent One

  Baden--Lord of the Underworld; former keeper of Distrust Black--one of William's four shadow warrior children Cage of Compulsion--artifact with the power to enslave anyone trapped inside Cameo--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Misery Cameron--keeper of Obsession

  Cloak of Invisibility--artifact with the power to shield its wearer from prying eyes Cronus--former ruler of the Titans; former keeper of Greed Danika--human female; girlfriend of Reyes; known as the All-seeing Eye dimOuniak--see Pandora's Box Ever--daughter of Maddox and Ashlyn

  Fae--race of immortals that descends from Titans Flashing--transporting oneself with just a thought Galen--keeper of Jealousy and False Hope

  Gideon--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Lies Gilly--human female

  Greeks--former rulers of Olympus

  Green--one of William's four shadow warrior children Gwen--Harpy; sister of Kaia, Bianka and Taliyah; consort of Sabin Hades--former ruler of the underworld

  Haidee--former Hunter; beloved of Amun

  Hunters--mortal enemies of the Lords of the Underworld Irish--keeper of Indifference

  Josephina--queen of the Fae; consort of Kane

  Juliette--a Harpy; considers herself consort of Lazarus Kaia--part Harpy, part Phoenix; sister of Gwen, Taliyah and Bianka; consort of Strider Kane--Lord of the Underworld; former keeper of Disaster Keeleycael--a Curator; aka Keeley, aka Keys, aka Princess, aka the Red Queen Lazarus--an immortal warrior; only son of Typhon and an unnamed gorgon Legion--demon minion in a human body; adopted daughter of Aeron and Olivia; aka Honey Lords of the Underworld--exiled immortal warriors now hosting the demons once locked inside Pandora's box Lucien--coleader of the Lords of the Underworld; keeper of Death Lucifer--king of the demons

  Maddox--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Violence Mari--a human female

  Morning Star--most powerful thing in the history of the world Nephilim--offspring of mixed origins

  Nike--Greek goddess of strength

  Olivia--an angel; beloved of Aeron

  Pandora--ticked-off warrioress with an ax to grind Pandora's Box--aka dimOuniak; made of the bones from the goddess of Oppression; once housed demon high lords, now missing Paring Rod--artifact with ability to rend soul from body Paris--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Promiscuity Phoenix--fire-thriving immortals descended from Greeks Realm of Blood and Shadows--locat
ion of the Lords of the Underworld's former fortress Red--one of William's four shadow warrior children Reyes--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Pain

  Rhea--former keeper of Strife

  Sabin--coleader of the Lords of the Underworld; keeper of Doubt Scarlet--keeper of Nightmares; wife of Gideon

  Sent Ones--winged warriors; demon assassins

  Sienna--ruler of the Titans; beloved of Paris

  Strider--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Defeat Taliyah--Harpy; sister of Bianka, Gwen and Kaia Tartarus--an underground holding cell for immortals Titans--Rulers of Titania; children of fallen angels and humans Torin--Lord of the Underworld; keeper of Disease Unspoken Ones--a bloodthirsty race of carnivorous creatures Urban--son of Maddox and Ashlyn

  Viola--minor goddess; keeper of Narcissism

  White--one of William's four shadow warrior children; deceased William the Ever Randy--immortal warrior of questionable origins; aka The Panty Melter Winter--keeper of Selfishness

  Zeus--king of the Greeks

  If you loved The Darkest Touch, don't miss these other pulse-pounding

  Lords of the Underworld titles by New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter:

  "The Darkest Fire" (prequel novella)

  The Darkest Night

  The Darkest Kiss

  The Darkest Pleasure

  "The Darkest Prison" (novella)

  The Darkest Whisper

  Heart of Darkness (includes "The Darkest Angel" novella)

  The Darkest Passion

  The Darkest Lie

  The Darkest Secret

  The Darkest Surrender

  The Darkest Seduction

  The Darkest Craving

  Looking for more scintillating paranormal romance? Download the spin-off series to Lords of the Underworld now!

  Angels of the Dark:

  Wicked Nights

  Beauty Awakened

  Burning Dawn

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  New York City

  Present day

  JOSEPHINA AISLING PEERED down at the male splayed across the motel room bed. He was an immortal warrior, beautiful in a way no mortal could ever hope to be. Silky hair of jet, chestnut and flax spilled over the pillow, the multicolored strands forming a flawless tapestry, inviting the eye to linger a minute, then a minute more...sweet mercy, why not forever?