Page 28 of Ghouls Gone Wild

  After taking a sip of coffee, he continued. “So, from that conquest, a legend grew. It seems that many believe the Spanish vessel was carrying more than just soldiers. It was carrying gold bullion.”

  I sighed. This was getting complicated and I was getting hungry. “Anyone want a muffin?” I asked, ready to gently transfer Gilley’s head onto Heath’s shoulder.

  “Hold on, M. J.!” Gopher snapped. “I haven’t gotten to the best part yet.”

  “Oh, sorry,” I said, hoping he’d get there really, really soon.

  “Legend has it that Ranald kept the bullion a secret so that he wouldn’t have to pay taxes on it, and he snuck it off the Spanish Armada and hid it somewhere in his castle.” Again, Gopher looked around at us to get our reactions, but we all just stared blankly back at him. “Don’t you get it?” he asked us.

  “Clearly we don’t,” said Kim, one of our assistant producers.

  Gopher tugged on the brim of his ball cap and said, “The ghost of Ranald is one of the spooks said to haunt the castle! If M. J. and Heath can find him and talk to him, maybe he’ll tell you guys where he’s hidden the bullion!”

  That got my attention. “Hold on,” I said, putting up my hand in a stopping motion. “You mean to tell me this bust isn’t about documenting spooks as much as it’s about sending us on some sort of ghost treasure hunt?”

  Gopher beamed at me. “Yes!”

  “ZZZZZZ . . . ,” said Gilley.

  I eyed Heath over Gilley’s head and saw that he was looking at me to gauge my reaction. Something unspoken passed between us, and he and I both smiled at each other. I then turned back to Gopher and asked, “If we find the bullion, can we keep it?”

  “Yes,” Gopher said, a twinkle in his eye.

  “We’re in,” Heath and I said together.

  Gopher let out the breath he’d been holding. “Really? You guys think this is a good idea?”

  “Dude, if we find a lost treasure of gold bullion, then it’s a genius idea!” I said.

  Heath was equally enthused. “This could open up a whole new industry for us. Instead of ghostbusters we could be ghost treasure hunters!”

  “We could retire early,” I agreed.

  “There’s just one catch,” Gopher said softly.

  I snapped my head back in his direction. “What’d you say?”

  Gopher smiled nervously. “It shouldn’t be any big deal,” he assured us.

  “A time to worry,” Heath said.

  “What’s this catch?” I demanded.

  Gopher sighed. “The castle’s supposed to also be haunted by a particularly nasty phantom.”

  My brow furrowed. “A phantom?”

  Gopher nodded. “Some supernatural being is supposed to lurk around the ruins in search of trespassers. He’s so scary that none of the locals will go near the place.”

  “What’s he done to make everyone so scared?” I asked.

  Gopher swallowed and wouldn’t meet my eyes.

  “ZZZZZZ . . . ,” said Gilley.

  “Come on, Gopher, out with it,” Heath insisted.

  Gopher took a big breath. “Supposedly, he’s responsible for throwing a few people off the side of the cliffs.”

  “What?”Heath and I said in unison again.

  “But he hasn’t attacked anyone in a few years now,” Gopher added quickly. “The last victims were thrown over the side well over six years ago.”

  “Who were they?” Kim wanted to know.

  Gopher smoothed a hand over the papers on the tabletop. “A group of paranormal treasure hunters. They lost three crew members.”

  “WHAT?!” Heath and I exclaimed again. It was freaky how many times we said the same thing at the same time.

  Gilley woke up at this point, probably from all the yelling. “What’d I miss?” he asked.

  “Gopher’s trying to kill us,” I snapped.

  Gilley rubbed his eyes and looked around blearily. “So, nothing new, huh?”

  “Seriously, guys,” Gopher said calmly. “This thing is nothing you can’t handle! I mean, you two are the best at busting the worst demons and spooks the underworld has to throw at you. I’ve seen that firsthand!”

  I eyed our producer skeptically. “Someone’s got gold bullion on the brain.”

  “Want to pull out?” Heath asked me.

  I sighed, thinking about the pros and cons for a minute. Finally I looked at him and said, “I’m in if you’re in.”

  Heath’s smile returned. “Then we’re both willing to go for it.”

  “Awesome!” Gopher exclaimed. “Guys, that is awesome!”

  At that moment the call to board our plane was announced, and we all got up and shuffled toward the gate. And while I tried to appear enthused as we moved to the plane, in the back of my mind I couldn’t help but wonder if by agreeing to this bust, I’d just made the biggest mistake of my life.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Teaser chapter



  Victoria Laurie, Ghouls Gone Wild



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