"Well, Tom," remarked Mr. Sharp, after a pause following the lad'sannouncement. "I didn't know you had any ambitions in that line. Tellus more about the battery. What system do you use; lead plates andsulphuric acid?"

  "Oh, that's out of date long ago," declared the lad.

  "Well, I don't know much about electricity," admitted the aeronaut."I'll take my chances in an airship or a balloon, but when it comes toelectricity I'm down and out."

  "So am I," admitted Mr. Damon. "Bless my gizzard, it's all I can do toput a new spark plug in my automobile. Where is your new battery, Tom?"

  "Out in my shop, running yet if it hasn't been frightened by theairship smash," replied the lad, somewhat proudly. "It's an oxide ofnickel battery, with steel and oxide of iron negative electrodes."

  "What solution do you use, Tom?" asked Mr. Swift. "I didn't get thatfar in questioning you before the crash came," he added.

  "Well I have, in the experimental battery, a solution of potassiumhydrate," replied the lad, "but I think I'm going to change it, and addsome lithium hydrate to it. I think that will make it stronger."

  "Bless my watch chain!" exclaimed Mr. Damon. "It's all Greek to me.Suppose you let us see it, Tom? I like to see wheels go 'round, but I'mnot much of a hand for chemical terms."

  "If you're sure you're not hurt by the airship smash, I will," declaredthe lad.

  "Oh, we're not hurt a bit," insisted Mr. Sharp. "As I said we weremoving slow, for I knew it was about time to land. Mr. Damon wassteering--"

  "Yes I thought I'd try my hand at it, as it seemed so easy,"interrupted the eccentric man. "But never again--not for mine! Icouldn't see the house, and, before I knew it we were right over theroof. Then the chimney seemed to stick itself up suddenly in front ofus, and--well, you know the rest. I'm willing to pay for any damage Icaused."

  "Oh, not at all!" replied Tom. "It's easy enough to put on a new plane,or, for that matter, we can operate the Red Cloud without it. But comeon, I'll show you my sample battery."

  "Here, take umbrellas!" Mrs. Baggert called after them as they startedtoward the shop, for it was still raining.

  "We don't mind getting wet," replied the young inventor. "It's in theinterests of science."

  "Maybe it is. You don't mind a wetting, but I mind you coming in anddripping water all over the carpets!" retorted the housekeeper.

  "Bless my overshoes, I'm afraid we have wet the carpets a trifle now,"admitted Mr. Damon ruefully, as he looked down at a puddle, which hadformed where he had been standing.

  "That's the reason I want you to take umbrellas this trip," insistedMrs. Baggert.

  They complied, and were soon in the shop, where Tom explained hisbattery. The small motor was still running and had, as the lad hadsaid, gone the equivalent of over two hundred miles.

  "If a small battery does as well as that, what will a larger one do?"asked Mr. Damon.

  "Much better, I hope," replied the youth. "But Dad doesn't seem to havemuch faith in them."

  "Well," admitted Mr. Swift, "I must say I am skeptical. Still, Iacknowledge Tom has done some pretty good work along electrical lines.He helped me with the positive and negative plates on the submarine,and, maybe--well, we'll wait and see," he concluded.

  "If you build a car I hope you give me a ride in it," said Mr. Damon."I've ridden fast in the air, and swiftly on top of, and under, thewater. Now I'd like to ride rapidly on top of the earth. The gasoleneauto doesn't go very fast."

  "I'll give you a ride that will make your hair stand up!" prophesiedTom, and the time was to come when he would make good that prediction.

  The little party in the machine shop talked at some length about Tom'sbattery. He showed them how it was constructed, and gave them some ofhis ideas regarding the new type of auto he planned to build.

  "Well," remarked Mr. Swift at length, "if you want to keep your brainfresh, Tom, you must get to bed earlier than this. It's nearly twelveo'clock."

  "And I want to get up early!" exclaimed the lad. "I'm going to start tobuild a larger battery to-morrow."

  "And I'm going to repair the airship," added Mr. Sharp.

  "Bless my night cap, I promised my wife I'd be home early to-night,too!" suddenly exclaimed Mr. Damon. "I don't fancy making the trip backto Waterfield in my auto, though. Something will be sure to happen.I'll blow out a tire, or a spark plug will get sooty on me and--"

  "It's raining harder than ever," interrupted Tom. "Better stay hereto-night. You can telephone home." Which Mr. Damon did.

  Tom was up early the next morning, in spite of the fact that he did notgo to bed in good season, and before breakfast he was working at hisnew storage battery. After the meal he hurried back to the shop, but itwas not long before he came out, wheeling his motor-cycle.

  "Where are you going, Tom?" asked Mrs. Baggert.

  "Oh, I've got to go to Mansburg to get some steel tubes for my newbattery," he replied. "I thought I had some large enough, but Ihaven't." Mansburg was a good-sized town, near Shopton.

  "Then I wish you'd bring me a bottle of stove polish," requested thehousekeeper. "The liquid kind. I'm out of it, and the stove is as redas a cow."

  "All right," agreed the lad, as he leaped into the saddle and pedaledoff down the road. A moment later he had turned on the power, and wasspeeding along the highway, which was in good condition on account ofthe shower of the night before.

  Tom was thinking so deeply of his new invention, and planning what hewould do when he had his electric runabout built, that, almost beforehe knew it, he had reached Mansburg, purchased the steel tubes, and thestove polish, and was on his way back again.

  As he was speeding along on a level road, he heard, coming behind him,an automobile. The lad turned to one side, but, in spite of this theparty in the car began a serenade of the electric siren, and kept itup, making a wild discord.

  "What's the matter with those fellows!" inquired Tom of himself."Haven't I given them enough of the road, or has their steering gearbroken?"

  He looked back over his shoulder, and it needed but a glance to showthat the car was all right, as regarded the steering apparatus. And itneeded only another glance to disclose the reason for the shrill soundof the siren.

  "Andy Foger!" exclaimed Tom. "I might have known. And Sam and Pete arewith him. Well, if he wants to make me get off the road, he'll findthat I've got as much right as he has!"

  He kept on a straight course, wondering if the red-haired, andsquint-eyed bully would dare try to damage the motor-cycle.

  A little later Andy's car was beside Tom.

  "Why don't you get out of the way," demanded Sam, who could usually bedepended on to aid Andy in all his mean tricks.

  "Because I'm entitled to half the road," retorted our hero.

  "Humph! A slow-moving machine like yours hasn't any right on the road,"sneered Andy, who had slowed down his car somewhat.

  "I haven't, eh?" demanded Tom. "Well, if you'll get down out of thatcar for a few minutes I'll soon show you what my rights are!"

  Now Andy, more than once, had come to personal encounters with Tom,much to the anguish of the bully. He did not relish anotherchastisement, but his mean spirit could not brook interference.

  "Don't you want a race?" he inquired of Tom, in a sneering tone. "I'llgive you a mile start, and beat you! I've got the fastest car built!"

  "You have, eh?" asked Tom, while a grim look came over his face. "Maybeyou'll think differently some day."

  "Aw, he's afraid to race; come on," suggested Pete. "Don't bother withhim, Andy."

  "No, I guess it wouldn't be worth my while," was the reply of thebully, and he threw the second gear into place, and began to move awayfrom the young inventor.

  Tom was just as much pleased to be left alone, but he did not want AndyFoger to think that he could have matters all his own way. Tom'smotor-cycle, since he had made some adjustments to it, was very swift.In fact there were few autos that could beat it. H
e had never tried itagainst Andy's new car, and he was anxious to do so.

  "I wonder if I would stand any chance, racing him?" thought the younginventor, as he saw the car slowly pulling away from him. "I thinkI'll wait until he gets some distance ahead, and then I'll see how nearI can come to him. If I get anywhere near him I'm pretty sure I canpass him. I'll try it."

  When Andy and his cronies looked back, Tom did not appear to be doinganything save moving along at moderate speed on his machine.

  "You don't dare race!" Pete Bailey shouted to him.

  "Wait," was what Tom whispered to himself.

  Andy's car was now some distance ahead. The young inventor waited alittle longer, and then turned more power into his machine. It leapedforward and began to "eat up the road," as Tom expressed it. He hadseen Andy throw in the third gear, but knew that there was a fourthspeed on the bully's car.

  "I don't know whether I can beat him on that or not," thought the laddubiously. "If I try, and fail, they'll laugh at me. But I don't thinkI'm going to fail."

  Faster and faster he rode. He was rapidly overhauling Andy's car now,and, as they heard him approach, the three cronies turned around.

  "He's going to race you, after all, Andy!" cried Sam.

  "You mean he's going to try," sneered Andy. "I'll give him all theracing he wants!"

  In another few seconds Tom was beside the auto, and would have passedit, only Andy opened his throttle a little more. For a moment the autojumped ahead, and then, as our hero turned on still more power, heeasily held his own.

  "Aw, you can never beat us!" yelled Pete.

  "Of course not!" added Sam.

  "I'll leave him behind in a second," prophesied Andy. "Wait until Ithrow in the other gear," he added to his cronies in a low voice. "Hethinks he's going to beat me. I'll let him think so, and then I'llspurt ahead."

  The two machines were now racing along side by side. Andy's car wasgoing the limit on third gear, but he still had the fourth gear inreserve. Tom, too, still had a little margin of speed.

  Suddenly Andy reached forward and yanked on a lever. There was agrinding of cogs as the fourth gear slipped into place, for Andy didnot handle his car skillfully. The effect, however, was at onceapparent. The automobile shot forward.

  "Now where are you, Tom Swift?" cried Sam.

  Tom said nothing. He merely shifted a lever, and got a better spark. Healso turned on a little more gasolene and opened the muffler. Thequickness with which his motor-cycle shot forward almost threw him fromthe saddle, but he had a tight grip on the handle bars. He whizzed pastthe auto, but, as the latter gathered speed, it crept up to him, and,once more was on even terms. Much chagrined at seeing Tom hold pacewith him, even for an instant, Andy shouted:

  "Get over on your own side there! You're crowding me!"

  "I am not!" yelled back Tom, above the explosions of his machine.

  The two were now racing furiously, and Andy, with a savage look, triedto get more speed out of his car. In spite of all the bully did, Tomwas gradually forging ahead. A little hill was now in view.

  "Here's where I make him take my dust!" cried Andy, but, to hissurprise Tom still kept ahead. The auto began to lose ground, for itwas not made to take hills on high gear.

  "Change to third gear quick!" cried Sam.

  Andy tried to do it. There was a hesitancy on the part of his car. Itseemed to balk. Tom, looking back, slowed up a trifle. He could affordto, as Andy was being beaten.

  "Go on! Go on!" begged Pete. "You'll have to keep on fourth gear tobeat him, Andy."

  "That's what!" murmured the bully. Once more he shifted the gears.There was a grinding, smashing sound, and the car lost speed. Then itslowed up still more, and finally stopped. Then it began to back downhill.

  "I've stripped those blamed gears!" exclaimed Andy ruefully.

  "Can't you beat him?" asked Pete.

  "I could have, easily, if my gears hadn't broken," declared the bully,but, as a matter of fact, he could not have done so. "I oughtn't tohave changed, going up hill," he added, as he jammed on the brakes, tostop the car from sliding down the slope.

  Tom saw and heard.

  "I thought you were so anxious to race," he said, exultantly, as wellhe might. "I don't want to try a contest down hill, though, Andy," andhe laughed at the red-haired lad, who was furious.

  "Aw, go on!" was all the retort the squint-eyed one could think of tomake.

  "I am going on," replied our hero. "Just to show you that I can go downhill, watch me."

  He turned his motor-cycle, and approached Andy's stalled car, for Tomwas some distance in advance of it, up the slope by this time. As heapproached the auto, containing the three disconcerted cronies,something bounded out of Tom's pocket. It was the bottle of stoveblacking he had purchased for Mrs. Baggert. The bottle fell in the softdirt in front of his forward wheel, and a curious thing happened.Perhaps you have seen a bicycle or auto tire strike a stone at anangle, and throw it into the air with great force. That was whathappened to the bottle. Tom's front wheel struck the cork, which fittedtightly, and, just as when you hit one end of the wooden "catty" and itbounds up, the bottle described a curve through the air, and flewstraight toward Andy's car. It struck the brass frame of the windshield with a crash.

  The bottle broke, and in an instant the black liquid was spattered allover Andy, Sam and Pete. It could not have been done more effectivelyif Tom had thrown it by hand. All over their clothes, their hands andfaces, and the front of the car went the dreary black. Tom looked on,hardly able to believe what he saw.

  "Wow! Wup! Ug! Blug! Mug!" spluttered Sam, who had some of the stuff inhis mouth.

  "Oh! Oh!" yelled Pete.

  "You did that on purpose, Tom Swift!" shouted Andy, wiping some of theblacking from his left eye. "I'll have you arrested for that! You'veruined my car, and look at my suit!"

  "Mine's worse!" murmured Sam, glancing down at his light trousers,which were of the polka-dot pattern now.

  "No, mine is," insisted Pete, whose white shirt was of the hue of astove pipe.

  Andy wiped some of the black stuff from his nose, whence it wasdropping on the steering wheel.

  "You just wait!" the bully called to Tom. "I'll get even with you forthis!"

  "It was an accident! I didn't mean to do that," explained Tom, tryingnot to laugh, as he dismounted from his motor-cycle, ready to renderwhat assistance he could.

Victor Appleton's Novels
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle; Or, Fun and Adventures on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat; Or, Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasureby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout; Or, The Speediest Car on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His War Tank; Or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Samby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; Or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Landby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; Or, The Hidden City of the Andesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Giant Telescopeby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat; Or, The Rivals of Lake Carlopaby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wireless Message; Or, The Castaways of Earthquake Islandby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seasby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Railsby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the City of Gold; Or, Marvelous Adventures Undergroundby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera; Or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Picturesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Undersea Search; Or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlanticby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Air Scout; Or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Skyby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in Captivity, Or, A Daring Escape By Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Goldby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters; Or, Battling with Flames from the Airby Victor Appleton