Page 13 of Destiny's Daughter

Scott Nelson’s car pulled up as Dawn opened the door to her apartment block. He climbed out, holding a bottle of wine. “Hi honey! I thought you’d just need to chill out and relax tonight.”

  “I do,” she threw her arms around him and hugged him. “My head is swirling and I just cannot think straight.” She kissed him.

  “Well, Dr. Scott’s orders!” He wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked into the lobby. “Just relax and soak in a lovely, hot bubble bath with a bottle of chilled wine, soft music and candles as I massage your back and shoulders.”

  “Sounds divine,” she purred.

  He nibbled her ear as she pressed the elevator call button, then she spun round to embrace and kiss him passionately. In a world of their own, they didn’t notice the main door open or the two elderly women walk in, give them disapproving looks, and “Tut-tut!” at them.

  They shuffled into the elevator kissing and embracing tightly as if their lives depended on the airtight seal between their lips. They only noticed the women when one of them tried to nudge Dawn away from the buttons. Her companion cleared her throat loudly. “Floor three, please, if you can pull yourselves apart long enough to push the buttons.”

  Dawn pulled away in embarrassment but Scott brazenly winked at the women. “Third floor it is then, ladies,” he said cheerfully. Then, he wagged his finger. “But mind that you’re not getting up to no good. We run a respectable establishment here, you know.” He flinched as Dawn poked a finger in his ribs and buried her head in his chest to muffle her giggle.

  After getting out of the elevator, she burst out laughing as the door closed behind them and the women continued up to the next floor. “We’re supposed to be law enforcement officers, not teenage delinquents.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, my little very special agent!” He kissed her, then in his best manic Robin Williams impersonation. “We’re protecting the planet earth from alien marauders so that miserable old bat’s can go round tut-tutting in safety at anyone enjoying themselves.” He pointed a finger and looked sternly, “There’s no need for us to defend the planet. If they abducted those two hags it would scare potential invaders off forever.”

  “Now I will have to apologize to them in the morning,” Dawn pointed out.

  “Don’t bother. Boring old bats!” He nuzzled the nape of her neck as Dawn took the door key from her handbag. He pulled her back tight against him.

  Dawn lost herself in the passion of the moment, and thought about the gentle touch of his hands caressing her back in the bath that was to come. As Dawn slid the key in the lock she gasped, pulled free of his embrace, flung her back to the wall bolt upright, and trembled slightly.

  “My God!” Scott exclaimed in alarm. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes I just need, err,” she looked blankly at him.

  “You looked like you’d just gotten an electric shock.” He reached for her. “Are you alright?

  She brushed his hand away. “I will be fine.”

  “You’ve turned white and so tense. What’s happened?”

  “I just need to be alone,”

  “Let me get you a drink, a coffee or something. You look terrible.”

  “You cannot come in!” Dawn said, panicked.

  He stepped back, shocked. “What just happened to you?”

  “You need to go,” Dawn said, pushing him back from the door. “Just leave me alone, please.”

  “Do you need help?” he asked. “Is something…”

  “Scott, just go! Please do not make me get angry with you.”

  “Well, why the sudden change?”

  “Do not ask,” Dawn begged. “Please just go. I will see you in the morning.”

  Dejected, he turned away and headed for the steps.

  “Scott! I am sorry. I just…” she sighed. “I just need some space.” She reached out.

  He didn’t wait for the good-bye kiss.

Anthony sunderland's Novels