"Children," said Mrs. Pepper, and how her eyes shone! "I've gotsomething very nice to tell you--that is, for Joel and David.Your turn will come sometime, Polly," and Mother Pepper smiledencouragingly at her.

  "Polly's turn never comes," said Ben, gloomily, who feltdreadfully fretted to think he couldn't earn money enough to dosomething nice for her. "We eat it all up as fast as we getpaid," he had once said to his mother.

  "And that's what we have mouths for," she had answered brightly.It never would do for Ben to get discouraged, so she kept allthe little ache in her heart out of sight. Now she beamed at Ben.

  "Oh, Polly's time's coming," she said; "never fear, Ben."

  Ben looked ashamed when he heard Mamsie's hopeful words, andbrightened up at once.

  "Thank you, Ben," she said, going up to his chair to lay herhand on his shoulder. "Mother doesn't know what she'd do if herbig boy failed her. Well now, children, I must hurry and tellyou the good news about Joel and David. Mr. Tisbett has invitedthem to go on the stage to-morrow to Strawberry Hill."

  Once a week Mr. Tisbett ran the stage down to Strawberry Hill,returning by the East District. It was quite the prettiest rideout of Badgertown, following now and then the course of Cherrybrook, and past fertile fields and forests, by a winding,rambling thoroughfare. And when once the settlement of StrawberryHill was reached, there were Green's Tavern and the stop for dinner!

  Joel and David greeted this announcement with howls of delight.Phronsie caught the spirit and danced around the old kitchen ina clean pink calico dress, and cheeks to match.

  "Oh, Phronsie, I don't believe you know what you're dancingfor," cried Ben with a laugh, and seizing her as the bustle dieddown a bit.

  "Yes, I do, Bensie," said Phronsie, struggling to get down todance again.

  "Well, what is it then?"

  "Joel and Davie said 'O-oh' and 'Goody'!" hummed Phronsie,beginning to dance harder than ever.

  "I thought so," laughed Ben.

  "Don't tease her," begged Polly, coming up.

  "Polly, I wish you were going too," said Ben, suddenly, whocouldn't help saying it.

  "Dear me, I couldn't go and leave all the work, Ben," exclaimedPolly, "even if Mr. Tisbett had asked me."

  "Well, I wish you could go, all the same," sighed Ben.

  Polly shook her head, and clapped her hands at Phronsie, andtried to forget what Ben had said. But it stayed there, deep inher heart, nevertheless.

  Joel and David could hardly sleep that night for thinking of thesplendid treat of the morrow. Oh, if it should rain! Theytrembled as they rolled over on their backs and listened for anychance pattering on the roof.

  "It doesn't rain a single drop," declared Joel, rolling over onhis side again, and carrying most of the bedclothes with him.

  "But it may, Joel," said little Davie, fearfully.

  "No, it isn't going to," said Joel, confidently.

  "Mamsie said we were to be good boys," said David, after a pause,in which Joel was lost in the wildest imaginings of sometimedriving Mr. Tisbett's black horses. "Don't you know she did,Joey?" twitching his arm.

  "Well, I'm going to be good. I'm always good," said Joel,jerking away his arm.

  "Oh, Joel," cried little Davie, involuntarily.

  "Well, I'm going to be good to-morrow, anyway," declared Joel."You'll see, Dave; as good as pie."

  "Because Mamsie said she'd trust us," continued David, "and we'dmake trouble for Mr. Tisbett unless we minded him."

  Joel didn't reply, trying to decide whether he should hold thereins both together in one hand or use two, Mr. Tisbettobserving both methods.

  "I guess I'll hold 'em in two hands," he said at last, "'causemost likely he won't let me take the whip at the same time.Ain't I glad I haven't cut the right one any more!" He held itup and squinted at it as well as he could for the darkness.There wasn't even a scar to be seen, thanks to Mother Pepper'sgood care.

  "Boys--boys, go to sleep," called Polly's voice over the stairs."They're so excited," she said, going back to her mother, "abouttomorrow. Mamsie, isn't it good that they're going?" she cried,with shining eyes.

  Mrs. Pepper looked at her keenly. "Yes, 'tis, Polly," sheanswered simply.

  What a time they had getting the boys ready for their unwontedjourney! Joel rebelled at the thorough scrubbing that Pollyinsisted on before he was inducted into his clean clothes.

  "We wash all the time. Mamsie makes us," he grumbled. "Ow, Polly,you're rubbing my ear off."

  "That's only every day," said Polly, who dearly loved to fix upwith extra preparations on important occasions. "And this--why,Joel Pepper, you've never been away on a journey before. Justthink, you're going on a stage-coach clear over to StrawberryHill!"

  "I know it," said Joel, trying to appear as if it were aneveryday affair, while little David turned pale with excitement.

  "Well, now then, I believe you're nice and clean," said Polly,standing off and viewing Joel, red and shiny from her efforts."All except this other ear must be washed a little bit more."

  "Oh, Polly," cried Joel, viewing her soapy cloth in alarm,"you've done it enough. Mamsie," he howled, "Polly's a-washingme just dreadful." But Mother Pepper did not seem to hear, soPolly finished, and then began on Joel's hair.

  This was so much worse an undertaking, that the whole householdwere very glad indeed when it was over.

  "I hope no one will ask you again to go anywhere, Joel," saidBen. "Goodness me, Polly, I sh'd think you'd be all tired outgetting him ready!"

  "Well, he's done now," said Polly, pushing back the damp ringsof hair from her own brow, while she pulled Joel's jacketstraight with the other hand. "Now, Joe, if you go and sit downand don't move, you'll be all nice when Mr. Tisbett comes; andI'll take Davie."

  To little David the whole task of washing and combing his hair,and arranging him in his neatly mended best clothes, was onelong, tremulous delight. He wouldn't have had it omitted for theworld. At last he was patted and brushed, and pronounced "justperfect," Polly sealing her approval by a kiss that she meant forhis forehead, but it fell on the tip of his nose instead.

  "You didn't kiss me," said Joel, in an injured voice.

  "Well, you didn't stand still long enough," retorted Ben,answering for Polly. "Goodness me, Joel, I'd as soon dress aneel as you!"

  "G'lang there! _Whoa!_" And the stagecoach rattled up infine shape.

  "Mr. Tisbett's come! Mr. Tisbett's come!" roared Joel, as ifeverybody couldn't see and hear the stage-driver's hearty tones,to say nothing about the stamping of the horses and the rumbleof the wheels. And darting out, he flew over the grass. "Let mesit up there with you, Mr. Tisbett," he screamed, trying to getup on the wheel.

  "Sho, there! So you may. Give us your hand, Joe, my boy," saidMr. Tisbett, brimming over with good humor, and a warm feelingat heart at making the Peppers so happy, and he put out hisbrawny hand, gave a jerk, and in a minute there was Joel smilingand shouting and waving his hat to David and the othersescorting him down to the roadside.

  "Remember what I told you, Joel," said Mother Pepper, fixing herblack eyes on him.

  "Yes'm," said Joel, nodding his head, "I'll remember, Mammy. I'mgoing to sit next to Mr. Tisbett," he cried, seeing thepreparations to lift Davie up to a seat on the box.

  "Joel," warned his mother.

  "I'm a-goin' to have you up top here, along of me," said Mr.Tisbett, "so's I can look out for you. And I'm a-goin' to tellwhere you'll set, too, Joel. Now, you just hist over there, andlet Davie in betweenst us; he's littler. There you be," as Joelpromptly obeyed and took the outside seat.

  "Good-by, Mammy," shrilled little David, stretching forward tolook past Mr. Tisbett's burly figure, and longing for anotherkiss.

  "Good-by, Davie."

  "Good-by. Good-by, Joel."

  "Crack-snap!" went Mr. Tisbett's whip. Off pranced the twoblack horses, and round went the wheels. He never made such afine start in his life, Mr. Tisbett decided, wh
en suddenly,"Stop! oh, stop!" screamed Joel, and the stage-driver, lookingaround at him, saw his face convulsed with the effort not tocry, as he yelled again, flinging out his hands frantically,"Stop!"


  "Whoa!" cried Mr. Tisbett to the prancing black horses, sosuddenly they nearly sat back on their haunches. "What's thematter of ye, for the land's sakes o' Goshen?"

  "I want to get down," cried Joel, with a frantic lunge. "Let meget down!"

  "Hold on there, or you'll break your neck," roared Mr. Tisbett."What you want to get down for?" and he scratched his head, hishabit when in perplexity.

  "I want to kiss my Mamsie," stammered Joel, and now the tearsbegan to come.

  "Sho!" cried Mr. Tisbett, "so you shall. There. Now then!" Joel,in some way, was lifted up and swung clear of the wheel, when heset out for a run to the little brown house. Mrs. Pepper andPolly and Ben were standing still in the front yard and watchingthem, while Phronsie was making cheeses, holding out her littlepink calico frock to sink slowly in a puff on the grass.

  "Good-by, Mamsie," cried Joel, flinging his arms around her neck,"I'll be good, I truly will."

  "I know you will, Joel," said Mrs. Pepper, drawing him close toher, while she kissed and fondled him to his heart's content.Then he rushed back again. Mr. Tisbett leaned down and gave himhis brawny hand once more, and up he flew. "Crack! snap!" wentthe whip--off pranced the horses--round went the wheels--andaway they all went!

  Joel hung to the railing of the seat against which he leaned,with a blissful feeling that he was rushing through the air, andhe saw nothing but those black horses below him. As for littleDavie, he didn't dare to breathe, but peered out from his placebetween Mr. Tisbett's long, square figure and Joel, seeingnothing, only conscious that everything was perfectly beautiful.

  Mr. Tisbett slackened up after about a mile of this sort ofdriving. He always liked to give a good impression in goingthrough the town. Folks invariably rushed to the windows, andsaid, "The stage is going by," and they never seemed to be tiredof such amusement. So Mr. Tisbett always gratified them to thefullest extent. To-day, as he hadn't many passengers till hecame to the Four Corners, he let the horses go at their utmostspeed, occasionally glancing at the rapt faces of the Pepperboys, when he would roll his quid from one cheek to the other,and smile in great satisfaction.

  "Easy there, now," he said to the black horses, holding them upa bit. "Well now, that's something like, eh, Joel?" And heleaned over to see Joel's face.

  Joel was slow in finding his tongue. At last he answered, "Yes,sir," but continued to stare at the horses.

  "I guess this ere boy likes it, if you don't," exclaimed Mr.Tisbett, somewhat disappointed at Joel's lack of appreciation,and peering down at Davie. "Eh, David?"

  "I think it's just like Heaven," said little David, with along-drawn sigh of bliss.

  "That's a fact," cried Mr. Tisbett, well pleased. "And so youliked it?"

  "I loved it, Mr. Tisbett," declared David, solemnly.

  "And you've said it about right," declared Mr. Tisbett, thesmile dropping away from his jolly face, but the satisfactionremaining. "And I love them two horses's if they was folks.Fact!" And Mr. Tisbett slapped the toe of his big boot with hiswhip. "Now Jerry's a trifle the smartest, and--"

  "No! No!" howled Joe, in protest, and leaning clear over Davidso abruptly that the stage-driver started and involuntarilypulled up his horses smartly. "I like Bill the best."

  "Hey--sho, now!" exclaimed Mr. Tisbett, relaxing his tight gripon the reins. "You've waked up, have ye? Well, you set back andhang on to that there railing, or you'll break your neck. Thenwhat would your Ma say to me? and I shouldn't never take youagain."

  "Mr. Tisbett," said little Davie, deliberately, "I like Jerrythe best, too. I do."

  "No, you don't," screamed Joel, with a nudge in Davie's side,"Bill's the best. Say so, Dave."

  "I can't," said little David, quite decidedly, "'cause I thinkjust as Mr. Tisbett does."

  "They're both good; good as gold," Mr. Tisbett here made hasteto say. "An' sometimes I think one's better'n t'other, an' thenagain I don't know. So, boys, the only way to fix it up straightis to like 'em both best. Well, we're comin' to my firstpassenger," and the stage-driver chirked up the horses. "Nowstep lively there." And presently the turn of the road brought themto a white house with green blinds and a big piazza across oneend.

  There was a tall woman walking up and down in front of the house,and by the roadside a great collection of boxes, and a hugecarpet bag, two baskets, and a bird-cage.

  "Beats all how women act," exclaimed Mr. Tisbett, in vexation."Why can't she set in th' house and wait for me? I ain't neverbeen late. Now I s'pose she'll take my head off."

  David glanced up in terror at Mr. Tisbett's shaggy head underthe big straw hat, and then at the tall woman who was to take itoff. "Joel," he whispered, "we mustn't let her." But Joel had noears for anything that Davie might say, but was occupied inseeing the stage-driver flourish up to meet the passenger.

  "Good mornin', Miss Beaseley," said Mr. Tisbett, in hispleasantest way, springing over the wheel the moment the horsesstopped.

  "I've been a-waitin' here," said Mrs. Beaseley, tartly, "thelongest time. I thought you never'd come."

  "'Twould 'a' been a sight easier to 'a' waited in th' house,"observed Mr. Tisbett, composedly, proceeding to pack the arrayof boxes and bags in the coach, "bein's I warn't schedooled toreach here till quarter past seven. And it's just three minutes tothat time now, Marm." He stopped to pull out an immense silverwatch, the only thing that could draw Joel's attention from theblack horses. Now he stared at it until it disappeared again inMr. Tisbett's waistcoat pocket.

  "Well, you needn't waste the time now," said Mrs. Beaseley, inasperity. "I'm sure there's little enough left. Put that carpetbag in careful, Mr. Tisbett; it's got some cups and sassers inI'm a-takin' to my daughter in Strawberry Hill."

  "All right, Marm," said Mr. Tisbett, setting the carpet bag,that seemed in danger of bursting, so full was it packed, on oneof the seats. "I hain't never broke any o' my passengers'belongings yet, and I'm too old to begin to-day." To which Mrs.Beaseley deigned no reply, only to say, "You put 'em all in, andI'll get in last."

  So Mr. Tisbett put in the bandbox and a smaller box, and one twoor three sizes larger, and the rest of the bags and the twobaskets, and a bundle. Then he picked up the birdcage.

  "You let that be!" screamed Mrs. Beaseley. "I'm a-goin' to takethat in my hand; you'll scare that bird to death."

  "You get in and set down, and I'll hand it in to you," said Mr.Tisbett. "I ain't a-goin' to scare your bird. I've seen 'embefore, and handled 'em, too, for that matter."

  "I shan't set foot in that stage till all my things is in, andpacked to suit me," declared Mrs. Beaseley, positively. "Yougimme the bird;" with that she seized the bird-cage, and holdingit well before her, she stepped up the first step. The nextminute she was precipitated on the floor of the stage, with thebirdcage under her. When she was helped up, and the bird-cagewas set on the seat opposite, Mr. Tisbett slammed to the stagedoor quickly, and hopped nimbly to the box, leaving herstraightening her bonnet. All the while she was giving vent to atorrent of abuse because the stage-coach steps were too high,the bird screaming and fluttering wildly in fright.

  "Didn't I tell you she'd take my head off?" said Mr. Tisbett,with a sly wink at the boys, and a little chuckle as he resumedthe reins and they started off.

  Little David drew a long breath of relief, and gazed again atthe shaggy head under the old straw hat. "It isn't off, Mr.Tisbett," he said, "and I'm so glad."

  "Hey?" exclaimed Mr. Tisbett, staring at him. "What's the boymean? Oh,--my soul an'--body!" And he slapped his thigh with hisbrawny hand, and burst out into a hearty laugh that seemed toecho on every side, as the stage-coach spun along.

  "I sh'd think you'd laugh," exclaimed Mrs. Beaseley, inwithering scorn, inside the vehicle, "when I've smashed my bestbonnet, and shook that bird to dea
th--like enough he'll die--andtromped all up the front breadth to my dress." But as there wasno one to hear her, and Mr. Tisbett still laughed on, seemingunable to stop himself, the stage-coach contributed a very merryspectacle to those privileged to see it, as they bowled along tothe next passenger for Strawberry Hill.

  "So you thought she'd really took my head off, did ye?" asked Mr.Tisbett at last, and mopping his face with his bandanna. "O dearme! Hee-hee-hee!"

  "You said she was going to, Mr. Tisbett," said little David,gravely.

  "So I did. I see I must be careful what I say, after this. Well,David, she'd like to 'a' took my head off, an' would, if she'dhad her way."

  "O dear!" exclaimed little David, greatly shocked.

  "But she hain't, yer see," finished Mr. Tisbett, cheerfully,"it's on, an' set stiddy. Sho, now, easy there, Bill and Jerry!We must stop for Mr. Filbert."

  The next passenger was a thin, wiry little man, who seemed tobeg pardon constantly for being in somebody's way. And after Mr.Tisbett had slung his hair trunk on the rack, Mr. Filbertstepped gently into the stage-coach. "Excuse me, Marm," he saidto the woman. "Did I step on your toes?"

  "You hain't hurt me none," said Mrs. Beaseley, "and you hain'tteched my toes. Goodness me, after the treatment I've had, an'th' sass I've took, I guess I won't complain."

  The little wiry man sank into the furthest corner and pulled outfrom his pocket a newspaper, which he tried to read. But Mrs.Beaseley, beginning on the statement of what she had sufferedwaiting for Mr. Tisbett, and every minute since the journey wasbegun, Mr. Filbert never got more than ten lines down the firstpage.

  At last, after picking up a little girl, and a boy who spent histime in thrusting out his head from the swinging vehicle tostare enviously up at Joel, the stage-coach rattled in finefashion, bringing everybody to the doors and windows, intoStrawberry Hill, and pulled up at the tavern. Here all thepassengers got down; Mrs. Beaseley insisting that she ought topay but half price, considering all things, and with very blacklooks, when Mr. Tisbett coolly waited till every cent was in hispalm. The little thin man skipped nimbly out of the coach, and,with a backward alarmed look at her, hurried to get into a wagonwaiting a little distance off, in which Mr. Tisbett depositedthe hair trunk.

  "Say, how'd you get up there?" asked the boy, tumbling out ofthe coach to stare up at Joel. The small girl, who was going tospend Sunday at her grandmother's, got out with dignity,carrying her best clothes in a bundle. She stopped a minute tohear what Joel said.

  "I stepped up," said Joel; "how'd you s'pose?"

  "How'd he let you?" persisted the boy, pointing with a dingythumb to the stage-driver. "He never let me."

  '"Cause he did," said Joel, curtly, "that's the reason."

  "Oh!" said the boy, and Mr. Tisbett coming back, he moved off.But he still continued to watch.

  "Now, says I, we'll hop down," cried Mr. Tisbett, which Joelproceeded to do in a trice, glad enough to stretch his legs."Here, David, give us your hand." And the stage-driver soon hadlittle David on the ground. "Now, Bill and Jerry, it's yourturn." And very soon Mr. Tisbett was busy in unbuckling strapsand tackling, to release the big horses, Joel in a wild delightgetting dreadfully in the way, and being, as he thought, animmense help. Little David stood off and watched the proceeding,longing to help too, but too timid to say so. The other boyrushed up. "Oh, let me help!" he cried, thrusting a tousled headin between the two busy with the harness.

  The stage-driver shot him a keen look. "It will be time enoughfor you to help in this ere job, Jim," he said, "when I ask you."So Jim slunk off, to stare at a distance again. And at last thehorses were led off to the big barn to get their dinner of oatsand hay, and then Mr. Tisbett drew Joel and David away.

  But this was a hard task, for Joel hung over Bill and Jerry indelight, watching every mouthful. "Can't I climb up on his backand sit there while he eats?" he begged, pointing at Bill, whileeven little David much preferred the old barn with its sweetodor, and the big haymows, to any other place.

  "No, you can't," said Mr. Tisbett, answering Joel. "And youain't a-goin' to be in this barn. I can't leave you here alone.Your Ma wouldn't like it. And besides, you've got to havesomethin' to eat. I always get my dinner here. So come along;you're my company to-day, an' I told Mrs. Pepper not to put youup anything to eat."

  Strangely enough, at the mention of dinner, Joel still clung tothe hope of remaining with the horses. Seeing which, the stage-driverwasted no more words, but picked an end of his jacket in his fingersand bore him off. Once within the cosey little dining room, withthe green paper shades flapping in the summer breeze, and seatedat the table with the tavern-keeper's wife bustling around to layon the hot dishes, Joel thought differently, and had a hard timeto keep his tongue still. Little Davie watched everything silently,with wide-open blue eyes.

  "I'm goin' to hev ham an' eggs," said Mr. Tisbett. "Fried onboth sides, Mrs. Green, an' plenty of 'em."

  "All right," said the tavern-keeper's wife, with a smile for thejolly stage-driver who always made it pleasant for them all whenhe took his dinner there once a week. "Now, what's these boysgoin' to have?"

  "As good a dinner as you've got in the house, Mrs. Green," saidMr. Tisbett, heartily; "these are the little Pepperses, and theylive over to Badgertown, Marm." He said this with an air much ashe might have announced, "This is the Lord Mayor of London," ifhe had been called upon to introduce that functionary.

  "Oh!" exclaimed Mrs. Green, much impressed, "I'll do my best.Well now, I've got boiled dinner an' a raspb'ry shortcake. Doyou think they'd like that?" She appealed to the stage-driver.

  "Yes sir-_ree_!" cried Joel, smacking his lips; "we don'thave anything but potatoes and salt for our dinner. Oh, David!"he seized little Davie's arm tightly, "raspberry shortcake, shesaid; that's what Polly was telling about she hoped we couldhave sometime."