Ben came in and hung his cap up on its peg behind the door.Polly didn't see his face, for she was tying on Phronsie'seating apron, and Mother Pepper was in the pantry, else some onewould have discovered that he was strangely excited.

  "Come," said Polly, "we can't wait any longer for those boys.Can we, Mamsie?" she called.

  "No, we better sit down," said Mrs. Pepper, coming out with aplate in her hand. "I'm sorry they're late, for I've got asurprise for you all to-night." She set the plate on the table,and her black eyes sparkled. "Now, then, see that!"

  "Ooh!" cried Polly, her brown eyes very wide, while Phronsiestopped climbing into her chair to precipitate herself into themidst of the group. "See, Ben! See!" exclaimed Polly, "it'swhite cake with real frosting on top. Oh, Mammy, where did youget it?"

  Ben looked at the six big slices lying across the plate, but hedidn't seem to see them. However, Polly didn't notice, for shewas dancing around the table with Phronsie, to see which sidethe cake looked the best.

  "White on top--real white on top!" sang Phronsie, beating herlittle hands together.

  "I know it," cried Polly, almost as much excited. "Oh, how Iwish those two boys were here! Mamsie, where _did_ you getit? from dear Mrs. Henderson, I s'pose."

  "No, guess again," said Mrs. Pepper, cheerily. Then she lookedat Ben steadily out of her black eyes. "I was going past MissBarber's, and she knocked on the window, and when I stopped sheran out, and gave it to me all done up. 'I've been watching foryou,' she said, 'for I knew you were helping at Deacon Brown'sto-day. We had comp'ny last night, and I want you to have someof sister's cake. She's had real good luck.' So that's all thestory about the cake, Polly." Mother Pepper still looked at Ben,though she spoke as cheerily as ever.

  "I'm so glad Miss Barber did have company last night," saidPolly, her mouth watering for the taste of "sister's cake."

  "I want a piece," said Phronsie, stopping her dance suddenly,to hold out both hands.

  "Oh, no, Phronsie," said Polly, with a little laugh, "you musteat your bread first. Folks don't ever eat cake first."

  "Don't they?" asked Phronsie.

  "No, indeed; there, hop up into your chair." Polly flew into herown. "Why don't those boys come?" she cried in a vexed littleway.

  "It won't make them come any quicker to fret over it," observedMother Pepper, composedly, and getting into her chair. "Come,Ben, sit down, and we'll begin."

  So the grace was said, and the bread was passed. "Oh, Ben!"exclaimed Polly, in dismay, "you didn't wash your hands!" as hewas going to take a piece.

  "I forgot it," said Ben, looking down at them. Then he got outof his chair and went out into the woodshed, where a tin basinand a towel and soap were always ready, for Mother Pepper saidthey might be poor, and that they couldn't help, but they couldkeep clean and nice.

  Polly nibbled at her dry bread, but she couldn't keep her eyesoff the cake, and Phronsie bit little pieces all around the edgeof her slice. Then she laid it down. "Now I'm ready for thecake," she said, holding out both hands again. "Please give itto me, Mammy."

  "Oh, no, Phronsie," said Mrs. Pepper, shaking her head, "Mothercan't give it to you till you've eaten all your slice. Besides,you must wait till Polly is through, and I will pass it to herfirst."

  "I don't want any more bread, Mammy dear," said Phronsie,gravely.

  "You must eat it," said Mrs. Pepper, firmly.

  "See, Phronsie, mine's going fast," cried Polly, with anotherbite that rapidly diminished her slice. "Oh, you can't think howsoon it will be gone, if you begin to eat." And Polly munchedaway determinedly, but she kept looking at the cake. Ben came in,and slid into his chair, and took a piece of bread.

  "Why don't those boys--" began Polly. "Oh, I forgot, Mamsie,"with a little laugh, and the door opened, and in burst Joel andDavid with very red faces, and talking at once.

  "Oh, it's comin'!"

  "Over at Hillsbury--"

  "Horses and--"


  "And a big elephant and--"

  "A band--" this from Joel, who screamed it above Davie's fainttreble.

  "And a bear, and a hippi--hoppi--"

  Polly dropped her bread-slice in astonishment, and Mrs. Peppersat quite straight in her chair. Phronsie had just concluded totry again and do like Polly, so she sat quite still and stared,with her bread halfway to her mouth. Ben's head drooped over hisplate, and he pushed his bread in rapidly, nearly chokinghimself.

  "Boys," said Mrs. Pepper, "don't both talk together. Joel, youmay begin, because you are the oldest." But it was impossible tostop them, as they rushed up to her and threw their arms aroundher.

  "Oh, Mammy," cried little Davie, his cheeks aflame, "you can'tthink--there's monkeys!"

  At that Phronsie gave a little squeal, and before Polly couldstop her, she slipped out of her chair and plunged over to hermother. "Oh, Mammy, I want a monkey, I do."

  "And bears--and horses," shouted Joel, winding both arms aroundMother Pepper's neck.

  "Whatever in all this world!" exclaimed Mrs. Pepper, lookingover their heads. Then her eyes fell on Ben. "Do you knowanything of all this?" she asked.

  "Yes'm," said Ben, his head dropping lower yet, while Joel andDavid howled on, and Phronsie screamed to be taken up in hermother's lap, and that she wanted a monkey too. Polly sat as ifparalyzed.

  "What is it?" asked Mrs. Pepper.

  "The circus," said Ben, slowly, "coming over to Hillsbury."

  Polly sprang from her chair, upsetting it, and plunged over toMrs. Pepper. "Oh, Mamsie!" she screamed, as loud as the others,"the circus! the circus! Oh, oh! Can't we go? We must!"

  Poor Mrs. Pepper sank back in her chair, with the four littlePeppers swarming all around her, and all pleading together, tillthe kitchen seemed fairly to ring with the noise.

  "We can't, Polly," said Ben, hoarsely. "You know we can't. AndJoel and David ought not to have told."

  Polly turned a deaf ear, and kept on, "Oh, Mamsie, we've neverseen one, 'cept the pictures. We must go!" On hearing this fromPolly, Joel and David made as much worse clamor as was possible,drowning Phronsie's voice.

  "Aren't you ashamed, Polly!" cried Ben over at her. "You know wecan't go, so what's the use?"

  "We can go," cried Polly, passionately, back at him, "ifMamsie'll only say so. We've never seen one, and we _must_go."

  "Now, children," said Mother Pepper, in a firm voice that roseabove the din, "stop, every one of you, at once, and go and sitdown."

  When Mamsie spoke like that, the five little Peppers always knewthat she meant to be obeyed, so they drew off from her andtumbled into their chairs; all but Phronsie. "I'll take you intomy lap," said Mother Pepper, so Phronsie snuggled, well-contented,in her usual nest, and folded her small hands.

  "Now, then," said Mrs. Pepper, "as it is quiet enough so I canthink, I'll hear the story. Ben, you may begin."

  "Oh, let me--let me, Mamsie," begged Joel. "You said I might,'cause I'm the oldest."

  "That was because it was between you and David to tell it, andyou didn't take the chance," said Mother Pepper, coolly. "NowBen must do it."

  "Why, there's a big yellow paper down to the store," began Ben,slowly, and trying to make it as short as possible, "and--"

  "It's got pictures of all the horses," interrupted Joel,springing up from his seat, his black eyes dancing, "and--"

  "Joel, sit down," said Mrs. Pepper, sternly, "and don'tinterrupt. Go on, Ben."

  Joel dropped, as if shot, back into his chair.

  "And it's comin' to Hillsbury next week Wednesday," went on Ben,unwillingly, "and that's all, Mamsie. Only Joe and Davidshouldn't a-told."

  "Tisn't all," declared Polly, defiantly, with very red cheeks;"we must go! We've never seen a circus, and now it's goin' to bein Hillsbury, we _must_ go!" She seemed unable to stop herself. Benstared at her in amazement.

  "Must is a hard word to use, Polly," said Mother Pepper, dryly.

  "I mean you'll le
t us, I 'most know," mumbled Polly, her cheeksturning scarlet, and twisting her hands together. "Won't you,Mamsie?"

  "Won't you, Mamsie?" piped Phronsie, poking her head up like alittle bird out of her nest, to look into Mother Pepper's face.

  "How much does it cost, Ben?" asked Mrs. Pepper, smiling down ather baby, but not answering.

  "Fifteen cents for any one over twelve, and ten cents for boysand girls under twelve," said Ben.

  "Um, that would be one fifteen cents for you, and ten cents forPolly and Joel, and--"

  "Why, you must go, Mamsie," cried Polly; "we shouldn't any of uswant to go without you, should we, Ben?"

  "No, indeed," said Ben. "But we ain't any of us going, Polly,"he finished.

  At this there was another howl, breaking out from the two boys.Polly turned quite pale, but said nothing.

  "Be quiet, Joel and David," said Mrs. Pepper, turning her blackeyes on them. "No, children, if I could let you go at all, Ishould trust you with such a boy as Ben, and such a girl asPolly, to look after you." Polly raised her head, that haddrooped at her mother's reproof, and Ben sat quite straight inhis chair. "But I don't see as it's right for me to let you go."There was a sign of another outbreak, but something in Mamsie'seyes stopped it halfway.

  "In the first place, it's five miles to Hillsbury," said Mrs.Pepper, slowly, as if trying to put off the final decision aslong as possible; "and you younger children couldn't walk it."

  "I could, Mamsie," declared Joel, springing up again.

  "Sit down, Joel; well, Davie couldn't. I shouldn't be willingfor him to try, and walk clear back. And Phronsie--" Mrs. Pepperlooked down at Phronsie's yellow head, and smiled. It wasn'tnecessary for her to say a word. "Mr. Tisbett'll be goin' over,"said little Davie, hopefully, "an' he can take us."

  "And that would cost money," said Mrs. Pepper.

  "Somebody will let us sit in behind," said Joel, confidently;"there'll be lots of wagons goin'."

  "And ever so many people going in them," added Mrs. Pepper. "No,my children shan't ever be a burden to other folks," and shelifted her head proudly. "Polly, run into the bedroom and getthe stocking-leg." The stocking-leg, in the upper drawer of thebig bureau that belonged to Father Pepper's mother, always heldthe stray quarters and half dollars laid up for a nest-eggagainst a rainy day. Polly jumped out of her chair, glad to havesomething to do, and ran into the bedroom.

  "I sh'd have screamed if I'd sat there another minute longer,"she said, leaning up against the bureau. "O dear me! We_must_--I mean, what shall we do if we can't go? I guessMamsie will let us go." And she pulled open the upper drawer,took out the stocking-leg, and ran back to put it in Mrs.Pepper's hand.

  Mrs. Pepper slowly untied the red flannel string and shook outthe contents on the table, the eyes of all five little Peppersriveted on them. There were six silver quarters, three halves,two ten-cent pieces, and eight pennies.

  "Three dollars and twenty-eight cents," said Mrs. Pepper, slowly,as she set the pieces in a row. No one dared to speak, exceptJoel. "What a lot!" he cried joyfully; "now we can go, Mammy,can't we? Oh, whickets!" and he clapped David on the back.

  "Children," said Mrs. Pepper, and her eyes swept the wholecircle around the table, but they rested on Polly's face, "therewon't anything pay very well, circus or anything else, if we gowhen we hadn't ought to. We haven't got a debt, thank the Lord,but that money--" she pointed to the row--"is all that keeps usfrom it."

  It was impossible for Joel not to see by Polly's and Ben's faces,more than by what Mrs. Pepper had said, that they were notreally to go, and he flung himself out of the chair and facedownward on the floor, breaking into heartrending sobs, littleDavie at once joining him. Polly got out of her seat and hurriedover to them on unsteady feet. "Boys," she said in a brokenlittle voice, "don't cry so. You make Mamsie feel badly. Look ather face." But they didn't hear her.

  "Boys,"--she got down close to them and put her mouth to Joel'sear,--"you are making Mamsie sick," she said; "just look at herface." At the word "sick," Joel stopped screaming, and bobbed uphis head to take a good look at Mrs. Pepper. "Mamsie, don't besick," he screamed, now thoroughly frightened. And jumping up,he ran to throw his arms around her, and hug her tightly.

  "Mother won't be sick as long as she's got such good children asshe has," cried Mother Pepper, putting her arms around Joel, todraw him close to her. But her lips were very white.

  "Now, boys," said Ben, "I sh'd think you were two big babies,you act so. Joel's most a man, he's so big."

  "I'm big, too, Ben," said David, getting up from the floor andwiping off the tears with the back of a grimy hand. "I'm most astall as Joel is," and he stood very straight.

  "Hoh! he isn't either," contradicted Joel, turning his roundface, all tear-stained and streaky. "Now just look here, Ben,"and he sprang out from Mother Pepper's arms and rushed up toDavid's side. "There, sir!"

  "Well, you are both of you big enough to act better," said Ben,coolly. "Come on, now, to supper."

  "You're standing on your tiptoes," cried little David, gettingdown on the floor by Joel to investigate. "Isn't he, Polly? Comeand see."

  "I'm not either," cried Joel, flatly; "hear my heels." And heslapped them down on the floor smartly. "Children, don'tquarrel," said Polly, finding her voice, "and come to supper. Idon't b'lieve you know what we've got."

  "What?" asked Joel, indifferently, feeling quite sure of the drybread and possible molasses.

  "Come and see," called Polly, trying to speak gayly.

  "I see," piped David, craning his neck. Since he couldn't be astall as Joel, it was well to turn his attention to other matters."_Cake!_"

  "Yes," said Phronsie, poking her head up again to shake it verygravely, "it's cake. And please may I have some, Mammy?" holdingout her hand.

  "So you shall," said her mother; "dear knows, I can't expect youto wait any longer for it. Polly, give her a good piece."

  When Joel saw Polly handing out cake with white frosting on top,his black eyes stuck out, and he rushed without delay for hisseat, teasing for a piece at once. But on Polly's assuring himthat the bread must be eaten first, he began at once on theslice she cut for him. And being really very hungry, now thatthey had time to think about it, the two boys soon had theirportions eaten, nobody discovering, in the excitement, that thelittle hands were grimy, until Phronsie spoke. "See Joey's hands,Polly," and then everybody looked.

  "My!" exclaimed Polly, quite herself, now. "I never saw suchhands, Joel Pepper! Go right away and wash 'em as soon as everyou can."

  "Smutty hands and cake!" exclaimed Mother Pepper.

  Joel was so busy cramming the cake into his mouth that he didn'thalf hear. "I'm most through," he mumbled.

  "Lay down your cake, and go and wash your face and hands at once,Joel," commanded Mrs. Pepper.

  "Dave'll eat it," said Joel, his mouth half full.

  "Oh, no, I won't," said little David, "and I'm going too, towash mine." So he laid his cake-slice on his plate, and ran intothe woodshed.

  "You had a bigger piece than mine," said Joel, getting the tinbasin first, and filling it at the pump.

  "No, I didn't," said David; "they were just alike."

  "Well, it's bigger now," said Joel, bringing the basin to setit on the wood bench and thrust his face in. Then he splashedhis hands, and gave them a hasty wipe on the long brown towelhanging from the rack. "Anyway, it's bigger now. There, I'm done,and you ought to give me a bite of yours."

  Little David gave a sigh. "Well, you may have just one," he saidslowly. Then he threw out the water from the basin, andcarefully filled it again, while Joel dashed back gleefully intothe kitchen.

  "Joel, what are you doing, biting Davie's cake!" exclaimed Polly,a minute afterward, and looking across the table while shesnipped off a little piece of the white frosting from her slice,wishing the whole world was made of cake with white on top, andwondering how long she could make hers last.

  "Dave said I might," said Joel, with a very red face, and onecheek very much pu
ffed out, while he turned David's slice overso that it didn't show where the big bite had been taken off.But his face grew quite red, and he didn't look in her browneyes.

  "For shame, Joe!" cried Ben at him, in a way that made MotherPepper look around. She hadn't heard Polly. Down went Joe underthe table, and in a minute or two David hurried in.

  Nobody said a word. David picked up his cake, and his face fellas he saw the big hole. But he said nothing, and fell tonibbling.

  "I'd give some back, but mine's et up," said Joel, miserably,under the table.

  "It's too bad, David," said Polly; "here now, you may have someof mine," and she broke off a generous bit.

  "I told him he might have a bite," meekly said David, who nevercould bear to have Joel blamed. "I wanted him to have it," headded cheerfully.

  "O dear-dear-dear," boohooed Joel.

  Davie dropped his cake in a worried way.

  "Don't, Joey," he said, leaning over to look at him.

  "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," blubbered Joel. "O dear me!"

  David, unable to bear it any longer, slipped out of his chair,and crept under the table to comfort Joel. But it wasn't tillPolly said, "Come, Joey," that he would show his face. Then hetwisted his knuckles into his eyes, and hung his head.

  Mother Pepper said never a word, only held out her arms, andJoel walked straight into them, bursting into the loud sob hehad held back so long; and then she took his hand and led himinto the bedroom, and the rest of the children sat still andvery uncomfortable, and Davie wouldn't look at his cake. Whenthey came out again, Joel marched straight to David, and said,"You may have my knife."

  Joel's knife, with the tip of one blade broken, and the otherall gone, was his dearest treasure.

  It had been given to him by Deacon Brown, and its possession hadmade him very proud and boastful. It was the one thing Davielonged for, above all others.

  "Oh, no, Joe, not your knife!" he cried, aghast, and shrinkingback.

  "Yes, you may have it," said Joel, decidedly, and running outinto the entry to hurry into the woodshed to the wooden boxwhere he kept his treasures.

  "Yes, Davie, I would take it," said Mrs. Pepper. "Joel feelsvery sorry he's taken any of your cake, and he'd rather you hadthe knife."

  "But it's Joel's knife," said Davie, "and he loves it."

  "Not so much as he does to grow up a good boy," said MotherPepper, proudly, as Joel came running in and laid the knife onthe table in front of David. "It's yours, and I'm sorry I etyour cake," he said in one burst.

  Polly hopped out of her seat, and ran around the table to takeJoel's black stubby head in her two hands. "Oh, Joel! I'm soglad!" she cried, in a happy little gust.

  "Good for you, Joe!" cried Ben, approvingly.

  "Pooh!" exclaimed Joel, twisting off, his face getting redderand redder. "Mamsie, stop 'em--do;" yet he liked it very much.

  "Oh, Ben," cried Polly, after the last scrap of the wonderfulcake had disappeared, the dishes were cleared away, and Phronsieput to bed, and everything was spick-span once more, "I've justthought of something perfectly splendid!"

  "What is it?" cried Joel, who, despite all his efforts, was justbeginning to think of the circus again. "Do tell, Polly! Nowyou're goin' to whisper with Ben, and you won't tell us."

  "No, I shan't--and yes, I will," said Polly, all in the same breath."It's this, Mamsie. Mayn't we have a little play out in theorchard next Wednesday, and can't Joel and David sit up a littlelonger to-night to talk it over? I've just thought of somethingsplendid to act."

  "Oh, may we, may we?" cried the two boys, in a tumult.

  "Instead of the circus," Polly's brown eyes were saying. "Do,Mammy."

  "Yes, you may," said Mrs. Pepper, indulgently, "sit up half anhour longer."

  "We've had a cake to-night, and now Mamsie's going to let youtwo boys sit up. I think nobody ever had such a perfectlybeautiful time," declared Polly, as they dragged their chairsaround the table again, and Mamsie got out her big mendingbasket, "did you, Ben Pepper?"

  "No, I never did, Polly," said Ben, happy in seeing her facebright and rosy once more, with the little smiles running allover it.

  "Now begin," cried Joel, drumming impatiently on the table;"what's the play to be, Polly? I'm going to be a bear," heannounced.

  "Oh, Joel, you were a bear last time," said Polly, with alittle frown between her eyebrows.

  "I don't care, I'm going to be a bear," repeated Joel,obstinately.

  "See here, now, Polly makes this play, and you've got to be justwhat she says," said Ben.

  "I'm so tired making plays with bears in 'em," said Polly,pushing off the little rings of brown hair with an impatienthand. Then she caught her mother's eye. "Never mind, Joey," shesaid with a gay little laugh, "I'll make the bear."

  "Yes, you must be tired," declared Ben. "Joe, you oughtn't totease Polly so. It's bad enough to have to make the plays, Ithink."

  "Oh, I don't care," laughed Polly. "Well, now here's the play.You see, we want something quite fine and extra," and she lookedat Ben meaningly. He nodded, so she rushed ahead, well pleased."Well, the name is Mr. Primrose and his Cat."

  "And the bear," shouted Joel. "And I know what I'm going to do,Polly, I'm going to eat the cat up."

  "Oh, no, you mustn't, Joe," said Polly, "for the cat is going tobe Phronsie. Now you must be good and not scare her."

  "I'll tell her I'm nothing but Joel, and I ain't a bear," saidJoel.

  "Hush about your old bear, Joe," said Ben. "Polly can't get onat all if you don't keep still."

  "I'll fix it, Joey," said Polly, kindly, "so you can be a bear,only you must promise not to roar too much and scare Phronsie."

  "I won't scare her a single bit, Polly," promised Joel, eagerly.

  So then Joel and his bear being settled, Polly launched forth onthe wonderful play, and Mother Pepper glanced up now and thenfrom her mending, and a smile began to come on the face that hadbeen soberly bent on her work.

  "Poor things!" she said to herself. "And bless 'em, for thecomforts they are!" But she sighed as she glanced around thebare old kitchen.