Page 49 of Born of Legend

  Jullien had them locked out. Nothing could launch.

  "I'm going to kill him." Ushara grabbed her link and immediately hailed her husband.

  Instead of answering, she got a prerecorded message.

  "I know you'll be mad. I would annihilate me in your place. But I'm to blame for this, and I can't sit by and let them kill your brother to get back at me when he's innocent in this. You won't grieve any less for Axl than you would for me. And this way, no one else in your family will be hurt, except for Vasili. For that alone, I am eternally sorry. You know I wouldn't hurt the two of you for anything if I could find any other solution. But this is the best one I can think of. Tell Vas that I love him. That I'll always love him. That I'm depending on him to take care of you and the girls for me. There's no one else I would trust with your safety. I love you, Shara. Please understand and forgive me. This really is the only way to make things right."

  Thraix let out an explosive curse as he blasted the ship's control panel with fire. His eyes turned a bright orange as he faced Trajen. "You feel that?"

  Trajen's curse matched Thraix's. "I don't have a single League contact. Not one. Do you?"

  "Ryn does. We can have Jory call--"

  "We can't use him. Are you out of your mind?"


  Trajen passed a sick look to Ushara. "Jullien's brother. The minute Ryn Cruel sees Jullien's face or name, he's not going to lift a finger to help. He'd kill Jullien himself, for the bounty, and laugh while he did it."

  Ushara scowled. "What are you two talking about?"

  Trajen sighed. "Jullien isn't trying to reach your brother, Shara. He's got The League coming after him. He's already contacted them and offered to give himself up if they agree to leave off their pursuit of Axl."

  No ... Horrified that he'd dare do such, she immediately tried to hail Jullien again.

  When he didn't answer, she left a message. "Jullien ... Listen to me and listen well. I will not forgive you for this ... Do you hear me? You are not to surrender to them. Not for any reason. You better get your lumbering Andarion ass home to me, or so help me, gods, I'm going to find my way down to Tophet and kick your ass every step of the way home. I mean it!"

  Her voice broke on tears. "Don't do this to me," she repeated. "Please. For the love of the gods. I love you, too. And I need you home with me. Don't make me have to raise our daughters alone. They need their paka. Please don't make me break Vasili's heart. And don't break mine. You promised."

  But as minutes went by and the line stayed silent, she knew it was too late.

  He was gone, and he wasn't coming back.


  "Honey, you have to stop crying. It's not good for the babies."

  But Ushara couldn't stop. It'd been six weeks since Jullien vanished. Six weeks without a single word of his fate.

  And now ...

  She looked down at the image of her babies that the doctor had just handed her during her checkup and today's date, and cried harder.

  Her mother sighed as they left the doctor's office. "C'mon, mia. Let's get Vas, and you two can spend the night at my house."

  Ushara was so distraught, she could barely walk. By the time they reached her home, she was hiccupping and incapable of speech. Thankfully, her mother had her own access to the door--otherwise, Ushara would have never been able to open it.

  But as they walked inside, the scent of something warm and delicious hit her. The shock of the aroma interrupted her crying jag.

  As did the sound of deep laughter coming from Vas's bedroom. What the hell?

  Confused and concerned, she rushed down the hall to see what was going on with her son, who'd been moping around even worse than she since Jullien had gone AWOL.

  She drew up short at the nursery door where someone had painted the Gorturnum screaming skull logo in pink to match the one Jullien had drawn on Vasili's room. Only where Vas's had VASILI THE BRAVE AND TERRIBLE, this one had VLADMIRA AND VIVEKA THE COURAGEOUS AND BOLD.

  Only one person knew what she wanted to name her daughters....

  And he was supposed to be dead.

  Her heart pounding, she went to Vas's room and pushed open the door. Tears filled her eyes again as she saw Jullien standing beside Vas while the two of them played one of Vas's games.

  "Go right! Right!"

  Jullien was trying to obey Vasili's orders when he was blindsided and tackled to the ground.

  He gasped, only to have his lips claimed in a kiss so hot, it left his head reeling. Tossing the controller over his shoulder, he laughed and wrapped his arms around Ushara, then lifted her up over him to hold her against his chest. He growled at how good she felt in his arms. "I think someone missed me."

  Her pale eyes sparkled as she cupped his face and stared down at him. "How are you alive?"

  Shrugging, he got up and helped her to her feet. "Hard to kill. You had to know I wouldn't really surrender to them. I just had to get them off your brother's back."

  Color rushed into her cheeks an instant before she balled her fists into his coat lapels and jerked him forward. "And you couldn't take five minutes to let me know? You bastard!" She kneed him in the groin.

  Doubling over, Jullien hissed in pain as he saw stars from it.

  Vas let out a high-pitched squeak in sympathy. "Ma! I can't believe you did that!"

  Jullien stumbled back as he struggled to breathe. "It's okay," he choked out. "I deserved it." Biting his lip, he struggled with the agony. Damn, Davel hadn't been kidding about the power of her kicks. Holy shit ... "Really glad we're having twins, 'cause I'm pretty sure that just capped any chance of me fathering kids ever again."

  Her mother laughed from the doorway. "What did I just walk in on?"

  Ushara gestured at Jullien. "The wretched beast lives!"

  "So I see. I would have thought that would have made you happy."

  "One e-mail," Ushara growled between clenched teeth as she gestured angrily toward him. "One! Is that too much to ask?"

  Jullien slowly straightened. "I assumed the food and items I sent to you would clue you in that I was alive."

  Ushara froze. "I thought all that had been arranged before you left."

  "How would I know to send the maternity clothes?"

  Pausing, she eyed him suspiciously. "Yeah? How did you know about that?"

  He rubbed at his crotch, trying to offset some of the damage. "I've been spying on you and Vas. Hello? You know I do that. Why you think I have the house wired?"

  "Oh! I could beat you!"

  So long as you do it naked, knock yourself out.

  Ushara gasped as she heard his voice in her head.

  And the devilish grin on his face said he was more than willing to submit to her abuse. Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "You're incorrigible."

  "I know. I'm sorry. Really, I didn't mean to upset you." He gave her a contrite smile. "Happy anniversary, by the way."

  Her mother let out her own gasp. "Is that why you've been so torn up all day?"

  Ushara nodded.

  Jullien pulled her against his chest and held her. "Even though it's dangerous, I had to see you. I couldn't stay away on our anniversary."

  Katira came forward with a sweet smile. "Have I told you how much I love you as my son?"

  Jullien panicked at her actually being nice to him. "Not really."

  "I do." She kissed his cheek. "Vas? Turn everything off and come spend the night with us. Your paka and mom need some time to themselves."

  "Yes, mur tarra."

  Jullien released Ushara. "I need to check on dinner before it burns." He went to the kitchen.

  Ushara took a minute to help Vas pack an overnight bag and collect his homework. "How long has your paka been here?"

  "He picked me up from school and helped me do homework. Then we made dinner for you and started playing games." Vas threw his pack over his shoulder. "You really naming the babies Vladmira and Viveka?"

  "Yes, why?"

  He screwed his fac
e up and stuck his tongue out with a noise of supreme displeasure. "I'm sure it'll grow on me. Eventually." He hugged her. Then he went to the kitchen. "Love you, Paka."

  Jullien growled as he gave him a tight hug. "You, too, luden. See you in the morning." He inclined his head respectfully to her mother. "Thank you, Ger Tarra."


  He actually blushed. "Matarra."

  And with that, she took Vas and left them alone.

  Jullien scowled as he looked at her. "Did you perform an exorcism on your mother while I was gone?"

  "No. You did when you took care of me so sweetly. And when you committed suicide to protect my brother from The League. She's been lighting candles and saying prayers for your soul at every service. She's now convinced you're a saint."

  "Really?" He choked on the word.

  She nodded. "Have you seen Unira?"

  "Yeah. I saw her first thing when I landed, right before I talked to Trajen."

  "Did they know you weren't dead?"

  "Only Thraix knew."

  "Good. I don't have to kill them." Grinding her teeth, she continued to glare furiously at him. "I can't believe you didn't tell me."

  He set his spoon aside and tried to kiss her, but she pushed him back. "What can I say that you don't already know? I'm an inconsiderate asshole."

  "Yes, you are." She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. "Feel that?"

  Jullien froze when the tiniest movement brushed against his palm. "Is that one of the babies?"

  She nodded.

  Stunned and humbled by the feathery flutter, he fell to his knees in front of her as his breath left him in a rush. Tears blinding him, he lifted her top up so that he could brush his lips against her stomach where he'd felt them. "Hey, mia kikatalli," he said gently, rubbing the area where they frolicked. "Don't be too eager to join this world. You're much better off where you are. Trust me. But I promise, whether in there or out here, your mother and I will make sure no one hurts you."

  Ushara brushed her hand against his whiskers as she smiled down at him. "You're such a goof."

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her gently. "I've missed you so much. You've no idea the hell it's been not talking to you. But I had to get them off you and your family. It was easier to let them think me captured and dead than to risk anything happening to you."

  She tugged playfully at his hair, which made him harder than hell. "You're still not forgiven."

  Jullien rubbed his whiskers against her skin, teasing it playfully before he gave her a sensuous nip. "Not even a little?"

  "No." Unrelenting where he was concerned, she held her ground without the least bit mercy for him. "How much Trisani power do you have, anyway?"

  He held his hand out, and the spatula flew from the counter into his palm.

  "Oh my God, Jules!"

  "Yeah." He set it down before he rose to his feet and adjusted himself so that his pants weren't biting into his erection. "It's been interesting, trying to harness my new wicked friends. Honestly, I'm glad I haven't been around you and Vas for some of it, as it's been dangerous at times. I've exploded a few things. Knocked over a lot more. Embarrassed myself to no uncertain end. Really, really glad you missed out on that."

  She laughed as he fed her a piece of oil-soaked bread. "And the quest for your grandmother?"

  "Frustrating. The one thing both of them excel at is hiding. But I haven't given up."

  The lights dimmed.

  She arched her brow. "You?"

  He nodded as he used his powers to find one of her favorite love songs to play over her system. While he didn't normally like them, he would suffer it for her. "I wanted to take you out dancing tonight, but the risk of someone seeing me ... Thraix made me promise that I wouldn't leave the condo until tomorrow night. If I violate his dictates for my release, he won't let me out of his custody again."

  "He sounds like a warden."

  "Basically. He's a tough bastard. But I respect him. He's so paranoid, he makes me feel normal.... I like that in a person."

  She laughed as she began that seductive swaying that never failed to set him on fire.

  Yeah, for that, he'd suffer the worst music in the universe. Watching her practice for the temple chorus and exercise were two things he'd missed most these past weeks. While he had several of her sessions recorded, it wasn't the same as being able to reach out and touch her. Or having her dance around him and touch his face and smile at him as she was prone to do.

  Just thinking about it was almost enough to make him come.

  His breathing ragged, he had to force himself to focus on what he was doing.

  Twirling around, she took a bite of bread, then held the last bit of it out for him to finish off.

  He swallowed it and then tried to distract himself from where his thoughts were going. "Did you know Thraix's father was Vashaw Flavian Sparda?"

  She almost choked on the bread at something that was extremely shocking. "Thraix is a Sparda?"

  Jullien nodded. "Yeah. I was stunned when I found out, too. His father went down protecting him and the last of the royal Trisani family."

  Ushara let out a low whistle. That was an impressive lineage. The Spardas had been instrumental in ending the Scythian Age of the Warlords and overthrowing Justicale Cruel.

  "Had Trisa not fallen, Thraix would have most likely gone on to be the next vicegerent and vashaw, like his father."

  No wonder Jullien liked him. They had a lot in common. Both displaced by war and misfortune.

  And as he reached around her, the scent of his skin hit her. Closing her eyes, she savored it and the warmth of having him with her again. She'd forgotten just how much space he took up in a room and how much she enjoyed standing next to his massiveness. He made her feel so petite and tiny. And she loved that sensation. Loved his massive size.

  Especially his muscular shoulders and those biceps ...

  She only had one complaint with him.

  He glanced down at her and frowned. "What's with that look?"

  Wrinkling her nose in distaste, she reached up to tug at his whiskered chin. "Why is it whenever I let you out of my sight, you regress to your woolliest state?"

  He flashed a devilish grin at her that exposed his fangs. "It's to keep all the other qeres at bay. You don't want them chasing after me, do you?"

  "You better not be chasing after no qeres. I don't share my male."

  Laughing, he took her hand and pressed it against his swollen groin. "Believe me, I haven't been near anyone else. That requires a level of trust that I only give you." He dipped his head down to kiss her, but his words had already broken her heart and lodged a sob in her throat.

  He pulled back with a frown. "What's wrong?"

  Before she could answer, her link went off. She started to ignore it, but it was Zellen. "Hold on a sec. That's a command call." She pulled it out and answered it.

  "Admiral? We have a situation in the bay. Not sure how to handle this one."

  Weird. He didn't normally have such problems. "What's going on?"

  "I have six Porturnum ships seeking Safe Harbor."

  "Okay.... Why is that a problem?"

  He lowered his voice. "Two of them are Andarion, and they're wearing warrior braids. I swear one looks a lot like your husband's cousin who was executed during their coup. Does he happen to have a relative named Varan Enole?"

  She glanced over at Jullien, and by the fury in his stralen eyes ... "I'm going to say yes."

  "That's what I was afraid of. They're asking a lot of probing questions that are above my rank and pay. How do you want me to handle this?"

  "Call the HCs...." That was the most she could get out before Jullien was heading for the door with an intent that said he was on his way to confront them and blow this situation into a fatal outcome.


  "Jules! I order you to stop! Now!"

  He paused outside the door and turned to face Ushara with a look that actually f
rightened her. "Order?"

  "A little harsh, but you can't go down there and confront them when they're here under Safe Harbor. You know better."

  And still that expression made her blood run cold. She'd never really been afraid of him before, but right then ...

  This was a side of him she really didn't want to be on.

  "I'm currently under Jory's banner. He won't care if I rattle their cage or snatch the door straight off it. He'd be the first one to do it, especially after what they did to me while he harbored me under it and they broke Code. Today, I intend to be payback's two-fisted bitch."

  He turned toward the bay, and as he started for it, he almost slammed into Trajen as he manifested in front of him to block his path.

  "What the fuck?"

  "Tone," Trajen said in a voice that was deceptively calm. "Don't be thinking you're all that with those powers, boy. Remember, some of us have had ours a lot longer and mastered them long before your daddy got busy with your mama. You jerk that chin at me and take that tone, and I'll slam your ass down, bare it, and spank it."

  A tic started in Jullien's jaw. "So I'm just supposed to let them encroach with impunity? Need I remind you that I'm Andarion, and that's not how we do things."

  "Yes, and they know you're Andarion, which is why they're doing it. They're trying to flush you out after your last attack on them. Tit for tat. And if you'd stop being an idiot for three seconds, you'd know that."

  Jullien flung his hands out and manifested fire into both of his fists. "Then let me roast the bitches."

  "Ushara? Leash him."

  "I'm trying. But he's not really broken in. As you say, he flunked home-training. There's not a lot I can do when he's like this."

  Trajen let out a tired sigh. "This is going to be bad, then." He snapped his fingers and Jullien vanished.

  Ushara gasped. "What'd you do?"

  "Gave him a time-out." Growling low in his throat, he rubbed at his eye. "He's going to be so pissed off. But you and I know what will happen if he storms into that bay and starts his shit with that crew."

  Sadly, she did.

  War. All-out, and nasty.

  With another heavy sigh, Trajen dropped his hand. "C'mon. Let's go deal with this drama, then we'll deal with Jullien's trauma. And you have my permission to bust their asses for wrecking your anniversary."

  "Thank you." Not looking forward to it, Ushara headed for the main bay, where Zellen was waiting with a group of Ports she'd never seen before.

  Since Trajen was in regular clothes, they had no idea he was the HAP of their Nation. Not that it seemed to matter--they didn't show her much respect, and she was in full Tavali gear with her Canting and rank clearly displayed on her sleeves.