Page 60 of Born of Legend

  She choked on a sob. "Jullien..."

  Tears glistened in his eyes as he met her gaze. "I keep looking at the girls and thinking that if they look like me and I was hated so much ... what will become of them? They're Ixurian, too."

  "No one will hurt them. I won't let them, and neither will you. You've seen my family. They love and adore them. Nothing will change that."

  But even as she spoke those words, Jullien couldn't quite believe her. While her family had been accepting so far, would they remain so once the girls were walking and speaking?

  And there was still the matter of her family members who continued their hostilities over his presence here. Kirill and such.

  That rift had never mended.

  What have I done?

  He'd made himself more vulnerable than he'd ever been. Instead of tightening and protecting what he loved, he'd created a greater liability. Every time a Porturnum ship landed or came near their base, they were running a gamble.

  And sooner or later, their luck would run out and Nyran would have him.

  Worse, the bastard might claim the life of one of his daughters, Vasili, or Ushara.

  Suddenly, her link sounded with its command tone. Jullien frowned. That was never a good sound to hear in the middle of the night. But at least he knew no harm had come to any of her brothers or sisters. They were all in port tonight.

  She handed Viv back to him before she left to answer it. He was just starting to calm down a bit when he heard her gasp of alarm.

  Worried, he got up and placed his daughters in their cribs and went to check on her. In their bedroom, she stood frozen, with tears glistening in her pale eyes. "Shara?"

  Wincing, she set her link down. "It was Gavin's ship. They were hit tonight."

  "Are they okay?"

  A single tear fell down her cheek as she shook her head. "They're gone. All of them. Marshal. Daryn. Letia ... every member."

  His stomach shrank at the news. While Gavin had sided with his brother Kirill, Jullien still had liked the male. Had it not been for him and his crew, he'd have died on Steradore.

  Crossing the floor, he drew her into his arms. "I'm so sorry. What happened?"

  "They think he was hit by either Mavericks or a crew of Dread Reckoning."

  Jullien started to deny it, but stopped himself. Ushara was intelligent enough to know bullshit when she heard it, and there was no need in hurting her any worse right now. Like The Tavali, The Mavericks were a Vergyl of outlaw freighters and pirates who'd banded together to protect each other. And while the DR were more hostile and rogue, they didn't prey on Tavali any more than a Maverick crew would. It would mean open war for them to do so, and they'd had a long-standing history of mutual respect and truce between their groups. They relied on each other's goodwill to keep flying and to shelter each other from The League and others who would do them harm.

  No, this was something else, and the Trisani powers inside him said the source was much closer to home. It reeked of something Nyran would do to cause turmoil and mistrust. The best way to overtake an enemy was to divide from within. To turn them against each other and get them going at one another's throats.

  A family at war with each other could never stand against an external enemy. It was what had finally brought his grandmother down and allowed him to hand Merrell and Chrisen over to the Baturs.

  Worse, he knew that this would put a wedge between him and Ushara. More than that, it would drive a deeper rift between her family.

  And even deeper inside, he knew this was just the beginning of the end. His grandmother was getting ready to go to war, and she wouldn't rest until she took them down.

  Once and for all.


  Ushara took a moment to savor what had to be one of the happiest events of her life. On this, one of the most sacred Andarion holidays--the celebration of the Day of Our Daughters, they'd given their infant girls their exordiom during temple.

  By her side, dressed in his red Demurrist jacket and finery, with the Samari crest painted on his face, Jullien had stood before all, so incredibly proud and thrilled. And he'd finally been given a completely untainted memory of pure familial bliss.

  Although, it'd almost been ruined when Unira forgot and, out of habit, asked for his male relatives to stand with him for the ritual paternal prayer. Suddenly stricken, Jules had glanced about nervously and opened his mouth to remind her that he had no family. But before he could, Trajen and Thraix emerged from the congregation to stand by his side--along with Vasili, Davel, Jory, Chayden, Axl, Sparn, and her father and grandfathers.

  Never had she loved her family so deeply or been more touched as they spared him the open embarrassment of standing alone at the altar, and returned the pride to his bashful stralen eyes. The grateful relief on Jullien's face over their unexpected loyalty, and the public declaration that they had finally accepted him fully into their lineage, made her cry even harder than the birth of their girls.

  And even though they weren't Demurrists, Jullien had named Trajen as Mira's godfather and Thraix as Viv's. She'd chosen her sisters Oxana and Jay for their respective godmothers.

  Now they were home, with her entire family horde packed into her condo, which suddenly felt extremely tiny.

  Trajen, Chayden, Jory, and Thraix were laughing in the corner with her brothers and father while Jullien and Vas had taken the girls to the nursery for their naps.

  At this point, Ushara had opened so many presents for the girls that her head was reeling and she was drowning in frilly wrapping paper. She was still laughing when another present suddenly manifested in her face. Rolling her eyes at what she assumed was one of her exuberant sisters, she started to take her family to task until she looked up to see that it was Dimitri.

  Her laughter died instantly. The eldest of their family, he was also the most unforgiving and steadfast when it came to keeping with the old ways. Ever since the fallout with her and Kirill's branch of the family over Jullien, Dimitri had remained solidly aligned with her cousins and uncle against her. He'd avoided coming home or being around any of them.

  And since Gavin's funeral, he'd been relentless about Jullien and his desire for Jullien to leave.

  Now silence rang out through the entire room as everyone waited to see what her exceptionally large brother would say and do.

  Clearing his throat gruffly, Dimitri tucked his chin to his chest while he awkwardly held the present in his hands out for her. "Sorry I was late. I did my best to get here in time for the ceremony, but we ran into some League trouble on the way home."

  Stunned, she took his present. "Thank you, Misha."

  He covered her hand with his and locked gazes with her. "Just so you know, I'm still not happy with your choice, but your daughters are my blood. I will kill or die for them and for you, kisa.... Your husband, however, remains on his own."

  She bit back a laugh at his surly tone, which was so similar to Jullien's that the two of them should be best friends and not ever at odds. "Got it."

  Inclining his head, he kissed her on the cheek. "So where are these adorable girls Madina has raved about for the last month? And please tell my wife that I was here so she'll put me back into our house system and give me access again. I'm sick and tired of being banned from my own home."

  Their mother laughed out loud as she hugged him. "My poor Misha. Did you go by there first?"

  "I tried. And was still locked out. None of my passcodes work."

  Pouting in sympathetic pain, she ruffled his short white hair. "No worries. Madina and Adyn and Adi were here for a little while, then they went to Madina's mother's for the holiday celebrations there. I'm sure she'll answer your text if you try it. If not, your son or daughter will no doubt let you sleep at their place until their mother forgives you for being ridiculously stubborn."

  Snickering under her breath, Ushara didn't comment on that as she unwrapped the hand-carved dolls he'd made. "Misha! These are beautiful! Thank you."

He inclined his head to her once more. "Since they were always Adyn's favorite when she was a girl, I thought I'd start the tradition with your daughters. I used to make one every year for her on the anniversary of her birth. She still has hers on a shelf in her home."

  Sincerely touched by his thoughtful handmade gift, she set them aside and hugged him. Then she took him down the hall to the nursery, where Jullien sat in her garishly pink rocking chair, holding one of the girls while Vas was on the floor, working on his school assignment.

  Jullien had the sleeping baby cradled to his shoulder with one hand as he leaned over the arm of the chair to help Vas. Their heads were almost level as they deciphered the chemistry and sat so similarly that from this angle, they appeared to be natural father and son. It was so genuinely sweet that for a full minute, she couldn't breathe.

  And it still amazed her how often the sight of Jullien's rugged masculinity and unexpected tenderness caught her off guard and set her heart racing. No matter how much they were together, she still had the rawest hunger for him. There was something about him that was so incredibly sexy and compelling.

  So undeniably precious.

  The tender sight wasn't lost on Dimitri, who hesitated until Jullien glanced up and saw them. He straightened instantly. "Was I gone too long?"

  Ushara shook her head at his question. While Jullien got along with her family, their exuberant boisterousness often overwhelmed his introverted nature, especially when they were all together for celebrations. As such, he had a tendency to quietly withdraw for a small time-out until he could regroup and face the swell of joyful, earsplitting cacophony again. Normally, he'd only be gone for ten-or fifteen-minute intervals. Unless he lost track of time, then it could be a lot longer.

  "You're fine. My brother wanted to see the babies." She led him into the room. "Jullien, this is Dimitri."

  At the mention of his name, Vasili turned around and jumped up to launch himself at Dimitri, who'd been standing behind him, out of his sight. "Basha Misha! Ah, Paka, I'm glad you finally get to meet him! He's the only one who can touch your scores on VR shooters."

  Ushara held her breath at the sudden tension in the room as Jullien and Dimitri stared at each other in silent mutual scorn. Even Vas's enthusiasm died in the middle of his hug. He glanced to her with a concerned frown.

  Trying to alleviate it, she looked at the occupied crib to figure out which twin was which. "Jullien's holding Viv. Mira's sleeping. Would you like to see Mira first?"

  Before Dimitri could answer, her mother called for her.

  Ushara hesitated. It seemed like a bad idea to leave them alone. However, her mother was being insistent. "I'll be right back."

  Jullien didn't speak as Ushara left and Vas followed after her to get something to drink. Alone with Dimitri, he refused to take his gaze off him. He'd already made that mistake once.

  And paid dearly for it.

  "You haven't told her?" Dimitri whispered.

  Jullien shifted his sleeping daughter in his arms. Now, he fully understood the reason Dimitri had avoided meeting him after all this time, and why the coward hadn't come near his family since Jullien's return.

  Dimitri was the one who'd brought the Ladorian slaver to Kirill's ship to buy him from their crew.

  Honestly, he still wanted to kill the bastard over it. But Ushara loved her older brother, so ... "What happened is between us. All that knowledge would do is bring pain to your sister."

  Dimitri at least had the good grace to look ashamed. "You've really never told her what happened?"

  "Not a tattletale bitch. All she knows is what she saw. I won't hurt her by telling her anything else, and I'll beat the utter shit out of you if you do."

  "I don't understand why you'd protect me."

  "I'm not. It's Ushara and your family I'm protecting. None of them need to know what a treacherous asshole you really are."

  Dimitri sighed. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing for my family." He glanced to the babies, then to Vasili's homework, which was still scattered about on the floor. "My wife has gleefully instructed me on the error of my ways where you're concerned." Completely abashed, he held his hands out for the baby. "May I?

  Jullien carefully handed Viv to her uncle, whose features softened instantly as he adjusted her in his massive arms.

  Dimitri tucked the blanket around her. "It's been a long time since my daughter was this size. Enjoy every minute of it, Ixurian. It passes faster than a blink of your eye."

  "So your mother keeps telling me." Jullien moved to check on Mira, who continued to sleep in blissful ignorance.

  Dimitri paused to study the fairy tale mural Jullien had painted on their nursery wall. "Wow. Who painted that for them?"

  "Jullien did." Trajen and Thraix came into the room so that Trajen could eyeball the two of them. He focused his attention mostly on Jullien. "You good here?"

  "I'm fine. No entrails currently on the walls, nor are they forthcoming. I don't want to scar my daughters the first month they're alive. But during their second ... all bets are off."

  Ignoring his sarcasm, Trajen cut a gimlet stare to Dimitri that said he knew what had happened between them even though Jullien had never told him. "Good. Wanted to let you know that I'm locking down the base. There's been another attack on an Altaan crew."

  Dimitri froze. "Who?"

  "Kirill's. We just got the call. The whole ship went up in flames, and Klavdii's blaming Jules."


  Trajen held his hand up at Jullien's outburst. "Relax. I know you didn't do it. You haven't left your daughters or Ushara alone since the girls were born. We all know that. But Klav's in pain and not listening to reason right now. He just lost two daughters and two sons in less than a month for reasons no one can make sense of. He wants someone's balls, and yours are within easy reach."

  Dimitri winced. "I'm going to find my children and ground them."

  Trajen nodded in sympathy. "From here on out, no one but Gort gets in or out of this base. No foreign crew or other Tavali Nation is allowed to step foot in our bays without my express approval or invitation."

  Dimitri scowled at that. "Why?"

  "To protect your sister and nieces. I'm not taking any chances on them. Or anyone else in our Nation. I'm tired of speaking at funerals."

  Jullien went cold. "Has there been a specific threat against Ushara?"

  "Not per se, but it's suspicious that they've only hit Altaan crews--the two crews that you were recorded to have flown on, no less. You still have five months to go until you're up for your citizenship hazard. As soon as you pass, I'm fast-tracking you to captain, based on merit and previous service."

  Dimitri gaped. "Seriously?"

  "Seriously. His Canting's already been designed and approved."

  That only angered Dimitri more. "What the hell is that? He gets captain, first thing? With Canting?"

  "And ship," Trajen added in an antagonistic tone.

  Dimitri made a sound of total disgust.

  Thraix tsked at him. "Don't be hating, precious. You haven't seen his Canting." He let out an evil, villainous snicker.

  Jullien cringed in dread. "Oh dear gods, what have you jackals done to abuse my dignity now?"

  Pulling out his link, Thraix turned it on and skimmed through his photos until he held one up for Jullien to view. "Here you go, princess."

  Jullien sighed in irritation as Dimitri burst into laughter.

  "Okay, I'm not jealous anymore. Cockroach Canting for a cockroach. Completely fitting. I approve wholeheartedly."

  Jullien glared at his brother-in-law. "Yeah, go ahead and laugh, asshole. We're all big and brave, till you realize that cockroach has wings and can fly."

  Dimitri sobered at the same time Thraix and Trajen laughed.

  "Hence my choice of your Canting," Trajen said with a smirk. "I thought it apropos. And I knew if anyone could appreciate the ironic humor behind it, it would be you, Dagger Ixur. Bug up the a
ss of all your enemies."

  "And friends," Thraix added.

  Jullien snorted.

  "So when's your test?" Dimitri asked, changing the subject.

  Trajen answered for him. "Day after his temple wedding ceremony."

  Dimitri arched a brow as he placed Viv in her crib. "Really?"

  "Yeah. Ushara didn't want me busted and bruised until after we had the formal wedding."

  While Jullien wanted to be a full Tavali citizen, he wasn't looking forward to the cock hazard, which required him to take on three of their strongest Tavali warriors--chosen by their administer of hazard--in order to prove that he could defend himself and the Gorturnum Nation in battle. Like an Andarion Ring match, the cock hazard was a free-for-all where all three warriors would do their best to tear him to shreds and keep him out of their Nation. He could lose to one of them. But if he lost to two, it was over, and he'd have to wait a year to apply again for citizenship.

  If he passed and was admitted to the Nation, he'd have to undergo an annual anniversary hazard to maintain his citizenship, but that would never be as difficult as the initial one. The anniversary hazards were single matches against a regular citizen who was also up for their anniversary hazard. Lasting for half an hour, those didn't require a winner. Only that you showed the AOH that you were both still physically fit for hand-to-hand combat and could hold your own in a fight. Of course, you had to last the entire half an hour, or you could have your citizenship suspended or lose rank.

  When it came to maintaining their members, The Tavali didn't play. They took their oaths and combat very seriously.

  Frowning at Jullien, Dimitri indicated the twins. "Didn't you two postpone your wedding a bit too long?"

  Jullien held his hands up in surrender. "I had nothing to do with it. Your mother and yaya planned it all."

  "It's massive in size and scope. You'd think the tadara of Andaria was getting married." Trajen made a sound of supreme annoyance. "Hence the excessive planning time, and another reason I'm locking down the base. I don't want anyone around to know what's going on here with two of my primary soldiers and family. There's too much unrest right now."