Page 27 of DoOon Mode

  "Burgess can guide you," Cat said. "He can focus on the ground and choose a route that is firm for your feet. You can wrap your heads and follow him."

  They did it. The humans wrapped a blanket around each horse's head, and the horses followed Burgess. As it turned out, they weren't blind, because they could see through Burgess' six stalked eyes, two of which obligingly looked back to focus on the ground at their feet.

  After several Modes, the fumes eased, but now the ground grew hot. They removed the blankets, and Burgess scouted ahead to locate the coolest continuing ground. Then the others charged across to reach cooler terrain before their footwear heated too much. Cat and Pussy lacked shoes, so had to ride Seqiro and Maresy.

  In time, with cooperative effort, they passed the volcanic Modes and reached pleasant fields and forests. But these turned out to have their own challenges. When Seqiro set a foot on a grassy section, the blades of grass whipped around, hacking at his hoof. When Maresy took a sip of dark liquid in a pool by the roots of quiet trees, something invisible booted her in the rear. What was going on?

  Actually Seqiro and Maresy could read the minds of plants as well as animals, though plants did not think in the same way. This grass was aggressive because it didn't like getting stepped on. They would try to avoid doing that hereafter.

  "We'd better camp," Colene decided. "We've had a hard day and we're all tired. Maybe tomorrow we can figure these Modes out better."

  They found a pleasant glade, whose plants actually fruited with baked pies. Of course the travelers didn't eat any those, but they did smell delicious. Seqiro read the minds of those plants, and discovered that the pies were their offerings for human beings. They hoped that the humans would protect them in exchange for the food, and it seemed that humans generally did. The party spread blankets to quell the militant grass, and settled down for the night.

  Seqiro woke in the night, aware of a foreign presence. It was strange but did not seem inimical, so he remained quiet. He wanted to study it before rousing the others; it might be a passing innocuous animal.

  The others were asleep, in their fashions. But Darius woke as the odd entity approached him. The creature was female, and mischievous, and curious. Her mind was like a shadow, never fully formed but not blank. She lay down beside Darius, moved in close, and kissed him.

  Colene? he thought. Which was surprising, because this creature was nothing like Colene.

  She moved in closer yet. Through Darius' perceptions, Seqiro formed an impression of the thing's form. It was lushly female in the human manner, with large bare breasts and expansive tresses. The body made its way up against Darius' body, and the firm bare belly and thighs sought contact with his own.

  Not Colene! Darius thought. But surely not Pussy either; she is barred from me.

  It had to be a native of this interim Mode. But why was she attempting to seduce Darius?

  Seqiro, Darius' thought came. Who is this woman?

  Seqiro had not thought to advise Darius that the person was something strange. The Felines tended not to initiate speech or actions, awaiting human directives. Seqiro tended to await human insight. She is some kind of alien female, neither friendly nor hostile. She seems curious whether she can tempt you into copulation.

  Darius had the wit not to leap up physically. This is neither Colene nor Pussy?

  Correct. They both remain sleeping.

  What kind of woman would get into bed with an unknown man?

  A mischievous one.

  Darius considered. Now Seqiro picked up his incidental thoughts. This was a female of this Mode they had parked on, and she had picked the lone human male to approach. This was not like most women, who were far more choosy about sexual liaisons. Why would such a well endowed woman do such a thing? Darius' scientific curiosity was rising. You are sure she is not dangerous?

  She does not intend you harm.

  Darius made a mental laugh. That is not the same thing. Would she be dangerous if rudely surprised?

  Seqiro tried to assess this possibility. It is possible.

  I think we need female input. Can you wake Colene quietly?

  Seqiro sent a thought to Colene. Wake quietly. Something odd is occurring.

  Colene woke partially. What is it, horsehead?

  A female is seducing Darius.

  Suddenly she was totally awake. Darius!

  I am here.

  What are you doing?

  I am the object of the seductive approach of a shapely woman.

  Well, kick her out of bed right now!

  Seqiro interceded. We do not her know her nature. Her mind is strange. She might be dangerous if too abruptly repulsed.

  Colene was quick to appreciate the potential for trouble. Then play along until you know it's safe to break off.

  There was a smile in Darius' thought. May I pretend she is you?

  Sure. But keep me online.

  Darius had been lying still, allowing the mysterious women to kiss him and rub her body against his. Now he became active, putting an arm around her and stroking his hand down her back and across her bottom.

  Colene read his impressions: lush breasts touching his chest, smooth skin, plush posterior, and ultimately sexy overall. A body it was sheer delight for a man to touch. Hey—you're supposed to pretend it's me!

  You feel like this to me.

  Colene had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing, but there was envy and sadness too. She wished she could feel like that to him, with a body like that. But the plain fact was that she lacked the sheer mass of female attributes this creature sported.

  Your body is perfect, Darius thought. It is, I think, smaller than this, but as delightful to me. If you ever try to seduce me, you will succeed in an instant.

  And his feeling was sincere. He did like her as she was. Stroke her some more.

  Darius did, and now Colene seemed to feel his hands on her body, playing the game of pretend sex so that she would not freeze up. His fingers cupped her buttock, shaping and being shaped by it.

  The breasts, she thought. Do the breasts too.

  He shifted position, and put his head down to the ample bosom. He kissed the upper breast. Colene writhed under her blanket. The nipple.

  He kissed the nipple. Colene's breath came faster. Darius! Do me!

  But this is not you, he reminded her.

  It's close enough. Do me—through her.

  Realizing that this was a breakthrough, Darius considered, and decided to proceed. If Colene could do it vicariously, maybe next time she could do it directly, and that was what he wanted.

  He shifted position, laid the woman on her back, and got over her. She cooperated lithely. He made ready to enter her—and suddenly she froze.

  He paused, more than familiar with this reaction. "No?" he asked aloud.

  "No!" the woman agreed. "I can't do it!"

  Darius rolled off her, resigned.

  Shocked, Colene stifled her thoughts.

  "What is going on?" the strange woman demanded, abruptly sitting up.

  "I thought you were seducing me," Darius said.

  "I was! I am! What came over me? I've never balked before, and I've done it thousands of times. Did you hit me with a balk spell?"

  Then Seqiro caught on. I linked your minds—hers included. She became truly like Colene.

  "Truly like me," Colene said, disgusted. "I couldn't even do it vicariously!"

  "You are frozen?" the woman asked.


  "Cold, icy, chilly, frosty, freezing—"

  "Frigid?" Colene asked.

  "Whatever," the woman agreed crossly.

  Now the others were waking, as early light filtered into the glade. "Who is this person?" Cat asked.

  "Who are you, whiskerface?" the woman retorted.

  "I am Cat Feline, of the DoOon Mode."

  "Oh. Well, I am the Demoness Metria of the Demon Mode."

  "There are demons here?" Colene asked. "This is a magic Mode?"
r />   "Of course there are, and it is. What did you expect—drear Mundania, where everything is serious and there is neither magic nor much humor?"

  Darius made a connection. "Those cutting, slashing blades of grass—is that a pun?"

  "I suppose. This land is mostly made of puns."

  "I suppose there were bound to be humorous Modes along with the serious ones," Darius said. "Metria, why were you trying to seduce me?"

  "Because you are male. Did you want me to seduce a pulchritude?"

  "A what?"

  "Lovely, beautiful, attractive, charming, comely—"

  "A pretty woman?"

  "Whatever," she agreed crossly. As the light brightened, her body was increasingly visible, every bit as shapely as Darius' touch had indicated.

  "But you can't just go around seducing any man you find," Colene said, frowning as she gazed at that body.

  "Well, of course not. Too many are ugly or pot-bellied, and some are canny about relations with demonesses."

  "Whyever would they be canny?" Colene asked with mixed feelings.

  "They're afraid I'll fade into smoke and laugh just as they are at the point of climacteric, horribly embarrassing them."

  "Point of what?" Darius asked.

  "Never mind," Colene said quickly. "We know what you mean." But her curiosity remained. "So would you fade right then?"

  "Of course. I wouldn't want to annoy my husband." She laughed and dissipated into a small cloud of smoke.

  There was a silence, as both Darius and Colene realized that the supposed seduction had been a cruel tease throughout. A married demoness?

  But Cat remained interested. "Are all the denizens of this Mode like you, Metria?"

  The smoke had been floating away on the faint breeze. Now it expanded back into the lush female form and solidified. "No, only the demons. The humans and animals and plants are relatively unsharpened."

  "Relatively what?" Darius asked.

  "Dull," Colene said quickly. "It's a good thing you're not wearing anything, because clothes would just make you more attractive."

  "Really?" A frilly dress with a tightly laced bodice formed round the demoness. Unfortunately for Colene's ploy, it did make her look even more seductive. The bodice had lacing but no material, and the skirt was extremely brief.

  "I think it's time for us to move on," Colene said, as cross as the demoness when corrected on a word.

  Darius agreed, smiling. This demoness was intriguing, but Colene's temper was wearing thin.

  "I'll come with you," Metria said.

  "I don't think so," Colene retorted as they picked up the blankets and packed them back on the horses.

  The demoness looked prettily ornery. "I do think so."

  Colene didn't answer. But when they resumed their trek, they passed through the boundary, and the demoness vanished. For all her mischievous magic, she was confined to her Mode. She was surely most frustrated. Colene's expression was smug.

  "I believe I would like to know more of that Mode," Cat said.

  Now Pussy laughed. "I'd like to see that demoness try to seduce you!"

  They came to a river, where they paused to wash up. No dirt from the Modes clung to them, because it could not cross the boundaries, but their natural sweat did.

  Then they saw the dragon. It was flying toward them, literally breathing fire. It was large enough to scorch them with a single exhalation.

  They hastily picked up their clothing and waded as a group across the next boundary. The dragon vanished. It, too, was surely surprised. They completed their wash-up, dressed, and settled down on the far bank for breakfast. Then they resumed their trek across the Modes. They were not far from Darius' anchor; his sense of home was sure.

  And the mind predator located Colene.

  "We can make it," Darius said. "Shield her, carry her, and we'll hurry."

  Pussy embraced Colene, shielding and sharing. Darius and Cat heaved her up onto Seqiro's back. Then they moved forward as rapidly as was feasible.

  Seqiro felt Colene's pain. This siege was more sudden and worse than the others; once the predator located her, it bore right in. This time it meant to consume her. She cried out with the horror of the invasion. This was rape of the mind.

  Seqiro continued to carry her, and Pussy continued to walk beside him, her hand on the girl's leg, making sure she did not fall. They would get her there.

  They were indeed close to their destination. Darius led them there with sureness, and they came to a region where the terrain gradually turned crystalline. The land itself seemed to be formed of crystals, forming gentle hills encrusted with increasingly sharp projections. Pussy and Cat had to wrap their feet in blankets lest they be cut, for there was no place to step that was not barbed by the sharp stone points. The horses' hoofs were tougher, but were sustaining some damage. Darius' boots did well enough, but Burgess' floating was slowed by the crystals, because they interfered with his cushion of air.

  The hills grew into mountains. Then the mountains turned flat on top, becoming mesas. Their route wound around their bases, growing narrower. Seqiro was not sure they would be able to continue much farther.

  Darius stopped. "Here," he said.

  Where? Maresy thought.

  "There. The anchor is on the mesa." He pointed up the almost vertical slope of a canyon. "There is a ladder." Then he paused, and Seqiro understood why. How were the horses and Burgess going to use a ladder?

  "Take Colene through first," Cat suggested. "Fetch a harness and ropes for the others."

  Darius nodded. "I must carry her. Tie her on me."

  They did so. The limp girl was fastened to his back, her arms bound around the front of his neck, her legs around his waist. It was awkward and uncomfortable—Seqiro could feel that directly—but it left the man's arms and legs free for the ladder. Fortunately Colene was a small woman, hardly half Darius' mass, and he was a healthy man.

  Even so, it was not easy. He started up, but the girl's arms and legs required him to hold himself out from the ladder, making climbing more difficult. He would soon tire.

  "We can help," Cat said. "Pussy from above, me from below."

  Pussy climbed the ladder, then hooked her legs through the rungs athletically and hung down to grab Darius' shoulders. She pulled him up one rung, then let go and mounted the next herself. Cat helped from below, putting his hands under Colene's bottom and boosting her. When Darius got high enough, Cat climbed below, and continued boosting with one hand. It was not polite or pretty, but it did the job.

  When Darius tired, as he had to, Seqiro projected strength and control, giving him more power. This drew on resources not normally available to a human body, and would deplete it for a longer time, but was necessary now. They had to get Colene through the anchor and away from the mind predator.

  Rung by rung, they ascended. It was tediously slow, but it was steady. At last they reached the flat mesa and disappeared onto it.

  Then the pain of the girl's mind faded. She had passed through the anchor, and the siege on Colene abated.

  She fainted. Seqiro felt her unconsciousness. It was a relief; she was now able to start the process of recovery.

  After a time Darius returned, climbing down the ladder. He was tired, but reluctant to relent. He carried a mass of rope. "This is a harness," he said, amplifying the concept in his mind so that they could understand. "We will first haul Burgess up, as he is the lightest of you three. Then we will haul each of you horses in turn."

  They understood. Darius laid the rope harness on the ground over the crystals. Burgess floated over it. Darius closed the net over him. It tied into several ropes hanging from a tripod and pulleys at the edge of the mesa. Seqiro knew they had anchored it securely, and that Cat and Pussy were operating it from above.

  They hauled on the ropes, and the pulleys magnified their strength. Burgess rose into the air, bumping against the ladder. Fortunately that held him out from the canyon wall, so that he was not cut by the crystals.
In due course he rose above the floor of the mesa, and they swung him onto it. He disappeared.

  After that they did the same thing for Maresy. She was in touch with their minds, so had confidence, though her four legs dangled below the harness and the ladder chafed her hide. They used a large translucent crystal as a counterweight; as she went up, it came down, so that they were not actually hauling more than Burgess' weight.

  Finally it was Seqiro's turn. He was the heaviest, but the hoist was strong; they merely geared it with a larger counterweight and further pulleys, so that it was very slow, but he did rise.

  At last he crested the top and swung to the mesa. It seemed precariously small. They removed the harness, and guided him to a spot on its center. He crossed it—and it was the anchor, and suddenly he was in Darius' Mode, with no ropes or pulleys or structures behind him.

  Now Seqiro looked around at this Mode, from this height. He had seen it only from below, before. It was interesting. It seemed to be entirely crystalline, with some crystals the size of mountains, covered by smaller ones, all of them reflecting the light of the sun. Above were clouds of many colors. It had not seemed pretty from below, but from this height it was beautiful.

  Pussy stepped through the anchor behind him. "It's lovely, isn't it," she said. "Now that we don't have to walk on the crystals."

  They didn't? Seqiro had been concerned with the rope hauling, and had not tuned into the minds beyond. Now he read in her mind that the folk of this Mode used conjuration to move themselves from mesa to mesa, seldom bothering with the treacherous paths below.

  "Like this," Pussy said. "It's fun." She produced a little figure of a cat-woman. "This is mine. It has my solid, liquid, and gas. When I invoke it, and move it on a map, it takes me where I indicate, by sympathetic magic. I'll go with you, because now I know the way."

  Seqiro found this confusing. Where was Maresy?

  "They have a nice pasture plateau reserved for us," she said. "They do have horses here, but they're not telepathic, really not your kind. Anyway, we want to keep the hive together, for Burgess' sake. So we'll go there, at least for now." She brought out a figurine resembling a horse. "Now we need to tune this to you. I'll need five, no six of your hairs for the solid. Is it all right to snip them off?"