Page 8 of Chased Dreams

  My gaze wandered over the man, noticing he wore Wranglers and cowboy boots with his t-shirt. It was the same style my dad used to wear when he wasn’t working. The man took another swig of his beer.

  “Well, thank you. I’m surprised you recognized me. It mostly happens when I’m in uniform.”

  “Oh, there’s more people that are following you than you think.” He continued watching me, before turning to flag a waitress. “Can I have six beers, please?”

  The woman nodded and quickly returned with them.

  “Wanna go outside and talk for a bit?”

  “I’d love to,” I answered, suddenly realizing I’d never even asked him his name.

  Chapter Eleven

  Handing me three of the beers, I placed them in my lap before wheeling out behind the man onto the empty, covered patio. It appeared the storm had driven everyone inside. The rain had finally begun in earnest, along with some spectacular lightning shows; but I felt we were safe up against the wall and I angled my chair to watch the water gushing off the rooftops and splattering to the ground beneath.

  “How are you, really?” the gentleman asked, leaning up against the wall beside me. He placed two of his beers on a nearby table and popped the lid off the third, taking a long swallow.

  I shrugged. “Well . . . I’m doing okay, I guess.” It wasn’t really a truthful answer, but I wasn’t sure how to explain what was going on to a complete stranger.

  Honestly, I was angry. This injury was affecting every part of my life and I had no clue what to do about it. It seemed as if things were crumbling before my eyes and all I could do was sit and watch it happen.

  “I don’t know where to start, but I’d like to tell you something,” he began. “Your dad was my role model. No matter what he did, everyone loved him.”

  Listening raptly, I enjoyed hearing him talk about my dad. Warmth infused me as memories of him washed through my mind. There weren’t many people for me to talk to about him anymore. Now that my mom was married to Greg, I hated bringing up what I knew was a painful subject for her.

  “You have that same quality.” He chuckled. “Hell, you and your dad could’ve both worked as sales people in a Victoria’s Secret store and everyone would’ve thought it was wonderful. People love you and respect you—no matter what you’re doing.”

  The Victoria’s Secret comment brought a grin to my face. Somehow I didn’t think a job helping sexy ladies find pretty underwear would be high on the list of jobs Brittney would approve of me doing. Of course, with the way things were heading right now, it could end up being a viable option.

  “When you were little, your dad said he wanted to teach you to be tough. In fact, he said if anything ever happened to him, he wanted me to help keep you that way. We never stayed in touch much after that, and I’m afraid I didn’t keep up my end of the promise, as far as you were concerned. I’ve paid attention to your career though, and you seemed to be doing fine on your own. Until recently, that is.”

  Taking a small swig, I gave a little snort. “Yeah. That’s an understatement. I have no idea where I’m headed from here.”

  The man nodded. “I bet. Unfortunately, you’re the only one who’s going to be able to figure that out for yourself. I can say this though. You’re a hell of an athlete, and one of the best leaders I’ve ever seen on the field. You’re good at making quick choices, but I think you make decisions based on what other people are doing more than what is best for you. I‘ve watched when you were supposed to hand the ball off and kept it because you saw your teammate wasn’t ready. You’d keep the ball and take the hit, ending up flat on your back. It takes true guts to do that, but I think when it comes to life, maybe you should start making some decisions based on what Chase needs—not on what everyone else needs. Start thinking about what’s best for you.”

  Staring at the beer in my lap, I pondered everything he’d just said. I could see the wisdom in what he was saying, but was aware that a lot of my choices, of late, had been based on concerns over money, career, fans, and even what I felt Brittney needed from me. It was becoming overwhelming.

  “Thanks for the advice. I’ll take that into consideration.” Lifting my head to glance at him, I was shocked to discover he was no longer there. Sitting straighter, I craned my head around looking for him, finally spotting him in the rain as he rounded the corner out of sight. “Hey!” I yelled loudly after him. “Wait! I didn’t even get your name!”

  My words were drowned out in the roar of the storm and I slumped back into the wheelchair, finding the whole situation to be very cryptic. Why would he just take off like that? Apparently he wanted to remain a mystery. Perhaps he and my dad had a falling out or something . . . I couldn’t figure it out.

  Staying on the patio, I continued to watch the storm while I drank the rest of my beer. My mind was full of turmoil and thoughts continued to plague me. But somehow, sitting out here in solitude like this, was comforting. Every now and again, a couple would make their way out for some fresh air, gravitating away from me to kiss in the corner. Observing those moments, made me miss my wife and the times we used to have together when we were so carefree.

  Brittney wanted the best for me—of this I was sure. That being said, I’d noticed a rift growing between us. Something was troubling her. She was growing more distant all the time, it seemed. I wanted that fixed more than anything. I missed how close we used to be, and I hated seeing how tired she was all the time.

  Making up my mind to suck things up, I was determined to become as little of a burden to her, as possible. I’d try to make do on my own and take any stress I could off her.

  Just thinking about her made me want to go home. I didn’t need to be here to have fun. Wrapping my arms around my wife was the best therapy there was.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I sent a text to Barney.

  Ready 2 go whenever U R, I wrote.

  It took about ten minutes before he found me outside, his arm draped around a petite, gorgeous blonde.

  “Ready, man?” he asked with a knowing smile, watching me eye the beautiful girl, in surprise. He said he’d pull a top-notch girl out of this tonight and he’d stuck true to his word. I had to give him credit.

  “Yeah, let’s get out of here. Where’s Brett?” I asked, smiling as I nodded to the lady on his arm.

  “Who knows? I haven’t seen him for about an hour. Hopefully he didn’t run off with some hot chick.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “If he’s with any hot chick, it’s with the one he’s got at home. He’s crazy about his wife, Tana—has been since junior high school.”

  “Well, good for him,” Barney said with a grin. “I’m all for happy marriages. How about we get you back to yours?”

  “Sounds great,” I agreed. Brittney was exactly what I needed right now.

  Barney released his new friend and grabbed my wheelchair, pushing it back through the still rowdy building and to his vehicle out front. I tried to offer to sit in the back so the girl could ride up front with him, but she wouldn’t hear of it. The ride was slightly awkward, knowing she was back there and Barney refusing to turn off the Hawaiian music this go around. He sang loudly and off key most of the time too.

  “How much did you have to drink?” I asked with a laugh.

  He glanced at me with mock horror. “Dude! I’m driving! I haven’t had anything for hours, just that first drink when we arrived.”

  “You’re kidding?” What had he been doing the whole time?

  “I’m not. I needed to be on my ladies’ game. Besides, what good is it for me to take you out if I kill you on the way home?” He glanced sideways at me.

  “This is true. Thanks for watching out for me, man.”

  He chuckled and slapped my shoulder. “Any time, brutha. Any time! We’ll do this again soon.”


  Quietly, I made my way into the house, not wanting to disturb Britt; but I found her sitting up in bed reading with her lamp on. Her platinum hair
was pulled up into a messy bun and I thought she looked hotter than sin. I loved it when she was dressed casual like this. It seemed so . . . comfortable and sexy at the same time.

  Glancing up, she smiled brightly at me, filling my heart with warmth. “Hey, baby! How was your night out?”

  “It was fun, but I’m more happy to be back home with the woman I love.” Making my way over to the bed, I sat beside her and gathered her into my arms, burying my face into the crook of her neck and smelling her sweet skin. Just being away from her for those few hours already had me starving for her.

  My lips found their way, naturally, to her mouth and she let out a little moan as she allowed me to kiss her deeply, awakening longing sensations within. The feel of her tongue stroking against mine set my senses on fire. I wanted her—I needed her.

  Gently, I pulled away. “I’ll be right back, okay? I’m going to take a shower real quick and freshen up.”

  She smiled and nodded, leaning back against her pillow. “Do you need me to come help you?”

  Remembering my resolve earlier, I shook my head in denial. “No, you just rest. I’ll manage.”

  Surprise was evident on her face, but she didn’t argue—in fact she seemed a little relieved, if truth be told.

  Climbing into the shower with my toothbrush in hand, I began brushing my teeth. I left the door open to the bedroom and noticed when Britt clicked off the lamp. I should just let her rest. She obviously needed it, if the black circles under her eyes were to be believed.

  Even looking exhausted, she was still a solid ten in my eyes. I couldn’t get enough of her. She made my life complete, and I loved her with every breath I took.

  Relaxing under the water, I let my thoughts wander back to the man I’d met this evening and even further back to when I got ready for football games in high school. That seemed so long ago—strutting around the locker room with my shirt off, all my teammates staring at me. I missed that. There was no other feeling like that of Friday night lights—the hometown stadium packed with friends, fans, and family cheering on their team to win. The smells from the concession stands drifting over to the field, mixing with the scent of the freshly cut grass and newly painted lines. Even the thrill of playing to crowds of tens of thousands paled in comparison, at times. I missed home—I missed the beginning—the familiar.

  Right at that moment, I’d have given anything to be standing back on that field in Silver Creek, the rough skin of the ball between my hands, listening to the shouts and calls of the coaches as a game commenced.

  Both of my girls would be there too—Nikki and Brittney—on the sidelines, cheering for the team together.

  Nikki . . . I couldn’t stop thinking about her. There were times I wasn’t sure if God was real, but I liked to believe He was. One thing I was sure about—if there was a God, He and Nikki were close. She was one of the most amazing people I’d ever known and I missed her—not just the kisses or her body—but my friend, Nikki. Her support had always meant so much to me.

  It was time for me to remember the positives things that Nikki had given me in my life. I needed to quit thinking of her as an empty, gaping hole and see all the gifts she’d left behind for me.

  And then, of course, there was Brittney. I was completely in love with her—heart and soul—and everyone knew it. I couldn’t imagine my life without her. I wouldn’t want a life without her.

  I felt my skin prickle as the water suddenly turned cold and I realized I’d been standing far too long letting my thoughts run rampant. Quickly, I finished up and got ready for bed. It took a little extra time to do it on my own, but I finally succeeded; and when I reentered the bedroom, I found my pretty girl sound asleep.

  Smiling, I slipped under the covers, snuggling close to her. A small moan escaped her as she curled up to me without waking.

  Happiness infused me—something I hadn’t felt in a long time, and I realized how badly I missed it. Happy Chase—it was nice to recognize this part of myself, again. Relaxing, I closed my eyes.

  Britt’s soft breathing whispered against my skin in a gentle caress, and for some reason, the feel of it made me ponder my existence and what the true meaning of life was. Why was I here? What purpose was I meant to fulfill? Why did everything seem so hard?

  There were points, over the last several years, that seemed like muddled fog to me—nothing but blurred memories mixed with pain and heartbreak. Was there some divine lesson I was supposed to learn from all this? I wasn’t sure, but I would’ve been happy to continue on my merry way without having to go through all the bullshit I’d been through. It seemed as if when I finally made it to the top of one hill, there was an even bigger one to climb behind it. I just wanted to live my life and be happy. Was that such a hard request?

  Sighing heavily, I ran my hand through my hair. Brittney stirred beside me.

  “Why are you still awake?” Her voice cracked and I jumped, not expecting to hear her speak.

  “Oh, I was just thinking, babe. Sorry if I disturbed you. I’ll go to sleep, now. I love you,” I answered in the dark, but she didn’t reply, instead she rolled over and scooted her butt up against me as she spooned against me. It was comforting to feel her there and I felt myself relax even more, closing my eyes and allowing myself to drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  The sound of the shower, combined with loud music, brought me back to reality in the morning and I sat up, eyeing my crutches by the bed. I didn’t want to use them anymore. They were irritating. The doctor had warned me not to put any weight on my leg, but I didn’t care. I’d been working hard in physical therapy and I was going to test it out. Gingerly standing, I carefully applied some pressure to my toes. There was a slight twinge of discomfort, but it faded quickly. Slowly, I half hopped, half hobbled toward the bathroom.

  Spying the cup next to the toothbrushes, a hateful, truly nasty idea popped into my head. Brittney hadn’t noticed I’d come in, due mostly to her singing along with the music. Quietly, I snatched the cup and filled it with cold water before sneaking over to the shower. Reaching the cup over the top, I dumped its icy contents right on her.

  Laughter bubbled out of me as her shrieking echoed off the walls, hurting my ears. The shower door flung open and I was instantly rewarded with a five star slap to the face.

  “What the hell, Chase?” she yelled, her skin red with anger.

  My cheek tingled sharply from where she’d hit me, but all I could was stare at her dripping wet body. “Sorry,” I muttered, surprised she’d gotten so angry with me. But my mind could only focus on one thing at a time and currently I was wondering how fast I could get out of my clothes.

  Doing my best impersonation of a stripper, I quickly managed to shed everything and get into the shower, happy that I no longer had to bag my leg to prevent it from getting wet.

  “Well, someone is starting to feel better,” Brittney said wryly. I could see the admiration in her eyes. Lifting her hand, she stroked the side of my face. I’m sorry I hit you.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I replied, gathering her into my arms. “It was kind of hot.”

  She laughed. “You’re such a dork.”

  “Hmm. Not the name I was going for.”

  “Really? And what name was that?” she teased. “Nerd? Asshole?”

  I chuckled. “That’s a wide gap from nerd to asshole. Ouch.”

  “You deserve it,” she said.

  “I suppose I do, but maybe just for now you could call me something like hot lover, or super stud.” I pressed her against the shower wall.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” she said with a laugh.

  “You know I would. Let’s hear it.”

  She paused, her eyes narrowing as she looked over me. “Nope. I think I’ll stick with nerd.”

  I shrugged. “Okay. Guess I’ll have to earn the new nickname then.” I dropped my lips to hers, determined to have her changing her tune as soon as possible.


The aroma of eggs, bacon, and sausage hit me as I moved toward the kitchen, bringing back memories of Grandma’s breakfasts and the country. It seemed like forever since I’d been home, and suddenly I ached to be there.

  “Babe, let’s go camping tonight,” I said, as I sat down at the table.

  “Are you joking or serious? I can never tell.” She slid a plate in front of me and then sat in the seat beside me.

  “I’m completely serious,” I replied. Great ideas of fun things to do were racing through my head. It seemed as if my outing last week had refreshed my desire to be active. “Let’s forget everything here and go. Grandpa will let me use his camping trailer and I’m positive Greg would let us borrow his quads and Ranger.” I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. This idea excited me.

  “Tonight? Are you sure?” she asked, and I could see the excitement starting to build in her too. She hadn’t been home in a while either. It would be nice for her to see her parents.

  “Well, it is Friday. Why not? You don’t have to work today. Let’s go! We can stay two nights and come back on Sunday, so you can sleep in your own bed before going to work on Monday. I can go get gas, coals, and all the camping supplies, if you want to get the food. What do you think?”

  “I’m on it, sweetie,” she said, leaning in to kiss my cheek before she jumped up and ran toward the bedroom, without even touching her food. It felt good to see her happy like this. I knew she needed a break too. She’d been looking so tired lately, the dark circles under her eyes growing deeper.

  Grabbing my crutches, I left my food as well, hurrying out to my truck and heading off toward the gas station. This was going to be a great retreat! I needed to call my mom and let her know I was coming home. She’d be upset if I didn’t.

  A buzzing in my pocket alerted me to a phone call and I smiled when I dragged it out and saw Brett’s name. “Hey, Brett! What’s up, man?” I answered.