arrival of the Mahdi was announced by thebeautiful and solemn notes of umbajas, but when he appeared thereresounded the shrill notes of fifes, the beating of drums, the rattleof stones shaken in empty gourds, and whistling on elephants' teeth,all of which combined created an infernal din. The swarm was swept byan indescribable fervor. Some threw themselves on their knees; othersshouted with all their strength:

  "Oh! Messenger of God!" "Oh! Victorious!" "Oh! Merciful!" "Oh!Gracious!" This continued until the Mahdi entered the pulpit. Then adead stillness fell while he raised his hands, placed his big fingersto his ears, and for some time prayed.

  The children did not stand far away, and could see him well. He was amiddle-aged man, prodigiously obese as though bloated, and almostblack. Stas, who had an unusually keen sight, perceived that his facewas tattooed. In one ear he wore a big ivory ring. He was dressed in awhite jubha and had a white cap on his head. His feet were bare, as onmounting the platform he shook off red half-boots and left them on thesheep's hide on which he was afterwards to pray. There was not theleast luxury in his clothing. Only at times the wind carried a strongsandal* [* From sandal wood, from which in the East a fragrant oil isderived.] scent which the faithful present inhaled eagerly throughtheir nostrils; at the same time they rolled their eyes from joy. Onthe whole Stas had pictured differently this terrible prophet,plunderer, and murderer of so many thousand people, and looking now atthe fat face with its mild look, with eyes suffused with tears, andwith a smile, as though grown to those lips, he could not overcome hisastonishment. He thought that such a man ought to bear on his shouldersthe head of a hyena or a crocodile, and instead he saw before him achubby-faced gourd, resembling drawings of a full moon.

  But the prophet began his instruction. His deep and resonant voicecould be heard perfectly all over the place, so that his words reachedthe ears of all the faithful. He first spoke of the punishments whichGod meted out to those who disobey the commands of the Mahdi, and hidebooty, get intoxicated upon merissa, spare the enemy in battles, andsmoke tobacco. On account of these crimes Allah sends upon the sinnersfamine and that disease which changes the face into a honey-comb(small-pox). Temporal life is like a leaky leather bottle. Riches andpleasure are absorbed in the sand which buries the dead. Only faith islike a cow which gives sweet milk. But paradise will open only for thevictorious. Whoever vanquishes the enemy wins for himself salvation.Whoever dies for the faith will rise from the dead for eternity. Happy,a hundredfold more happy are those who already have fallen.

  "We want to die for the faith!" answered the swarm in one tumultuousshout.

  And for a while an infernal uproar again prevailed. The umbajas anddrums sounded. The warriors struck sword against sword, spear againstspear. The martial ardor spread like a flame. Some cried: "The faith isvictorious!" Others: "To paradise through death!" Stas now understoodwhy the Egyptian army could not cope with this wild host.

  When the hubbub had somewhat subsided, the prophet resumed his address.He told them of his visions and of the mission which he had receivedfrom God. Allah commanded him to purify the faith and spread it overthe entire world. Whoever does not acknowledge him as the Mahdi, theRedeemer, is condemned to damnation. The end of the world is alreadynear, but before that time it is the duty of the faithful to conquerEgypt, Mecca, and all those regions beyond the seas where the gentilesdwell. Such is the divine will which nothing can change. A great dealof blood will flow yet; many warriors will not return to their wivesand children under their tents, but the happiness of those who fall nohuman tongue can describe.

  After which he stretched out his arms towards the assembled throng andconcluded thus:

  "Therefore I, the Redeemer and servant of God, bless this holy war andyou warriors. I bless your toils, wounds, death; I bless victory, andweep over you like a father who has conceived an affection for you."

  And he burst into a flood of tears. When he descended from the pulpit aroar and a clamor resounded. Weeping became general. Below, the twocaliphs Abdullahi and Ali Uled Helu took the prophet under the arms andescorted him to the sheep hide on which he knelt. During this briefmoment Idris asked Stas feverishly whether Smain was not among theemirs.

  "No!" replied the boy, who vainly sought the familiar face with hiseyes. "I do not see him anywhere. Perhaps he fell at the capture ofKhartum."

  The prayers lasted long. During these the Mahdi threw his arms and legsabout like a buffoon or raised his eyes in rapture, repeating "Lo! Itis he!" "Lo! It is he!" and the sun began to decline towards the west,when he rose and left for his home. The children now could be convincedwith what reverence the dervishes surrounded their prophet, for crowdseagerly followed him and scratched up the places which his feettouched. They even quarreled and came to blows for they believed thatsuch earth protected the healthy and healed the sick.

  The place of prayer was vacated gradually. Idris himself did not knowwhat to do and was about to return with the children and his wholeparty to the huts and to Chamis for the night, when unexpectedly therestood before them that same Greek who in the morning had given Stas andNell each a dollar and a handful of wild figs.

  "I spoke with the Mahdi about you," he said in Arabian, "and theprophet desires to see you."

  "Thanks to Allah and to you, sir," exclaimed Idris. "Shall we findSmain at the prophet's side."

  "Smain is in Fashoda," answered the Greek.

  After which he addressed Stas in the English language.

  "It may be that the prophet will take you under his protection as Iendeavored to persuade him to do. I told him that the fame of his mercywould then spread among all the white nations. Here terrible things aretaking place and without his protection you will perish from starvationand want of comforts, from sickness or at the hands of madmen. But youmust reconcile him and that depends upon you."

  "What am I to do?" Stas asked.

  "In the first place, when you appear before him throw yourself uponyour knees, and if he should tender his hand, kiss it with reverenceand beseech him to take you two under his wings."

  Here the Greek broke off and asked:

  "Do any of these men understand English?"

  "No. Idris and Gebhr understand only a few simple words and the othersnot even that."

  "That is well. So listen further, for it is necessary to anticipateeverything. Now the Mahdi will in all probability ask you whether youare ready to accept his faith. Answer at once that you are and that atthe sight of him, from the first glance of the eye an unknown light ofgrace flowed upon you. Remember, 'an unknown light of grace.' That willflatter him and he will enroll you among his muzalems, that is, amonghis personal servants. You will then enjoy plenty and all the comfortswhich will shield you from sickness. If you should act otherwise youwould endanger yourself, that poor little creature, and even me, whowishes your good. Do you understand?"

  Stas set his teeth and did not reply, but his face was icy and his eyesflashed up sullenly. Seeing which the Greek continued thus:

  "I know, my boy, that this is a disagreeable matter, but it cannot behelped. All of those who were saved after the massacre in Khartumaccepted the Mahdi's doctrines. Only a few Catholic missionaries andnuns did not assent to it, but that is a different matter. The Koranprohibits the slaughter of priests, so though their fate is horrible,they are not at least threatened with death. For the secular people,however, there was no other salvation. I repeat, they all acceptedMohammedism; the Germans, Italians, Englishmen, Copts, Greeks--Imyself."

  And here, though Stas had assured him that no one in that crowdunderstood English, he nevertheless lowered his voice.

  "Besides, I need not tell you that this is no denial of faith, notreason, no apostasy. In his soul every one remained what he was andGod saw it. Before superior force it is necessary to bend, thoughseemingly. It is the duty of man to preserve life and it would bemadness, and even a sin, to jeopardize it--for what? For appearances,for a few words, which at the same time you may disavow in your soul?And remember that you hold in your hands not
only your life but thelife of your little companion which it is not permissible for you todispose of. In truth, I can guarantee to you if ever God saves you fromthese hands then you will not have anything to reproach yourself with,nor will any one find fault with you, as this is the case with all ofus."

  The Greek, speaking in this manner, perhaps deceived his ownconscience, but Stas' silence deceived him also for in the end hemistook it for fear. He determined therefore to give the boy courage.

  "These are the houses of the Mahdi," he said. "He prefers to live inthe wooden sheds of Omdurman rather than in Khartum, though there hecould occupy Gordon's palace. Well then, bravely! Don't lose your head!To the question reply firmly. They prize courage here. Also do notimagine that the Mahdi will at once roar at you like