Page 19 of Honor Thy Teacher

Page 19

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  “If you don’t stop that now, I’m going to have to fuck you right here. ” I said, but I already knew it was going to happen. She bit down playfully on my earlobe. I gripped her hips tightly and spun her around placing her face down on the hood of my car. I needed to remind her again who was in control. Her hands spread out helplessly against the hot metal as I undid my belt. She lay perfectly still, waiting for me. I pushed her skirt up her back and slipped her panties to the side. She was already wet for me. I didn’t take time to get her ready for me. I pushed inside of her as she cried out. I fucked her hard and without mercy. She was mine to do with what I wanted, when I wanted. She fucking loved it.

  We made our way back to my parent’s house much more relaxed. The sun was setting and it would soon be time for dinner. My phone rang and I contempleted ignoring it until I looked at the caller I. D. . It was my Mother. I swallowed hard and answered the call.

  “Yeah?” I glanced over at Emma who was staring at the scenery.

  “William, why didn’t you tell us you were coming to town?” My mother asked. She knew why. If I had known they would be there I wouldn’t have shown up at all.

  “I thought you were on location. ”

  “Your father wrapped up filming early. He is very excited to see you. ” Bullshit. My father and I never got along. He always treated me like a burden and my mother never said a word.

  “I have to go. ” I said and ended the call. Emma didn’t say a word the rest of the drive. I was glad. I just wanted to get our things and get the fuck out of town as soon as possible.

  I pulled up to the house and punched the security code into the keypad. My father’s butler was waiting by the door when we arrived. I tossed him the keys to my car and pulled Emma inside behind me. We made our way up the steps and I closed the bedroom door behind us.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked, placing her hands on my chest. I glanced down at them and back at her but she didn’t move them. I clenched my jaw but had too many other things on my mind.

  “I didn’t know they were coming. We can leave right now if you want, get a hotel room?” I ran my hands through my hair.

  “Who?” she asked, soundign afraid.

  “My parents” I stared at her, hoping she understood.

  “Oh” She mumbled and her hands fell from my chest. “Just take me home. ” She turned away.

  “Hey” I grabbed her arm and forced her to look at me. “I didn’t mean to upset you. ” I said, not bothering to change my tone. She pulled out of my grip, seething with anger.

  “If you didn’t want anyone to know about me, why did you bring me to your home?”

  “I didn’t know they would come. My father is supposed to be in Ireland on set for the next few weeks. ” Why was she so upset. She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s not that I’m trying to hide you, Emma. I just didn’t want to subject you to my father. He’s not a good man. ” She looked me up and down and I realized how stupid that sounded coming from someone like me.

  “William?” My father called from downstairs. I stiffened.

  “I love you, Emma. I’m not ashamed of you. ” I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room to the landing.

  “There you are. ” My father called out. He laughed but it was hollow and empty, much like his heart.

  “Dad” I said, flinching at the word as it left my mouth.

  “Who is your friend?” He grinned at her like a wild animal. I realized I was digging my fingers into Emma’s hips. There would probably be bruises later.

  “This is Emma, my girlfriend. Emma, this is my father, Gerald Honor. ” She looked at him for a moment before she realized who he was. Everyone knew my father. He was a very successful director.

  “Pleasure to meet you. ” Emma smiled.

  “I’m sure it is. ” He replied arrogantly.

  “Well, come on down and greet your mother. She will be happy to see you. ” Just then my mother stepped into view.

  “William!” She yelled and held out her arms for me. We made our way down the giant staircase and I gave her a long hug.

  “Who is this, dear?”

  “Mom, this is my girlfriend, Emma. Emma, this is my mother, Martha. ” I explained. Emma smiled and held out her hand.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Emma. ” My mom smiled at her and took her hand.

  “Enough of this. Let’s go eat dinner. ” My father said, walking away from us. I gave Emma an apologtic look and she smiled sweetly back at me.

  We sat down at the dining room table and waited to be served. Several servers brought in our plates of food. No one spoke.

  “This looks amazing. ” Emma smiled up at the woman who had placed a plate in front of her. The woman smiled back but it soon faded as she caught my father’s eye.

  “That will be all. ” He said coldly to her and she looked to the ground as she quickly made her way back into the kitchen. He shot Emma a glare and her gaze dropped to her plate. I wanted to leap across the table and strangle him. Mine.

  “So, how did you two meet?” My mother asked, as she took a sip of wine from her glass. I slipped my hand under the table and rubbed Emma’s knee. If she hadn’t figured it out yet, my father and mother had a similar relationship to ours.

  “At Kippling” I answered, my eyes locking onto my fathers. He held his glass midair for a moment before taking a quick sip and setting it down hard.

  “Well, I think that is nice. Don’t you, Gerald?” My mother was silently pleading with him to be kind. His eyes danced back and forth between us. His jaw clenched tight.

  “I guess I should get the checkbook. ” He said coldly and began to cut his steak. I held Emma’s knee tightly, trying to keep her calm. She began tapping it rapidly and I knew she was biting her tongue. She slipped her hand under the table and places it on top of mine, rubbing it gently.

  “That won’t be necessarry Mr. Honor. I, unlike some, don’t put money over love. ” Emma smiled at me devilishly and I smiled back. She did not bow to anyone, but me.

  “Playing hard ball, are we? What will it take, two…three million. ” He smiled sadistically. Emma pushed back, dropping her napkin on her plate.

  “I apologize, but I need to excuse myself. Mrs. Honor. ” She nodded understandingly to my mother who looked like she was ready to cry at the harsh exchange.

  “She is not your fucking wife and you will never talk to her like that again. ” I looked at my mother who sunk down in her chair. I left the table and rushed to Emma’s side. She was already in the bedroom.

  “Emma” She was shoving her things in her bag and on the verge of losing it.

  “Get me out of here. ” Her tears began to fall. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest.

  “I’m so sorry” I rocked her, trying to calm her down. A light knock came at the door.

  “Please don’t leave like this, William. We haven’t seen you in years. ” My mother looked defeated.

  “She’s not Abby. ” I squeezed Emma in my arms.

  “I know. ” My mother smiled, but her eyes full of sadness. She turned her attention to Emma. “My William is a special boy. Please take good care of him. ” She turned to leave, pulling the door shut behind her. I ran my thumbs over her cheeks to wipe the tears away.

  “Let’s get out of here. ” I kissed her on the forehead.

  We rode across town in silence. Emma was still upset but she was looking less and less angry as we put distance between ourselves and my parent’s. I hated my father but it felt good to stand up to him. I wasn’t a young naive kid. I was my father’s son. Flaws and all. I just hoped Emma never looked at me the way my mother looked at my father.

  When we made it to our room Emma curled up in a ball on the bed. Today had been emotionally exhausting. I slid behind her and kissed her on her shoulder.

  “Are you alright?” I
asked when she didn’t say anything. She nodded. I turned her over to face me, searching her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “My stomach. ” She sighed and rubbed her hand over her belly. I looked at her for a moment.

  “I’ll run to the store and get you something for it. ” I kissed her quickly and left. When I got into the hall I leaned against the wall trying to calm my racing thoughts. Could she be pregnant? My mind raced as I thought of all of the times we had been together. We hadn’t used condoms every time. I cursed myself. This was not something I had to worry about with any of the others. I always made sure they where on birth control. I struggled to keep my composure as I went to the gas station down the road to get a pregnancy test.

  By the time I made it back to our room, Emma was fast asleep.

  “Emma” I whispered, waking her from her sleep.

  “What?” She rolled over and rubbed her eyes.

  “Get up”

  “I’m not in the mood. ” She waved her hand at me and buried her face in the blanket. What the fuck?

  “Get up now” I was nearly growling. I pulled her into the bathroom and turned on the light. She recoiled from the sudden brightness. I slapped the test down on the bathroom counter.

  “What is it?” She asked, her voice sounding scared. I didn’t care. I ran my hands through my hair and struggled to keep my composure.

  “It’s a pregnancy test. ”

  “But I’m not…I mean…I can’t be” She was stuttering and on the verge of tears. I was sick with guilt. It was only a matter of time before Emma found out the kind of person I really was. Bringing a baby into that situation was fucked up, even for me.

  “Now” I yelled. She jumped and grabbed the test. She did as she was told. After she returned the test to the counter she pushed past me. A few seconds later I herad the door to the room open and slam shut. She was gone. I didn’t chase after her, just stared into space and waited for the five minutes to pass so I could read the reults.

  Time practically stood still. I went into the main part of the room and began emptying the minibar of all of its contents. I had lost count of how many drinks I had as I stumbled back into the bathroom. It was hard to decipher it there was one line or two with the double vision I was seeing. I closed my eyes and steadied myself. When I reopened them it was finally clear. One line. She wasn’t pregnant. Relief swept over me but was quickly replaced with guilt. I had pushed her away. I was so worried about everyone else that I ended up being the one to destroy everything. I sunk down on the floor and wallowed in my self pity until I passed out.

  I awoke stiff and heartbroken. I jumped to my feet and checked the time. Only a few hours had passed. I logged onto my phone and did a search for Emma. Her GPS placed her at the airport. My stomach twisted in knots. I called to book a flight but they didn’t have anything else available so I made plans to use my father’s private jet. I called my mother and made sure it was alright.

  “Fix things with her, William. ” My mother encouraged me.

  “If she will have me. Thanks, Mom” I said and hung up, making my way to the plane.

  I didn’t try to call Emma. I needed to see her face to face. I needed see her, even if it was the last time.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  I wouldn’t make it into town for a few hours after Emma. I checked my watch constantly, trying to keep myself from calling her. The flight seemed to last forever.

  When we finally arrived at the airport I checked Emma’s location. It put her at a location I didn’t recognize. I drove as fast as I could across town.

  When I was only a few minutes away I tried calling her.

  “She doesn’t want to talk to you. You missed your chance. ” A man’s voice said. The line went dead. I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart. She was with another man. I called back, trying to think of anything but my Emma in someone else’s arms. There was no answer. I was dying. I hit redial. It rang twice before she answered.