Page 116 of Imajica

  Nazarene See Christos.

  New Yzordderrex The Autarch Sartori left the Second Dominion with plans on constructing a New Yzordderrex in the Fifth Dominion.

  Nikaetomaas A Dearther warrior sent with Floccus Dado to retrieve Gentle for Father Athanasius. Fiercely brave to the end, Nikaetomaas died while guiding Gentle through the Yzordderrexian Palace.

  Nisi Nirvana The phrase Celestine heard coming from the ground during her encounter with the Unbeheld in the First Dominion. She later retold her story in the form of a children’s fable with Nisi Nirvana as the story’s fictional heroine. Nisi Nirvana is, and shall always remain, the mind-defying mystery of the Imajica.

  Nullianac An elite race believed to have originated in the First Dominion, though they can be found throughout the Reconciled Dominions. Nullianacs were born to burn the Dominions and are the Unbeheld’s own agents. All Nullianacs are brothers and are aware of each other’s thoughts and feelings, regardless of their distance from one another.

  Oethacs A humanoid race found throughout the Reconciled Dominions, though believed to have their roots in the Third. Their heads make up a third or more of their height and their squat bodies are grotesquely broad to bear the weight of such a massive load of bone.

  Oke T’Noon A formerly affluent Kesparate in Yzordderrex near the Eurhetemec Kesparate. The Autarch evicted Oke T’Noon’s former occupants and turned their once lavish homes into public housing during a particularly aggressive Kreauchee trip.

  Oliver McGann One of the Maestro Sartori’s former patrons and witness to the failed reconciliation. Oliver McGann was one of the founding members of the Tabula Rasa, and his descendant Mattias still holds his ancestral seat.

  Omootajive An agricultural commune in the Third Dominion. The land surrounding Omootajive is notoriously fertile and its fields provide a majority of the Third’s food crops.

  Oscar Godolphin Charlie Estabrook’s brother and descendant of Joshua Godolphin. Though a member of the Tabula Rasa, Oscar uses his knowledge of the Dominions to his advantage, traveling often to the Reconciled Dominions to acquire artifacts he later sells for a profit.

  Our Lady of Yzordderrex Refers to Quasoir, the Queen of Yzordderrex.

  Pale Hill Neither a hill nor pale, Pale Hill is a circle of remembrance at the perimeter of the Deliquium Kesparate in Yzordderrex. It is, in essence, a sloped hole in a modest courtyard that opens into a massive underground grave. A veritable magnet for suicides and lovers who poetically throw themselves down to the lifeless masses below.



  Paramarola A former prisoner of the Bastion of the Banu set free during the riots in Yzordderrex. Paramarola aids Judith in her journey to meet the Sisters of the Delta. Also known as Rola.

  Patashoqua A city which lies on the edge of the Fourth Dominion, close to where the In Ovo marks the perimeter of the Reconciled Dominions. The preeminent city of the Dominions, Patashoqua is highly influenced by the Fifth Dominion. The Fifth’s strong influence permeates the city’s fashion, technology, and cuisine. Also known as Casje au Casje or the Hive of Hives.

  Peachplum Joshua Godolphin’s nickname for Judith.

  Peccable See Hebbert Nuits St. Georges Peccable.

  Pensanau Shite rooster of the Third Dominion who, with a single turd, can render an entire wagon-load of sheep’s dung inedible. An obnoxious and foul-tempered beast to say the least.

  Peripeteria Small, simple Oviates summoned by the Autarch Sartori from the cold corpse of Oscar Godolphin.

  Pie See Pie ‘oh’ pah.

  Pie ‘oh’ pah A Eurhetemec mystif who became not only the Maestro Sartori’s familiar, but his spouse as well. The enigmatic Pie ‘oh’ pah holds the key to many of Gentle’s secrets and is responsible for not only hiding the Maestro’s past and powers, but restoring them as well.

  Pillow Book One of Oscar Godolphin’s otherworldly gifts to his brother Charlie Estabrook, it depicts improbable and carnal acts of lovemaking.

  Pineo Radical Christian and failed Reconciler. Pineo’s stray from the Christian flock led him to his knowledge of the Dominions and Christos’ relationship to the Unbeheld. His attempt at Reconciliation was halted by agents of the Vatican.

  Pivot, The Often referred to as Hapexamendios’s phallus, the Pivot is a perfectly hewn and polished column of rock that once marked the center of the Dominions. It was moved by Autarch Sartori from Kwem to Yzordderrex, a feat which, for many, acknowledged the Autarch’s true power over the Dominions. Its powers are shrouded in mythology and its importance in nearly all the Dominions’ religions is paramount. The Goddess Jokalaylau took refuge from Hapexamendios within the Pivot as he made his way across the Dominions to the First.

  Pivot Chamber An antechamber beneath the Pivot Tower where Quasoir would often sit and meditate, listening to the unanswered prayers that fell from the Pivot itself.

  Pivot Tower The tallest spire gracing the palace atop Yzordderrex, the Pivot Tower was constructed to house the Pivot when it was moved from the Third Dominion.

  Plow, The Fifth Dominion stellar constellation, also known as the Big Dipper.

  Pluthero Quexos The most celebrated dramatist of the Second Dominion. Some scholars have suggested that the Bard of the Fifth was greatly influence by the works of Quexos, either directly or indirectly. Pluthero’s sister also enjoyed a bit of notoriety for her extensive collection of erotic poems.

  Pluthero Quexos’ First Law of Drama States that in any fiction there is only room for three players. And as the story unfolds, this trio would diminish to two, and finally one before the stage is left deserted.

  Pneuma A powerful feit that uses one’s own spittle and breath to produce a powerful and deadly blast. The intensity and duration of the blow varies by the caster’s emotional state, as well as their inherent ability.

  Poems of Union Throughout the history of the Unreconciled Fifth Dominion, there have been a handful of those who are aware of Earth’s sister Dominions. Some have even traveled to them and hints of their secret knowledge can often be seen in literature. The Tabula Rasa has, however, systematically destroyed those that once penned their poems to Union.

  Pontiff Farrow An official delegate and self appointed Bishop of Vanaeph. An imposing figure usually seen riding the back of her personal bodyguard, Farrow was hanged for allegedly plotting against the Autarch, though she had numerous enemies who may have started those rumors.

  Poussin Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665); French painter known for his landscapes and historical and religious paintings.

  Primrose Hill A summit within the 400-acre Regent’s Park on the north side of London that offers a fine view of Westminster and the city.

  Pulcinella A character from the puppet show Gentle watched in Beatrix.

  Purge The Tabula Rasa is responsible for the purge of all things magical from the Fifth Dominion. No practitioner, shrine, or text is safe from the society and its agents.

  Quasoir Originally known as Judith during her time in the Fifth Dominion, Quasoir was once Joshua Godolphin’s lover. The Maestro Sartori fell in love with her and created a perfect duplicate (see Judith Odell) for Godolphin so that the Maestro could have the original. She later leaves the Fifth and becomes the Autarch’s bride, Queen of Yzordderrex. Also known as Our Lady of Yzordderrex.

  Racidio One of the Yzordderrexian military’s top generals and former tetrarch overseeing the Third Dominion. Racidio voluntarily gave up his noble seat in the Third to pursue his love of military strategy and combat. A brilliant and ruthless master of warfare.

  Ragemy Animal common throughout the Reconciled Dominions. A cross between porcine and canine strains, Ragemy are often kept as pets in Yzordderrex. Elsewhere, they’re usually skewered and eaten.

  Reconciled Dominions Refers to the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Dominions collectively prior to Gentle’s Great Reconciliation, and including the Fifth thereafter.

  Reconciler Refers to Gentle, though there have been others who tried
to reconcile the Dominions and failed.

  Reconciliation The greatest of all magical feits, the Reconciliation attempts to reconnect the Fifth Dominion to its sister dominions, thus healing the Imajica.

  Regent’s Park A 400-acre Royal Park in north London that’s home to fine gardens, sports and catering facilities, children’s playgrounds, and an open-air theatre. It also contains the London Zoo.

  Retreat, The Designed by Geoffrey Light for Lord Joshua Godolphin, the Retreat is an architectural masterpiece. Maestro Sartori’s first attempt at Reconciliation was performed at the Godolphin Retreat. Its walls and mosaics are home to the Express, a known passing point from the Fifth to the Second Dominion. Also known as The Black Chapel or Godolphin’s Sin.

  Righteous, The Serpentine sentries created by Hapexamendios to guard the frozen remains of Jokalaylau and her followers. Timeless and unblinkingly loyal, the Righteous kept their watch for centuries until Gentle brought their service, and their lives, to an end.

  River Fefer A major tributary that runs through the town of Effatoi in the Third Dominion. Before the domestication of Doeki, the river was the only way to pass through certain parts of the Jokalaylau Mountains.

  River Noy A branching river that runs in twelve white torrents through Yzordderrex to meet the sea in the Second Dominion.

  Rola see Paramarola

  Rosengarten The Autarch’s right-hand man and second in command over Yzordderrex. General Rosengarten lived for duty and rarely questioned Sartori’s dictates.

  Roxborough’s Tower A ten-story tower built in the 1930s that serves as the meeting place for the Tabula Rasa. The Tower stands where Thomas Roxborough’s home once stood.

  Ruukaash A term meaning “contagious” in the vernacular of the Second Dominion.

  Saints Creaze and Evendown Extremely popular figures in Second Dominion folklore, Saints Creaze and Evendown are believed to have been martyred in the Fifth. On certain occasions, twin effigies of the saints emerge from the palace gates in Yzordderrex to provide sustenance for the poor and destitute. The statues are laden with meats and breads and wheeled out for the masses to feed from.

  Samuel Palmer Nineteenth-century English painter and etcher of visionary landscapes, Palmer was a disciple of William Blake. Gentle had done some watercolors in the style of Palmer and dedicated them to Taylor.

  Sartori Refers to either the Maestro Sartori (see Gentle) or to the Autarch Sartori.

  Saville Row London street famous for its fine tailors. Its name is synonymous with fine suits.

  Scintillants A militant religious faction whose hatred of the Autarch rivals their hatred of the Dearth. Though they share a similar religious doctrine with the Zenetics, the two groups mix like oil and water.



  Scopique The Maestro who represented the Third Dominion in the Synod during the Reconciliation. Scopique had once been a professor of theology in L’Himby, where he resided until being sentenced to the Maison de Santé for “questionable” thinking.

  Scoriae Kesparate Yzordderrex’s harbor Kesparate known more for its public executions than its booming shipping industry. The Autarch had at one time secured his Kreauchee from dealers in the Scoriae.

  Seidux General Rosengarten’s number-two man under Mattalaus. His rise through the Yzordderrexian military ranks was reputedly less than honorable.

  Sergio Doorman at Marlin’s apartment building in Manhattan.

  Sighshy Floccus Dado’s pet Mama Sighshy, a relation to the ragemy via the hyena.

  Simone A friend of Chester Klein who, like so many others, had taken more than a passing interest in Gentle.

  Sisters of the Delta Refers collectively to the Goddesses of the Imajica: Jokalaylau, Tishallulé, and Uma Umagammagi. Because worshiping the Goddesses has been forbidden, many pray to the Sisters of the Delta without knowing their true names.

  Skin A dog that Judith befriends the night Pie ‘oh’ pah and Gentle cross from the Fifth Dominion to the Fourth.

  Slew A small town in the Third Dominion where Oscar bought the Statue of Etook Ha’chiit. Well known for its version of Klupo, a powerfully intoxicating blend of sour berries and grain.

  Sloth See Hubert Shales.

  Smooke Street A narrow thoroughfare in Yzordderrex that leads from the Caramess to the Viaticum Kesparate.

  Soho A district of central London known for its theaters, galleries, and nightclubs.

  Son of David See Christos.


  South Bank An area of London where crude cardboard cities house the homeless. Gentle regains his memory at South Bank and finds new disciples to aid him in his great work.

  Speaker’s Corner Arguably London’s most popular corner for freethinkers and tourists alike. Located at the end of Oxford Street at the entrance of Hyde Park, Speaker’s Corner is a place for individuals to speak their minds on any subject they so wish. Until the middle of the 1700s, the spot was one of London’s two hanging spots, known then as the Pillory.

  Spiatits Meaning “spies” in the Gloss vernacular of the Fourth Dominion. Pontiff Farrow accuses Gentle and Pie ‘oh’ pah of being spies from the Fifth Dominion.

  Squalling An inmate at the Maison de Santé and friend of Father Athanasius. Squalling holds the distinct honor of residing in the Maison longer than any other inmate. So long, in fact, that no one quite remembers what he’s supposed to be guilty of.

  Squeffah An important food-fish harvested in the seas of the Second Dominion. Squeffah can grow larger than a man and reportedly ascend the River Noy to spawn at the edge of the Third Dominion.

  St. Bartholomew’s Fair Historically one of London’s greatest festivals celebrating St. Bartholomew’s Day on August 24th. It was finally banned in 1855 for being “raucous and disorderly.”

  St. Martin in the Fields One of London’s most loved Anglican parish churches, located in the heart of the city by Trafalgar Square. Though scarcely a religious man, Oscar Godolphin preferred to spend his Christmas Eves on the pews of St. Martin.

  St. Peter’s Medieval Anglican church in Nottingham, England.

  Statue of Etook Ha’chiit An artifact Oscar Godolphin acquired in a small town called Slew in the Fourth Dominion. A highly ornate piece highly prized by archeologists and collectors alike, though its powers have never been witnessed.

  Steppes A region in the Third Dominion between Mai’ke and L’Himby. The Steppes’ unusual rock formations tower like stone giants scattered across the otherwise level landscape.

  Stonehenge A group of standing stones in southern England, dating back to 2000–1800 B.C. It is believed to be a site of both religious and astronomical importance.

  Succulent Rock Term used by citizens of the Reconciled Dominions to refer to the Fifth Dominion. Earth, the place of the succulent rock.

  Swamps of Loquiot A biologically rich swampland in the Third Dominion where General Rosengarten caught an illness that left him pie-bald.

  Synod Term referring to the five Maestros collectively working the ritual of Reconciliation. The Synod performs its rites within the confines of the Ana within the In Ovo.

  Tabula Rasa Literally meaning “clean slate,” the Tabula Rasa was established by Thomas Roxborough and his associates to rid England and all of Earth of any and all magic. Its members have always been descendants of the original founding members.

  Tabula Rasa Library The Tabula Rasa has amassed the most comprehensive collection of magical, mythological, and theological writings in the Fifth Dominion in an attempt to rid the Fifth of all magic. The collection is housed in the cellars beneath Roxborough’s Tower in the only remaining portion of Roxborough’s original house.

  Taint Women harboring hidden power from the Goddesses are said to have the Taint. The results of this condition vary, and the effects are often unpredictable.

  Tay See Taylor Briggs.

  Taylor Briggs Gentle’s dear friend who died of “the plague” and later became one of Gentle’s
guardian angels. Taylor was Clem’s partner and occupied Clem’s body for a time after his passing. Clem and Tay were important allies to Gentle during his working of the Reconciliation. Also known as Tay.

  Tenerife One of the Canary Islands located off the coast of Africa. Like its sister islands, Tenerife is blessed with a year-round springlike climate.

  Tetrarchs A governor of one of four divisions of a country or region. The Autarch had modeled his hierarchy of subordinate rulers after the ancient Roman Empire.

  Theresa Tidy mother living with Pie ‘oh’ pah in Streatham at the time of Pie’s meeting with Charlie Estabrook. She lost her life to the flames set by Dowd’s Voiders.