Chapter 2: The Defences Of Quebec.
Excitement reigned in the city. There had been a cry of fearearlier in the day. Men had rushed through the streets, cryingaloud in every tone of consternation:
"The English fleet! the English fleet!"
But this had proved a false alarm. The sails seen advancing up thegreat waterway were those of friendly vessels, laden withprovisions for the city, and great rejoicings were held as thesupplies were carried into the storehouses by the eager citizensand soldiers. Colin, running hither and thither picking up news,came running back at short intervals with tidings for his sisterand aunt.
"They all say the English fleet has sailed from England, and may behere any day; but at least we shall not starve yet. We have a fineconsignment of provisions brought in today."
Next time he came he had another item of information to give.
"Our General, Monsieur de Montcalm, met me in the street just now,and bid me say that he purposed to take his supper with us thisevening, as there are certain matters he would discuss with myuncle, and with you, dear aunt, who have seen so much of warfare.He asked me if it would be convenient for you to receive him, and Isaid I was sure that it would."
"Quite right, my child," answered Madame Drucour; "I shall deem itan honour to entertain the brave Marquis. I have a great respectfor him, both as a man and a soldier."
"Yes: they all speak well of him, and they say that the Governor,Vaudreuil, treats him shamefully, or at least traduces himshamefully behind his back to the Government in France. He isjealous because Monsieur de Montcalm is so much better a soldierthan he. His jealousy is mean and pitiful. I hear things that makemy blood boil!"
"Yes: Monsieur de Montcalm has had to exercise great patience andself restraint. We all honour him for it," said the Abbe, lookingup from his breviary. "His has been a difficult post from first tolast, and he has filled it with marked ability. The Governor seeksto take to himself all the credit of success throughout the colonyand the war, and to heap upon Montcalm all the blame wherever therehas been discomfiture and defeat; but from what I can learn, theMinister of France is not deceived. The powers of the campaign arevested mainly in the hands of the General of the forces, let theGovernor rage as he will."
Colin and Corinne stood at the window watching the hubbub down inthe lower town and along the quays. They could obtain a fair viewfrom the upper window, where the girl spent so much of her time;and whilst the Abbe and Madame Drucour talked of public matters andthe political outlook, Colin poured broadsides of information intothe ears of his sister.
"They say that the English ships can never navigate the waters ofthis great river!" he cried. "I was talking with the sailors on thevessels which have come in. They dare not bring their own ships upwithout a pilot on board. If the English try to sail their greatbattleships up through the shoals and other perils, they willassuredly, say the men, run them upon the jagged edges of thesunken reefs and wreck them hopelessly. I was telling them that theEnglish are better sailors than ever the French will be; but theyonly laughed grimly, and bid them come and see what their sailorcraft could do without pilots in the mouth of the St. Lawrence. Ishould grieve if the noble vessels were wrecked and stranded in theTraverse, which they say is the most dangerous part of all. But thesailors are very confident that that is what will happen."
"I don't believe it!" cried Corinne, with flashing eyes. "TheEnglish have always been masters of the sea; have they not wonthemselves the name of 'sea dogs' and 'sea rovers' even from theirenemies? The walls and guns of Quebec may prove too much for them,but not the navigation of the St. Lawrence."
"So I think," answered Colin eagerly; "but that is what the mensay.
"The French are always something overconfident and boastful, Ithink," said Corinne gravely. "They like to win their battlesbefore they fight them, and beat back the foe before he appears.But we shall see--we shall see."
Colin and Corinne were both much interested in the General of theforces, Monsieur the Marquis of Montcalm. In addition to being avery excellent soldier--brave, capable, merciful, and modest--hewas a very delightful and charming companion in any socialgathering; and towards Corinne he showed himself especially tender,telling her, with the tears standing in his eyes, how much shereminded him of the little daughter he had left at home, Mirete;whom he feared he should never see again.
"For my aide-de-camp, M. de Bougainville, lately returned fromFrance, has brought me sad news. One of my daughters has died--hecould not ascertain which; but I feel sure it is my little Mirete,who was always delicate and fragile. I loved her very much; she wassuch a clinging little thing, and had soft brown eyes like yours,my dear. I did not think, when I left my wife and children in ourhappy home at Candiac, that I should be detained here so long, orthat death would have visited my house ere I returned. We were sohappy in that far away home in France; my thoughts are ever turningback thither. Pray Heaven I may soon bring this war to a successfultermination, and may then return to end my days in peace in thatfair spot, surrounded by those I love so well!"
This little speech touched Corinne's heart, and she lifted her faceand gave the bereaved father a kiss of sympathy, the tears hangingupon her own long lashes. He squeezed her hand and returned thesalute with warmth. Yet the next minute he was the soldier and thegeneral all over, as he seated himself at table and proceeded todiscuss the situation of affairs with the Abbe and his hostess.
"My policy," he explained to them, "will be one of defence, not ofattack. What we must set ourselves to do is to prevent any landingof English troops upon the north bank of this river anywhere nearthe city. I had thought at first of making the Plains of Abraham,behind the city, the basis of my encampment. But this, as you know,has been given up, and the north bank of the river, throughBeauport and right away to the river and falls of the Montmorency,has been selected.
"When you are sufficiently recovered, my friend, I should like totake you to see our position. Our right rests upon the St. Charles,our left upon the Montmorency. Quebec is thus secured from anyadvance by land. Her own guns must protect her from any attempt bysea. No vessel should or ought to pass the rock without beinginstantly disabled, if not sunk. By disposing our forces in thisway, and remaining upon the defensive, we shall have our foes in avice, so to speak. The risk of disembarking and trying to fight uswill be immense. They will lose ten men to our one in everyencounter. And if we can play this waiting game long enough, thestorms of winter will come down upon us, and the Admirals will haveto withdraw their fleet to some safe harbourage, and we shall havesaved Quebec!"
"Yes," said the Abbe--"that sounds a wise and wary policy; but willthe Canadian militia be patient and obedient during the long periodof inaction? They are accustomed to a sort of fierce, short forestwarfare, quick marches, hand-to-hand fights, and the freedom toreturn to their homes. How will they like the long imprisonment inthe camp, without being brought face to face with the foe? TheCanadian soldiers have always given trouble; I fear they will do soagain."
"If they become troublesome," said Montcalm, with a tightening ofthe lips, "they will be told that the Indians shall be loosed upontheir lands and farms to harry and destroy! Mutineers are accordedscant mercy. Monsieur de Vaudreuil has made up his mind how to dealwith them in such case."
The Abbe stroked his chin thoughtfully.
"If we alienate the Canadians, and have only the regulars to fallback upon, we shall be very short handed."
"True; but I do not anticipate such a contingency. The Canadiansare no more desirous of seeing England's flag waving over theirlands than we are ourselves. They may be rebellious anddiscontented, but they will hardly go further than that."
"It is ill work fighting with discontented soldiers," said MadameDrucour thoughtfully.
"Very true, Madame. I often wish we had better material for ourarmy. I abhor the Indians, and distrust the Canadians. But what canwe do? France has sore need of all her soldiers for her Europeanwars. What can she do for us here out in the weste
rn wilds? She hasher hands full at home."
"And yet," said the Abbe, "if she loses her hold upon these samewestern wilds, she will lose that new kingdom upon which her eyeshave been greedily fastened for two centuries or more. She hasclaimed half the world as her own; will she lose all for the sakeof some petty quarrel with her neighbours?"
Montcalm smiled and slowly shook his head.
"Our royal master has his hands something too full at times," hesaid; "yet we will do our best for him out here."
"And if General Amherst with his great army should succeed incapturing Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and should advance upon usby the interior, and steal upon us from behind, what then?" askedthe Abbe, who, having come from that part of the world, and knowingthe apprehensions of the French along the western border, was notunmindful of this possible danger.
Montcalm's face was grave.
"That will be our greatest danger," he said. "If that should takeplace, we shall have to weaken our camp along the river and sendreinforcements to the small detachments now placed along the upperriver. But the English were routed at Ticonderoga once; let us hopeit will happen so a second time."
"General Amherst is a very different commander from GeneralAbercromby," said the Abbe gravely; and Madame Drucour added hertestimony to the abilities of the General who had commanded at thesiege of Louisbourg, although the dash and energy of Wolfe had beenone of the main elements of strength to the besiegers.
"Yet I have confidence in our good Boulamaque," answered Montcalm."He will do all that can he done to check the advance of theinvaders and hold out fortresses against them. We have had ourdisasters--far be it from me to deny it--but Ticonderoga is strong,and has long held her own; I think she will do so once again."
"And will you remain within the walls of Quebec yourself, my dearMarquis? or is it true what I hear--that your headquarters will bewith the camp at Beauport?"
"My place is here--there--everywhere!" answered Montcalm, with asmile and a meaning gesture. "Within the city the Chevalier deRamesay will hold command with sixteen thousand men. For my part, Ishall occupy myself chiefly with the army along the river banks.The first peril will certainly lie there. The town is unassailable,but a landing will probably be attempted somewhere along there. Theenemy must be driven back with loss and confusion each time such anattempt is made. That will discourage them, and inspire our menwith hope and courage. We have also prepared fire ships at no smallcost, to be launched and fired at convenient seasons, and sentadrift amongst the enemy's ships. The sight of their burningvessels will do something to discourage the English. They put theirtrust in their ships. We will show them what a warm welcome we havewaiting for them here!"
"And our own vessels," asked the Abbe--"what of them? Will anynaval battle he attempted?"
"No. The Governor has given orders that they shall disembark theirmen for the defence of the town, and the ships themselves will besent some distance up the river out of harm's way. We have keptsome of the best for fire ships; the rest will remain at adistance, beyond the river Richelieu."
"You think, then, that no British ship can pass the guns of thetown?"
Montcalm's face was a study of calm confidence.
"I only wish they might attempt it," he said. "We would sink themone by one, as a child's boats could be sunk by throwing stonesupon them. The English have a task before them the magnitude ofwhich they have little idea of. First they have the river itself tonavigate; then they have the guns of Quebec to settle with. Letthem take their choice between Scylla and Charybdis; for of acertainty they lie betwixt the two."
Indeed the guns of Quebec were formidable enough. Next day Montcalmtook Madame Drucour and her niece and nephew a tour of inspectionabout the town, and up to one of the heights which gave them apanoramic view of the city and its defences, both within andwithout. The batteries of the town bristled with formidable guns;the town itself swarmed with soldiers--regulars, militia, Indians.From the adjacent country men of all ages had come flocking in,eager to bear arms against the foe. The Bishop had issued a mandateto his flock, urging them to rally round their leaders, and neversurrender the fair domain of Canada to the heretic usurper.
There was plenty of enthusiasm now amongst the Canadians they cameflocking into the camp in great numbers. All were hardy fellows,trained to a certain sort of rough fighting from their verychildhood. They were invaluable in forest warfare, as had beenproved again and again. But they lacked the stamina of the regularsoldier. They were invariably unsteady when exposed to fire in theopen, and they were impatient of discipline and control. Vaudreuilwas always loud in their praise, trying to give them the credit ofevery successful engagement. But Montcalm reposed much moreconfidence in his regular soldiers; although he gave these otherstheir due when they had proved of service to him.
It was a wonderful sight to see the lines of defence stretchingright away from the river St. Charles, close to the promontory onwhich Quebec was built, to that other invisible gorge where thewonderful cataract of the Montmorency flung its waters into thegreater St. Lawrence below. Opposite was the height of Point Levi,with its smaller batteries; and away on the left, in the middle ofthe vast, sea-like river, could be distinguished the western end ofthe Isle of Orleans.
Earthworks, batteries, redoubts seemed to bristle every where.Squadrons of men, like brilliant-hued ants, moved to and fro uponthe plains below. The tents of the camp stretched out in endlesswhite spots; and the river was dotted with small craft of all sortsconveying provisions to the camp, and doing transport duty of allkinds.
"He will be a bold man who faces the fire from our batteries, Ithink," said Montcalm, looking with a calm complacency upon theanimated scene; and then he turned and pointed backwards behind himto Cape Diamond, fringed with its palisades and capped by parapetand redoubt.
A bold foe indeed to face the perils frowning from every heightupon which the eye could rest. Madame Drucour's face slowlybrightened as she took in, with eyes that were experienced in suchmatters, the full strength of the position occupied by the city ofQuebec.
"In truth, I scarce see how the enemy could effect a landinganywhere--could even attempt it," she said. "And yet we said thesame at Louisbourg--till they landed where none of us thought theycould do, and took us in the rear!"
And her eyes sought the steep, precipitous banks of the river afterthe town had been passed, as though asking whether any landingcould be effected there, if some ships should succeed in the daringattempt to pass the guns of the town, and find anchorage in theupper river.
Montcalm followed her glance with his, and seemed to read thethought in her heart.
"All these heights will be watched," he said. "Although I have nofear of any vessel being foolhardy enough to attempt the passage, orclever enough to succeed in passing the guns of the fortifications,I shall leave no point unwatched or unguarded. Quebec shall notfall whilst I have life and breath! If the victor marches into thecity, it will be across my dead body!"
Later upon that very day a fresh excitement occurred. MadameDrucour and her niece and nephew were in the pleasant upper room oftheir house, talking over the things they had seen and heard thatday, when the clamour in the street below roused them to theconsciousness that something unwonted was afoot; and Colin ranbelow, eager to know what the matter could be. In a few minutes hereturned, his face full of animation and eager interest.
"They have taken three prisoners!" he exclaimed--"Englishmidshipmen all of them. You know our boats are scouting all roundthe Isle-aux-Coudres, where Durell and his contingent of ships fromLouisbourg are lying waiting for the English fleet."
"Yes, yes," cried Corinne eagerly; "we know that! But where are theprisoners?"
"They are below, in the house. They brought them to the Abbe, ouruncle. They profess not to speak French, these lads, but I thinkthey understand it fast enough.
"Come down and hear their story, my aunt; and you also, Corinne.They have been left in our care by the order of Monsieur deMontcalm, that we
may win from them all that they know, respectingthe strength of the English fleet. Let us go and hear what theysay."
"How came they to be taken?" asked Madame Drucour, as she rose toaccompany Colin.
"They were taken on shore. They had left their ship, perhapswithout leave, and were amusing themselves upon the island. The menin our boat watched them, and presently landed cautiously andsurrounded them. They made a gallant struggle, but were captured atlength. And now they have been brought to us that we may get fromthem all the information we can. Our uncle is talking to them evennow. I want to hear, and I want Corinne also to hear what theysay."
"And the poor lads will doubtless be hungry," said Madame Drucour,always thoughtful for the comfort of others; "we will set foodbefore them as they talk. They shall see that we are not harshcaptors."
It was three bright-faced, bronzed English lads that they found inthe lower room with the good Abbe. He had induced the rest of thepeople to disperse, and was now alone with the captives. The ladsseemed quite disposed to be talkative, and when the lady enteredbearing food, their eyes brightened; they stood up and made theirbows to all, and fell upon the victuals with a hearty goodwill.
"Strong! I should think it was strong," cried the eldest of thethree, in response to a question from the Abbe respecting theEnglish squadron on the way: "why, there are more than thirty shipsof the line, and with frigates, sloops-of-war, and transports theymust number over fifty. Then we have ten fine ships under AdmiralDurell, waiting to join the main fleet when it comes; and there isanother squadron under Admiral Holmes, which has gone to New Yorkto take up the troops mustered in New England for the reduction ofQuebec. Oh, it will be a grand sight, a grand sight, when it comessailing up the waters of the St. Lawrence! Quebec, I dare wager,has never seen such a sight before!"
The faces of all the lads were full of animation and pride. Theyappeared to have no fears for their personal safety. They wereenthusiastic in their descriptions of the wonderful feats which theworld would soon see, and when once started on the subject wereready to talk on and on.
"They have fifteen or sixteen thousand men--picked troops--with thegallant Wolfe in command," cried another. "You have seen somethingalready of what Wolfe can do when he is set upon a task!"
Madame Drucour made a little sign of assent; she had learned thatlesson herself very fully. The lad made her a courtly bow, for heknew her well, having been at the siege of Louisbourg, and havingseen her when he had entered the fortress to view it after thesurrender.
"Madame Drucour is herself a soldier; she can appreciate thetalents of the soldiers," he said. "Well, we have Wolfe coming, andwith him three gallant Brigadiers--Moncton and Townshend andMurray. They all say that each one of these is as valiant as thegreat Wolfe himself, and as full of ardour."
"And then our guns!" chimed in the third. "Why, we have guns enoughto batter down these old walls as children batter down their cardhouses! You know what English guns did at Louisbourg, Madame! Well,we have bigger and heavier ones coming from England--such guns ashave never been seen in this country before; and such shells--why,you can hear the scream of them for miles. You will hear them soonsinging and screaming over Quebec if you try to hold it againstWolfe!"
Corinne and Colin exchanged glances. It seemed indeed to bring thethought of war very near when this sort of talk went on. The Abbewas thoughtfully stroking his chin, debating within himself whetherall this was a bit of gasconade on the part of these middies, orwhether it represented the actual facts of the case. Madame Drucourmade quiet answer, saying:
"But Quebec has also its guns, my young friends; Quebec can makefitting reply to English guns. And ships are more vulnerable thanour thick walls. The game of war is one that both nations can playwith skill and success. If you have a Wolfe on your side, we have aMontcalm on ours!"
"Oh yes; we have heard of the Marquis of Montcalm. He is a fine oldfellow; I wish we could see him."
"You have your wish, gentlemen!" spoke a new voice from the shadowycorner by the door, where the twilight was gathering.
The company started to their feet and saluted the great man, whoadvanced smiling, motioning them to be seated. Corinne kindled thelamp, and the General looked about him and sat down at the tableopposite to the three youths.
"I hear you are from the English squadron," he said; "I have cometo ask you as to its strength. Tell me frankly and candidly whatyou know, and I will undertake that your captivity shall not be arigorous one."
He spoke in French, and the Abbe interpreted, although he suspectedthat the lads understood a good deal more of that language thanthey professed to do. They were willing enough to repeat what theyhad said before as to the overwhelming size and equipment of thefleet on its way from England--of the valour of men and officers,of Wolfe's known intrepidity and military genius, and of theexcellent, far-carrying guns and their equally excellent gunners.
Montcalm listened with bent brow and thoughtful mien. The ladsappeared to speak with confidence and sincerity. They evidentlybelieved that the fall of Quebec was foreordained of Heaven; but itwas possible they might be misinformed as to the true strength ofthe fleet, and had perhaps, consciously or unconsciously,exaggerated that.
At any rate they were not reticent: they told everything they knewand perhaps more. They gloried in the thought of the fighting tocome, and seemed to take their own captivity very lightly,evidently thinking it only a matter of a few weeks before theycould be exchanged or released--before their countrymen would bemarching into Quebec.
"And as soon as General Amherst has got Ticonderoga, he will marchhere to help us, if we are not masters here first!" was the finalshot of the senior midshipman. "Not that Wolfe will need his helpin the taking of Quebec, but he will want a share in the glory ofit. And all New England, and all those provinces which have beenasleep so long, are waking up, eager to take their share now thatthe moment of final triumph is near. There are so many fine troopswaiting to embark that Admiral Holmes will probably have to leavethe half behind. But they will follow somehow, you will see. Theyare thirsting to avenge themselves upon the Indians, and upon thosewho set the Indians on to harry and destroy their brothers alongthe borders!"
The Abbe translated this also into French, making a little gesturewith his hand the while.
"I knew that retribution must sooner or later follow upon thatgreat sin," he said. "Were it not for my feeling on that score, Ishould have firmer hopes for Quebec. But God will not sufferiniquity to go long unpunished. We have drawn down retribution uponour own heads!"
Montcalm made a gesture similar to that of the Abbe.
"I have said so myself many a time," he replied. "I hated andabhorred the means we have too often used. It may be that what yousay is right and just. And yet I know that I shall not live to seeQuebec in the hands of the English. I can die for my country, and Iam willing to do so; but I cannot and I will not surrender!"
"So they said at Louisbourg," muttered one of the midshipmen toColin, showing how easily he understood what was passing; "but theysang to a different tune when they had heard the music of our gunslong enough!"
The Marquis was talking aside with the Abbe and Madame Drucour.When the colloquy was over, the Abbe addressed the midshipmen.
"Monsieur de Montcalm is willing to release you on parole, and mysister, Madame Drucour, will permit you to remain in this houseduring your stay in the city. You must give up your dirks, and passyour word not to try to escape; but after having done this, youwill be free to come and go as you will. And if the English shouldtake prisoners of our French subjects, you shall be exchanged uponthe first opportunity. These are the terms offered you by Monsieurde Montcalm as the alternative to an imprisonment which would besorely irksome to youths such as you."
The lads looked at one another. It was a promise rather hard togive, since there would be so many excellent opportunities forescape; but the thought of imprisonment in some gloomy subterraneanportion of the fortress, even with the faint chance of effecting anescape
from thence, was too sombre and repelling. They accepted thelenient terms offered, passed their word with frank sincerity, andhanded over their weapons with a stifled sigh.
"We will show you the city tomorrow," said Colin, when he tooktheir guests up to the lofty where they were to sleep in company."My sister and I are half English ourselves. I sometimes think thatin her heart of hearts Corinne would like to see the English flagfloating over the towers of Quebec."
"Hurrah for Mademoiselle Corinne!" cried the lad Peter, throwinghis cap into the air. "I thought you two looked little like thedark-skinned Frenchies! We shall be friends then, and when the townfalls we will take care that no harm comes to you. But we mean tohave Quebec; so you may make up your mind to that!"