"Wide flush the fields; the softening air is balm;Echo the mountains round; the forest smiles;And every sense, and every heart, is joy."


  It was spring again; early in April; the air was filled with the melodyof birds, and balmy with the breath of flowers. All nature was awaking torenewed life and vigor; but not so with our little friend. She had neverfully recovered her strength, and as the season advanced, and the weatherbecame warmer she seemed to grow more languid.

  Her father was very anxious about her, and sending for Dr. Barton onemorning, held a long consultation with him, the result of which was adetermination on Mr. Dinsmore's part that he would take his little girltravelling for some months. They would go North immediately; for thedoctor said it was the best thing that could be done; in fact the onlything that would be likely to benefit her.

  When the doctor had gone, Mr. Dinsmore went into Elsie's littlesitting-room, where she was busily engaged with her lessons.

  "I am not quite ready yet, papa," she said, looking up as he entered;"isn't it a little before the time?"

  "Yes, a little," he replied, consulting his watch, "but you needn't mindthat lesson, daughter; I'm afraid I have been working you too hard."

  "Oh, no, papa! and if you please, I would rather finish the lesson."

  "Very well, then, I will wait for you," he said, taking up a book.

  She came to him in a few moments, saying that she was quite readynow, and when he had heard her recitations, and praised her for theirexcellence, he bade her put her books away and come and sit on hisknee, for he had something to tell her.

  "Is it good news, papa?" she asked, as he lifted her to her accustomedseat.

  "Yes, I hope you will think so: it is that you and I, and mammy, and Johnare about to set out upon our travels. I am going to take you North tospend the summer, as the doctor thinks that is the best thing that can bedone to bring back your health and strength."

  Elsie's eyes were dancing with joy. "Oh, how delightful that will be!"she exclaimed. "And will you take me to see Miss Rose, papa?"

  "Yes, anywhere that you would like to go. Suppose we make out a list ofthe places we would like to visit," he said, taking out pencil and paper.

  "Oh, yes, papa," she answered eagerly; "I would like to go to Washington,to see the Capitol, and the President's house, and then to Philadelphiato see Independence Hall, where they signed the Declaration, you know,and then to New York, and then to Boston; for I want to see Bunker Hill,and Faneuil Hall, and all the places that we read so much about in thehistory of the Revolution, and--but, papa, may I _really_ go _wherever_I want to?" she asked, interrupting herself in the midst of her rapidenumeration, to which he was listening with an amused expression.

  "I said so, did I not?" he replied, smiling at her eagerness.

  "Well, then, papa, I want to see Lakes Champlain and Ontario; yes, andall those great lakes--and Niagara Fails; and to sail up or down theHudson River and the Connecticut, and I would like to visit the WhiteMountains, and--I don't know where else I would like to go, but--"

  "That will do pretty well for a beginning, I think," he said, laughing,"and by the time we are through with all those, if you are not ready toreturn home, you may be able to think of some more. Now for the time ofstarting. This is Wednesday--I think we will leave next Tuesday morning."

  "I am glad it is so soon," Elsie said, with a look of great satisfaction,"for I am in such a hurry to see Miss Rose. Must I go on with lessonsthis week, papa?"

  "With your music and drawing; but that will be all, except that we willread history together for an hour every day. I know a little regularemployment will make the time pass much more quickly and pleasantly toyou."

  Elsie could now talk of very little but her expected journey, and thoughtthat time moved much more slowly than usual; yet when Monday evening cameand she and her father walked over the grounds, taking leave of all herfavorite haunts, everything was looking so lovely that she half regrettedthe necessity of leaving her beautiful home even for a few months.

  They started very early in the morning, before the sun was up, travellingto the city in their own carriage, and then taking the cars.

  They visited Baltimore and Washington, staying just long enough in eachplace to see all that was worth seeing; then went on to Philadelphia,where they expected to remain several weeks, as it was there Miss Roseresided. Mr. Allison was a prosperous merchant, with a fine establishmentin the city, and a very elegant country-seat a few miles out of it.

  On reaching the city Elsie was in such haste to see her friend, that sheentreated her father to go directly to Mr. Allison's, saying she wascertain that Miss Rose would wish them to do so.

  But Mr. Dinsmore would not consent. "It would never do," he said, "torush in upon our friends in that way, without giving them any warning;we might put them to great inconvenience."

  So John was sent for a carriage, and they drove to one of the firsthotels in the city, where Mr. Dinsmore at once engaged rooms for himself,daughter, and servants.

  "You are looking tired, my child," he said, as he led Elsie to her roomand seated her upon a sofa; "and you are warm and dusty. But mammy mustgive you a bath, and put on your loose wrapper, and I will have yoursupper brought up here, and then you must go early to bed, and I hopeyou will feel quite bright again in the morning."

  "Yes, papa, I hope so; and then you will take me to see Miss Rose, won'tyou?" she asked coaxingly.

  "I will send them our cards to-night, my dear, since you feel in suchhaste," he replied in a pleasant tone, "and probably Miss Rose will behere in the morning if she is well, and cares to see us."

  John and the porter were bringing up the trunks. They set them down andwent out again, followed by Mr. Dinsmore, who did not return until halfan hour afterwards, when he found Elsie lying on the sofa, seeming muchrefreshed by her bath and change of clothing. "You look better already,dearest," he said, stooping to press a kiss on her lips.

  "And you, too, papa," she answered, smiling up at him. "I think itimproves any one to get the dust washed off. Won't you take your teaup here with me? I should like it so much."

  "I will, darling," he said kindly; "it is a great pleasure to me togratify you in any harmless wish." And then he asked her what she wouldlike for her supper, and told Chloe to ring for the waiter, that shemight order it.

  After their tea they had their reading and prayer together; then he badeher good-night and left her, telling Chloe to put her to bed immediately.Chloe obeyed, and the little girl rose the next morning, feeling quiterested, and looking very well and bright.

  "How early do you think Miss Rose will come, papa?" was the firstquestion she put to him on his entrance into her room.

  "Indeed, my child, I do not know, but I certainly should not advise youto expect her before ten o'clock, at the very earliest."

  "And it isn't eight yet," murmured Elsie, disconsolately. "Oh, papa, Iwish you would take me to see her as soon as breakfast is over."

  He shook his head. "You must not be so impatient, my little daughter,"he said, drawing her towards him. "Shall I take you to Independence Hallto-day?"

  "Not until Miss Rose has been here, if you please, papa; because I am soafraid of missing her."

  "Very well, you may stay in this morning, if you wish," he repliedin an indulgent tone, as he took her hand to lead her down to thebreakfast-table.

  So Elsie remained in her room all the morning, starting at everyfootstep, and turning her head eagerly every time the door opened:but no Miss Rose appeared, and she met her father at dinner-time witha very disconsolate face. He sympathized in her disappointment, andsaid all he could to raise her drooping spirits.

  When dinner was over, he did not ask if he should take her out, butquietly bade her go to Chloe and get her bonnet put on. She obeyed, asshe knew she must, without a word, but as he took her hand on her return,to lead her out, she asked, "Is there no danger that Miss Rose will comewhile we are gone, p

  "If she does, my dear, she will leave her card, and then we can go tosee her; or very possibly she may wait until we return," he answeredin a kind, cheerful tone. "But at any rate, you must have a walk thisafternoon."

  Elsie sighed a little, but said no more, and her father led her along,talking so kindly, and finding so many pretty things to show her, thatafter a little she almost forgot her anxiety and disappointment.

  They were passing a confectioner's, where the display of sweetmeats inthe window was unusually tempting. Elsie called his attention to it.

  "See, papa, how _very_ nice those candies look!"

  He smiled a little, asking, "Which do you think looks the most inviting?"

  "I don't know, papa, there is such a variety."

  "I will indulge you for once--it isn't often I do," he said, leading herinto the store; "so now choose what you want and I will pay for it."

  "Thank you, papa!" and the smile that accompanied the words was a verybright one.

  When they returned to their hotel Elsie eagerly inquired of Chloe if MissRose had been there, and was again sadly disappointed to learn that shehad not.

  "Oh, papa!" she said, bursting into tears, "what _can_ be the reason shedoesn't come?"

  "I don't know, darling," he answered soothingly; "but never mind; she isprobably away from home, and perhaps will return in a day or two."

  The next morning Mr. Dinsmore would not hear of staying in to wait fora call that was so uncertain, but ordered a carriage immediately afterbreakfast, and had Elsie out sight-seeing and shopping all day. One oftheir visits--one which particularly pleased and interested the littlegirl--was to Independence Hall, where they were shown the bell which inRevolutionary days had, in accordance with its motto, "Proclaimed libertythroughout all the land, to all the inhabitants thereof."

  "I am so glad to have seen it, papa," Elsie said. "I have always felt sointerested in its story, and shall never forget it so long as I live."

  "Yes," he said, with a pleased smile, "I was sure you would enjoy seeingit; for I know my little girl is very patriotic."

  Other historical scenes were visited after that, and thus several dayspassed very pleasantly. Still there were no tidings of Miss Allison,and at last Elsie gave up expecting her; for her father said it mustcertainly be that the family had left the city for the summer, althoughit was so early in the season; so he decided that they would go on andvisit Boston, and the White Mountains; and perhaps go up the HudsonRiver, too, and to Niagara Falls, and the lakes, stopping in Philadelphiaagain on their return; when their friends would probably be in the cityagain.

  It was on Saturday morning that he announced this decision to Elsie,adding that they would remain where they were over the Sabbath, and leavefor New York early Monday morning.

  Elsie sighed at the thought of giving up for so long a time all hope ofseeing Miss Rose, and looked very sober for a little while, though shesaid nothing.

  "Well, I believe we have seen all the sights in this city of BrotherlyLove, so what shall we do with ourselves to-day?" her father asked gayly,as he drew her towards him, and playfully patted her cheek.

  "I should like to go back to the Academy of Fine Arts, if you will takeme, papa; there are several pictures there which I want very much to seeagain."

  "Then get your bonnet, my pet, and we will go at once," he said; andElsie hastened to do his bidding.

  There were very few other visitors in the Academy when Mr. Dinsmore andhis little girl entered. They spent several hours there, almost too muchabsorbed in studying the different paintings to notice who were coming orgoing, or what might be passing about them. They themselves, however,were by no means unobserved, and more than once the remark might havebeen heard from some one whose eyes were turned in that direction, "Whata very fine-looking gentleman!" or, "What a lovely little girl!"

  One young lady and gentleman watched them for some time.

  "What a very handsome and distinguished-looking man he is," remarked thelady in an undertone, "His face looks familiar, too, and yet I surelycannot have met him before."

  "Yes, he is a fine, gentlemanly looking fellow," replied her companion inthe same low tone, "but it is the little girl that attracts my attention.She is perfectly lovely! his sister, I presume. There, Rose, now you cansee her face," he added, as at that moment Elsie turned toward them.

  "Oh, it is a dear little face! But can it be? no, surely it isimpossible! yes, yes, it _is_, my own little Elsie!"

  For at that instant their eyes met, and uttering a joyful exclamation,the little girl darted across the room, and threw herself into the lady'sarms, crying, "Oh, Miss Rose! dear, dear Miss Rose, how glad I am!"

  "Elsie! darling! why, where did you come from?" and Rose's arms wereclasped about the little girl's waist, and she was showering kisses uponthe sweet little face.

  "I did not even know you were in the North," she said presently,releasing her from her embrace, but still keeping fast hold of her hand,and looking down lovingly into her face. "When did you come? and who iswith you? but I need scarcely ask, for it must be your papa, of course."

  "Yes, ma'am," replied Elsie, looking round, "there he is, and see! he iscoming toward us. Papa, this is Miss Rose."

  Rose held out her hand with one of her sweetest smiles. "I am very gladto see you, Mr. Dinsmore, especially as you have brought my dear littlefriend with you. This is my brother Edward," she added, turning to hercompanion. "Mr. Dinsmore, Edward, and little Elsie, of whom you have sooften heard me speak."

  There was a cordial greeting all around; then questions were asked andanswered until everything had been explained; Mr. Dinsmore learning thatMr. Allison's family were out of the city, passing the summer at theircountry-seat, and had never received his cards; but that to-day, Rose andher brother had come in to do a little shopping, and finding that theyhad an hour to spare, had fortunately decided to pay a visit to theAcademy.

  When these explanations had been made, Edward and Rose urged Mr. Dinsmoreto return with them to their home and pay them a long visit, saying thatthey knew nothing else would at all satisfy their parents, and at lengthhe consented to do so, on condition that they first dined with him at hishotel, to which they finally agreed.

  Elsie was delighted with the arrangement, and looked happier, her fatherlaughingly affirmed, than she had done for a week.

  She was seated by Miss Rose at dinner, and also in the carriage duringtheir ride, which was a beautiful one, and just long enough to bepleasant.

  They had passed a number of very handsome residences, which Rose hadpointed out to Elsie, generally giving the name of the occupant, andasking how she liked the place. "Now, Elsie, we are coming to another,"she said, laying her hand on the little girl's arm, "and I want you totell me what you think of it. See! that large, old-fashioned housebuilt of gray stone; there, beyond the avenue of elms."

  "Oh, I like it so much! better than any of the others! I think I shouldlike to live there."

  "I am very glad it pleases you," Rose answered with a smile, "and I hopeyou will live there, at least for some weeks or months."

  "Oh, it is your home? how glad I am!" exclaimed the little girl as thecarriage turned into the avenue.

  "This is a very fine old place, Miss Allison," remarked Mr. Dinsmore,turning toward her; "I think one might well be content to spend his dayshere."

  Rose looked gratified, and pointed out several improvements her fatherhad been making. "I am very proud of my home," she said, "but I do notthink it more lovely than Roselands."

  "Ah! Miss Rose, but you ought to see the Oaks--papa's new place," saidElsie, eagerly. "It is much handsomer than Roselands, I think. Miss Rosemust visit us next time, papa, must she not?"

  "If she will, daughter, Miss Allison, or any other member of her father'sfamily, will always find a warm welcome at my house."

  Rose had only time to say "Thank you," before the carriage had stopped,and Edward, springing out, was ready to assist the others to alight.

Mr. Dinsmore and Elsie were left standing upon the piazza, looking aboutthem, while Edward was engaged for a moment in giving some directions tothe coachman, and Rose was speaking to a servant who had come out ontheir approach.

  "Mamma is lying down with a bad headache, Mr. Dinsmore, and papa hasnot yet returned from the city," said Rose, turning to her guests; "butI hope you will excuse them, and Edward will show you to your room, andtry to make you feel at home."

  Mr. Dinsmore politely expressed his regret at Mrs. Allison's illness, andhis hope that their arrival would not be allowed to disturb her.

  Miss Allison then left him to her brother's care, and taking Elsie'shand, led her to her own room. It was a large, airy apartment, veryprettily furnished, with another a little smaller opening into it.

  "This is my room, Elsie," said Miss Rose, "and that is Sophy's. You willsleep with her, and so I can take care of you both, for though Chloe canattend you morning and evening as usual, she will have to sleep in one ofthe servants' rooms in the attic."

  She had been taking off Elsie's bonnet, and smoothing her hair as shespoke, and now removing her own, she sat down on a low seat, and takingthe little girl on her lap, folded her in her arms, and kissed her overand over again, saying softly, "My darling, darling child! I cannot tellyou how glad and thankful I am to have you in my arms once more. I loveyou very dearly, little Elsie."

  Elsie was almost too glad to speak, but presently she whispered, "Notbetter than I love you, dear Miss Rose. I love you next to papa."

  "And you are very happy now?"

  "Very, very happy. Do you like my papa, Miss Rose?"

  "Very much, dear, so far," Rose replied with simple truthfulness; "heseems to be a very polished gentleman, and I think is extremely handsome;but what is best of all, I can see he is a very fond father," she added,bestowing another kiss upon the little rosy cheek.

  "I am so glad!" exclaimed the little girl, her eyes sparkling withpleasure. Then she added, in a deprecating tone, "But he doesn't spoilme, Miss Rose; indeed he does not. I always know I must obey, andpromptly and cheerfully, too."

  "No, dearest, I did not think you had been spoiled; indeed, I doubt if itwould be possible to spoil you," Rose answered in a tone of fondness.

  "Ah! you don't know me, Miss Rose," said Elsie, shaking her head. "Ifpapa were not very firm and decided with me, I know I should be verywilful sometimes, and he knows it, too; but he is too really kind toindulge me in naughtiness. My dear, dear papa! Miss Rose, I love himso much."

  "I am so glad for you, my poor little one," murmured Rose, drawing thelittle girl closer to her. "It seemed so sad and lonely for you, withneither father nor mother to love you. And you were very ill last summer,darling? and very unhappy before that? Your Aunt Adelaide wrote me allabout it, and my heart ached for my poor darling; oh, how I longed tocomfort her!"

  "Yes, Miss Rose, that was a dreadful time; but papa only did what hethought was right, and you cannot think how kind he was when I wasgetting better." Elsie's eyes were full of tears.

  "I know it, darling, and I pitied him, too, and often prayed for youboth," said Rose. "But tell me, dearest, was Jesus near to you in yourtroubles?"

  "Yes, Miss Rose, very near, and very precious; else how could I haveborne it at all? for oh, Miss Rose, I thought sometimes my heart wouldbreak!"

  "It was a bitter trial, dearest, I know; and certain I am that you musthave had much more than your own strength to enable you to be so firm,"said Rose, tenderly.

  "Ah, there is Sophy!" she added quickly, as a mass of flaxen curls,accompanied by a pair of dancing blue eyes, appeared for an instant atthe door, and then as suddenly vanished. "Sophy! Sophy, come here!" shecalled, and again the door opened and the owner of the blue eyes andflaxen ringlets--a little girl about Elsie's age, came in, and movedslowly towards them, looking at the stranger in her sister's lap with amingled expression of fun, curiosity, and bashfulness.

  "Come, Sophy, this is Elsie Dinsmore, whom you have so often wished tosee," said Rose. "Elsie, this is my little sister Sophy. I want you to befriends, and learn to love one another dearly. There, Sophy, take herinto your room, and show her all your toys and books, while I am changingmy dress; that will be the way for you to get acquainted."

  Sophy did as she was desired, and, as Rose had foreseen, the firstfeeling of bashfulness soon wore off, and in a few moments they weretalking and laughing together as though they had been acquainted asmany months. Sophy had brought out a number of dolls, and they werediscussing their several claims to beauty in a very animated way whenRose called to them to come with her.

  "I am going to carry you off to the nursery, Elsie, to see the littleones," she said, taking her young visitor's hand; "should you like to seethem?"

  "Oh, so much!" Elsie exclaimed eagerly; "if Sophy may go, too."

  "Oh, yes, Sophy will come along, of course," Miss Rose said, leading theway as she spoke.

  Elsie found the nursery, a beautiful, large room, fitted up with everycomfort and convenience, and abounding in a variety of toys for theamusement of the children, of whom there were three--the baby crowing inits nurse's arms, little May, a merry, romping child of four, with flaxencurls and blue eyes like Sophy's, and Freddie, a boy of seven.

  Harold, who was thirteen, sat by one of the windows busily engagedcovering a ball for Fred, who with May stood intently watching themovements of his needle.

  Elsie was introduced to them all, one after another.

  Harold gave her a cordial shake of the hand, and a pleasant "Welcome toElmgrove," and the little ones put up their faces to be kissed.

  Elsie thought Harold a kind, pleasant-looking boy, not at all likeArthur, Fred and May, dear little things, and the baby perfectlycharming, as she afterwards confided to her father.

  "May I take the baby, Miss Rose?" she asked coaxingly.

  Miss Rose said "Yes," and the nurse put it in her arms for a moment.

  "Dear, pretty little thing!" she exclaimed, kissing it softly. "How oldis it, Miss Rose? and what is its name?"

  "She is nearly a year old, and we call her Daisy."

  "I'm sure your arms must be getting tired, miss, for she's quite heavy,"remarked the nurse presently, taking the child again.

  Miss Rose now said it was time to go down-stairs, and left the room,followed by Elsie, Harold, and Sophy, the last-named putting her armaround Elsie's waist, saying what a delightful time they would havetogether, and that she hoped she would stay all summer.

  They had not quite reached the end of the hall when Elsie saw her fathercome out of the door of another room, and hastily releasing herself fromSophy's arm, she ran to him, and catching hold of his hand, looked upeagerly into his face, saying, "Oh, papa, do come into the nursery andsee the dear little children and the baby! it is so pretty."

  He looked inquiringly at Miss Allison.

  "If you care to see it, Mr. Dinsmore," she said, smiling, "there is noobjection; we are very proud of our baby."

  "Then I should like to go," he replied, "both to gratify Elsie andbecause I am fond of children."

  Rose led the way and they all went back to the nursery, where Mr.Dinsmore kissed the little folks all round, patted their heads and talkedkindly to them, then took the babe in his arms, praising its beauty, andtossing it up till he made it laugh and crow right merrily.

  "I often wish I had seen my baby," he remarked to Rose, as he returnedit to the nurse. Then laying his hand on Elsie's head, "Do you know, MissAllison," he asked, "that I never saw my little girl until she was nearlyeight years old?"

  "Yes," she replied, "I knew her before you did, and sympathized stronglyin her longing for a father's love."

  "Ah! we both lost a good deal in those years, and if I could live themover again it should be very different," he said, with a loving glanceat his daughter's face; "nothing should keep me from my child. Though nodoubt it has all been for the best," he added, with a slight sigh, as hethought of the worldly wisdom he would have taught her.

all now went down to the parlor, where Mr. Dinsmore and Elsie wereintroduced to Richard Allison, a wild boy full of fun and frolic, betweenRose and Harold in age.

  Edward was the eldest of the family, and quite sober and sedate.

  Richard took a great fancy to Elsie from the first moment, and verysoon had coaxed her out to the lawn, where he presently engaged her ina merry game of romps with Sophy, Harold, and himself, which was finallybrought to a conclusion by the arrival of the elder Mr. Allison, almostimmediately followed by the call to supper.

  Mr. Allison had a pleasant face, and was a younger looking man than mighthave been expected in the father of such a family. He welcomed his guestswith the greatest cordiality, expressing the hope that they intendedpaying a long visit to Elmgrove, which he said they owed him in returnfor Rose's lengthened sojourn at Roselands.

  Mrs. Allison also made her appearance at the tea-table, saying that shehad nearly recovered from her headache; although she still looked paleand languid.

  She had a kind, motherly look, and a gentle, winning address that quitetook Elsie's fancy; and was evidently pleased at their arrival, andanxious to entertain them in the most hospitable manner.

  Mr. Dinsmore and his little girl were the only guests, and all thechildren, excepting the baby, were allowed to come to the table.

  They seemed to be well-bred children, behaved in a quiet, orderly way,and asked politely for what they wanted, but were rather too muchindulged, Mr. Dinsmore thought, as he observed that they all ate anddrank whatever they fancied, without any remonstrance from their parents.

  Elsie was seated between her father and Miss Rose.

  "Will your little girl take tea or coffee, Mr. Dinsmore?" asked Mrs.Allison.

  "Neither, thank you, madam: she will take a glass of milk if you have it;if not, cold water will do very well,"

  "Why, Elsie, I thought I remembered that you were very fond of coffee,"Rose remarked, as she filled a tumbler with milk and set it down besidethe little girl's plate.

  "Elsie is a good child, and eats and drinks just whatever her fatherthinks best for her, Miss Allison," said Mr. Dinsmore, preventing Elsie'sreply. "No, no; not any of those, if you please," for Rose was puttinghot, buttered waffles upon Elsie's plate; "I don't allow her to eat hotcakes, especially at night."

  "Excuse me, Mr. Dinsmore, but are you not eating them yourself?" askedRose, with an arch smile.

  "Yes, Miss Rose; and so may she when she is my age," he answered in apleasant tone, accompanied by an affectionate glance and smile bestowedupon his little daughter.

  "I think you are quite right, Mr. Dinsmore," remarked Mrs. Allison."I know we pamper our children's appetites entirely too much, as I haveoften said to their father; but he does not agree with me, and I have notsufficient firmness to carry out the reform by myself."

  "No, I like to see them enjoy themselves, and whatever I have, I want mychildren to have, too," said Mr. Allison, bluntly.

  "It would seem the kindest treatment at first sight, but I don't thinkit is in the end," replied Mr. Dinsmore. "To buy present enjoyment atthe expense of an enfeebled constitution is paying much too dear for it,I think."

  "Ah! young people are full of notions," said the elder gentleman, shakinghis head wisely, "and are very apt to be much more strict with the firstchild than with any of the rest. You are bringing this one up by rule,I see; but mark my words: if you live to be the father of as many as Ihave, you will grow less and less strict with each one, until you willbe ready to spoil the youngest completely."

  "I hope not, sir; I am very sure I could not possibly love another betterthan I do this," Mr. Dinsmore said with a smile, and coloring slightly,too; then adroitly changed the subject by a remark addressed to Edward.

  Immediately after tea the whole family adjourned to the sitting-room, theservants were called in, and Mr. Allison read a portion of Scripture andprayed; afterwards remarking to Mr. Dinsmore that it was his custom toattend to this duty early in the evening, that the younger children mighthave the benefit of it without being kept up too late.

  Mr. Dinsmore expressed his approval, adding that it was his plan also.

  "Papa," whispered Elsie, who was close to him, "I am to sleep withSophy."

  "Ah! that will be very pleasant for you," he said, "but you must be agood girl, and not give any unnecessary trouble."

  "I will try, papa. There, Sophy is calling me; may I go to her?"

  "Certainly;" and he released her hand, which he had been holding in his.

  "I want to show you my garden," said Sophy, whom Elsie found in the hall;and she led the way out through a back door which opened into a gardennow gay with spring flowers and early roses.

  Sophy pointed out the corner which was her especial property, andexhibited her plants and flowers with a great deal of honest pride.

  "I planted every one of them myself," she said. "Harold dug up the groundfor me, and I did all the rest, I work an hour every morning pulling upthe weeds and watering the flowers."

  "Oh? won't you let me help you while I am here?" asked Elsie, eagerly.

  "Why, yes, if you like, and your papa won't mind I think it would be realfun. But he's very strict, isn't he, Elsie? I feel quite afraid of him."

  "Yes, he is strict, but he is very kind, too."

  "Let's go in now," said Sophy; "I've got a beautiful picture-book thatI want to show you; and to-morrow's Sunday, you know, so if you don't seeit to-night, you'll have to wait till Monday, because it isn't a Sundaybook."

  "What time is it?" asked Elsie. "I always have to go to bed at half-pasteight."

  "I don't know," said Sophy, "but we'll look at the clock in thedining-room," and she ran in, closely followed by her little guest.

  "Just eight! we've only got half an hour; so come along. But won't yourpapa let you stay up longer?"

  "No," Elsie answered in a very decided tone; and they hurried to theparlor, where they seated themselves in a corner, and were soon eagerlydiscussing the pictures in Sophy's book.

  They had just finished, and Sophy was beginning a very animateddescription of a child's party she had attended a short time before,when Elsie, who had been anxiously watching her father for the lastfive minutes, saw him take out his watch and look at her.

  "There, Sophy," she said, rising, "I know papa means it is time for meto go to bed."

  "Oh, just wait one minute!"

  But Elsie was already half way across the room.

  "It is your bedtime, daughter," said Mr. Dinsmore, smiling affectionatelyon her.

  "Yes, papa; good-night," and she held up her face for the accustomedkiss.

  "Good-night, daughter," he replied, bestowing the caress. Then laying hishand gently on her head, he said softly, "God bless and keep my littleone."

  Rose, who was seated on the sofa beside him, drew Elsie to her, saying,"I must have a kiss, too, darling."

  "Now go, daughter," said Mr. Dinsmore, as Rose released her from herembrace, "go to bed as soon as you can, and don't lie awake talking."

  "Mayn't I talk at all, after I go to bed, papa?"

  "No, not at all."

  Seeing that Elsie was really going, Sophy had put away her book, and wasnow ready to accompany her. She was quite a talker, and rattled on veryfast until she saw Elsie take out her Bible; but then became perfectlyquiet until Elsie was through with her devotions, and Chloe had come toprepare her for bed. Then she began chatting again in her lively way,Elsie answering very pleasantly until she was just ready to step intobed, when she said gently, "Sophy, papa said, before I came up, that Imust not talk at all after I got into bed, so please don't be vexed ifI don't answer you, because you know I _must_ obey my father."

  "Pshaw! how provoking. I thought we were going to have such a good time,and I've got ever so much to say to you."

  "I'm just as sorry as you are, Sophy, but I can't disobey papa."

  "He'd never know it," suggested Sophy in a voice scarcely above awhisper.

  Elsie started with astonishment to
hear Miss Rose's sister speaking thus.

  "Oh, Sophy! you can't mean to advise me to deceive and disobey myfather?" she said. "God would know it, and papa would soon know it, too,for I could never look him in the face again until I had confessed it."

  Sophy blushed deeply. "I didn't think about its being deceitful. Butwould your papa punish you for such a little thing?"

  "Papa says disobedience is never a little thing, and he always punishesme when I disobey him; but I wouldn't care so much for that, as forknowing that I had grieved him so; because I love my papa very dearly.But I must not talk any more; so good-night;" and she climbed into bed,laid her head on the pillow, and in a very few moments was fast asleep.