Page 14

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  “W-why are you acting like this?” My voice cracked as I spoke, and I saw a glimmer of amusement in his eyes.

  “It’s who I am. It’s who I’ve always been. I’m just finally letting you see it. ” He closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

  “N-no it’s not. ” I pressed my lips together in a firm line when I realized I was playing into his hand. I couldn’t be the victim with Colin. I couldn’t show weakness.

  “Little Orphan Annie. ” He tucked my dampened hair behind my ear, and his tone made me shiver. “I had you all wrong as well. Look at you. Just another druggie slut like all the rest. ”

  My anger rose as the defiant streak inside me decided to show. I tilted my chin up toward him and straightened my spine as my hand slid behind me and gripped the gun. “I’d rather take my chances out there than be held captive by another monster. ”

  He pulled back, smirking as he looked over me. “That’s what I am to you?” He laughed sardonically, and I knew I had offended him, but I didn’t care. “I’m more like your God, the center of your tiny little world. You should be on your knees begging for my forgiveness right now, you ungrateful little bitch. ” His words came out in a hiss, and he seemed to have had a break from reality.

  “I think Amanda has that covered. ” Anger coursed through my veins, fueled by hate and carried by the naïve belief that Colin cared enough for me not to hurt me. But this wasn’t the Colin I knew. This version predated the boy who’d risked everything to save me.

  “Annabel…” His vacant blue eyes glanced over my shoulder at the fogged glass behind me before settling on mine. “You really should learn when to shut that pretty little mouth of yours. ” His thumb skimmed over my lower lip, pulling it down fractionally, which seemed to distract him momentarily.

  “I’m not scared of you, Colin,” I said through clenched teeth.

  He slid the palm of his hand down my throat to my collarbone, his fingertips running over the strap of my tank top. “Why is your heart racing?” His fingers moved down my ribs, and my lips parted as my head began to spin. He continued his painfully slow path over my hip bone and around to the small of my back, leaving goose bumps in the wake of his touch and pulling my body against his. It was only then that I realized how much he enjoyed this evil side of himself. His fingers covered mine as he grabbed the gun I had gripped in my hand. Leaning down, his lips brushed over the shell of my ear. “We both know you’re not going to shoot me, so you might as well let go. ” With my cheek pressed against his and our bodies interlocked from our power struggle, it was causing every nerve ending in my body to hum.

  “I hate you,” I whispered as I loosened my grip on the gun, and he slowly pulled it from behind me.

  “No you don’t, little one. But you should. ” He turned and walked up the stairs. I was breathless as I leaned my weight against the door. What in the hell had just happened?

  I was frozen, unsure of what to do next. My world was crumbling around me, and I had no idea whom to trust. I could still feel the ghosting of his fingers running over my body, and I squeezed my eyes closed, desperate to rid my mind of the memory.

  That was when I heard a loud crash, and my head snapped up to the top of the stairs. I jumped on the first step but hesitated, not sure what was waiting for me. Colin had an unmatched temper, which I knew all too well. I took another step and another, my heart accelerating with each move closer until I was gripping the banister at the top.

  Chapter 16 - Colin

  I couldn’t think clearly. What started out as protecting Annie had taken a turn, and now I didn’t know if someone needed to protect her from me. One thing I knew was that Jacob fucker was lying to her, and I needed to find out how big of a threat he posed to her. Either way, the results would devastate her. I grabbed the dry sink and pulled it, causing it to crash to the floor and the glass decanters to break and spill open. The rage started in the pit of my stomach and radiated through every nerve ending of my body. It was exhilarating, freeing to let loose the monster that lurked inside me. I’d kept it dormant for far too long. I did it for her, but now she was slipping from my grasp, my gravity, and I was spiraling out of control into the unknown.


  My chest was heaving with anger, but I stilled at the sound of her voice, giving me a brief moment of clarity. Of course she was frightened. I’d practically molested her against the front door as I threatened her. What the fuck was wrong with me? How could I keep her safe if she was afraid of me?

  “Can I come in?” she called out, and I shook my head, hating myself because I knew I had no choice. I knew I would let her in, and once she saw the real me, I would destroy her…enjoying every second of it.

  “Please?” Her voice was breathy and the fear evident. I was still half hard from pressing her against the door, and now she was sending me over the edge of sanity.

  “Come in,” I said, my voice harsh and low from my explosion of anger. She should know better.

  The door opened, and her eyes danced around the room, taking in the carnage. The bed was the only piece of furniture left untouched. Her eyes met mine, but instead of fear, they were filled with sadness. Somehow that was worse. I sank down on the edge of my bed and hung my head in my hands. She took a few steps closer.

  “Don’t,” I warned her, and she stopped abruptly. “I’m leaving,” I said as I struggled to calm myself. Maybe they would follow me, and she would have a fighting chance.

  “You can’t leave. Who’s going to keep me safe?”

  I looked up at her, my hands still suspended in the air. “Who will protect you from me, little one?” How could she not understand, not see the animal that was before her? She was the only person on the fucking planet who didn’t have that nagging voice inside her head telling her that danger lurked around the corner.

  “You won’t hurt me, Colin. I trust you. Besides, what happens if Taylor comes looking for me?” Her eyes pleaded with me for a rational response, but there was nothing left.

  “I’m going to find him first. ” I pushed to me feet, determined to leave before I snapped and really did something I would regret. If you cut off the head of the snake, the body will die.

  “You can’t do that. ” She put her hand on my chest to stop me, searing my flesh beneath my shirt with her touch.

  “You haven’t left me with any other choice. ” I grabbed her sides to move her out of my way, but her sharp intake of breath paralyzed me.

  “I’ll do whatever you ask. I promise. You can’t leave. ”

  I bent down, my teeth clenched. “I wouldn’t say that if I were you. ” My gaze fell to her chest, and my fingertips pressed into the soft flesh over her ribs, suspended between right and wrong. Her breathing was as erratic as mine, and our lips were nearly touching, sustaining each other’s lives with the hope that we would give in to our carnal wants.

  “I’ve spent my entire life trying to make sure you didn’t have to face our past. ” It was my last ounce of strength as I struggled not to throw her down and commit unspeakable acts. But I was posturing, intent on convincing her as well as myself that I wasn’t hollow inside, that somewhere in me was a morally just human being whose motivations didn’t center on my own demented sexual gratification. It was all a lie. Every fiber of my being wanted her.

  “Anything. ” Her voice was breathy, and her eyes fell to my mouth as she spoke. I knew what she wanted, and my cock stiffened in response against her as she begged and pleaded for me to give in. There was never a question when it came to women, but Annie was different. I was able to find restraint in her perceived innocence, even if only momentarily, a fleeting second in time where her safety took precedence over my desires.

  “You have no idea what you’re asking. ” My lips brushed against hers.

  “I know,” she breathed and pushed her plump, soft mouth h
ard against mine. I tightened my grip on her waist as I let my tongue push over the tip of hers, struggling for control. I slowed my movements, begging for the strength to stop what was happening.

  Pinning her body between myself and the wall, I lifted my mouth from hers just long enough to look into her eyes. Nothing but desire stared back at me, the innocence overshadowed by my demons. I had corrupted her. My lips found hers, my kisses rough and full of need. If she wanted what I had to offer, she would learn the hard way that she was making a mistake. The beast inside me took over all rational thought as I slid my right hand down over her hip bone and along the inner crease of her thigh. Her eyes searched mine as her mouth froze, the fabric of her jeans rough against my fingertips.

  “This what you wanted, little one?” I asked as I slid my hand toward her center, pushing the seam of her jeans against her. “Tell me to stop,” I pleaded as my hand moved back and forth against her. Her hips rolled forward, begging for more. She was no longer the innocent girl I needed to protect.

  “It’s not like I haven’t done this before. ”

  Her words ignited an anger inside me that I’d never experienced. My hand slid over her thigh and gripped tightly below her ass as I lifted her in the air, shoving her hard against the wall. The pressure of my weight colliding with hers knocked the air from her lungs. “If you ever”—I pushed against her, and she moaned—“talk about fucking someone else, I will hurt you in ways you didn’t know were possible. ” I thrust my hips forward, and she gasped, giving me a chance to bite down on her lower lip, tugging it gently. I sucked hard on the delicate flesh, loving the sounds that emanated from the back of her throat. Her nails scratched across the base of my neck as we deepened our kiss.

  “Oh my God. ” Amanda’s voice caused me to freeze as I slowly turned my head to the doorway. With her mouth hanging open in shock, she shook her head in disbelief, her purse falling to the floor as time froze.

  “Fuck. Amanda. ” I had no idea what I was going to say to her as I slid Annie down until her feet touched the floor. I ran my hand roughly over my hair as I looked to the ground between us, begging my depraved soul to feel some semblance of remorse so my apology would sound convincing.

  “Don’t. ” She disappeared into the hallway, and when my eyes met Annie’s, my heart shattered in my chest. She was silently pleading with me to make this right, but I had no idea how to take back what we had done, and I didn’t want to. But that look gutted me, and I knew I had to stop this from unraveling our lives, if only to get the opportunity to touch the milky softness of her skin again. Once again, my entire world would shift on its axis for those beautiful big green eyes.

  “Amanda, wait!”

  Chapter 17 - Annie

  It took me a moment to process what was happening. I lurched for the door but stopped as soon as I stepped into the hall. Colin’s body heaved with heavy intakes of breath, his broad shoulders rocking with each gasp. He slowly turned to face me, his angry expression causing me to take a step backward. It morphed into anguish as his hands ran over his short hair, and he looked up to the ceiling before his eyes settled on mine again.

  “Where…where is she?” My hand went to my chest, silently pleading with my own heart to slow its pace before it thudded out of my chest.

  He glanced over his shoulder and back to me.

  “She’s gone?” I whispered the words as if saying them any louder would make it all real. He swallowed hard as he nodded, his hand rubbing over his jaw where she had hit him.

  “She’s going to destroy everything. ” His voice was thick with regret because we both knew she was, in fact, that stupid.

  “She…” I gasped, putting my hand over my mouth. “She…” My body trembled as I struggled to come to terms with what was happening. Everything we had built, the perfect lies were falling apart around us.