III. To some loved one...

  Many of us have someone special, but many of us don’t. But even if you belong to the second category, don’t give up, because one day you’ll definitely find someone worthy of your company. Thus, two incomplete souls will unite, and will complete one another. Till then, it is no harm to keep on hoping.

  To some loved one...

  O sweet, beloved maiden fair,

  When your brown locks flow in wintry air,

  My soul it tickles; a sight of your face

  Provokes me to request your embrace.

  You are serene winter’s first snow,

  You glide like a cloud, above valleys low,

  You are a drop of first monsoon rains,

  Which splashes the greenery of Gangetic plains...

  You are a rainbow to my weary heart

  Which shines forever, beyond end or start...

  You are the essence of roses red

  Aroma of your breath never does fade,

  My heart a garden, you are my dearest rose,

  Separated from you, my pain forever grows.

  Will the love of heavens, its splendour much

  Be enough for me, to forget your touch?

  Be I not with you in your journeys ahead,

  Your name in my heart shall remain rose-red...

  IV. To some departed lover

  We all have loved ones, and losing them, to mention once again, is a great pain. It’s not comparable to anything else, but it is something that constitutes reality as it is. We feel too isolated, too sorry, too insecure to have witnessed something so tragic. And yet we need to bear the pain, sometimes alone. But somewhere, deep in the unknown waters of our mind, a portion of the person we loved remains alive, forever...

  To some departed lover

  Wait! Till I catch you, my love,

  Alone, the two of us high above

  Sorrow and misery, loss and pain,

  Will remain forever together again...

  Wait! Till I depart, like you did,

  From this world of lust and greed,

  And unite with you in the sky,

  For all seasons, wet or dry.

  Wait! Till I follow the same way,

  To free myself from this earth gray,

  And join you above the clouds high,

  Where my dream ceases to be a lie,

  My dream, of us united once more,

  Like the happy ending of fairy lore,

  Smile your rosy smile, smile with grace,

  As I’ll rejoin you, in your embrace.

  V. The promise of love

  We all want to love, we all need to love. Yet, sometimes death takes away from us what is rightfully ours, or so as we believe. The cruel pincers of death snatch from us our beloved, our love, the very reason, for our otherwise void existence. But why does it happen? We don’t know, and possibly this is one of the unknowable rules of nature.

  The promise of love

  You sparkled like an orb of light,

  In this dark life of mine,

  You alone were my source of joy,

  Throughout my brief timeline...

  Your tunes filled my silent hours

  With promises of undying love,

  But now I find you nowhere,

  Neither below, nor in skies above...

  Separated from your warm embrace

  I wander under the starry sky,

  Your absence around makes me feel

  That the world is a lie...

  Why did you leave me behind

  In your journey beyond death?

  Did you forget the promises you made,

  To stay by my side, in sickness and health?

  Every moment I pray with tears,

  May it all be a cruel lie,

  May in reality you be present,

  To wipe my tears, to soften my sigh...

  VI. An ode to the spirit of love

  Love is the uniter of lives. Like a glorious divinity watching over us, she unites two souls and forges them into one, by her mysterious might. Two lovers stand for one another, feel for one another, and even die for one another. This is the might of love, her glorious light that sparkles in the heart of every lover. Is she not to be adored? All glory thus to thee, O noble spirit of love!

  An ode to the spirit of love

  O love, sacred immortal lore,

  You are whom we joyously adore,

  You are the flame of life, dearly lit,

  Streams of joy flow from your feet

  And encircle, amidst world’s sorrow,

  Human soul, with your sacred glow.

  Sweetest feeling, every man and beast

  Bath in your snowy, whitish mist.

  God’s dear daughter, rivers and plains low

  From heavens to earth, everywhere you flow.

  Everywhere in nature, rains down from you

  Reviving rains of joy, fresh as morning, fresh as dew.

  To you our our song goes, beyond wars and strife,

  May you by your grace, forever guide our life...

  VII. Woman, my ode to

  Woman, she is the manifestation of the creative energy of nature. She is mother, she is sister, she is wife, she is daughter, and she is lover. What words can praise her role enough? I believe, rightly have I written that poetry is to sing her glory, forever.

  Woman, my ode to

  You are beauty, personification of love,

  You the healing rains, from heavens above,

  You the hidden piece, in puzzle of life,

  You alone serenity, remover of strife.

  What words of mine can praise you enough?

  In your absence, even the noblest man stands half,

  You the mother, nourisher of lives young,

  You the eternal singer of life’s eternal song.

  Who says you are weak, O being of glory,

  When unfinished without you, is life’s every story?

  Who dares to challenge your glorious might,

  When after every dark, you alone bring light?

  With man you form two wings of the bird

  Of humanity, that your mighty feelings guard,

  You are the wife, the daughter or lover,

  In your every form, you are glorious, giver.

  The poetry on earth is to sing your glory,

  You the savior of depressed, remover of worry,

  A single drop of your auspicious tear,

  Holds more power than man’s strongest spear.

  You the patience of trees, you the bringer of peace,

  You the sacred current of the winds of bliss,

  My humble words may end, but your nobility forever,

  Remains existent on earth, and deserts you never.