will rule over my life. I can’t allow a civil war to ensue because of me. I can’t lose my mother so I must continue. I must go to the city to look for this hospital but the city is so large that I don’t have a chance of finding it in time to prevent the people from rebelling against the royal family. I need someone to guide me. The children were willing but I doubt if they would be any help, all they would do is slow me down and attracted unwanted attention. I need to go straight to the hospital but with the kids as my guide this was sure not to be the case. I need to be led by someone who knows where the hospital is and can take me there is a timely fashion. I need Rita’s mother to take me but that is far too dangerous. I could not reveal myself to a full grown human or I would be killed. There must be another way.

  I growled to myself for I could not see another way to get my mother’s cure and prevent the war. I need their mother’s help but could I trust her? Well so far, none of the humans that I have encountered have attacked me, so maybe they do not see me as being a threat. Those gathered in the land between the above ground and my world seemed uncomfortable but they did not attack though they had enough able-bodied fighters to easily overpower me. Maybe they were afraid of me or simply curious about what I am. Also those two young men I saw above ground only stared when they should have chased me. The kids were a little apprehensive when they first saw me but after they learned that I was not a threat they were no longer hostile.

  I know I don’t know much about humans but I needed to make a decision that would determine the wellbeing of my people and there is no time to lose. If the humans are not a threat then I must not hesitate for I can’t bear to face the repercussions. I need to find a way to save my mother I need to find a way to stop this. I must act for inactive was just as unthinkable as failure.

  If the humans truly are monstrous beings desiring nothing more than our destruction, then I fear there is no hope to be had but there is a chance that the Night Stalkers were wrong about the humans. There is a chance that the humans were only aggressive because all they know of my people is that we steal valuable resources and boldly venture into their land. Maybe the humans were just trying to defend themselves and their belongings. Maybe the humans are not the monsters I was told of. Maybe the Night Stalkers’ approach is what set them off. Maybe the humans’ behavior toward them is atypical, arising simply out of fear.

  If this is true then maybe after I explain that I mean no harm Rita’s mother would help me get my mother’s cure. Maybe I can trust the humans and save my people. Maybe all hope was not lost.

  I turned to watch Rita peek her head around the door. She was clutching her stuffed rabbit Kiki and was staring at me timidly. I lay in my bed as she walked over to me less afraid.

  “I sorry,” I whispered as her small fingers burrowed into my fur. She smiled then sat beside me.

  “It’s alright Fluffy I forgive you.” Rita said when the others entered.

  “Oh good you have calmed down.” Erika said as I bobbed my head.

  “I afraid my mother die,”

  “Why aren’t you afraid now?” Terry asked as I sat up.

  “I know answer.”

  “What is that?” Terry asked

  “Rita’s mother take me to hospital.” I announced proudly

  “I am sure Mommy will like to meet you, Fluffy” Rita assured me.

  “I am not sure. Mom likes to keep the house clean and she may not be happy to find clumps of hair on her sofa but I guess she let us have a dog once so maybe she may allow you to stay.” Erika told me.

  “Kyzudo are you sure this is the best plan? Their mother may not listen to what you have to say. I think you would scare her into attacking you and I don’t want you to get hurt.” Terry said.

  “I won’t let her hurt Fluffy”. Rita said as Erika nodded.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,” Terry continued as I growled.

  “I need plan.” I said but he still did not understand how desperate I was. He could not possibly understand how much pressure I was under.

  “Maybe you should think of another plan.” he said as I raised my tail.

  “No time mother need cure.” I said as he finally nodded.

  “Fine then, I wish you luck,” he said as the girls smiled at him pleased.

  “So when are you going to meet Mom?” Erika asked as I thought about that.

  “In evening great light orb will fall and dark ceiling return. It safe. I follow you. No see by others.” I said as Erika nodded.

  “Ok you can follow us home.” Erika told me as I dipped my head.

  “Yes I follow.” I agreed

  “Fluffy is coming home with us!” Rita exclaimed leaping to her feet before spinning around with Kiki swinging wildly in her arms.

  “Please Kyzudo tell me if something goes wrong.” Terry pleaded kneeling beside me.

  “How?” I asked smelling the scent of fear that clung to his skin and hid within his eyes.

  “I don’t know send Erika to get me.” Terry said as I nodded slowly.

  “Ok.” I agreed as he tenderly touched my shoulder smiling weakly.

  “Then we will see Mom in a few hours.” Erika said as I looked at Terry who stared at me with this blank dead expressionless face and eyes that seemed to be made of glass. I looked away my eyes falling on my pack. Inside I knew my mother’s blade rested amount whatever remained of the meat. I could not bring it with me or I would frighten the girls’ mother yet I needed to make sure it was in good hands, it was my only connection to home.

  “Um Terry you watch pack.” I asked as Terry walked over to the pack to pick it when my mother’s blade clattered onto the ground. He bent down to retrieve it then raised it to the light marveling at its sharpened edge.

  “It my mother’s means much.” I said as he nodded then stuffed it back into the pack.

  “You are a warrior princess?” Erika asked staring at the blade’s kneel edge

  “They same thing, need be warrior to be princess, need lead people.” I said as Erika watched Terry hide the bag inside a box under the table where it would be safe.

  “I am not so sure I what to be a princess anymore.” Erika said as I nodded.

  “Me neither,” I said I laid my head onto my forepaws closing my eyes still tired since I could not sleep last night. I never wanted to be a princess. I wish I could be like everyone else but it seems that everyone else wanted to be like me. It seems no one will be able to find satisfaction for it is merely an illusion. It is just a dream just beyond our reach, an unspoken hope of what will never be.

  A Dangerous Assumption

  Rita ran her warm hand down my spine as I watched Erika through my eyelashes. She was standing by the door but her eyes often drifted to the darkened window. Terry was leaning against the table where my pack was hidden under as he stared at me with eerie eyes that were devoid of all emotion.

  “It is time to go. It is dark and everyone is in the house.” Erika said as I raised my head.

  “Kyzudo you know there is still time to back out.” Terry reminded me as I grunted then got to my feet.

  “I need do this. No choice.”

  “You must know how this is going to end.” Terry told me but I did not even look in his direction.

  “I need cure. No choice.”

  “Ok I will be standing by.” Terry said as I glanced at my pack. I was almost tempted to bring my blade but I knew that would only make matters worst. Even if I chose to hide it in my pack to defend myself if their mother did attack me I doubted that I could defeat her since I was a poor swordsman, due to the fact that I have never been trained and the pack would drastically slow me down and agility was my only aptitude. I must go only armed with my superior speed and my pleading eyes brimming with the sorrow of my people.

  “I will lead the way!” Rita exclaimed leaping onto her feet then racing over to the door. She opened it as the rest of us gathered around. Erika boldly stepped out into the yard.

  The luminous light of the great or
b was lost but the sky did not appear solid. It was a deep blue shrouded in thin masses that reminded me of clumps of fine fiber that was used to stuff cushions. Small points of yellow light drifted from the grass blinking in and out of existence. It was as if the great orb of light had become a shifting mass of sparkling airborne particles.

  “Come on our house is this way.” Rita said as I stepped out into the opened as I watched one of the small yellow lights glide in front of me. It was a bug that glowed as if by magic.

  “Good luck,” Terry whispered as I nodded then followed the girls to the other yard. They led me to the back door as Terry watched us, standing by the storage structure that I almost thought of as my second home.

  Erika opened the door as light fell upon me and the others. I backed away into the shadows suddenly unsure when Rita ran inside then turned to smile at me. She extended her hand then flexed a single finger to herself as I forced myself to step over the threshold. I kept to the walls as Erika closed the door then left in search of her mother.

  I looked down a line of wooden storage compartment built into the wall to a table that felt safe for it cast a protective shadow under it broad work surface. I cowered underneath it as Rita sat on the tiled floor beside me.

  “Come on Mom I have someone I would like you to meet.” Erika said leading her mother into the room by her arm.

  “I hope you did not invite anyone into my house without my permission. I don’t want you to bring strangers into my house because I have told you about