going to turn on you, your Majesty.”

  “I am aware.”

  “And your plans? I heard rumors that you intend for your daughter to take your place. I understand the reasons of such a choice but what if she fails?”

  “She will not fail I believe in her completely. She is strong and she will earn the people’s respect in time.”

  “I fear time is not on your side, your Majesty.”

  “Then she will work faster yet.”

  “Of course now are you ready for the salt your Majesty.”

  “Yes fetch me that rag over yonder then begin before I loose what is left of my nerve.”

  I hurried to my room, not wanting to heard my mother” muffled cries. It seemed noteworthy to mention how empty the halls were without the Death Stalkers and the royal guards marching about, only a few servants could be found conversing in the corners. I entered my room then leap onto my bed where Kiza joined me. I ran my hand along its spine as thought about what I needed to do to prove to the people that I would make a good leader.

  Well my bloodline maybe the reason that I am the only rightful leader but I needed to show more than that for the people did not understand all of the factors at hand. I need to gain their respect for that is what the other two had that I lack. And to gain their respect I most likely had to prove that I possessed the skills needed to rule them justly like my mother had.

  I sighed for all of this seemed extremely hard to do though I guess everyone had to present usable skills to society in hopes of gaining respect and a place within it at some point in their lives. I guess everyone needed a place in society and would face repercussions if they failed to do so for creatures like Kiza, are rarely allowed to exist. If I do not secure a place within society I would simply be banished along with my mother, which I could not allow to happen because she would die and I could not lose another parent.

  I need to prove to the people that I am strong and fearless like my mother was so I will steal back my mother bracelet and I will go above ground to look for my mother cure alone. I will fight Syrugia with my mother’s twin blades and I will venture above without the aid of the Death Stalkers to attempt a mission they deemed too dangerous even to attempt. When I return I will be a warrior who has completed the impossible and even Merula will have to me bow in respect. From this point on I will not rely on respect gained from my mother or my family name. I will instead forge respect for myself until my place as leader is secured.

  The Warrior Who Fearlessly Stalks Death

  I walked over to my mirror, proudly balanced on my hind legs with my tail smartly raised. My long black ear stood tall adding to my height. My eyes were serious and commanding like my mother’s.

  I was wearing my mother’s traditional uniform. The black silk hung loosely in places though was fastened securely by the red sashes. I was pleased to discover that I looked exactly like my mother if she had been my age. I was clothed in the shadows and I wore the blood of my people in red stain bands. I was no longer simply Kyzudo but the future leader of my people, my mother’s successor.

  I lifted my mother’s twin blades then swung one through the air until the metal sung as if eager to help me retrieve my mother’s bracelet and for whatever carnage was to come. This blade was my only ally for I shall stand alone with only it at my side. It will be my faithful companion willing to cut down any who dared oppose me. Its sharpened edge will be my protection and the salvation of my people.

  The blade would not fail me but the second seemed awkward in my hand for I was not use to standing upright baring objects for things were always carried for me. I set down the other blade for I feared it would limit my mobility which I would need after I leave these tunnels to meet the world above. I would only need one blade for I was not skilled enough to wield a second.

  I grasped the wooden hilt of the blade with my teeth before allowing myself to fall back onto all fours I would rely on stealth for this mission. I will be as swift and as silent as the Death Stalkers. Syrugia will not even be able to defend herself before I take back what is rightfully mine. I will not allow myself to fail.

  I snuck out of my door into the hall where I paused for I heard voices. I peered around the corner where I saw Maya and Dabu talking to each other beside my mother’s room.

  “Is she getting better?” Dabu asked as Maya dipped her head.

  “Yes she seems to be doing better but the salt will only slow down the infection I fear she still needs the cure that you mentioned earlier.”

  “What if she does not receive the cure?”

  ”Then I fear that she may die.”

  “Maya you are the wisest among us. If our leader was to die who do you believe should take her place?”

  “I am not sure. Merula is strong but I fear her might would be unrestricted but the people have rejected the idea of Kyzudo so defending her would only encourage the riot. I am not sure if anything can to done to prevent a disaster. We can only choose which disaster we believe to have the least impact and hope that we were correct.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that. I guess if our leader was to die Kyzudo must be the next leader. She is the only one who can take Sanoka’s place. We must not break tradition.”

  “I don’t believe we have a choice anymore. The people believe that she is simply too young.”

  “She must take Sanoka’s place and if our leader believes that Kyzudo can earn the people’s respect then I believe that somehow Kyzudo will prove herself as leader.”

  “She is just a child.”

  “Yeah but with support from the Death Stalkers and her mother’s wisdom she may just have what it takes.”

  “The people are not going to stand by her to honor their dying leader’s wishes. She will need to prove herself.”

  “She will because she must.” Dabu said confidently before both entered my mother’s chambers.

  I rushed out of the palace pleased to know that Dabu believed in me and understood the value of tradition. I kept to the shadows with my luminous eyes wide. I raced past the huge dome, which had been turned off for the night, but slowed when I reached an area covered in small shacks with wooden frames and walls of thin fabric. I leaned to sniff the ground. I growled quietly to myself. She was nearby so soon my mother’s bracelet will be under my possession once more.

  I sped pass the shacks but stopped when I came to one that smelled strongly of her. I raised my mother’s blade then slashed through the flimsy housing structures. I advanced, standing high on my hind legs but paused when I saw Syrugia cowering at my feet. I pointed he tip of my blade at her throat then demanded the bracelet, which she quickly took off with unsteady fingers. I took it from her then without another word I left.

  Many peeked out of their shacks as I passed. Their eyes followed me as if they were unable to look away and when they lost sight of me their feet hurried after me.

  “Kyzydo? Was that Kyzudo?” they whispered as I walked over to the central light proudly on my hind legs. The dome turned on flooding the entire area with its light. I raised my fist proudly so my mother’s bracelet was clearly visible to all as I led the chorus of our traditional song.

  We are the rulers of the night

  Silent shadows that prowl across the land

  Forging an existence just out of sight

  Our society is lost from the sun’s reaching light

  Instinctively feared yet unknown to man

  We are the rulers of night

  We are survivors preserved by our undying might

  We stand having marked our place in the sand

  Forging an existence just out of sight

  We stand for what is right

  Striving to stake our existence even though we have been banned

  We are the rulers of night

  We form a society that is sewn tight

  Mirroring humanity technology whenever we can

  Forging an existence just out of sight

; We are the patrollers of the stars working for those who have fallen’s delight

  We are plotting in the darkness waiting to overthrow humanity’s ruling hand

  We are the rulers of the night

  Forging an existence just out of sight

  I ended along with the others who watched me completely transfixed, awaiting my words. I lowered my hand then raised my tail higher yet so it could be seen over my shoulder.

  “Sanoka has chosen me to take her place as leader so there can be no other. I will not fail you but I do understand why you are unsure of my skill, for I am young. So if you think that I am weak then I will prove to you that I have inherited my mother’s strength. If you believe that I am unskilled then I will acquire enough skill to put all to shame. If you believe that I am not fit to be your leader I openly challenge anyone who dare oppose me for I am Kyzudo your future leader.” The crowd opened their mouth to expel a single high note that caused the air to ring.

  “Sanoka is dying, which is something I will not allow, whether she will be capable of leading us or not. I am going to the world above to seek out the cure Dabu foretold of then I shall return either as your current leader or as my mother’s successor. Regardless I will return with our solution, the solution others refuse to acknowledge as more than a distal possibility. I will go alone for the Death Stalkers place is here. I maybe a child but when I return I will be ready to take my place as leader.” I said as everyone began yipping loudly again.

  “You are leaving so who will lead the people in your absence?”