A sheaf of white crape and black was hung upon the door of the house,and there it swayed and rustled in the wind and whispered its tidings.At noon the preparation of the dead was finished, and in the coffin laythe fair young form, beautiful, and in the sweet face a great peace. Twomourners sat by it, grieving and worshipping--Hannah and the black womanTilly. Hester came, and she was trembling, for a great trouble was uponher spirit. She said:

  "She asks for a note."

  Hannah's face blanched. She had not thought of this; it had seemed thatthat pathetic service was ended. But she realized now that that couldnot be. For a little while the two women stood looking into each other'sface, with vacant eyes; then Hannah said:

  "There is no way out of it--she must have it; she will suspect, else."

  "And she would find out."

  "Yes. It would break her heart." She looked at the dead face, and hereyes filled. "I will write it," she said.

  Hester carried it. The closing line said:

  "Darling Mousie, dear sweet mother, we shall soon be together again. Isnot that good news? And it is true; they all say it is true."

  The mother mourned, saying:

  "Poor child, how will she bear it when she knows? I shall never see heragain in life. It is hard, so hard. She does not suspect? You guard herfrom that?"

  "She thinks you will soon be well."

  "How good you are, and careful, dear Aunt Hester! None goes near her whocould carry the infection?"

  "It would be a crime."

  "But you _see _her?"

  "With a distance between--yes."

  "That is so good. Others one could not trust; but you two guardianangels--steel is not so true as you. Others would be unfaithful; andmany would deceive, and lie."

  Hester's eyes fell, and her poor old lips trembled.

  "Let me kiss you for her, Aunt Hester; and when I am gone, and thedanger is past, place the kiss upon her dear lips some day, and say hermother sent it, and all her mother's broken heart is in it."

  Within the hour, Hester, raining tears upon the dead face, performed herpathetic mission.