Page 5 of Little Men


  "What's the matter, Daisy?"

  "The boys won't let me play with them."

  "Why not?"

  "They say girls can't play football."

  "They can, for I've done it!" and Mrs. Bhaer laughed at the remembranceof certain youthful frolics.

  "I know I can play; Demi and I used to, and have nice times, but hewon't let me now because the other boys laugh at him," and Daisy lookeddeeply grieved at her brother's hardness of heart.

  "On the whole, I think he is right, deary. It's all very well when youtwo are alone, but it is too rough a game for you with a dozen boys; soI'd find some nice little play for myself."

  "I'm tired of playing alone!" and Daisy's tone was very mournful.

  "I'll play with you by and by, but just now I must fly about and getthings ready for a trip into town. You shall go with me and see mamma,and if you like you can stay with her."

  "I should like to go and see her and Baby Josy, but I'd rather comeback, please. Demi would miss me, and I love to be here, Aunty."

  "You can't get on without your Demi, can you?" and Aunt Jo looked as ifshe quite understood the love of the little girl for her only brother.

  "'Course I can't; we're twins, and so we love each other more than otherpeople," answered Daisy, with a brightening face, for she consideredbeing a twin one of the highest honors she could ever receive.

  "Now, what will you do with your little self while I fly around?" askedMrs. Bhaer, who was whisking piles of linen into a wardrobe with greatrapidity.

  "I don't know, I'm tired of dolls and things; I wish you'd make up a newplay for me, Aunty Jo," said Daisy, swinging listlessly on the door.

  "I shall have to think of a brand new one, and it will take me sometime; so suppose you go down and see what Asia has got for your lunch,"suggested Mrs. Bhaer, thinking that would be a good way in which todispose of the little hindrance for a time.

  "Yes, I think I'd like that, if she isn't cross," and Daisy slowlydeparted to the kitchen, where Asia, the black cook, reignedundisturbed.

  In five minutes, Daisy was back again, with a wide-awake face, a bit ofdough in her hand and a dab of flour on her little nose.

  "Oh aunty! Please could I go and make gingersnaps and things? Asia isn'tcross, and she says I may, and it would be such fun, please do," criedDaisy, all in one breath.

  "Just the thing, go and welcome, make what you like, and stay as long asyou please," answered Mrs. Bhaer, much relieved, for sometimes the onelittle girl was harder to amuse than the dozen boys.

  Daisy ran off, and while she worked, Aunt Jo racked her brain for anew play. All of a sudden she seemed to have an idea, for she smiledto herself, slammed the doors of the wardrobe, and walked briskly away,saying, "I'll do it, if it's a possible thing!"

  What it was no one found out that day, but Aunt Jo's eyes twinkled sowhen she told Daisy she had thought of a new play, and was going to buyit, that Daisy was much excited and asked questions all the way intotown, without getting answers that told her anything. She was left athome to play with the new baby, and delight her mother's eyes, whileAunt Jo went off shopping. When she came back with all sorts of queerparcels in corners of the carry-all, Daisy was so full of curiosity thatshe wanted to go back to Plumfield at once. But her aunt would not behurried, and made a long call in mamma's room, sitting on the floor withbaby in her lap, making Mrs. Brooke laugh at the pranks of the boys, andall sorts of droll nonsense.

  How her aunt told the secret Daisy could not imagine, but her motherevidently knew it, for she said, as she tied on the little bonnet andkissed the rosy little face inside, "Be a good child, my Daisy, andlearn the nice new play aunty has got for you. It's a most useful andinteresting one, and it is very kind of her to play it with you, becauseshe does not like it very well herself."

  This last speech made the two ladies laugh heartily, and increasedDaisy's bewilderment. As they drove away something rattled in the backof the carriage.

  "What's that?" asked Daisy, pricking up her ears.

  "The new play," answered Mrs. Jo, solemnly.

  "What is it made of?" cried Daisy.

  "Iron, tin, wood, brass, sugar, salt, coal, and a hundred other things."

  "How strange! What color is it?"

  "All sorts of colors."

  "Is it large?"

  "Part of it is, and a part isn't."

  "Did I ever see one?"

  "Ever so many, but never one so nice as this."

  "Oh! what can it be? I can't wait. When shall I see it?" and Daisybounced up and down with impatience.

  "To-morrow morning, after lessons."

  "Is it for the boys, too?"

  "No, all for you and Bess. The boys will like to see it, and want toplay one part of it. But you can do as you like about letting them."

  "I'll let Demi, if he wants to."

  "No fear that they won't all want to, especially Stuffy," and Mrs.Bhaer's eyes twinkled more than ever as she patted a queer knobby bundlein her lap.

  "Let me feel just once," prayed Daisy.

  "Not a feel; you'd guess in a minute and spoil the fun."

  Daisy groaned and then smiled all over her face, for through a littlehole in the paper she caught a glimpse of something bright.

  "How can I wait so long? Couldn't I see it today?"

  "Oh dear, no! It has got to be arranged, and ever so many parts fixed intheir places. I promised Uncle Teddy that you shouldn't see it till itwas all in apple-pie order."

  "If uncle knows about it then it must be splendid!" cried Daisy,clapping her hands; for this kind, rich, jolly uncle of hers was asgood as a fairy godmother to the children, and was always planning merrysurprises, pretty gifts, and droll amusements for them.

  "Yes; Teddy went and bought it with me, and we had such fun in the shopchoosing the different parts. He would have everything fine and large,and my little plan got regularly splendid when he took hold. You mustgive him your very best kiss when he comes, for he is the kindest unclethat ever went and bought a charming little coo Bless me! I nearly toldyou what it was!" and Mrs. Bhaer cut that most interesting word shortoff in the middle, and began to look over her bills, as if afraid shewould let the cat out of the bag if she talked any more. Daisy foldedher hands with an air of resignation, and sat quite still trying tothink what play had a "coo" in it.

  When they got home she eyed every bundle that was taken out, and onelarge heavy one, which Franz took straight upstairs and hid in thenursery, filled her with amazement and curiosity. Something verymysterious went on up there that afternoon, for Franz was hammering,and Asia trotting up and down, and Aunt Jo flying around like awill-o'-the-wisp, with all sort of things under her apron, while littleTed, who was the only child admitted, because he couldn't talk plain,babbled and laughed, and tried to tell what the "sumpin pitty" was.

  All this made Daisy half-wild, and her excitement spread among the boys,who quite overwhelmed Mother Bhaer with offers of assistance, which shedeclined by quoting their own words to Daisy:

  "Girls can't play with boys. This is for Daisy, and Bess, and me, sowe don't want you." Whereupon the young gentlemen meekly retired, andinvited Daisy to a game of marbles, horse, football, anything she liked,with a sudden warmth and politeness which astonished her innocent littlesoul.

  Thanks to these attentions, she got through the afternoon, went earlyto bed, and next morning did her lessons with an energy which made UncleFritz wish that a new game could be invented every day. Quite a thrillpervaded the school-room when Daisy was dismissed at eleven o'clock,for everyone knew that now she was going to have the new and mysteriousplay.

  Many eyes followed her as she ran away, and Demi's mind was sodistracted by this event that when Franz asked him where the desertof Sahara was, he mournfully replied, "In the nursery," and the wholeschool laughed at him.

  "Aunt Jo, I've done all my lessons, and I can't wait one single minutemore!" cried Daisy, flying into Mrs. Bhaer's room.

  "It's a
ll ready, come on;" and tucking Ted under one arm, and herworkbasket under the other, Aunt Jo promptly led the way upstairs.

  "I don't see anything," said Daisy, staring about her as she got insidethe nursery door.

  "Do you hear anything?" asked Aunt Jo, catching Ted back by his littlefrock as he was making straight for one side of the room.

  Daisy did hear an odd crackling, and then a purry little sound as of akettle singing. These noises came from behind a curtain drawn before adeep bay window. Daisy snatched it back, gave one joyful, "Oh!" and thenstood gazing with delight at what do you think?

  A wide seat ran round the three sides of the window; on one side hungand stood all sorts of little pots and pans, gridirons and skillets;on the other side a small dinner and tea set; and on the middle part acooking-stove. Not a tin one, that was of no use, but a real iron stove,big enough to cook for a large family of very hungry dolls. But the bestof it was that a real fire burned in it, real steam came out of thenose of the little tea-kettle, and the lid of the little boiler actuallydanced a jig, the water inside bubbled so hard. A pane of glass hadbeen taken out and replaced by a sheet of tin, with a hole for the smallfunnel, and real smoke went sailing away outside so naturally, that itdid one's heart good to see it. The box of wood with a hod of charcoalstood near by; just above hung dust-pan, brush and broom; a littlemarket basket was on the low table at which Daisy used to play, and overthe back of her little chair hung a white apron with a bib, and a drollmob cap. The sun shone in as if he enjoyed the fun, the little stoveroared beautifully, the kettle steamed, the new tins sparkled on thewalls, the pretty china stood in tempting rows, and it was altogether ascheery and complete a kitchen as any child could desire.

  Daisy stood quite still after the first glad "Oh!" but her eyes wentquickly from one charming object to another, brightening as they looked,till they came to Aunt Jo's merry face; there they stopped as the happylittle girl hugged her, saying gratefully:

  "Oh aunty, it's a splendid new play! Can I really cook at the dearstove, and have parties and mess, and sweep, and make fires that trulyburn? I like it so much! What made you think of it?"

  "Your liking to make gingersnaps with Asia made me think of it," saidMrs. Bhaer, holding Daisy, who frisked as if she would fly. "I knew Asiawouldn't let you mess in her kitchen very often, and it wouldn't besafe at this fire up here, so I thought I'd see if I could find a littlestove for you, and teach you to cook; that would be fun, and useful too.So I travelled round among the toy shops, but everything large cost toomuch and I was thinking I should have to give it up, when I met UncleTeddy. As soon as he knew what I was about, he said he wanted to help,and insisted on buying the biggest toy stove we could find. I scolded,but he only laughed, and teased me about my cooking when we were young,and said I must teach Bess as well as you, and went on buying all sortsof nice little things for my 'cooking class' as he called it."

  "I'm so glad you met him!" said Daisy, as Mrs. Jo stopped to laugh atthe memory of the funny time she had with Uncle Teddy.

  "You must study hard and learn to make all kinds of things, for he sayshe shall come out to tea very often, and expects something uncommonlynice."

  "It's the sweetest, dearest kitchen in the world, and I'd ratherstudy with it than do anything else. Can't I learn pies, and cake, andmacaroni, and everything?" cried Daisy, dancing round the room with anew saucepan in one hand and the tiny poker in the other.

  "All in good time. This is to be a useful play, I am to help you, andyou are to be my cook, so I shall tell you what to do, and show you how.Then we shall have things fit to eat, and you will be really learninghow to cook on a small scale. I'll call you Sally, and say you are a newgirl just come," added Mrs. Jo, settling down to work, while Teddy saton the floor sucking his thumb, and staring at the stove as if it was alive thing, whose appearance deeply interested him.

  "That will be so lovely! What shall I do first?" asked Sally, with sucha happy face and willing air that Aunt Jo wished all new cooks were halfas pretty and pleasant.

  "First of all, put on this clean cap and apron. I am ratherold-fashioned, and I like my cook to be very tidy."

  Sally tucked her curly hair into the round cap, and put on the apronwithout a murmur, though usually she rebelled against bibs.

  "Now, you can put things in order, and wash up the new china. The oldset needs washing also, for my last girl was apt to leave it in a sadstate after a party."

  Aunt Jo spoke quite soberly, but Sally laughed, for she knew who theuntidy girl was who had left the cups sticky. Then she turned up hercuffs, and with a sigh of satisfaction began to stir about her kitchen,having little raptures now and then over the "sweet rolling pin," the"darling dish-tub," or the "cunning pepper-pot."

  "Now, Sally, take your basket and go to market; here is the list ofthings I want for dinner," said Mrs. Jo, giving her a bit of paper whenthe dishes were all in order.

  "Where is the market?" asked Daisy, thinking that the new play got moreand more interesting every minute.

  "Asia is the market."

  Away went Sally, causing another stir in the schoolroom as she passedthe door in her new costume, and whispered to Demi, with a face full ofdelight, "It's a perfectly splendid play!"

  Old Asia enjoyed the joke as much as Daisy, and laughed jollily as thelittle girl came flying into the room with her cap all on one side, thelids of her basket rattling like castanets and looking like a very crazylittle cook.

  "Mrs. Aunt Jo wants these things, and I must have them right away," saidDaisy, importantly.

  "Let's see, honey; here's two pounds of steak, potatoes, squash, apples,bread, and butter. The meat ain't come yet; when it does I'll send itup. The other things are all handy."

  Then Asia packed one potato, one apple, a bit of squash, a little patof butter, and a roll, into the basket, telling Sally to be on the watchfor the butcher's boy, because he sometimes played tricks.

  "Who is he?" and Daisy hoped it would be Demi.

  "You'll see," was all Asia would say; and Sally went off in greatspirits, singing a verse from dear Mary Howitt's sweet story in rhyme:

  "Away went little Mabel, With the wheaten cake so fine, The new-made pot of butter, And the little flask of wine."

  "Put everything but the apple into the store-closet for the present,"said Mrs. Jo, when the cook got home.

  There was a cupboard under the middle shelf, and on opening the doorfresh delights appeared. One half was evidently the cellar, for wood,coal, and kindlings were piled there. The other half was full of littlejars, boxes, and all sorts of droll contrivances for holding smallquantities of flour, meal, sugar, salt, and other household stores. Apot of jam was there, a little tin box of gingerbread, a cologne bottlefull of currant wine, and a tiny canister of tea. But the crowning charmwas two doll's pans of new milk, with cream actually rising on it, anda wee skimmer all ready to skim it with. Daisy clasped her hands atthis delicious spectacle, and wanted to skim it immediately. But Aunt Josaid:

  "Not yet; you will want the cream to eat on your apple pie at dinner,and must not disturb it till then."

  "Am I going to have pie?" cried Daisy, hardly believing that such blisscould be in store for her.

  "Yes; if your oven does well we will have two pies, one apple and onestrawberry," said Mrs. Jo, who was nearly as much interested in the newplay as Daisy herself.

  "Oh, what next?" asked Sally, all impatience to begin.

  "Shut the lower draught of the stove, so that the oven may heat.Then wash your hands and get out the flour, sugar, salt, butter, andcinnamon. See if the pie-board is clean, and pare your apple ready toput in."

  Daisy got things together with as little noise and spilling as could beexpected, from so young a cook.

  "I really don't know how to measure for such tiny pies; I must guessat it, and if these don't succeed, we must try again," said Mrs. Jo,looking rather perplexed, and very much amused with the small concernbefore her. "Take that little pan full of flour, put in
a pinch of salt,and then rub in as much butter as will go on that plate. Always rememberto put your dry things together first, and then the wet. It mixes betterso."

  "I know how; I saw Asia do it. Don't I butter the pie plates too? Shedid, the first thing," said Daisy, whisking the flour about at a greatrate.

  "Quite right! I do believe you have a gift for cooking, you take to itso cleverly," said Aunt Jo, approvingly. "Now a dash of cold water,just enough to wet it; then scatter some flour on the board, work ina little, and roll the paste out; yes, that's the way. Now put dabs ofbutter all over it, and roll it out again. We won't have our pastry veryrich, or the dolls will get dyspeptic."

  Daisy laughed at the idea, and scattered the dabs with a liberal hand.Then she rolled and rolled with her delightful little pin, and havinggot her paste ready proceeded to cover the plates with it. Next theapple was sliced in, sugar and cinnamon lavishly sprinkled over it, andthen the top crust put on with breathless care.

  "I always wanted to cut them round, and Asia never would let me. Hownice it is to do it all my ownty donty self!" said Daisy, as the littleknife went clipping round the doll's plate poised on her hand.

  All cooks, even the best, meet with mishaps sometimes, and Sally's firstone occurred then, for the knife went so fast that the plate slipped,turned a somersault in the air, and landed the dear little pie upsidedown on the floor. Sally screamed, Mrs. Jo laughed, Teddy scrambled toget it, and for a moment confusion reigned in the new kitchen.

  "It didn't spill or break, because I pinched the edges together so hard;it isn't hurt a bit, so I'll prick holes in it, and then it will beready," said Sally, picking up the capsized treasure and putting it intoshape with a child-like disregard of the dust it had gathered in itsfall.

  "My new cook has a good temper, I see, and that is such a comfort," saidMrs. Jo. "Now open the jar of strawberry jam, fill the uncovered pie,and put some strips of paste over the top as Asia does."

  "I'll make a D in the middle, and have zigzags all round, that will beso interesting when I come to eat it," said Sally, loading the pie withquirls and flourishes that would have driven a real pastry cook wild."Now I put them in!" she exclaimed; when the last grimy knob had beencarefully planted in the red field of jam, and with an air of triumphshe shut them into the little oven.

  "Clear up your things; a good cook never lets her utensils collect. Thenpare your squash and potatoes."

  "There is only one potato," giggled Sally.

  "Cut it in four pieces, so it will go into the little kettle, and putthe bits into cold water till it is time to cook them."

  "Do I soak the squash too?"

  "No, indeed! Just pare it and cut it up, and put in into the steamerover the pot. It is drier so, though it takes longer to cook."

  Here a scratching at the door caused Sally to run and open it, when Kitappeared with a covered basket in his mouth.

  "Here's the butcher boy!" cried Daisy, much tickled at the idea, as sherelieved him of his load, whereat he licked his lips and began to beg,evidently thinking that it was his own dinner, for he often carried itto his master in that way. Being undeceived, he departed in great wrathand barked all the way downstairs, to ease his wounded feelings.

  In the basket were two bits of steak (doll's pounds), a baked pear, asmall cake, and paper with them on which Asia had scrawled, "For Missy'slunch, if her cookin' don't turn out well."

  "I don't want any of her old pears and things; my cooking will turn outwell, and I'll have a splendid dinner; see if I don't!" cried Daisy,indignantly.

  "We may like them if company should come. It is always well to havesomething in the storeroom," said Aunt Jo, who had been taught thisvaluable fact by a series of domestic panics.

  "Me is hundry," announced Teddy, who began to think what with so muchcooking going on it was about time for somebody to eat something. Hismother gave him her workbasket to rummage, hoping to keep him quiet tilldinner was ready, and returned to her housekeeping.

  "Put on your vegetables, set the table, and then have some coalskindling ready for the steak."

  What a thing it was to see the potatoes bobbing about in the little pot;to peep at the squash getting soft so fast in the tiny steamer; to whiskopen the oven door every five minutes to see how the pies got on, andat last when the coals were red and glowing, to put two real steaks ona finger-long gridiron and proudly turn them with a fork. The potatoeswere done first, and no wonder, for they had boiled frantically all thewhile. The were pounded up with a little pestle, had much butter and nosalt put in (cook forgot it in the excitement of the moment), then itwas made into a mound in a gay red dish, smoothed over with a knifedipped in milk, and put in the oven to brown.

  So absorbed in these last performances had Sally been, that she forgother pastry till she opened the door to put in the potato, then a wailarose, for alas! alas! the little pies were burnt black!

  "Oh, my pies! My darling pies! They are all spoilt!" cried poor Sally,wringing her dirty little hands as she surveyed the ruin of her work.The tart was especially pathetic, for the quirls and zigzags stuck up inall directions from the blackened jelly, like the walls and chimney of ahouse after a fire.

  "Dear, dear, I forgot to remind you to take them out; it's just myluck," said Aunt Jo, remorsefully. "Don't cry, darling, it was my fault;we'll try again after dinner," she added, as a great tear dropped fromSally's eyes and sizzled on the hot ruins of the tart.

  More would have followed, if the steak had not blazed up just then,and so occupied the attention of cook, that she quickly forgot the lostpastry.

  "Put the meat-dish and your own plates down to warm, while you mash thesquash with butter, salt, and a little pepper on the top," said Mrs. Jo,devoutly hoping that the dinner would meet with no further disasters.

  The "cunning pepper-pot" soothed Sally's feelings, and she dished up hersquash in fine style. The dinner was safely put upon the table; the sixdolls were seated three on a side; Teddy took the bottom, and Sally thetop. When all were settled, it was a most imposing spectacle, for onedoll was in full ball costume, another in her night-gown; Jerry, theworsted boy, wore his red winter suit, while Annabella, the noselessdarling, was airily attired in nothing but her own kid skin. Teddy, asfather of the family, behaved with great propriety, for he smilinglydevoured everything offered him, and did not find a single fault. Daisybeamed upon her company like the weary, warm, but hospitable hostess sooften to be seen at larger tables than this, and did the honors with anair of innocent satisfaction, which we do not often see elsewhere.

  The steak was so tough that the little carving-knife would not cut it;the potato did not go round, and the squash was very lumpy; but theguests appeared politely unconscious of these trifles; and the masterand mistress of the house cleared the table with appetites that anyonemight envy them. The joy of skimming a jug-full of cream mitigated theanguish felt for the loss of the pies, and Asia's despised cake proved atreasure in the way of dessert.

  "That is the nicest lunch I ever had; can't I do it every day?" askedDaisy as she scraped up and ate the leavings all round.

  "You can cook things every day after lessons, but I prefer that youshould eat your dishes at your regular meals, and only have a bit ofgingerbread for lunch. To-day, being the first time, I don't mind, butwe must keep our rules. This afternoon you can make something for teaif you like," said Mrs. Jo, who had enjoyed the dinner-party very much,though no one had invited her to partake.

  "Do let me make flapjacks for Demi, he loves them so, and it's such funto turn them and put sugar in between," cried Daisy, tenderly wiping ayellow stain off Annabella's broken nose, for Bella had refused to eatsquash when it was pressed upon her as good for "lumatism," a complaintwhich it is no wonder she suffered from, considering the lightness ofher attire.

  "But if you give Demi goodies, all the others will expect some also, andthen you will have your hands full."

  "Couldn't I have Demi come up to tea alone just this one time? And afterthat I could cook things for t
he others if they were good," proposedDaisy, with a sudden inspiration.

  "That is a capital idea, Posy! We will make your little messes rewardsfor the good boys, and I don't know one among them who would not likesomething nice to eat more than almost anything else. If little men arelike big ones, good cooking will touch their hearts and soothe theirtempers delightfully," added Aunt Jo, with a merry nod toward thedoor, where stood Papa Bhaer, surveying the scene with a face full ofamusement.

  "That last hit was for me, sharp woman. I accept it, for it is true; butif I had married thee for thy cooking, heart's dearest, I should havefared badly all these years," answered the professor, laughing as hetossed Teddy, who became quite apoplectic in his endeavors to describethe feast he had just enjoyed.

  Daisy proudly showed her kitchen, and rashly promised Uncle Fritz asmany flapjacks as he could eat. She was just telling about the newrewards when the boys, headed by Demi, burst into the room snuffing theair like a pack of hungry hounds, for school was out, dinner was notready, and the fragrance of Daisy's steak led them straight to the spot.

  A prouder little damsel was never seen than Sally as she displayed hertreasures and told the lads what was in store for them. Several ratherscoffed at the idea of her cooking anything fit to eat, but Stuffy'sheart was won at once. Nat and Demi had firm faith in her skill, and theothers said they would wait and see. All admired the kitchen, however,and examined the stove with deep interest. Demi offered to buythe boiler on the spot, to be used in a steam-engine which he wasconstructing; and Ned declared that the best and biggest saucepan wasjust the thing to melt his lead in when he ran bullets, hatchets, andsuch trifles.

  Daisy looked so alarmed at these proposals, that Mrs. Jo then andthere made and proclaimed a law that no boy should touch, use, oreven approach the sacred stove without a special permit from theowner thereof. This increased its value immensely in the eyes of thegentlemen, especially as any infringement of the law would be punishedby forfeiture of all right to partake of the delicacies promised to thevirtuous.

  At this point the bell rang, and the entire population went down todinner, which meal was enlivened by each of the boys giving Daisy alist of things he would like to have cooked for him as fast as heearned them. Daisy, whose faith in her stove was unlimited, promisedeverything, if Aunt Jo would tell her how to make them. This suggestionrather alarmed Mrs. Jo, for some of the dishes were quite beyond herskill wedding-cake, for instance, bull's-eye candy; and cabbage soupwith herrings and cherries in it, which Mr. Bhaer proposed as hisfavorite, and immediately reduced his wife to despair, for Germancookery was beyond her.

  Daisy wanted to begin again the minute dinner was done, but she was onlyallowed to clear up, fill the kettle ready for tea, and wash out herapron, which looked as if she had a Christmas feast. She was then sentout to play till five o'clock, for Uncle Fritz said that too much study,even at cooking stoves, was bad for little minds and bodies, and Aunt Joknew by long experience how soon new toys lose their charm if they arenot prudently used.

  Everyone was very kind to Daisy that afternoon. Tommy promised her thefirst fruits of his garden, though the only visible crop just then waspigweed; Nat offered to supply her with wood, free of charge; Stuffyquite worshipped her; Ned immediately fell to work on a littlerefrigerator for her kitchen; and Demi, with a punctuality beautifulto see in one so young, escorted her to the nursery just as the clockstruck five. It was not time for the party to begin, but he begged sohard to come in and help that he was allowed privileges few visitorsenjoy, for he kindled the fire, ran errands, and watched the progressof his supper with intense interest. Mrs. Jo directed the affair as shecame and went, being very busy putting up clean curtains all over thehouse.

  "Ask Asia for a cup of sour cream, then your cakes will be light withoutmuch soda, which I don't like," was the first order.

  Demi tore downstairs, and returned with the cream, also a puckered-upface, for he had tasted it on his way, and found it so sour that hepredicted the cakes would be uneatable. Mrs. Jo took this occasion todeliver a short lecture from the step-ladder on the chemical propertiesof soda, to which Daisy did not listen, but Demi did, and understood it,as he proved by the brief but comprehensive reply:

  "Yes, I see, soda turns sour things sweet, and the fizzling up makesthem light. Let's see you do it, Daisy."

  "Fill that bowl nearly full of flour and add a little salt to it,"continued Mrs. Jo.

  "Oh dear, everything has to have salt in it, seems to me," said Sally,who was tired of opening the pill-box in which it was kept.

  "Salt is like good-humor, and nearly every thing is better for a pinchof it, Posy," and Uncle Fritz stopped as he passed, hammer in hand, todrive up two or three nails for Sally's little pans to hang on.

  "You are not invited to tea, but I'll give you some cakes, and I won'tbe cross," said Daisy, putting up her floury little face to thank himwith a kiss.

  "Fritz, you must not interrupt my cooking class, or I'll come in andmoralize when you are teaching Latin. How would you like that?" saidMrs. Jo, throwing a great chintz curtain down on his head.

  "Very much, try it and see," and the amiable Father Bhaer went singingand tapping about the house like a mammoth woodpecker.

  "Put the soda into the cream, and when it 'fizzles,' as Demi says, stirit into the flour, and beat it up as hard as ever you can. Have yourgriddle hot, butter it well, and then fry away till I come back," andAunt Jo vanished also.

  Such a clatter as the little spoon made, and such a beating as thebatter got, it quite foamed, I assure you; and when Daisy poured someon to the griddle, it rose like magic into a puffy flapjack that madeDemi's mouth water. To be sure, the first one stuck and scorched,because she forgot the butter, but after that first failure all wentwell, and six capital little cakes were safely landed in a dish.

  "I think I like maple-syrup better than sugar," said Demi, from hisarm-chair where he had settled himself after setting the table in a newand peculiar manner.

  "Then go and ask Asia for some," answered Daisy, going into thebath-room to wash her hands.

  While the nursery was empty something dreadful happened. You see, Kithad been feeling hurt all day because he had carried meat safely and yetgot none to pay him. He was not a bad dog, but he had his little faultslike the rest of us, and could not always resist temptation. Happeningto stroll into the nursery at that moment, he smelt the cakes, saw themunguarded on the low table, and never stopping to think of consequences,swallowed all six at one mouthful. I am glad to say that they were veryhot, and burned him so badly that he could not repress a surprised yelp.Daisy heard it, ran in, saw the empty dish, also the end of a yellowtail disappearing under the bed. Without a word she seized that tail,pulled out the thief, and shook him till his ears flapped wildly, thenbundled him down-stairs to the shed, where he spent a lonely evening inthe coal-bin.

  Cheered by the sympathy which Demi gave her, Daisy made another bowlfulof batter, and fried a dozen cakes, which were even better than theothers. Indeed, Uncle Fritz after eating two sent up word that he hadnever tasted any so nice, and every boy at the table below envied Demiat the flapjack party above.

  It was a truly delightful supper, for the little teapot lid only felloff three times and the milk jug upset but once; the cakes floated insyrup, and the toast had a delicious beef-steak flavor, owing to cook'susing the gridiron to make it on. Demi forgot philosophy, and stuffedlike any carnal boy, while Daisy planned sumptuous banquets, and thedolls looked on smiling affably.

  "Well, dearies, have you had a good time?" asked Mrs. Jo, coming up withTeddy on her shoulder.

  "A very good time. I shall come again soon," answered Demi, withemphasis.

  "I'm afraid you have eaten too much, by the look of that table."

  "No, I haven't; I only ate fifteen cakes, and they were very littleones," protested Demi, who had kept his sister busy supplying his plate.

  "They won't hurt him, they are so nice," said Daisy, with such a funnymixture of maternal fondnes
s and housewifely pride that Aunt Jo couldonly smile and say:

  "Well, on the whole, the new game is a success then?"

  "I like it," said Demi, as if his approval was all that was necessary.

  "It is the dearest play ever made!" cried Daisy, hugging her littledish-tub as she proposed to wash up the cups. "I just wish everybodyhad a sweet cooking stove like mine," she added, regarding it withaffection.

  "This play out to have a name," said Demi, gravely removing the syrupfrom his countenance with his tongue.

  "It has."

  "Oh, what?" asked both children eagerly.

  "Well, I think we will call it Pattypans," and Aunt Jo retired,satisfied with the success of her last trap to catch a sunbeam.