Page 14 of Adrenaline

  Malcolm looked down at me and smirked. “Why are you breathing so shallow, baby?”

  “Shallow? No . . . definitely not shallow,” I numbly said.

  His brow rose. “You’re not breathing deep, baby.”

  Oh mother of God. Call me baby again, I silently pleaded.

  “Deep?” I replied as I licked my lips. My eyes traveled over his body. He looked so damn good in that tux. What was the matter with me?

  Malcolm’s hand moved over my hip ever so slightly. Moving the dress against my skin in a way that was driving me mad. It felt like a silk sheet rubbing over my body. I’d always wanted to have sex on satin sheets. No. I’d always wanted to fuck on satin sheets.

  I instantly pictured Malcolm over me as he moved in and out of my body.

  Dear Lord, please ease this temptation.

  “How long have you and Paislie known each other, Malcolm?”

  Our eyes were locked and I knew he could tell I was turned on. I prayed to God he knew it was him who had me all hot and bothered, and not the jackass standing next to me.

  “We met a few months back in Vegas at a race,” Malcolm said, pulling his eyes from mine. I looked down and tried to concentrate on where I was. Sophie’s birthday party. Or ball. Or the grownups ball. Whatever. There were children around and I was daydreaming of Malcolm in ways I shouldn’t be.

  I wonder if Malcolm wears boxers or briefs? Or does he go commando?

  Oh, for Christ’s sake Paislie. Get. It. Together.

  Peeking back up at him, I looked at his handsome features. His strong jawline and soft plump lips that I wished like hell were exploring my body that very second.

  Snapping my head away, I dragged in a deep breath as his grip on me tightened. His fingers dug into me and it felt like I was going to explode.

  “Yes, Paislie is confident I’ll be back in a racecar soon.”

  I flashed a grin to Jeremy and nodded my head. “Yep. Man . . . is it hot out here or what?”

  Jeremy’s eyes looked between Malcolm and me as he took a step back. “I’m going to go see who else is here.” Turning to me, he reached his hand out for mine. When I lifted my hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed the back softly. It took everything I had not to pull it away before he touched me.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, Paislie.”

  My throat was dry as I fought like hell to form words. “Nice meeting you,” I choked out.

  When he walked away, I melted into Malcolm’s side . . . which was not a good thing. The heat from his body was warming my already-overheated body.

  Malcolm pulled me closer to him as he turned me. Our bodies were flush as I felt his dick twitch against my stomach.

  A low moan escaped from my lips as I clutched onto his jacket.

  God help me, for I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything, and it was taking everything in me not to drop to the floor and beg him.

  PAISLIE’S EYES WERE PRACTICALLY BEGGING me to touch her. Her breathing had changed the moment I walked up and it was clear she was horny.

  I pulled her closer to me, my cock pressed against her stomach. The silk dress felt amazing as it moved over her skin. I brought my lips to her ear again as she grasped onto my jacket.

  “Are you wet?”

  Her body felt like her knees were going weak. “Y- yes.”

  “You have no idea how badly I want to fuck you right now.”

  Her head dropped against my chest as she whimpered. The fact that her body reacted to mine the way it had was the biggest fucking adrenaline rush I’d ever experienced. I wanted to see what else I could do to make her so turned on she would be begging me for relief.

  “My lips want to taste you so badly, Paislie.”

  “Oh God,” she whispered. “Malcolm. Please, I can’t do this. Not here.” She spoke into my chest as she continued to hold onto me for dear life.

  “Do you have panties on?”

  Her head jerked up. “Yes! Sophie was in the room with me when I got dressed. She was mesmerized by my garter belt and thong.”

  Fuck. Me.

  Now my knees went weak. At least the good one did; the other one was numb with pain.

  I glanced down to her lips and imagined my cock moving in and out of her mouth.

  “The way you’re looking at me, Malcolm.”

  Her eyes commanded mine. “How am I looking at you, baby?”

  She clamped down on her lip before saying, “Like you’re hungry for me.”

  My heart rate picked up as I slowly focused on where we were. “When can I have you, Paislie?”

  “Jesus, if you keep this up I’ll let you take me here.”

  With that, I took her hand and headed into the house. I hated that I needed the cane, but at this point, I would have sprinted on my bad leg to get her away from everyone.

  “W-where are we going?” she asked as she glanced over her shoulder.

  Opening the laundry room door, I pulled her in and pushed her against the wall.

  “I need to feel you, Paislie . . . taste you.”

  Each breath was forced as the rush grew bigger. I’d been waiting for so long for this moment.

  My hand slid up her dress and moved softly along her thigh where I brushed my knuckles across the thin lace material. Son-of-a-bitch. My cock was throbbing I wanted her so badly.

  My fingers pushed the material to the side as Paislie lifted her leg, allowing me better access.

  I slipped two fingers in and moaned as my dick hardened painfully more. “Fucking hell. You’re soaking wet.”

  Her head dropped back as she whispered, “Please. Malcolm, I’ve waited so long for you.”

  My lips moved along her neck, placing soft kisses as I slowly moved my fingers in and out of her. Sliding another one in, I moved faster. “Yes,” she hissed as she pumped her hips. I didn’t want her coming yet. The first time she came, it was either going to be on my cock or my tongue.

  Pulling my fingers from her, Paislie let out a whimper. I lifted her up and set her on the counter. It was going to kill my leg, but I needed to taste her.

  “Lay back, Paislie. I want to taste you . . . now.”

  Her eyes widened with delight as she smiled and laid back. I lifted her beautiful gown and moaned when I saw the garter and panties.

  “Jesus, you’re perfect,” I moaned as I pushed her panties out of the way and licked up her pussy. Paislie gasped and grabbed onto my hair.

  “Oh . . . dear . . . God,” she panted.

  I’ve given plenty of women oral sex, but this was different. So very different. Paislie tasted sweet, addictive, like a drug. I instantly craved more as I licked and sucked her more. Her body quivered and I knew she was close. All I would need to do is concentrate on her clit and push my fingers in.

  The knock on the door had us both freezing. Paislie lifted her head as we looked at one another. She shook her head and mouthed, Are you fucking kidding me?

  “Uncle Malcolm? What are you and Paislie doing laundry for?”

  My eyes widened in horror as Paislie pushed me away from her. She fixed her panties as I helped her smooth her dress down. I wanted her to taste her own desire for me before we opened the door. The idea that she might let me kiss her about had me coming in my pants. I pulled her to me and slowly made my way to her lips. When she ran her tongue across them, I took that as a yes and devoured her mouth with mine.

  Her low rumbled moan zipped through my body as she tasted herself.

  When I pulled back, I whispered, “That was fucking hot.”

  “Uncle Malcolm?” Sophie was now yelling. Paislie reached for the door and yanked it open.

  “Hey, peanut!” she said, trying to sound normal, but her voice was jagged. Sophie took Paislie’s hand in hers and pulled her through the house and back outside as I adjusted my dick.

  Once we were back outside, my precious niece occupied all of Paislie’s time while I sat there trying to understand what in the hell was going on with my emotions. Even
watching Paislie with Sophie had my mind spinning with thoughts I never dreamed I would be having.

  “She’s certainly beautiful,” my mother said as she sat down next to me.

  Even though my attention was on Paislie, I nodded my head and said, “She has good genes.”

  My mother laughed and bumped my shoulder. “Malcolm Wallace, I was talking about Paislie.”

  With a smug smile, I turned to her. “Paislie is beautiful, there is no doubt about that.”

  “How long have you known each other?”

  Not taking my eyes off of her, I replied, “Since the Vegas race.”

  Mom laughed. “Why is everything measured by which race it was?”

  I looked at her with a stupefied look. “Isn’t it?”

  She rolled her eyes and let out a huff. “Are you dating?”

  Were we dating? I just had my face all over her pussy in my damn laundry room. I wanted her and only her. Every waking moment she filled my thoughts, and even in my sleep she controlled my thoughts. I’d never in my life wanted anyone like I wanted Paislie.

  “We’re taking things slowly, but yes. I think we’re dating.”

  “You think?” she asked as we both looked at each other. “You either are or you’re not, Malcolm.”

  My eyes drifted back to Paislie. I hadn’t dated anyone in a very long time. Did I want to open up my heart to the possibility of it being hurt again?

  Pushing my fingers through my hair, I shook my head. “It’s complicated, Ma.”

  “Really? The last time I checked it was pretty easy. Is it because of Casey?”

  The mention of her name caused my heart to drop. “I don’t want to talk about Casey.”

  “Why not? She was a huge part of your world before you started pretending like you never wanted to open your heart again.”

  My head snapped over toward my mother as she continued to look at Paislie. “I don’t want to talk about her. She’s gone and there is no use bringing her up.”

  My mother looked me straight in the eyes. “She’s not Casey.”

  I pulled my head back and gave my mother a stunned expression. “No fucking kidding, Ma. I know that.” Casey and Paislie had total opposite personalities. Casey was more quiet and much more reserved than Paislie was. Paislie wasn’t afraid to laugh at herself, whereas Casey took everything seriously.

  She narrowed her eye at me. “Don’t use that language in front of me, Malcolm. I’m just saying you’ll never be able to replace her.” She looked back out at Paislie and said, “You don’t find it a coincidence that Paislie resembles Casey?”

  I practically broke my neck looking back at Paislie. She didn’t look anything like Casey. “She looks nothing like her.”

  She stood and looked back down at me as she lifted her eyebrows. “Really? I find the resemblance very striking.”

  I swallowed hard as she turned and headed over to where Autumn was standing.

  My chest tightened as I watched Paislie carefully. The brown curls framing her beautiful face caught my eye as I took her in. Casey had brown hair, green eyes and a personality that could make an entire room light up when she walked in.

  Paislie had brown hair and green eyes, and was so much more independent and strong than Casey was. She knew who she was and what she wanted. The only things she had in common with Casey were the same hair and eye color and that was it. Their personalities were total opposites.

  Her smile pulled me in like nothing I’d ever experienced before. There was something about her that made me long to be near her. The things I felt for Paislie were so much stronger than what I had felt for Casey.

  She grabbed onto Sophie’s hands as they played Ring Around the Rosie. My heart broke that she never got to experience a childhood like Sophie’s. I wanted to make up for the shit her father did to her.

  When her eyes lifted and met mine, I felt a jolt of electricity whip through my body. My mother’s words played over and over in my head. I’d been with plenty of girls with brown hair and green eyes. I slowly shook my head. No . . . Paislie was her own person and she held me captive the moment she opened her mouth and spoke. I’d never felt that way about anyone before . . . or had I, and I just buried it deep down in my memory?

  AS MUCH AS I LOVED playing with Sophie, I was so worked up sexually I was about to burst into flames. It didn’t help having Malcolm eye fuck the hell out of me since our little escapade in the laundry room.

  As the night went on, I was introduced to more people, got to know Shirley and Paul, Malcolm’s parents, better and had the distinct feeling Malcolm was wanted by more than just me attending this party. The amount of women trying to give him their attention turned my stomach.

  “Paislie! The next part of the party is about to start. You need to get into your party pajamas.”

  I stared at Sophie like she had grown two heads. “Huh?” Really, Paislie? That was the best you could do?

  My body knew he was there before he uttered a word. “Paislie has her pj’s in her room and she’ll be up soon, princess. You go with the rest of the girls and get ready.”

  Sophie’s big blue eyes darted between Malcolm and me. “Are you going to help Paislie get ready?”

  Oh how I hope so.

  “Oh no, Sophie! I’m a big girl and can get ready on my own,” I practically spit out as I felt both Autumn and Shirley staring at me. When my eyes lifted, Autumn was smiling, but Shirley was staring at Malcolm.

  With a little jump, Sophie grabbed two of her friends and darted for upstairs. Autumn laughed and said, “The party’s in the game room. See you soon, Paislie!”

  She had an evil look in her eyes and I had a feeling something was up between her and Malcolm. I knew she had played a hand in me being a part of all of this tonight, and I was positive it was at the request of Malcolm.

  Malcolm slid his arm around my waist and my body was engulfed in heat. Glancing up, I had to remind myself to breathe. I was so lost in his blue eyes.

  I pulled in a breath of air and turned to Shirley who was now staring at me. “So, Paislie, what do your parents do for a living?”

  My breath caught and I wasn’t sure why. I was used to answering this question, but for some reason I felt like Shirley was putting me on a judging table and checking me out with a fine-tooth comb.

  “I actually grew up in an orphanage. My mother passed away when I was young and my father . . . well my father basically didn’t want to have to deal with me.”

  There it was. No use in sugar coating it. She asked and I gave her the answer. Malcolm held me tighter, as if I needed the extra strength. I appreciated the gesture, but I wasn’t ashamed of my childhood. Do I wish it had been different? Of course I did. But Elizabeth was like my mother and I was the way I was because of her and God.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”

  I gave her a polite smile and attempted to ease her guilt for asking. “Oh no worries, you wouldn’t have known.”

  “Paislie actually thought for a little while she might want to be a nun.”

  My mouth fell open as I looked at Malcolm and then back to his mother, who now wore a smile from ear to ear.

  Oh. Okay. I get it. The fact that I thought about becoming a nun made me appear a bit more innocent. Like maybe I wasn’t trying to get my claws into her baby boy’s money. She probably thought I was still a virgin too.

  The memory of Malcolm’s face between my legs popped into my head. It didn’t take long for me to get hot and bothered. Malcolm moved his lips along my neck and to my ear.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I grinned an evil grin as I simply said, “I need to do laundry.”

  His eyes lit up and I could see the desire building.

  “Well, I guess I should go get ready for the next part of the party!” I exclaimed with a smile.

  Shirley looked lovingly at Malcolm and something passed between the two of them. I wasn’t able to put my finger on it, but something for sure was exchanged.
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  “I’ll walk you to your room,” Malcolm said as he placed his hand on my elbow and led me in that direction.

  Oh. Shit.

  Glancing back over my shoulder, I asked, “Will I see you upstairs, Mrs. Wallace?”

  “Shirley, call me Shirley, sweetheart. And oh no,” she said with a chuckle. “Those days are long over. I’m heading back out to the big people party.”

  Malcolm and I both chuckled as he said, “See you in a few minutes, Mom.”

  She nodded her head. “Hurry along, Malcolm. I want to introduce you to Katelyn McDermott. She’s dying to meet you.”

  Turning away, I tried not to let that bother me, but it did. I got the feeling Malcolm’s mother wouldn’t approve of a relationship between us.

  Malcolm placed his hand on my lower back and guided me to my room. When I got to the door, I turned and said, “Thanks, but I’ve got it from here.”

  His eyebrows pinched together. “The fuck you do.”

  Reaching behind me, he opened the door and guided me in. “Listen, I got the feeling your mother didn’t care for me all that much or she’s looking to set you up with Katelyn McDermott. Either way, you should probably get back to the party.”

  He stared at me like he was trying to let what I said soak in. Slowly shaking his head, he started moving toward me, causing me to back myself right up against a wall. “Do you really think I care about Katelyn McDermott?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. Do you?” I asked as my heart pounded in my chest.

  His eyes searched my face. “No, I couldn’t care less about her. What I care about is finishing what I started.”

  My face felt heated as I thought about Malcolm’s lips on me.

  “It’s unfortunate that my knee is bothering me right now, because I would get down and fuck you with my tongue.”

  “Oh. My,” I whispered.

  “So my fingers are going to have to do, Paislie.”

  I will so take fingers, lips, dry humping, or anything else he wanted to do at this point.

  “O-okay,” I mumbled.

  He reached up under the gown and quickly found his way as he pushed his fingers inside me. It didn’t take long for me to start bucking my hips like a damn virgin girl about to get off for the first time.