Page 24 of Adrenaline

  I’m getting married.

  Holy shit.

  “I’ve seen that look of horror before on my own face.”

  Smiling, I looked at Adaline in the mirror. We’d become the best of friends and I thought of her as a sister. She looked amazing even though she was about to push out a baby.

  “I find it hard to believe you were nervous to marry Emmit.”

  “Ha!” she said with a wave of her hand as if I had just said the most ridiculous thing ever. “Trust me, I was scared to death. Plus, all the craziness that surrounded our wedding.”

  “What kind of craziness?” I asked.

  “It’s a long story that I’ll tell you all about when we’re alone with a big bottle of wine.”

  Giggling, I shook my head. “My life has changed so much since meeting Malcolm.”

  “I bet,” she said as she got up and made her way over to me. She was all stomach as she climbed the two steps and adjusted the dress. “You’re going to make a beautiful bride, though.”

  My heart felt as if it would explode I was so happy. “You know, when I was younger I used to lay in bed and dream of having a family.” Turning to her, I took her hands in mine. “I’m so blessed to have you, Emmit, and Landon in my life. I hope you know that.”

  Her lips pressed together as tears formed. Oh Lord. She was going to cry. I’d never seen anyone cry at the drop of a bucket like Adaline. Emmit said it was the pregnancy. Yesterday when I showed her one of the guest rooms I had decorated at the B & B she lost it in a crying fit and said I should have done all the rooms because she hated all the other ones. Never mind the fact that I had decorated nearly all the rooms. I let it slide due to her current condition.

  “Don’t cry, Adaline. Please don’t cry ‘cause then you’ll make me cry and we’ll both be standing up here crying looking like crazy women.”

  She instantly stopped crying. Damn if I knew that was all I ever had to say I would have been using that this whole time.

  “Oh no.”

  Her face drained of all color. “Okay, well if you want to cry, sweetie, you can.”

  She shook her head and then grabbed my hands. I about fell to the ground when she started squeezing them.

  “Ohmygawd!” I shouted as I was practically brought to my knees.

  “Paislie, you have to stay still if you want me to get this measurement right.”

  I couldn’t even form words. Adaline had a death grip on my hands. I was never going to tell her to stop crying ever again.

  “Can’t. Feel. My. Hands.” I panted out as Adaline closed her eyes and breathed heavier.

  “Lucy! Help me! She’s trying to rip my hands off!”

  Lucy jumped up and looked at Adaline. “She’s having a contraction.”

  I sighed a breath of relief that she wasn’t mad at me for talking about her crazy crying. “Thank God,” I said with a chuckle as Adaline let up her grip.

  “Wait. What? Contraction!” I exclaimed as Lucy helped Adaline down and to a chair.

  I started spinning around in a circle as I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do next.

  “Baby. The baby is coming?” I gathered up my dress and quickly made my way over to Adaline.

  “The baby is coming!”

  “You don’t have to shout, Paislie. I’m in labor—not deaf.”

  My head snapped to Lucy. “What do I do?”

  “Take her to the hospital.”

  “Right!” I shouted as I grabbed both of our purses and yelled over my shoulder, “I’ll get the car!”

  “Your dress,” Lucy exclaimed as I slid to a stop.


  Heading back into the dressing room, Adaline called out, “No time! Paislie, I’m having another contraction.”

  A total look of fear covered my face as I stared at her. “What? No, you just had your first contraction. You can’t go that fast!”

  Adaline raised her eyebrows and gave me a shy smile. “Well, I’ve been having them the last hour or so, but I thought I’d be okay until after your alteration appointment.”

  My hand flew to my chest as I looked at Lucy. “Is she serious?”

  A sudden flash of adrenaline raced through my body as Adaline said, “I texted Emmit and he and Malcolm are on the way to the hospital.”

  Panic hit me square in the face. “I can’t let Malcolm see me in my wedding dress.”

  “I’ll drive, you change!” Lucy called as she flew by me with my jeans, T-shirt and sneakers in her arms.

  This was insane . . . but it would work.

  Reaching to help Adaline up, I helped her walk out to Lucy’s car.

  “Another one is coming,” she said as I opened the front passenger door and helped her in. “I need your hand.”

  With a gruff laugh, I shut her door and said, “The hell with that!”

  I was barely in the car with the door shut when Lucy floored it.

  “It’s two minutes to the hospital, change fast,” Lucy called from over her shoulder.

  “I can’t get it unbuttoned!” I called out.

  Lucy threw up her hands. “Well, I can’t get it; I’m driving.”

  Slipping on my jeans, I frantically tried to reach the buttons. Before I knew it, she was pulling up to the front entrance of the hospital and I was jumping out.

  “You! Hey, Mr! Please, can you unbutton my dress?”

  An older gentleman walked up as Lucy ran into the hospital to get a wheelchair.

  “Do I want to know?” he asked as he unbuttoned the dress.

  With a shake of my head, I said, “Nope. You don’t.”

  He laughed and said, “You’re done.”

  Turning, I kissed him on the cheek and then jumped back into the car where I slid out of my dress and put my T-shirt on.

  “Oh God. Here comes another one!” Adaline cried out as she lifted her hand up as if I was crazy enough to give her mine.

  With a roll of my eyes, I slipped my sneakers on and jumped out right as Lucy and a hospital volunteer showed up with the wheelchair.

  Just as Adaline sat down in it, Emmit came running up, with Malcolm behind him carrying Landon on his shoulders. My lower stomach pulled as I looked at him. Nothing was hotter than him with a child in his arms . . . on his shoulders . . . playing hide and seek.

  His eyes caught mine as I smiled.

  “You look flush, baby. Is everything okay?”

  With a nod, I peeked over to Lucy who gave me a thumb’s up before I turned back to Malcolm. “I’ve never been better.”

  As I made my way over to my handsome fiancé, I said a quick prayer that I hadn’t ruined my dress in my frantic state to get it off. Lucy gave me a hug and whispered she’d take care of the dress.

  I was getting married in two months and I hoped like hell she got all the measurements she needed.

  “Thank you,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Thanks, Lucy! I owe you!” Adaline called out as she was pushed into the hospital.

  Malcolm’s eyes bounced from Lucy, to her car, back to me. “Who was that and where is your car?”

  Smiling up at Landon, I reached up and tickled his tummy as he laughed. “That was the seamstress who was doing alterations on my dress.”

  “Okay. Why did she bring y’all to the hospital?”

  Now that I thought about everything, I had to laugh. “I was getting alterations done on my dress and Adaline decided to hide the fact that she was having contractions until it was too late. She said I didn’t have time to change and there was no way I was going to let you see me in my dress.” With a shrug, I said, “So, Lucy drove and I changed, of course after I jumped out and asked a total stranger to unbutton my wedding dress.”

  A look of pure shock flashed across Malcolm’s face.

  “Never a dull moment with you, is there?”

  Shaking my head, I said, “Nope. Are you okay with that?”

  Leaning down, Landon put his hands on Malcolm’s head while he kissed me softly on the lips.
“Perfectly okay with that. Now let’s go watch Adaline pop out a kid.”

  Laughing, I hit him in the stomach as Landon started singing about being a big brother.

  MY CHEST WAS TIGHT AS I watched Emmit hold his daughter, Hailey. The look of love on his face was amazing. I’d never seen him with tears in his eyes before, except for when that wine bottle fell on his toe. Pressing my lips together, I tried to push the memory and the laughter away.

  “Emmit, she is beyond beautiful,” Paislie said as she looked adoringly at Hailey.

  Beaming with pride, Emmit nodded his head, “She looks like her mother.”

  Adaline grinned as Landon snuggled up next to her in the bed, fast asleep from all the excitement.

  “Would you like to hold her?” Emmit asked Paislie.

  Her face lit up as she nodded frantically. The moment he placed Hailey in her arms, I felt my entire body go stiff.

  Holy shit.

  I cannot deny it any longer.

  Paislie’s eyes filled with tears as she rocked the baby softly in her arms. When she peeked up to look at me, she gave me the biggest most beautiful smile I’d ever seen.

  Yep, there was no getting around this one. I wanted a baby. I wanted to see Paislie holding our baby.

  The door opened and Ashley walked in demanding to see her niece. Paislie was still not too sure about Ashley and I couldn’t blame her for being bothered by how open Ashley was about the two of us. I’d been honest with her about my time with Ashley. It was clear from the smile on Ashley’s face that Paislie had nothing to worry about, she was very happy with her fiancé, Jon.

  We stayed until it was clear Adaline was ready to pass out. Paislie wrapped her arm around my waist as we made our way to the elevator.

  “So, two more months and we’re going to be hitched.”

  Laughing, I pulled her closer to me. “Two more months.”

  Paislie stopped and looked at me. “You know, I believe you still owe me a few—” Looking around to make sure no one heard her, she turned back to me and gave me a seductive look. Everything in that moment disappeared and I saw nothing but Paislie. “Orgasms,” she whispered. My eyes quickly scanned the area as I grabbed her and pulled her around the corner.

  Giggling, she asked, “Where are we going?”

  I found the door I was looking for and pushed it open. I nudged Paislie into the cleaning closet and shut the door.

  “Are we going to do some cleaning?” she asked with a naughty smile. “I have fond memories of doing laundry with you.”

  I had my pants unbuttoned and my zipper down as she took my cock in her hand and stroked it.

  “How many more orgasms do we need?”

  She swallowed hard and said, “Three.”

  Lifting my brow, I asked, “Three? Are you sure?”

  “Um . . . yep . . . I’m sure.” I loved seeing her chest heave up and down at the mere excitement of what I was about to do to her.

  With a quick look around, I grinned when I saw the room was big enough for my next plan. “Take off your jeans,” I commanded as I put a sheet on the floor and dropped to the floor onto my back.

  Without hesitating, she did what I asked. Slipping off her sneakers, she pushed her jeans along with her panties down and off her right leg, keeping them on her left still.

  “Sit on my face.”

  Her eyes widened in shock as she asked, “W-what?”

  “I want to taste you, baby.”

  Her mouth parted slightly open as she gazed down at me while biting her lip.

  Doing as I asked, she lowered herself to me as I ran my tongue along her lips and to her clit.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered as she started to move her pussy against my face.

  Fucking heaven.

  Grabbing onto her hips, I held her still while I worked on her first orgasm.

  “Malcolm,” she whispered as she slammed her hands over her mouth while her body trembled. I loved feeling her fall apart. It was one of my favorite things.

  When she finally came down, I lifted her hips and said, “Turn around, I want to feel my cock in your mouth.”

  She gasped as she quickly moved. I knew she loved it when I talked dirty to her. When she put that sweet pussy back in my face, I slapped her ass, causing her to let out a yelp before taking me into her mouth. Letting out a moan, I let her work me for a bit before I pulled her back onto my face. When she moaned, it vibrated through my entire body, causing me to suck and lick her faster. My finger moved up and coated it with her wetness before I pushed it into her ass, causing her entire body to go rigid and her orgasm to hit her. Each whimper and moan against my cock had me fighting not to let go and spill into her mouth.

  I tapped on her hip, signaling her to stop before I came. “Oh God . . . Malcolm . . . I feel myself throbbing.”

  Not sure how much longer we could stay in here, I told her to stand. She held onto the wall as she steadied herself.

  I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around me while I slowly lowered her onto my cock. “Damn, baby you feel so good.”

  It didn’t take me long before I was pouring every ounce of my cum into her body. When I sank down to the ground, I held her so she wouldn’t be on the floor. We both dragged in air while trying to steady our breathing. The door handle moved and we both froze.

  “Aw shit. Who locked it?” someone said from the other side of the door. Paislie jumped up and quickly put her panties and jeans back on while I tucked my guy back in and zipped up my pants.

  Putting my ear to the door, I lifted my eyebrows and slowly unlocked the door. Barely opening it, I peeked out to see no one was around. We both quickly ran out of the closet and to the elevator like we were fleeing for our lives.

  The second the elevator doors shut, we both lost it laughing.

  Life with Paislie was amazing and I couldn’t wait to see where she wanted her last orgasm since I only managed to give her two.

  The feel of Emmit smacking my back, had me about spitting out my beer.

  “You ready?”

  With a grin, I replied, “I sure am.”

  “You do know how long your wedding ceremony is, right?”

  I rolled my eyes and nodded. “I’m well aware of how long it will be.”

  “I’m thinking Addie and I will have enough time to sneak out and get in a quickie before anyone misses us.”

  My mouth fell. “You’re my best man; you don’t think people will notice you gone?”

  With a wave of his hand, he chuckled. “They’ll all be asleep.”

  “Fuck you, Lewis. I don’t even know why I asked you to be the best man, you bastard.”

  The front door opened and Paislie came running out. “Look what was printed in The Dallas Morning News today.”

  She held up the paper and smiled. The picture was of me, Paislie, Emmit, Adaline, Landon, and Hailey all in front of the house with another picture of the vineyards.

  The caption read:

  Two former NASCAR teammates find life in the slow lane peacefully blissful.

  I took in a deep breath and let the cool April air fill my senses. Paislie had thrown bluebonnets out last fall and they were springing up everywhere with all the rain we had gotten this past winter. The smell was amazing.

  I took a glance around and smiled. This place really was our home. Everything had been falling into place and I couldn’t have been happier. When we landed a huge deal with a local winery in the hill country, The Dallas Morning News asked to do an interview. Once she got past all the NASCAR questions, we really got to talk about our plans for the future, plus it was a great plug for the bed and breakfast.

  “The phone for the bed and breakfast has been blowing up all day and at first I couldn’t figure out why until I realized it was the article in the paper. We are booked up for the next year.”

  Emmit and I both looked at her with stunned looks. “What?” Emmit asked as I shook my head.

  “Yep. One year out; I finally told Janet to start
putting people on a waiting list until I could talk to Addie about how she wanted to do reservations that far out.”

  The smile on my future wife’s face caused my body to heat up. Damn, I’d give anything to take her right here.

  Elizabeth walked out and it felt like someone poured cold water over me. My semi hard-on was gone in an instant.

  “Paislie, the caterer is on the phone.”

  A look of horror moved across Paislie’s face as she dashed back into the house, followed by Elizabeth.

  “So, what’s it like having one of your wife’s best friend’s be a nun?”

  Glaring at Emmit, I shot him the finger as he laughed. “Don’t you have anything else to do besides sit here and harass me? Like go help your wife with your daughter, or anything other than being in my face.”

  Emmit stood and flashed me a smile that told me he was about to be up to no good. “Bachelor party tonight.”

  “No. Dude, it’s the night before my wedding. There is no way in hell I’m going out with you.”

  Emmit shrugged his shoulders. “We’re not going out. We’ll be at the B&B having a grand ole time celebrating the last hours of your freedom.”

  A bad feeling swept over me as I stood. “Emmit, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “It’ll be fine. What happened to the old Malcolm I knew? The guy who looked for any excuse to be a dick and have a good time.”

  “I’m going to ignore the dick comment. I fell in love, grew up, and I really don’t want to go to my wedding with a hangover.”

  Emmit grinned from ear to ear. “Then don’t drink. We need to be there by eight.”

  Before I had a chance to even argue with him, he was gone.

  “Shit,” I mumbled as I glanced down to Deuce. “What do you think, boy? Hanging out with the guys one more time isn’t going to hurt, right?”

  Deuce barked and then put his head back down as if he was disappointed in me.

  “What do you know? You’re a dog.”

  “OH MY GOODNESS. PAISLIE, YOU look beautiful,” Annie said as she straightened out my train.

  I took a peek at myself in the mirror and gasped at the reflection.


  It was all I could say as I stared at the woman I hardly recognized. My brown hair had been pulled up and curled with baby’s breath flowers tucked all through out. I wore a simple pearl necklace that Janet had given to me one afternoon while we were walking alone in the vineyard. It meant more to me than she would ever know. She had become more than just Malcolm’s assistant; she was like my surrogate mother.