Page 26 of Adrenaline

  Standing, I unzipped my pants as Paislie’s eyes widened in anticipation.

  Pulling her up, I lowered her onto my cock as she wrapped her legs around me. I didn’t want to mess her hair up, so I carefully set her back down on the desk and slowly moved in and out of her warm body.

  “Faster. Malcolm. Please.”

  Doing as she asked, I pumped faster and harder as I felt my balls pull up. It wasn’t going to take me long before I poured my cum into her.

  Her eyes burned with lust as I felt myself grow bigger. “Paislie. Oh God.”

  With each thrust into her, I felt something I’d never thought possible. Each time I made love to her, it was better than the last. Something about knowing this woman was my wife, my forever, made the moment even better.

  Burying my face into her neck, I breathed heavily as she wrapped her arms around me.

  “That was amazing. It felt so—”

  “Different,” we both said at once. Pulling my head back, I looked into her eyes.

  “I can’t wait to make love to you tonight and take my time.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Me too.”

  My cell phone rang and I reached into my pocket to get it. I was still buried inside of Paislie as I felt my cock twitching.


  “Where in the fuck are you? If you tell me you stopped somewhere, I swear to God I’m going to pound your face in.”

  Holding back my laughter, I asked, “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I’d have done the same thing with Addie! Any chance to have sex without one of our kids in the room and I’m going to take it.”

  Paislie covered her mouth in an attempt to hide her chuckling.

  “I needed something to eat after that long-ass ceremony.”

  Her hands dropped to her sides as she gave me a dirty look. “That long-ass beautiful ceremony.”

  “You son-of-a-bitch. Get your ass here everyone is waiting on you.”

  “We’re on our way now,” I said as I kissed Paislie quickly on the lips.

  I was about to hang up when Emmit yelled, “Bring me some fries!”

  Dropping my phone back into my pocket, I pulled out of my wife and headed to the bathroom where I wet a washcloth with warm water. After cleaning myself, I wet it again and headed back into the room and gently cleaned her.

  “Mmm . . . that feels good.”

  Pulling her off the table, I gave her a stern look. “No more until tonight.”

  With a pout, she mumbled, “Party pooper.”

  We carefully put her dress back on and Paislie checked her hair before we headed back down to the car. As we walked by the check in desk, I stole a glance at the young woman who checked us in. She failed at keeping her smile in as she turned and started talking to a co-worker.

  Phil was still parked out front and was talking to one of the bellhops. The moment he saw us, he quickly opened the back door as I helped Paislie gather her dress up before she sat in the seat. Walking over to the other side, he held my door open and asked, “To the reception now, sir?”

  “If we must!”

  He held back his smile and nodded his head.

  Ten minutes later we were pulling up to the Brookhaven Country Club. Phil got out quickly and made his way to Paislie’s side of the car. Janet glared at me as I walked around the back of the car and up to her. With a quick shrug, I winked at her.

  Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “The photographer is waiting. We’ll get a few pictures before you greet your guests.”

  Emmit came walking up searching for a bag of fries. “Where’s my fries?”

  Ignoring him, I held my hand out for Paislie as she stepped out of the car. Janet reached for the bouquet and handed it to her.

  “Follow me for pictures, everyone!” Janet called out.

  Emmit glared at me and then leaned in closer. “You bastard! You had sex.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Adaline and Annie each took Paislie by the arm and pulled her ahead as they quickly got lost in conversation.

  Emmit huffed. “Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now?”

  With a dry laugh, I stopped and looked at him. “How about this. I arrange for both of your children to be occupied for at least thirty minutes. I’m sure you and Adaline can find somewhere to sneak away.”

  “Forty-five. It’s been a while. I want to enjoy myself.”

  I acted like I was frustrated while blowing out a deep breath. “Fine. Forty-five minutes. After we greet all the guests, I’ll make it happen.”

  Emmit slapped me on the back. “Dude, have I told you how much I love you?”

  “Ugh. Don’t make me throw up, you pansy ass.”

  Pictures were taken, greetings were done and I was making arrangements for Emmit’s kids. It wasn’t hard. Who wouldn’t want to hold a two-month old sleeping baby, or take an almost two year old on an adventure walk?

  Walking up to Emmit, I slapped him on the back and said, “Your time starts now.”

  His eyes scanned the room for Adaline. “I owe you.”

  I watched as he practically dragged her out of the room. Shaking my head, I chuckled to myself.

  “Where are they going?” Paislie asked.

  “To have sex.”

  She sucked in a breath as I turned to her and pulled her to me. “You, Mrs. Wallace, will have to be patient.”

  I dipped her as I pressed my lips to hers. When I pulled her up, she appeared to be dizzy.

  “Are you okay?”

  With a smile like I’d never seen before, she wrapped her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes. There will never come a time when I wouldn’t get lost in those big, beautiful emerald eyes. “I’ve never been better. Say it again.”

  Tilting my head, I wrinkled my forehead and asked, “Say what again?”

  “I want to hear you call me Mrs. Wallace again.”

  My heart skipped a beat as I cupped her face with my hands. Her lips parted as I gently kissed her forehead. “I love you, Mrs. Wallace.”

  Moving my lips to her nose, I whispered again, “I love you, Mrs. Wallace.”

  Gently kissing her lips, I softly spoke against them. “I love you, Mrs. Wallace.”

  Her eyes were closed as I stared at her beautiful face. I knew what I was about to say could go either way, but it was on my heart and I wanted to say it now. After all, Paislie always said honesty was an enduring trait.

  My thumb moved across her lips as she opened her eyes and caught my stare.

  “Mrs. Wallace, will you do me the honor of carrying my child?”

  Her breath stalled as her eyes lit up like I’d never seen before.

  “W-what are you saying?”

  My hand moved to her cheek as she leaned into it. “I want to try for a baby whenever you’re ready.”

  A single tear rolled down her cheek as I kissed it away.

  “Is that a yes?” I asked with a grin. My heart was racing as I waited for her response.

  “Yes! And if trying for a baby is like anything else you set out to do, I’m betting on a January baby.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Now that right there was the biggest adrenaline rush I’ve ever experienced.”

  Pulling me out onto the dance floor, Paislie wiggled her eyebrows and said, “Wait until tonight, Mr. Wallace.”

  With a quick spin and a dip in my arms, I looked into her eyes and replied, “Who says we have to wait until tonight?”

  Seven years later

  “EMME, YOU BE CAREFUL UP on that horse!” I called out.

  “I’m a racehorse driver, Momma!” Emmerson squealed.

  My heart dropped as I watched my six-year-old daughter fearlessly trot around on the new paint horse Malcolm bought her.

  “Did you hear that? Racehorse driver?” My hands went to my hips as I glared at Malcolm.

  “I have no idea where she would have gotten that from, baby.” He held up his hand and gave
me an innocent smile. “I swear.” My heart felt as if it would burst as I stared at my handsome husband. He and Emmerson were two peas in a pod and she was for sure a daddy’s girl.

  “Uh-huh,” I replied with a roll of my eyes. “Malcolm, my nerves can’t take her trotting, please tell her to walk.”

  Malcolm turned and called out, “Emme, let’s walk Rascal before we take him out full throttle.”

  Promptly doing what her daddy said, Emmerson brought the horse down to a walk.

  “Ugh! Malcolm, she’s six. Stop talking to her like she is part of a pit crew!”

  With a laugh, he pulled me closer to him and rested his hand on my swollen belly. “How’s our son doing today?”

  “Active. I have a feeling he’s going to be an adrenaline junky like his father.” I rubbed my stomach and felt our baby kick. Hard. “See!” I snickered.

  “Four more weeks, baby.”

  I sighed and placed my hand on my lower back. “Thank goodness. This baby is killing my back.”

  Emmerson rode her horse up to us and stopped right on a dime. Her brown pigtails bounced around as she flashed her sweet little smile. “Daddy, can we go on our picnic now?”

  Reaching up for her, Malcolm took her off the horse and held her in his strong arms. Malcolm motioned for one of the stable hands to come and take Rascal back to the stables. “It’s up to your momma.”

  My body was aching and my lower back was killing me, but when her little blue eyes pleaded with me, there was no way I could say no. “Of course we can. Let’s go see if Clarisse has the basket ready to go.”

  With huge grin, Emmerson fought to get down so she could run ahead of us. “I’m gonna invite Landon too! Y’all know we’re gonna get married someday!”

  “Damn it all to hell. Why must she say that all the time?” Malcolm moaned as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

  “Did I tell you what Addie told me yesterday? She said Emmit about busted with pride when he found out.”

  Malcolm gave me a worried look. “Do I really want to know?”

  With a shrug, I replied, “Only if you want to know the type of boy your daughter is attracted to.”

  Malcolm stopped walking and faced me as he drew in a deep breath. “Jesus H. Christ. She’s six, what do you mean the type of boy she is attracted to? The only thing she should be attracted to is her horse.”

  Trying not to smile too big, I looked back at the house as our daughter skipped up the front porch steps.

  “Fine. Whatever, I’m ready to hear it.”

  I peeked back at Malcolm and took his hands in mine. “Emmerson and Landon were walking out of school together holding hands.”

  His eyes closed and he let out a frustrated moan.

  “The principal was walking behind them as they made their way to Addie.”

  Snapping his eyes open, a horrified look washed over his face. “Oh God. What did they do?”

  “I guess yesterday at lunch a little boy in Landon’s class said Emmerson was pretty and that he was going to date her some day when she got older.”

  Malcolm’s face turned white as a ghost. “Oh holy hell.”

  Placing his hands on his knees, he dragged in a few breaths. “God is paying me back for all my sins. That’s why he gave me a girl.”

  My hand covered my mouth as I let out a giggle.

  Dropping my hand, I went on. “So anyway, this little boy declared he was going to date Emmerson. Landon wasn’t having anything to do with that and told the little boy if he so much as looked at Emmerson the wrong way, he would . . . he would . . .”

  “He would what?!” Malcolm shouted.

  Trying to keep the laughter in, I shook my head and held up my hand. “Hold on! Need . . . one . . . second.”

  Malcolm waited not so patiently while I got myself under control. “He said he would bust his nuts and kick his ass.”

  His mouth dropped as I busted out laughing harder.

  “Holy shit. Landon said that?”

  Nodding my head, I said, “Yep! Addie said she was horrified, but Emmit puffed his chest out and proudly declared himself father of the year, then said Hailey was moving to an all-girl school because little boys were horny and not allowed around his daughter.”

  Malcolm let out a chuckle as we started back to the house.

  “Damn. Who would have thought ten years ago that my daughter and Emmit’s son would be crushing on each other?”

  I stopped and looked at my handsome, clueless husband. “It’s cute now, but you better prepare yourself.”

  “For what?”

  Emerging from the front door, Emmerson and Landon came walking out. When Landon leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, Malcolm gasped beside me.

  “For that . . . fast forward ten years.”

  Malcolm stared at them as they started our way. Landon, taking the basket from Emmerson, like the perfect little gentleman he was.

  Turning to face me, Malcolm looked scared to death. “What was the name of that all-girls school Emmit was talking about?”


  KELLY ELLIOTT IS A NEW York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Since finishing her bestselling Wanted series, Kelly continues to spread her wings while remaining true to her roots and giving readers stories rich with hot protective men, strong women and beautiful surroundings.

  Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, daughter, and two pups. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

  To find out more about Kelly and her books, you can find her through her website.

  THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO picked up Ignite and Adrenaline and took a chance on this series! It means more to me than you will ever know.

  Nichole and Christine—I could never really ever thank y’all enough for everything you do for me. You truly are both the best!

  Laura Hansen—You are truly amazing. Thank you for always making time to read my stuff before anyone else puts their eyes on it. Love you to the moon and back!

  Nikki—Thank you for being the last set of eyes on everything. The fact that you always make time when I send you a message out of the blue always fills my heart with gratitude!

  Lauren—I love you and don’t ever forget it. I’ve been so blessed with such an amazing daughter. If only you would clean your room . . . you would be perfect!

  Texas Motor Speedway—Thank you for letting me make your track my home for a whole day. Your hospitality was beyond amazing.

  The Wranglers—As always, ladies, thank you for everything you do for me. Your continued support means the world to me.

  Kelly’s Krew (Formally known as Kelly’s Chasers)—Thank you for your continued support and for making our group such a positive and fun loving group. Thank you to all my admins for helping me!

  Selena Gomez—“Body Heat”

  Malcolm and Paislie meet for the first time

  Chelsea Kankes—“Ghost”

  Malcolm and Paislie at track

  Kelly Clarkson—“Let Your Tears Fall”

  Paislie leaving Malcolm’s house and parked at the end of the driveway

  Carrie Underwood—“Heartbeat”

  Malcolm and Paislie horseback riding

  Rascal Flatts—“Riot”

  Malcolm after Paislie leaves him

  Justin Bieber—“The Feeling”

  Emmit talking to Malcolm about Paislie

  Wiz Khalife—“See You Again”

  Malcolm at Casey’s grave

  Selena Gomez—“Nobody”

  Malcolm and Paislie at the vineyard cottage

  Justin Bieber—“Purpose”

  Malcolm watching Paislie dancing with Landon

  Rascal Flatts—“Bless the Broken Road”

  Malcolm, Paislie, and Elizabeth in restaurant

  Johann Sebastian Bach—“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”

  Malcolm and Paislie’s wedding

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  Kelly Elliott, Adrenaline

  (Series: # )




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