Page 10 of Shot on Gold

  "Oh." Amber wrapped her legs around Will's hips to draw him in closer.

  "You okay?" he asked.

  She raked her nails down his arms. "I'm more than okay, Will. You feel . . . amazing inside of me. I was just thinking that you're nothing like a dildo."

  He laughed. "Good to know."

  "I meant that as a compliment. I mean your cock is hot and I can feel it pulsing inside of me. It's an incredible sensation. And the way my pussy reacts. It . . . quivers."

  He drew in a deep breath. "I feel it. You feel good, Amber. So damn good. Tight and warm and squeezing my cock so hard."

  His words made the room feel hot. They made her feel hot--and achy all over. But it was a good kind of ache. She couldn't get enough of these sensations, as if every part of her tingled.

  And when his pelvis rubbed against her clit, those tingles shifted to sharp, delicious shocks of pleasure. She wanted a lot more of that so she lifted against him.

  "Oh, fuck yeah," Will said, grinding against her, deepening his thrusts, until she felt him both inside and out.

  She was losing her mind, lost in the way his hands seemed to be everywhere, touching her breasts, snaking along her hip and grasping her butt to draw her closer to the center of him.

  He'd occasionally slow down to lift and look at her, as if he wanted to make sure she was still there with him.

  She reached up to smooth her fingers over his jaw, to feel the prickles of his beard, which sent goose bumps along her nerve endings. And then, his gaze fixed on hers, he thrust into her, making her gasp.

  "Will," she whispered, no longer capable of rational thought other than his name.

  "Yeah, babe. I'm here with you."

  That was all she needed to know, because these feelings, these sensations, had become overwhelming. She felt as if she was deep within the center of him, and when he took her mouth in a kiss that blasted her senses, she tumbled into orgasm, grasping onto him and rocketing through shock waves of the sweetest pleasure.

  "That's it," Will said. "Oh, fuck yeah that's it." He dug his fingers into her skin, grasping her closer. He held her so close she felt pain, but this pain sent tingling pleasure down her spine.

  She thought she'd be the only one losing control when she came.

  She'd been so wrong. He groaned against her and shuddered, and she felt every part of him as he came. She closed her eyes and absorbed every tumultuous quake, taking in his groans and the movements of his body within her.

  She let out a breath, overcome by the experience. It had been magnificent, exceeding her expectations.

  And, instead of immediately rolling away from her, Will cupped her behind and gathered her close, kissing her neck and nibbling on her skin, making her feel as if she had been anything but a fuck to him. She felt cherished and protected.

  Oh, she knew she wasn't a girlfriend, that this had been just sex and nothing more for both of them.

  But for her first time, it had been memorable and glorious and wonderful. And she had Will to thank for that.

  He finally disengaged from her, but not before giving her a gentle kiss and smoothing his hand over her hair. "I'll be right back."

  He left the room and went into the bathroom. Amber stretched her arms over her head and wiggled her toes, then smiled.

  She wasn't a virgin anymore. Finally. And her first experience with sex had been outstanding.

  When Will came out, he climbed onto the bed next to her and laid his hand on her stomach. "Feel okay?"

  She leaned into him, needing his touch on her skin. "I feel great. That was amazing. You were amazing. Sex is amazing. Did I say amazing too many times?"

  He gave her a smile. "I'm okay with amazing, especially if you're going to say it about me."

  She grinned, then rolled over onto her back. "Not that I have anyone to compare you to, of course. But it was really good."

  "Want me to call up a few guys to come in so you could have your way with them for comparison purposes?"

  She shoved at him and laughed. "No. Jerk."

  "Good answer. I don't really want to share you with anyone."

  Her heart squeezed. "You don't?"

  "Hell, no. You're beautiful, you're smart, you give amazing blow jobs and you're great in the sack. Why would I give you up?"

  If he kept talking like that, she might get all emotional about him. And that couldn't happen. She needed to remind herself--continually--that this thing she was doing with Will was just for fun. And for her sexual education.

  "You're pretty damn good at it yourself. I wouldn't mind a few more lessons."

  He swept his hand upward, over her breasts. "It's a big hardship, but I'd be willing."

  She moved her hand down and circled his erect shaft. "Yes, it's big and hard all right."

  He laughed and pulled her on top of him. "Lesson one. How to ride a man like a cowgirl."

  She pressed her nails into his chest. "I can already tell I'm going to enjoy these lessons."


  AMBER GOT BACK TO HER ROOM ABOUT SIX-THIRTY IN the morning. She and Will had fallen asleep about four.

  She finally rolled out of bed, got dressed and bent over to brush her lips against his temple. He reached for her.


  "Yes. I have practice."

  "I'll get up."

  She sat on the edge of the bed. "Don't. I'll make my way back to my place."

  "No. I'll walk with you."

  He ended up putting on clothes and his parka and boots and walked her to her apartment, which was totally unnecessary, but also incredibly sweet. He pulled her against him and kissed her. It was a delicious kiss that warmed her from her hair to her toes.

  "I'll see you later," he said.

  "Have a good day."

  She smiled all the way up to her room, yawning the entire time.

  It was going to be a long day. She had enough time to shower, dress and make it to the dining hall to grab coffee and down an egg-white omelet before she had to get to the ice rink for practice.

  At least she didn't have a performance today, for which she was supremely grateful.


  "YOU LOOK TIRED," VALERIA SAID. "THERE ARE DARK circles under your eyes."

  "Yes, I'm a little tired this morning."

  Valeria massaged Amber's hamstrings to loosen them up before she took the ice. She also gave Amber a critical look. "You party last night?"

  Amber trusted Valeria more than anyone. "Define party."



  "Out with a boy?"

  To Valeria, any man under the age of thirty-five was a "boy." "Maybe."

  Amber winced when Valeria gave her a hard stretch.

  "You spend the night with him?"

  "I did."

  "Who is this boy?"

  She absolutely wasn't going to give Valeria his name. Not yet, anyway. "A hockey player. He's very nice."

  "Hmph. You should not trust boys."

  Amber fought the smile. "I'm not planning on marrying him, Valeria. I just want to have some fun."

  "Fun is good. Don't get your heart hurt."

  She knew Valeria cared about her. Amber had been with Valeria and Yegor since she was ten years old. They were like her second parents. She spent more time with them than she did with her own parents. "I'm being very careful, and my heart isn't involved."

  Valeria just huffed. "Your mother will not be happy about this."

  "I don't plan on telling my mother anything about my sex life."

  "Good. The less she knows the better. You know how she is."

  "Yes, I know how she is. She thinks my entire life should be about skating forever until I die."

  "She's not that bad."

  Amber looked backward at Valeria. "You know she is."

  Valeria continued to stretch her for several more minutes. Amber could tell she was thinking. When she finished, she helped Amber down from the table.

  "I change my mind. Go, h
ave some fun. But don't let a boy break your heart."

  "I'm in charge of my heart, Valeria. I promise to be careful."

  Valeria cupped her face with her hands. "You're like my own child. I never want anyone or anything to hurt you."

  Amber's eyes filled with tears. "Hey, where's my tough Valeria? I can't skate if you make me cry."

  Valeria's eyes were teary as well. She blinked and straightened. "Bah. Making you cry is Yegor's job when he tells you you're doing everything wrong."

  Amber laughed. "So true."

  As she took the ice for practice, she realized how very lucky she was to have someone who cared so much about her. Valeria had always been there for her, to give her advice, to take care of her body, but also to listen. She never lectured her or told her what to do, other than whatever it took to keep her body healthy.

  When it came to her emotions and her feelings, Valeria always made time to listen to her. Her mother never wanted to hear about what she wanted or how she felt. If it affected her skating, her mother had always told her that skating came first, everything else was secondary.

  As she bent forward to stretch, she was reminded of a party she'd wanted to go to when she was seventeen. They were in London for a competition, and all the skaters from all the countries had been invited. Coaches would be there, so it would be chaperoned. The first thing her mother wanted to know was if media would be there. Since it was closed to media, her mother said there was no reason for Amber to go and the only thing Amber would find there was trouble.

  She hadn't been allowed to attend and she'd been devastated. While every other skater had attended the party, she'd stayed in her room and cried.

  Valeria had come into her room and Amber had vented to her about how unfair her mother was. Valeria hadn't said a word, just allowed Amber to cry and complain, and then she'd held her and comforted her and told her someday she'd be allowed to make her own decisions.

  Like she was doing now. Her mother's voice still lingered in her head, and she knew her mother would never approve of what she'd done with Will, certain that it would somehow affect her skating performance.

  Instead, as she went through her practice routine, she felt invigorated and alive in ways she hadn't felt before. Her music infused her and her jumps hit the mark. Even Yegor commented that she looked good out there.

  Of course, she looked good out there. Because she felt good.

  She felt damn good. And not because she was swooning over some guy.

  But because she'd made a decision she felt good about. Because she'd made her own choice for once in her life.

  And that was the part that felt really damn great.

  After practice, she went back to her apartment. She grabbed a tall glass of water and sipped on that while she checked messages on her phone.

  There was a text from Lisa.

  What's up? Watch skiing with me today!

  That did sound like fun. It had snowed overnight and the fresh powder should make for a great day on the slopes. She sent a text back to Lisa letting her know she wanted to go.

  She had another message, this time from Will.

  Practice at eleven, then I'm free. What are you up to?

  She let him know she had plans to watch skiing with Lisa and invited him along.

  He texted back a short time later. I'm in.

  She also had a missed call and a voice mail from her mother. She sighed. Why couldn't her mom just text her?

  She punched the voice mail button and listened.

  "Hi, Amber, honey. I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you were settled in. I watched you in the opening ceremonies. Your face looked a little full. You're not eating too much, are you? Are you getting to bed at a reasonable hour? I hope you're practicing a lot. Call me. Love you."

  Amber rolled her eyes and deleted the message, then slid her phone across the kitchen counter, glaring at the phone as if it were the evil representation of her mother.

  She got up and wandered into the bathroom, inspecting herself in the mirror.

  "My face looked full. Thanks a lot, Mom."

  Her face looked like it always did. She always thought she had a cute face. Heart shaped, with prominent cheeks and full lips. She pressed on her cheeks to see if they appeared any fuller. She pressed in again.

  She looked okay, but then again--

  "What the hell are you doing?"

  She jerked, her heart pumping full blast as she turned around to see Lisa leaning against the door frame.


  "Didn't look like nothing."

  She sighed. "My mother left me a voice mail and told me that during the opening ceremonies my face looked full."

  Lisa rolled her eyes. "Your mother is a hypercritical bitch and she's full of shit. You're beautiful."

  Amber laughed, leaning her butt against the bathroom counter. "Don't hold back, Lisa. Tell me how you really feel about my mother."

  "I've already told you how I feel about your mother. I think she picks on you unnecessarily about every invisible flaw--that you don't have by the way. And she goes out of her way to make you feel bad about yourself. Don't let her do that to you, Amber. You have a banging body, and your face is perfect."

  "I wasn't fishing for compliments, but that sure felt good and I needed it. So thank you."

  "You're welcome. Feel free to return the favor."

  "You're tall, blond, blue-eyed and breathtaking. And you're a stud on a snowboard."

  Lisa grinned. "Too bad we're not gay, honey. We'd be perfect together."

  Amber laughed. "We would, wouldn't we?"

  "Yes. But alas, I like dick."

  "So do I."

  Lisa cast a critical look her way. "How would you know unless you tried one out?"

  "Well, as it happens . . ."

  "No. You didn't." Lisa's eyes widened. "You did? With Will?"

  Amber nodded.

  "Oh. My. God." Lisa grabbed her hands and dragged her out of the bathroom. "I want to know everything. Come on."

  They went into the kitchen and pulled up the chairs at the kitchen island. Lisa fixed them glasses of iced tea, then slid one across to Amber.

  "Okay, spill. Was it last night?"

  Amber nodded.

  "The party at Claude's was so crowded and I sorta got--uh--distracted with Blake."

  "You? Distracted with a guy? That's so unlike you."

  Lisa laughed. "Shut up. Anyway, I did go looking for you and figured you had left. But I thought you'd come back here. I didn't come back to the apartment last night."

  Lisa was actually blushing. She never blushed when she hooked up with a guy. That was interesting.

  "I didn't come back here, either."

  "Ohh, so you stayed at his place. The plot thickens. So was it good?"

  "It was very good. Like all-night-long good."

  Lisa grabbed her hand. "Oh, honey I'm so glad. I was hoping the first time you hooked up it would be great for you."

  "Thank you. It . . . exceeded all my expectations about sex."

  "So even better than great, huh?"

  "Well, I have no basis for comparison, but it was pretty mind-blowing."


  "Now about you. What was that blush on your cheeks when you were talking about Blake?"

  "Oh, that? Nothing. You know, just another dick in a long line of dicks. They're all pretty much the same. As long as I get off, it's good."

  Amber wasn't buying Lisa's casual brush-off. She knew her friend. Last time she really had brushed off guys. This time was different. "Uh-huh. This is me, Lisa. You know you can tell me anything."

  Lisa hesitated and took a couple of sips of her iced tea. "Okay, fine. So I've been kind of hanging out with Blake."


  "He's from Vancouver like me, and he's on the ski team. And he's adorable and sweet and we've been kind of seeing each other."

  Now it was Amber's turn to be shocked. "You mean seeing each other before th
e games?"

  Lisa nodded. "Yes. For almost six months now."

  This was a new side to her friend. "Wow. You never date."

  "I know." Lisa slid off the barstool and slid her fingers through her hair. "It's bizarre. We met through someone on my half-pipe team. There was a get-together one night after a competition and we were all hanging out at a lodge. Blake and I just talked. I mean . . . we just talked, Amber. All night long."

  "So what you're saying is you didn't hook up?"

  "No. Not for like two weeks. He said he never wanted me to think he wanted me only for sex. He said he liked me and he thought we should get to know each other first. Which, you know, is so unlike most guys I've been with."


  "Right? So anyway, we've kind of been together ever since."

  Amber understood. "You like this guy, Lisa."

  "Of course I do."

  "No, I mean you really like this guy."

  Lisa climbed back onto the barstool. "I don't know. He's so nice and, oh my God, so incredible looking. And he takes me out to dinner and we ski and snowboard together. He's like . . . perfect. Almost too perfect."

  "So you're waiting for something awful because you don't think it can be this good?"

  "Yes. I haven't had the best luck with relationships in the past. Which was why I decided to just use guys for sex."

  Amber shrugged. "I'm the last person who would know anything about relationships, but maybe Blake's a nice, great-looking guy who likes you. Would that be so bad?"

  "It wouldn't be bad at all. But you know me, Amber. I'm a free spirit who doesn't want to settle down."


  Lisa laid her elbows on the table, then rested her face in her hands. "Except I might be in love with Blake. Which would be the worst thing ever."

  Amber's heart squeezed. "Oh, honey. Would that be the worst thing that could happen to you?"

  "What if he breaks my heart?"

  She read the uncertainty and anguish on Lisa's face. They'd done a lot of talking four years ago, so she knew Lisa had gone through some bad relationships and equally rough breakups in the past. Trust was a big issue for her. "What if he doesn't? What if he makes you incredibly happy?"

  Lisa opened her mouth to speak, then shut it again and stared at her. "I don't believe that'll happen."

  "Maybe you should think about changing your belief system."

  "It scares me. I've never felt this way about someone. I've never truly been in love before, Amber."

  "Neither have I, but I can't imagine I'd run away from it if it happened."

  "I just don't know. It might be the stress and pressure from the games, but the flight-or-fight syndrome feels like it's kicking in at the moment, and my first instinct is flight."