* * *

  Mihai came to a stop some five paces from the opposing line, she and her diplomatic body of a dozen or so councilors and armed escorts facing Asotos and his party. Off to her left and behind were the soldiers, some dressed in fancy, decorated armor while others were helmed and cloaked in gray.

  A lead teamster shouted his commands to the horses, struggling, pulling hard on the reins. He managed to bring them to a standstill before plowing into Asotos’ entourage, but little more than that, only two paces separating them.

  Asotos silently fumed. These beasts were QuanSandoos, powerful draft animals of immense proportions, being well over eighteen hands at the shoulders. The wheeled wagon they pulled was even taller. No way could the teamster back up. Not only were the wheels sitting deep in the sand, the following teams’ noses were nearly touching the back of the lead wagon. It was also the same for the following team, and the one behind it. “What clowns! Oh, why did the fools bring wheeled machines?!” he muttered under his breath.

  Frustrated, Asotos attempted to see beyond the horses to the people on his left. Impossible! Other than Lowenah who sat astride ReaBhemah, her upper body visible above the obstructions, blinded he was to everyone else. Little there was that he could do except to call a halt, demanding the lead team be removed from the scene…too time consuming...or, direct his people to step back several paces… too intimidating! Never! That determined, he decided to accept his fate, pondering some way to turn it to his advantage.

  He glared at Lowenah, cursing her in his mind. Lowenah stared back, her face expressionless. Suddenly her horse reared, startled, its head snapping back as it stepped to its side. An explosive sound like a thousand hypnotically musical cymbals crashed upon Asotos’ ears, he wincing as if in pain from the onslaught, followed quickly by another crashing assault, and then another. Regaining control of her mount, Lowenah looked apologetically at Asotos, he angrily staring at her.

  Darla had been standing quietly beside Lowenah, holding ReaBhemah’s reins, when a large blowfly took a bite out of her just behind the knee. Instinctively, the woman swatted it, pulling hard on the horse’s reins as she twisted her body in doing so. That was the first concussive blast from the bells dancing upon her breasts. The second blast came when ReaBhemah bolted in surprise, the animal yanking Darla backward as it reared its head.

  As all this unfolded, Ardon stepped forward, aghast, crying out in his thoughts. ‘Fool! Little Fool! You’ll mess it all up!’ Anxious, the man grabbed hold of Darla’s arm, shaking her in the process. That was the third crescendo of tinkling blasts to hit Asotos’ ears. Lowenah glanced a warning at Ardon, her eyes telling him to leave the girl go. Inside she laughed to herself, ‘Got a good dose that time! Keep him distracted for a while...’

  The crashing of the bells tore through Asotos’ mind. His brain raced with haunting memories, the practiced cries of ecstasy from a young woman to pacify greedy priests who desired repeat customers to keep fat purses filled. No beatings today if she performed well. Oh, how Asotos had reveled in her passionate songs, how much he had wanted her for himself to experience her in the flesh...not through the possessed soul of some drunken worshiper. Those bells, those damned bells flooded his memory with hopeless desires, of wishes denied!

  ‘Witch! Evil witch!’ He screamed out in his mind to Lowenah. “Queen over the crawling things you are...treacherous and evil, the true Beelzebub!”


  Lowenah raised an eyebrow, her piercing eyes assaulting Asotos’. ‘Beelzebub? Beelzebub? Interesting... At one time the servants of Iam called me ‘Beelzeboul’, ‘Owner of the Lofty Abode.’ I believe you call it the ‘Powers of the Inner Palace.’ The children of Hormax stole that name from me, giving it new meaning, one you willingly accepted for yourself, ‘Lord of the Flies,’ or… let me see… oh, yes, ‘Keeper of the Dung Heap.’’

  Asotos went livid, his face clouding with anger. ‘Bitch! Whoremaster over lost souls! To the…’

  Lowenah’s eyes burned into Asotos’ as a voice echoed quiet in the back of his head, asking, ‘Are you addressing me, little boy?’

  Although he maintained his outward composure, Asotos was outraged, especially at being called ‘little boy’. Gathering up his inner strength, he managed to make no reply, realizing that Lowenah’s question was much more than just that. Should Asotos respond, she would automatically become included in today’s proceedings. Did she think him such a fool? He looked into Lowenah’s face, her laughing eyes expressing her ridicule. Well, he would not fall for such a simple trick!

  Attempting to ignore her, Asotos turned his attention to the party in front and toward his right. Only seconds had passed since the wagon team had halted, though it felt to be ages. He smiled, thinking of his coming surprise, but the man first was to be caught up in peculiar wonderment.

  Mihai noticed Asotos wince, but paid little heed to it. After all, she had far more important matters on her mind than what minor irritation might cause him to do that. Mihai must figure out a way to abide by a very rigid protocol that Asotos demanded at all of his moots, and also manage to push this little wart weed out of the proceedings. She must find a way to force a dialog between herself and the opposition’s chief council, bypass the heralds and speak strategos - meaning ‘archon’- to strategos.

  Oh, how she missed Gabrielle! For so long, her former mentor and cherished companion had stood her side during such events. So much the ally was she that Mihai often felt that she and Gabrielle shared the same soul and heart. Gabrielle would know what to do, always knew just what to do. Legend spoke of the woman as being one of the foremost Ancients, yet Gabrielle’s history was an enigma, and those with any secret knowledge of the woman remained silent. Indeed! Where had Gabrielle come from? Even her name could not be found in the historical record, though it did appear in rune writings and long-forgotten children’s songs.

  Mihai first recalled the woman, staring up into those ghostly gray eyes as she awoke from her coma after being attacked by Asotos and his wicked agents. So familiar she appeared, but radiant with power and glory. She remained by the girl’s side through her many months of healing, and then, later, lifted her up to the arts of war, her personal mentor in that craft. Chief agent against the wicked she was, and most powerful, to the point that Asotos even feared the woman’s presence. There were whispers that she was a mortal god, born and raised up in the secret worlds of the Cherubs…a fable Mihai did not believe.

  It was Gabrielle who taught Mihai in the secret ways of lovemaking, the ‘Cherubs’ Way’, the woman called it. She could be ever so tender and sweet, filling the girl’s mind with unimagined delights. Or the woman could become cruel and harsh, angry and aggressive, to the point of causing deep mental, emotional, and physical pain. Yet, when her passionate ecstasy had swept on and past, Mihai’s heart was left yearning, craving more love, and the girl’s after-dreams were always sweet and restful.

  When Gabrielle stood the battle line, whether in combat or debate, her enemies often quailed in silent dread. It was that quality about her that Mihai was missing so this day. Few could successfully master the power of archon against Asotos, yet Gabrielle, standing in the position of herald, intimidated the man, thus often saving Mihai from involvement in the proceedings. You could see the disquiet in his eyes, a hidden fear. Yet, never had Mihai seen Gabrielle intimidated by him or others...never.

  Mihai puzzled as she thought about it. Mother treated Gabrielle differently than the others, more as a peer than one of her children. Was Gabrielle really one of the fabled Cherubs she had been told stories about?

  The snorting of one of the QuanSandoos startled Mihai back to the present. All was quiet, everyone staring at her. It was obvious that Asotos was not going to start proceedings. After all, Mihai’s party had come to him. He had orchestrated it that way. Mihai would have to begin, or should it be said, protocol declared that Mihai’s he
rald should begin. The thought of that reckless urchin, Trisha, attempting to carry on diplomatic protocol was ludicrous! Something must surely be wrong with Mother’s head for her to have made this… this thing the field marshal.

  Protocol… Protocol… It was all about protocol. One little misstep, one wrong word, one false movement, and the entire Prisoner Exchange could end in catastrophe. How could Mihai trust this important moment to a person so arrogant, not to mention ignorant of their customs, and with no experience at negotiations?

  Mihai’s heart began to race, as her breathing grew labored. Asotos was slowly becoming impatient. The silence was crushing. Trisha started to step forward. As she took that step, Mihai made her move, her hand reaching out gripping Trisha’s arm, forcing the woman to a jolting halt. Trisha whipped her head around, perplexed.

  Asotos looked up, surprised. What was this all about? He smiled when observing the consternation on Mihai’s face.

  Mihai did not hesitate. Squeezing Trisha’s arm, signaling her to stop, Mihai stepped out in front of her people. Looking directly at Asotos, she mustered up her courage, nearly shouting, “Too important is this day for lieutenants to debate what leaders should carry out. It is better that chiefs should discuss these future fates of men and nations. Come, let us hold moot, you and me.”

  Silence! Complete silence! Even the whispering breeze fell away to nothing while shocked faces screamed out disbelief. Hands involuntarily flew to mouths agape, while some people stepped back as if warding off a blow. Asotos did not flinch, slowly raising an eyebrow while studying the trapped pigeon opposing him. He smiled to himself. She was closer to the edge than he had expected. Now to push her over it...

  Mihai’s heart began to ache with remorse, waiting for Asotos to reply. He just stood there, staring, saying nothing. Nothing! And Mihai could do nothing but watch matters unfold. She had changed procedures, broken protocol. Now she must wait silently to see if the opposing side would accept her proposal. The remorse in the her heart turned to panic as she recalled Trisha’s warning words that had sounded in her head at the last council meeting, ‘Be silent and your sister may live.’

  What had Trisha known that she was unable to see? What power in this universe led her to disregard Mother’s council? Why did she believe that her wisdom was greater than the Maker of Worlds? Was all hope lost? Could this day be saved? What could she do to correct matters? Nothing! Nothing could be done. Trisha was driven from the proceedings with no hope of a return. No. Mihai had tendered the offer to the League’s ruler. It was Asotos’ choice whether he would accept it or not.

  A voice echoed its laughter in the back of Mihai’s head. ‘Remember? Remember? Yes, little foolish thing, do you remember now? Our party...our fun, little party? Done just for you, it was. It was.’ The laughter erupted, maniacal, gradually drifting away quietly while stirring up old memories.

  Another voice crashed upon Mihai’s mind, shattering all hope within her - Legion’s powerful voice like raging waves upon a tortured shore in her head. “Does the fly dare speak to the spider? What does this insect want? Answer! For to me you shall make reply.”

  Mihai looked over to see a broad grin growing on Legion’s face. He took a half step forward, his grin turning into an angry frown. “Deceit and treachery are the foul odors I smell! We have not come here to discuss or debate matters! A party is not in our making this day, or the love from beast or demon! Go back to your thorny pillow and recall your dastardly deeds committed against all living kind. Then you will know why you have come here this hour.”

  The indignation in Legion’s voice carried upon it a musical lilt that bored deep into Mihai’s subconscious, awaking within her mind words spoken far in the past and the real meaning of the man’s cryptic words. ‘Deceit and treachery, foul odors and the love from beast and demon... Go back to your thorny pillow and recall dastardly deeds committed against you this hour.’

  It was as if the chimes of Gradian’s Clock rang loud upon Mihai’s ears, the same as it had done those several millennia ago when, at that very instant, all the demon hosts of the Underworld tore her apart. The woman’s head began to twirl in dizzying confusion, her heart falling into painful palpitations at recalling that sordid moment. With a cry, she reached up, clutching her head, collapsing onto her knees, her helmet tumbling from her head as she fell forward on her hands in uncontrolled vomiting.

  Trisha stepped up to Mihai’s side, bending down to place a hand on her shoulder. Planetee started to move forward, but thought better of it, watching the field marshal closely. Mihai paid little heed to anyone. Too sick she was to notice the world around her, and too weak to fight off the demon’s onslaught within. ‘It’s come to this! To this! What you deserve! What you deserve! Evil you are, always have been. Now go to the damned, as you so deserve! So deserve! Leave us go! Leave us go, evil thing, back to our master who is so near to us. Go to our master and obey his voice so that we may leave your wretchedness!’

  Mihai struggled to retain any sanity. Her head throbbed with a blinding ache. All the while the ghosts of Christmas past tormented her with visions of blood and gore, rape and humiliation, betrayal and hopelessness. Garish faces screamed obscenities as ghoulish mouths, ever hungry, went about biting and a chewing on skin and muscle. Nearby, deformed kelpie with jackals heads, ridden by headless wraiths, pranced about a raging blaze, the beasts crying out, ‘Leave us poorly ones a morsel for our feasts, and saves its flesh so that we may satisfies our lust.’

  The haunting demons in Mihai’s head were ever pressing in to destroy her sanity. As hard as she struggled to resist, the woman found no power within strong enough to hold back these forces of evil.

  “My lord…” Trisha bent low, squeezing Mihai’s shoulder while offering whatever assistance possible.

  The churlish tone of Trisha’s voice grated on Mihai. “Get away from me!” She angrily choked, jerking her shoulder to free it of the woman’s grasp. “Leave me go! Get!” she sputtered, while wiping vomit from her mouth.

  Oh, such an evil cure, but it worked. Mihai had forgotten about her demons, they quickly melting back into the shadows. The spell was broken, and would not return. The beastly demons quietly faded into the forgetful gloom, Mihai’s burning hatred for some other foe extinguishing their power. Although not knowing it yet, Asotos’ little scheme was failed, broken by the touch of another even more contemptible creature - at least to Mihai. He had envisioned contending with a broken mind filled with insane delirium. Now that mind, still confused and desperate, was focused on the enemy in her midst. Asotos’ glory was already diminishing.

  Trisha had supposed there might well be a subliminal attack charged against Mihai this day, and was prepared to take whatever blow necessary in order to break its spell. Well, her plan had worked, oh, but at such a cost to heart. ‘All for the better.’ Trisha thought as she fought down the urge to weep. She quietly stood back, saying nothing.

  Anna moved in quickly to lend support as Mihai struggled to stand, assisting her as well as may be. Abandoning her chunder-laden helmet to the desert sands, she struggled to her feet on wobbly legs. She thanked Anna for her kindly service, while attempting to ignore the creature standing her other side, and faced Legion.

  Now Mihai must pay the piper. Since she had broken official protocol by seeking a parlay with Asotos instead of offering such a suggestion through her herald, Asotos could change the procedural policy to suit his whim. It was obvious that he was not going to enter the conversation, at least at this time. Legion was now elevated to archon, or Mihai demoted to herald. Either way, she was greatly diminished in the eyes of her adversaries, thus forcing lopsided negotiations, ending in her surrendering up the greater of the prizes to win her people back, that is, if she could gain their release at all.

  Wiping a hand across her mouth, Mihai stared forlornly into Legion’s face. Looking a pitiable sight, she could on
ly imagine what her adversary was thinking. She was not kept waiting long.

  Legion’s face was contorted in a condescending sneer while his eyes laughed haughtily. Silently he stood there, contemplating this frightful looking waif, hair and face befouled with filth, a sickly pallid face, and standing on wobbly legs. What he could not see was Mihai’s powerful inner strength, and that her horrid visions were vanished. She was still a very dangerous adversary. What he did know, had witnessed countless times over the ages, was Mihai’s impetuous unpredictability. Indeed! He planned for her unpredictability, wanted to use it to his advantage, had used it to his advantage many times. The woman was already stretched… and with a very unwelcome ally at her side. The water was already risen to gush forth. Legion need only keep the pump primed until just the right moment, and then…and then...

  Trisha spoke not a word, but remained close, much to Mihai’s consternation. The watchman stood the ramparts because she also understood Mihai’s state of mind. She, too, waited upon the moment, but in her bosom was carried the fire of righteous indignation. These beast-men standing before her were the demons personified of her old world. Death was too generous a gift for them! Today notice was being given that the hammers forged in Hell’s earthly depths were being visited upon them here, in their heavenly abode. Quiet is the adder waiting to strike, shrewd the second mouse, and deadliest the lightning that strikes from the blue. Trisha silently watched, waiting.

  Legion finally stepped forward, frowning, lifting a hand to speak. His voice was clear, its tone condescending. “Shame you have delivered here this day, on us and on our sacred customs. Why has it come to this? Now you must surrender up to the new order of things, bow down to them. Give us the honor and respect our nation deserves.”

  Legion’s cryptic message hidden in his words was, ‘Shame you have delivered on sacred customs. Why? Now surrender to the New Order. Bow down. Give us the honor deserved.’

  Surprised Legion was when he noticed no reaction from Mihai. Silently she stood there, staring at the man, barely comprehending his words, her mind so filled with anger and frustration over having this contemptible creature refusing to leave her side. He puzzled, wondering why this second attack had no effect. He stole a glance toward Asotos, his eyes asking what to do now.

  Asotos was also surprised at not seeing Mihai collapse to the ground in uncontrolled, sick despair. Had his agent failed to plant sufficiently the subliminal triggers in the woman’s mind to set her off when Legion delivered his messages? He eyed that person with increasing anger. Payment for such failure would be made. He would not forget. His eyes replied to Legion’s question, signaling that he go on with proceedings.

  Legion smiled wryly, proffering offense, “Very well. Seeing that you offer no reply at the moment, we will move on to the point of our business this day. But first!” He shook his finger at Mihai. “Let me make this perfectly clear: we have expended a great deal of energy and experienced personal loss, and extended undeserved mercy upon these interloping miscreants whom you call your fellows. Had it not been for our willingness to deal with the Stasis - something your people refuse to do - I doubt any of this rabble would still live.”

  He glared at Mihai, waiting for reply to his goading words.

  Mihai was furious. She knew all too well the treachery committed against her imprisoned brothers and sisters, personally witnessed the contrived deviltry involved in accomplishing those dastardly acts, and she knew that they knew… had her blood samples to prove her spying on them. Yet what was there for it? If she charged them with such acts of villainy, would it gain rescue of her people? No! More likely it would get them killed, or worse, sent back to the Stasis Pirates. The woman’s hand was forced. She had spilt her cards before sitting at the table and now must play by her opponent’s rules - rules made while the game was being played and upon the fleeting whim of a ruthless protagonist.

  Mihai signaled her recognition of the League of Brother’s sacrifice by slowly bowing her head, and then adding, “Whatever you have done to obtain the release of our brothers is understood with our heartfelt appreciation.” She nearly heaved again at the thought of those words, but quickly recovering, went on. “We have gathered here today to make reasonable exchange for the ones we value, both yours and mine.”

  Legion angrily snarled his rebuke when Mihai referred to the prisoners she was delivering,. “We do not barter for the flesh and spirit of those kidnapped by your thievery! They will be handed over to us with your apologies and the begging of our forgiveness, or…” he lifted a hand, extending a finger, “or there shall be no further apposition this day. Choose for yourself the fate of your fellows.”

  Mihai might well have been impetuous and at times careless in deed and action, but the woman was not dimwitted. Long she had played the riddling games of her people. Were these negotiations little more than those same mind games, built on those very foundations? To solve a riddle, one must find the hidden meaning, the unspoken word, and the silent implication. To win this argument, one must create the uncertainty and invent the implication, not for the person being contended against, but for those observing the game, for implication may well reveal secrets of the heart that have far-reaching effects for others concerned.

  Mihai cocked her head to the left, raising an eyebrow, squinting. Something was amiss. Legion’s face clouded with uncertainty. He had overreached his hand but did not yet know in what way. His threat should have the woman quailing and begging his reconsideration, quickly followed by the deepest of apologies and an offer for a quick release of prisoners. The man quietly held his breath in anticipation of what possible blow the woman might deliver.

  “So…” Mihai drew out the word. She raised her voice for all those nearby to hear. “If the noble and righteous of your nation are so valueless in your eyes so as to surrender them back to the stink holes to which they rightfully belong, for them to await a fate of our choosing, then what is the value in your eyes of the common soldier who guards your back with his very life? Say the word and we shall depart this wretched planet to you and your ilk, taking home with us those who should have been cast in the fires long ago. Better their riddance! Give our kind back to the Stasis. The Wildcatters shall gladly trade with them for the release of our fellows with the goods intended for barter this day. For barter goods are the only value you place on your kind.”

  The Pseudes soldiers within hearing distance stood alert, uncertainty growing in their breasts while wondering what Legion would say in defense of this questioning accusation.

  Legion’s face reddened in angry frustration. He was backed into a corner, and could think of nothing to counter with, other than… He blurted out, “We do not barter for the lives of our people! Free of chattel they must be delivered into our hands!”

  “Nor will we barter for the souls of ours.” Mihai quietly replied.

  “So then give us our people, and let us be done with it!” Legion argued, holding his temper in check.

  Mihai looked into Legion’s face, smiling, her eyes betraying her inner, boiling hatred. “In due time... In due time...” She softly responded. “But first tell me, please. Do you intend to remain and parley until proceedings are finished, or will you abandon your people to the likes of my kind to be dealt with as we see fit? Should you threaten your departing one more time, we shall oblige you to your fate, and they…” she motioned with her head toward the wagons, “to theirs.”

  Legion was caught up against the wall with no reply to offer. The tables were now turned, Mihai’s questions putting Legion on the defensive by implying that he regarded his imprisoned brothers to be of lesser value than even chattel, his personal pride of greater worth, which was true. Now he must defend himself against such a charge while attempting to maintain the moral high ground. His words carried the same weight of archon. They were as if spoken by Asotos, himself. He did not want to raise that man’s ire by fouling up h
is plans.

  Asotos was displeased with the way things were developing, and was very disappointed with Legion. “Stupid ass! Is there no wisdom in my land?” It was true, Mihai was supposed to be down by now or, at best, befuddled and confused. That was not the case, yet Legion should have prepared for such a possibility. Truth be told, even Asotos was not prepared for it. Mihai was still up for the fight, quick of wit and feisty, turning Legion’s own declaration against him by raising doubt among the soldiers regarding his fealty toward them. Legion had blundered his way into this dilemma, and now Asotos must bail the fool out.

  A prearranged signal alerted Legion to Asotos’ desire for a private moot. The moot was accepted protocol, but rarely done under these circumstances, or this early in the proceedings because of the message it sent to others. Asotos took a great risk seeking a conversation with his herald at this moment. It might imply some weakness in his argument, but he felt the risk worth taking. He would have Legion feign excuse regarding some technical misstep or perceived offense on their opponent’s part, and then turn the tables by accusing Mihai of some inappropriate action.

  Legion motioned that he wished to speak with his archon, finally replying to Mihai, “I smell deceit in your words, and shall gather in conference with the lord of this people.” (Legion was loath to publicly speak of Asotos as his lord, and only when pressed would do so. Yes, he accepted him as his captain, but he refused to worship anyone other than himself.) At that, Legion turned to Asotos, the two men stepping back in private conversation.

  The gist of Asotos’ council was simple: give no room for their opponent to gain the upper hand; keep her constantly on the defensive; and, most importantly, stall for time, drag proceedings out. The day was long, its heat growing in intensity. Though Mihai’s mind might remain clear, her physical constitution was already in question. Press her to the breaking point of the flesh, and heart and mind would soon follow.

  Legion returned to face Mihai, loudly declaring, “You have misapplied the meaning of my words as we find to be your custom…” He waited for response. Mihai gave him none, so Legion continued. “We have no intention of abandoning our brothers to the Children of Evil this day or any day. We do not leave our dead and wounded behind, though we have witnessed that it is a common practice of our adversary. ‘No man left behind, living or dead’. That is our motto, our soul, our devotion.”

  Mihai was angry, aware that Legion referred to the many dead and wounded abandoned on the field in front of Memphis. He was the man responsible for the torture of the wounded, and it was he who forbid them gathering up their dead without another fight, though Mihai often wondered if she could have done more to gain their retrieval. But she would not allow the heartache of that day nor the seething contempt for this murdering liar to threaten the future release of her brothers. Legion was goading her. She must goad him.

  Looking down the line of Asotos’ neatly attired soldiers, she addressed Legion. “Empty words to fill hopeful minds... Countless are the bodies of marine and sailor you have abandoned to the emptiness of space, having failed to take the time to gather the brave and valiant who died for your cause in the day of great battle (Day of Tears), you caring not enough to have even one of your emissaries approach our councils to request a sojourn into our territories to retrieve their remains.”

  Legion fumed, raising a hand to make retort.

  Mihai stopped him, brushing aside any future discussion of this matter. “We have not come across this great distance in time and space to debate the rituals practiced for the dead. You have not yet made reply to my question. Do you intend to remain and parley until proceedings are finished, and your and my people are returned to their brothers?”

  Clenching a fist and shaking it, Legion spat, “We will not leave until our business is finished!”

  Mihai smiled motherly. “You still have not answered my question. Is your mind too simple to grasp it? If so, ask your scholarly councilors for an explanation.”

  The look on Legion’s face revealed his hatred for this insolent creature. In his world, no one dared raise a voice to him in question or rebuttal. Here, this woman dared to openly castigate him with insinuation and insult! Oh, how he wanted to scream out for his guards to cut her down along with all her rabble...something he might well have attempted if Asotos had not earlier warned him against doing such a thing.

  Forcing his outrage into submission, Legion quietly answered, “As I have already stated, we will remain here until the hostage issue has been fully resolved to the satisfaction of everyone involved.”

  “Does that also include my people?” Mihai calmly asked. “You are referring to a two way exchange, correct?”

  Frustration filled Legion’s reply, he realizing the woman refused to proceed until he was clear on the matter. “Yes! Yes, of course… until the exchange is complete both ways, both ways!”

  Smelling a rat, Mihai wished to press Legion on this matter, but thought better of it. The day was getting along, and she wanted to rescue her brothers and sisters as quickly as possible in order to prevent any added suffering they must be enduring. “Very well…”

  Legion interrupted, changing the subject in an attempt to regain the upper hand. “What have you delivered here that you believe is of such worth to be able to compensate my people for all the risk and expense at obtaining the release of your fellows? My people deserve that reward, seeing it was not an affair of theirs, but done out of pity and concern for those considering them their enemy.”

  Mihai frowned, asking, “Why do we not release the prisoners first before discussing such trivial matters? We have not shipped these valuable goods across countless star systems to find excuse to have them reloaded on our transports. We’ll offer them all to you in good time, but first we desire to conclude the business of exchanging our brothers.”

  Legion burst forth with vile, foul curses and oaths against Mihai and her kind. “Lies! Deceit and treachery! That is all one can expect from this she-beast… from any she-beast! ‘Come, my dear Azazel, and we shall walk beneath the morning sun to view the radiant blue of the heavens against the lush greenery of the fields and orchards below.’” Legion swept his hand high as his eyes scanned the faces of his loyal guards and dignitaries.

  Turning his attention back to Mihai, he shook an accusing finger at her, crying, “Were these not the very words used by RaphaelNohaseiChee to lure the man, my close companion, Azazel, up to Drissamore’s heights, to there murder him by casting him to the rocks far below? And then that very same she-beast spread a falsehood of evil accusations against that most innocent of men so that his name came to be ostracized down to this day even among his brothers?”

  He raised his arms high, waving them frantically, shouting out in angry desperation, “Men! Brothers! Has not the treachery and deceit of the she-beasts been manifest to our kind over and over against us? “The Gemini…the twin sisters, Sarah and Tarsha...how many of our innocent brothers did their assassin’s arrows murder? And then there were SonaFeuatee, UrielZoeFitinna, GynnaSonnahFae, and HannahPfienah -all deceitful, murdering she-beasts, and these to only mention a few of their wicked kind!”

  “Men! Brothers!” Legion now pointed his finger at Mihai. “Before us stands the most treacherous and wicked of all the she-beasts! Warped and demented it is, always seeking vengeance for imagined wrongs, raising high the offense for trivial indiscretions, and waging war against innocent people over tiny misunderstandings. Do you believe it can be trusted to deliver to us the promised goods after we have surrendered to it all that it desires?”

  Everyone in Asotos’ camp began to rant and curse Mihai, Lowenah, and all the children faithfully standing Lowenah’s side. Pounding fists upon shield and armor, they cried out angry chants to leave this retched place after taking back their imprisoned brothers by force. Louder and louder, the ravings of the incensed crowd grew, all the while Legion wagging his finger in Mihai’s face
. Mihai and her people remained silent, no one moving.

  At length, Legion raised his hand to quiet his people. When the raucous noise was subsided, he asked Mihai, “What say you, oh harlot beast-woman, shall we take our people and go home or will you prove to us that, for once, you speak with a truthful mouth? Show my people what you have delivered here to compensate them for all their sacrifice and diligent efforts.”

  Much to Legion’s disappointment, Mihai did not respond in kind, nor did she attempt a military coup. She was terribly distraught, the rules of protocol providing for no other person to confer with her other than her herald, and Trisha was not on her list of accepted councilors. How her heart ached for Gabrielle. What was she to do?

  So much Mihai wanted to know that her comrades were still alive, wanted to see them, yet she knew it would be an impossibility to gain that success until Legion’s current charges were addressed. At the same time, if she gave away all her bartering chips to pacify Legion, he or Asotos might very well renege on releasing the hostages. Mihai needed some assurance, some way to keep the few cards remaining available to her.

  Mihai lifted a hand, palm out. “There is no need for violence. Remember! The soldiers with me are not innocent as to the arts of war. Many would be those on both sides not returning to home and hearth should such a contest be pressed, and there are some here who would be guaranteed to fall forever dead if swords were drawn.” She paused, giving Legion a piercing stare. “Other solutions there are. Allow me to suggest such a one.”

  Understanding Mihai’s message was not a threat, and recognizing the likelihood of his demise if fighting broke out at the moment, Legion agreed to listen to his opponent.

  Mihai offered, “You say that my brothers live and are as well as may be. Then I suggest that you deliver up Kutill the Younger, captain of the Zephath, and allow him to testify to the truthfulness of your words. I, for my part, shall allow you to select a fellow of your choosing to come forth and declare the same for you. Upon seeing that all is as has been presented, then we shall discuss the exchange of goods for your services.”

  Legion broke into a self-righteous tirade that consumed several long minutes but, in the end, agreed to allow Captain Kutill be brought out to within hailing distance, Mihai agreeing to deliver one of their prisoners the same way. Legion chose to have Salak be brought forth for him to speak with. In time, the two men, both manacled at the wrists and ankles, stood in the desert sands at each one’s respective hailing distance.

  Captain Kutill looked a sight, a tattered uniform little more than shreds, cuts and bruises that had not been tended, a blackened face with one eye swollen shut, and his stature revealing the man to be in a great deal of pain. This was in complete contrast to Salak’s appearance. He was dressed in fresh, clean garments, appearing well-nourished and rested. Though also manacled, his hands were at his front instead of behind him, and the cuffs lined with a soft fiber to prevent bruising his flesh.

  Legion spoke with Salak at length, the man going on for the greatest time about all the sorry mistreatment he and his fellows had received, and how his appearance was little more than a pretense to cover up the mental and emotional tortures they had been forced to endure. Eventually, his malcontent exhausted for lack of further vocabulary, Salak finished.

  After sufficient complaint on Legion’s part, Mihai was allowed to hear from Captain Kutill. He painted a much more disturbing picture, but using innuendo and illusive comment, fearing additional abuses for his fellow hostages should he speak too freely concerning the torture, rape, and murders practiced against his people. Legion quickly cut the conversation short, stating the need to finish the day’s activities. Kutill was hurried away by the guards, being almost dragged along, he writhing in pain at the forced gait.

  After both Kutill and Salak were returned to their holding areas, Legion demanded to have payment for the rescue of Mihai’s people delivered over to them for examination. Mihai knew better than to do such a thing, answering his request by stating, “It is not only the she-beast that has disappointed. Many are the he-beast who have raped and murdered my kind for sport and conquest, the one I am looking at being foremost among them.”

  Legion became enraged, recoiling at such an insult while defending his honor. He decried accusations being levied against him and his other fellows while on this diplomatic mission, threatening to close proceedings and leave at that very moment.

  “Bull-shit!” Mihai retorted abrasively. “Your men would skin you alive if you abandoned your brothers, and all… all the wonderful presents we have promised, because of some imagined insult to you, words that they know to be absolutely true! You have tortured, murdered, raped, and abused the children of both worlds over these many millennia, clear down to this day. Your closest lover, Ishtar, you murdered in a jealous, drunken rage, then publicly desecrated her by dismembering the woman’s lifeless body and feeding it to the lake monsters. Then you lifted her up to godhood by making your people worship her image. This you did in front of the eyes of all, many of them standing here this day. Your robes of sainthood are dripping with the blood of the innocent, both of your kind and mine!”

  Legion was nearly frothing at the mouth, in a growing rage. What might he have done if Asotos - who was actually quite amused that his herald was contending poorly against this mere woman creature – had not coughed at that very moment? Remembering his place, and the fear of what might become of him should he gather the wrath of the King of the Wraiths, he settled down, bringing his rage in check.

  Still seething, Legion demanded Mihai apologize. “Get down on your knees and beg the forgiveness of this crowd of innocents who have had to witness your abhorrent behavior and endure your contemptible speech, so that their honor may be redeemed!”

  Mihai’s heart was racing, in fear that she may have reached too far with her last comments. Although every word of it was true, protocol was still in order, and she had seriously violated it. The twisting of truth and abuse of protocol was commonplace for Asotos’ people, but if their opponents did the same, the consequences might be catastrophic. Mihai failed to ponder the reason why Asotos was not pursuing some kind of official redress, which would have been his usual stance, failed to ponder why he was holding back. Instead, the woman attempted to reconcile the moment in order to put negotiations back on track.

  Mihai extended her hands. “I will surrender up my apologies to any of your people who are innocent of my accusations, and I will recognize my overstepping of diplomatic protocol. It does not serve any of us to resurrect what lies buried in the past while the heat of the day presses us to conclude our current business soon. Shall we be on with it?”

  Legion fumed, complaining at length about Mihai’s mistreatment of him and his people. Finally, he settled down to current business, demanding payment for their services.

  Mihai stopped him. “You have not stated a specific price, nor do you know what we have brought with us. Shall you then first state a price, or do you wish to hear our offer?”

  Legion retorted, “Whatever you have delivered here is not worth half the value of our risk and effort! There is no price that can be placed on the lives of my people who sacrificed all to rescue their enemy from the hands of wild madmen. That said, we will have you tell us first what pathetic items you have brought to us to make partial payment.”

  “Very well, then.” Mihai began.

  It hurt the loyal children of Lowenah to hear of the beautiful treasures being offered to these miscreants for the return of their dear brothers and sisters who were kidnapped by these villainous scoundrels. Many an eye welled up with tears as Mihai listed off those precious items that caring hands had labored so hard to produce.

  “There are aged liquors and wines from the cellars of Medeba, gems and diamonds from the mines of TilgathPilneser, silks from the Ecbatana and crafted by KerenHappuch’s own hands, the purest of chrysolite from the deep mines of Chrusion, blackened
teakwood from the ancient forest of EthoHule…”

  These were only the beginning of a long list of goods being offered up to the League of Brothers for the safe return of Mihai’s people. Many were the barter goods mentioned. Legion’s eyes betrayed his lusting desire to have these priceless riches. Why, among the crafted items of stone, gold, silver, and other precious materials, were individual pieces worth more than a king’s ransom! Yet here they were all being delivered into greedy hands for the release of some very dear companions.

  At long last, Mihai came to the final offering. She turned and signaled someone near the rear of the wagon train, and then turned again to face Legion. “And from the fields of LathraNesion…” She waited, sweeping her arm back as a rider on a saddled horse strode into sight from behind the last wagon. “three times twelve of the finest KaminosKtisis to be found in the galaxy.”

  An audible cry of wonder filled the air when Asotos’ people saw these magnificent animals trot into view. LathraNesion was the ‘land of wonder’, a mystery world belonging to Lowenah, a world of fantasy visited by only a very few, and that many long ages ago.

  It was heartbreaking for Lowenah’s children to know these wondrous steeds were to be handed over to their murderous brothers. The animals were Mother’s personal gift provided to help secure the release of her children so dearly loved. Only days before the company departed EdenEsonbar, report was made that some silver ships had silently settled down beyond the hills of the city. Soon these three dozen equine were being loaded aboard transports departing for the Prisoner Exchange.

  A half-dozen riders drove the KaminosKtisis out to an open space to the left and behind Mihai. A weary smile grew on her face as she watched the greedy gazes cast upon those majestic creatures. Possibly things could be hurried along now. The sooner she could get her people returned, the happier she would be.

  Legion began to quip about the paltry amount of reward offered, this despite almost wetting himself at the possibility of having one of those KaminosKtisis for his own. Mihai argued that the amount provided was worth a thousand years of tribute to the grandest of rulers. Still, Legion could not be made to budge regarding his accusative questions concerning the goods’ value.

  Mihai knew well the proverb, ‘To buy a rich man, offer him power. To buy a powerful man, offer him riches. To buy a powerful, rich man, offer him glory that is beyond his own reach.’

  Raising her hand as her face clouded in disgust, Mihai caustically rebuffed Legion’s complaints. “Then we shall take back the prizes offered and give them to the Stasis, ourselves, for payment to wage war against you for a return of our kindred. What matters to whom the payment should go, or of what care is it to us should the blood of our enemy be poured out against another of our enemy, if it is done to accomplish our purpose? Prepare for death and slaughter at the hands of those who will conclude that our gifts are of greater worth to them than any alliance or treaty with you.”

  At that, she ordered her attendants to return the KaminosKtisis to the rear of the train.

  Legion nearly squealed like a stuck pig. “No! No! We have not rejected your offer! Wait! There has been a misunderstanding.”

  “What is the misunderstanding that you are referring to?” Mihai asked wryly. “It is not a misunderstanding on our part, is it? Speak honestly, or all this treasure will be lost to you.”

  Mihai had put everything on the table, played all her cards. Legion knew this, but could do little about it. With all his cajoling and badgering, the woman had not yet taken the bait. He had not been able to provoke her into a fight. Even worse, she was making him appear the fool! Now, again, she was representing him as the recusant one, unyielding and obstinate. Oh, how he hated this creature! How much he wanted to tear her eyes from their sockets and rip the tongue from her mouth! He must bide his time though, bide his time... Give it rest, calm down...

  Taking a deep breath and releasing it in a long sigh, Legion nodded apologetically. “Yes, a misunderstanding on… on… on my part.” He quickly adding, “I must take this matter up with the lord of the land. After all, it is to him that all this treasure belongs.” Soon the two men were in deep, private discussion.

  Legion hated making his last statement, not wanting Asotos to become too possessive of the day’s treasures. After all, he had done a great deal of the work and deserved reasonable compensation. A KaminosKtisis or two would be fine, for starters. Yet how else could he have saved face? If he openly apologized for his actions then, oh, the shame, never! By deferring to his archon, stating it was Asotos’ decision to accept the reward given, he would merely have to admit that he was correcting an overlooked minor detail of protocol, and was acknowledging that little indiscretion.

  Asotos was pleased with the overall situation, although he was not happy with the antics of his herald. But what else could he expect? Always the father to the childish, little younglings... The same as the others, Legion would never grow up, never become wise and insightful like him. How could the man? After all, Asotos had tasted the hidden powers of the Upper Palace, knew how to tap into their energy. For countless ages, he had tunneled deep into the butte beneath, in search of the energy’s source. Then, when he believed his quest was nearly accomplished, the evil witch, Erithia, cast him from his home.

  For the longest time, the two men huddled in quiet conference, each occasionally glancing toward the horses or wagons. When that occurred, the gesticulations and animated conversation would wax into a crescendo of apparent debate, gradually ebbing until another look was taken at some desired treasure.

  The reality was that Legion and Asotos were stalling for time, seeking to wear Mihai down physically. Already the woman’s unprotected head was burning from the scorching sun. Although she had sipped some water, it was not enough to slake her thirst. Her belly was still agitated, a nauseous feeling ever present, along with an overall weakness in body and limbs. And, as Asotos had calculated, the woman was also growing weak in mind and spirit. She was simply tiring out.

  The hour was already well past noon when Legion turned his attention back to Mihai. He stood close, raising a hand while shaking his head. “Small are the treasures of retribution that you deliver here, but…” He paused for effect. “but we are willing to take them into consideration. Bring them over here to us so that we may examine them first. Then we will decide if it is enough to compensate us.”

  Mihai may have been tiring, but her wit was not fully departed. She shook her head in disagreement. “That will not do at all! Do I open the cage on the bird’s promise that it will not fly away?!”

  Anger clouded Legion’s face.

  Before he could reply, Mihai motioned with raised hand. “I suggest that you take a dozen trusted men of yours and have them come here and make a search of what we have brought. Let them deliver into your hands certain items that you may scrutinize, so that you may see we are speaking truth to you of their value and quantity and make reply whether it is good or bad. Then we shall exchange our peoples and depart, leaving to you all that we have promised to leave.”

  Legion was not pleased, but fearing the wrath of his own impatient soldiers, and having no way to counter Mihai’s reasoning, he relented, choosing twelve trusted men to ‘search thoroughly and make full report’. Off the men went in a rush, rummaging wagons, crates, barrels and boxes. More than one wine flask was opened to taste the purity of the sweet Medeba blend, more than one round of cheese sliced up to sample its aged perfection, more than one bowl of fine pipe-weed puffed to verify its proper curing. All the while, someone or other would take a treasure over to Legion and Asotos for them to make personal examination.

  Long into the afternoon hours, this searching and rummaging went on. It was disheartening enough to watch these hoodlums pawing through all these things, but to have these same people who were luxuriating in the articles discovered and becoming intoxicated over the good drink speak so disparagingly abou
t their quality and quantity was nearly too much to bear for many of Lowenah’s people. At last, when the sun was hurriedly searching for the western horizon, Asotos and Legion called an end to their investigation.

  Slowly, Legion approached Mihai. Holding a bolt of the finest of woven silk, he sadly shook his head. “What has your world come to?” Looking into Mihai’s face, he continued. “This rubbish you are offering to us, why, this is no better than the goods the traders try to pawn off on outlanders when they come to barter their furs and mined treasures! What has come of your people? Is this the best they can any longer produce since evil intent has deprived them of their great minds and leaders?”

  Mihai knew she was being goaded into committing some regrettable act. She refused to fall victim to it. The hour was late and the lives of her brothers and sisters were at stake. These priceless items being squabbled over were mere refuse compared to her loved ones held captive.

  Humbly nodding her head, Mihai somberly answered, “We have delivered you the very best our hands can now produce. Whether or not they can serve your needs is not within my ability to discern. All the day, you may raise complaint, but none better will you ever find come from us.”

  Legion was now at a loss for words. The quality of these goods far surpassed anything his people currently manufactured except, possibly, by a select few of the highly skilled. He feared continued complaint might cost them these very precious treasures.

  His long face shook slow and sad. “It is understandable that your kind have come to this. I and my people do have heart and understanding...pity for those weaker of mind and spirit. Seeing that this is your very best, as a caring father to a dull-witted child, unable to do better, I will accept for the League of Brothers all these stuffs, including the fine stallions, as payment for the sacrifice and labors my people have gone to in order to secure the safe release of your fellows. Bring us the goods, and then the exchange of our kindred can be made.”

  Mihai snapped back, angry. “No! Your people have snooped, pawed, and burrowed their way through all the gifts offered you. They know to the handbreadth and pennyweight every last item we have brought with us. The quality and quantity… including every morsel chewed and glass drunk… of everything delivered here is inscribed in their notebooks. The horses have been poked, probed, and possibly humped by your people. They know exactly what we have provided. Deliver to us, now, our people, and we shall do the same for you. We will then depart, leaving you all these spoils to fight over.”

  Legion said nothing, but deferred to Asotos. Asotos smiled. Mihai was stretched thin. He could tell by her latest reply. Now was the time to finish springing the trap. Nodding his approval, he motioned for Legion to proceed. In only moments guards in both camps were scurrying to gather up the prisoners in preparation for their release.

  (Author’s note: ...‘KaminosKtisis’ was the technical name given to the genetically engineered hybrid geldings used by both sides during the age-long wars. Originally produced to withstand the rigors of space exploration, this adaptation of the horse proved itself so useful in harsh and exhausting situations, it eventually outnumbered the true equus caballus for such work. Those same outstanding qualities made it a valuable warhorse and beast of burden. The KaminosKtisis that came from LathraNesion were the very finest of all the KaminosKtisis ever produced, their breeding and distribution personally controlled by Lowenah. Only as a gift could anyone obtain one of Mother’s wonderful creations, and only by permission of the animal could it be mounted and ridden.

  ... It was said that somewhere, deep in the Nebulan Cloud Bank, there existed the secret planet of LathraNesion. Tolohe spoke of it in ancient song, telling stories of its immense oceans of grasses, endless forest of hardwoods and dark evergreens, and its countless crystal-clear freshwater lakes and streams. It was Tolohe who hinted to Mihai that Gabrielle was born there, and was delivered to their world after the darkness arrived. Fables aside, the land of myth, LathraNesion, did exist, and the delivery of Lowenah’s KaminosKtisis was proof of it.

  ‘Outlander’ was a term used by the League of Brothers to describe any people populating distant and/or inhospitable star-systems who lived by their own set of laws and rules and swore no loyalty to either the League of Brothers or The Children’s Empire. These included the Stasis Pirates and other, sometimes wildly independent, peoples residing in the fringe territories. To Mihai’s people, the Stasis Pirates were mortal enemies of the Children’s Empire but, for the other more peaceable people, the general term ‘Wildcatters’ defined them.)