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  There was little celebration in Mihai’s camp that evening. Although the prisoners were now safely returned, the loss of dead comrades weighed heavily on the people’s minds. Also, news of the Chisamore disaster had cast a sullen gloominess over everyone. It had been decided the main body was to remain on the planet for the time being. Captain Asarel was currently preparing to soon depart with the DusmeAstron and, along with two bilanders, rendezvous with the Fourth Fleet to help bolster up weakened defenses caused by the loss of the Chisamore. One of the bilanders, Docile, carried needed supplies to help with the rescue of the Chisamore’s crew, and would remain with the crippled ship temporarily. The carrier sustained severe damage but remained intact, the crew having suffered several casualties with some loss of life as well.

  By the time Lowenah’s entourage returned, Trisha and her officers were long departed aboard the cattle transport, Dogie, she feeling time was of the essence. With four fighters packed in its cramped hold, and some thirty of Trisha’s officers and staff, along with two dozen sailors, the Dogie was making smoke for EdenEsonbar. It would be well into the next day before Mihai would hear word that the field marshal had been faithful to her orders when departing the company. Tonight she slept the sleep like that of the dead.

  The night air was long since chilled, with few souls adventurous enough to dally outside unless it was on special business. Tashi, on the other hand, was taken with this twilight desert world. Being accustomed to the cold, thus well prepared for it, she had rare opportunity to explore the nature of such a waterless planet and its numerous little creatures, especially the ones that scurried about only at night. With twinkling eyes and cooing entreaties, the woman had managed to get Ardon’s promise for a walk about the dunes before retiring for the evening.

  Ardon was in splendid mood as he scampered up the open belly ramp of the Shikkeron to gather a jacket and cap for his evening walk with Tashi. Other than the dressing down from Mother, which by now was such a forgotten long time ago, the praise and adoration showered upon him for so bravely facing down Asotos lifted his spirits. Even PalaHar and Tizrela noted his bravado in their late dinner conversation. And Tashi… sweet Tashi? She was more affectionate this night than she had been the entire journey traveling here.

  Hurrying up to the second deck, Ardon gingerly made his way down the corridor leading to his former cabin, remembering the items he desired were stashed behind one of its bunks. Stopping at the cabin’s panel door, he was caught up short by sounds coming from inside the room. The quiet tumult of subdued weeping struck his ears. Who? Oh yes, it must be Mother. She had traded cabins with him earlier on. Why the tears? The day had been so successful.

  Ardon silently stood outside the closed door, pondering the moment only as Ardon was able to do. Obviously, Mother must be weeping with sadness over the terrible injustices done to the crew of the Zephath, and terrible injustices they were, too! Mother was so tender-hearted and compassionate, such a good example for others to follow. The man was saddened to think that those atrocities were committed, but that was the way of mindless violence. That was why he promoted the councils so highly, a way to avoid such evil.

  Stepping back, the man quietly shrugged. For each, must each face his or her own dragon. Mother had sought the solitude of a lonely cabin, and Ardon chose not to intrude in her misery rite. He would seek his needs elsewhere and leave the person beyond the door to celebrate her grief in secluded ritual, undoubtedly the way she wanted it to be.

  With hushed footsteps, Ardon hurried his way from there in search of his immediate needs. Soon he was holding hands with Tashi as the two strolled along the sand dunes just beyond the lights of the nearby camp.

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