* * *

  The hustle and bustle of ships preparing for departure was quieting in the early evening haze. The Shikkeron was mustered in with a flotilla of freightliners, transports, howkers and sloops, the main body slated to rendezvous the Third Fleet while others would eventually break away for some of the distant eastern colonies. Supporting them were the imperial brigantine, Shikkeron, cruiser, DusmeAstron, and an assortment of converted colliers, ore freighters, and whatnots that the Navy had equipped and called ‘armed escorts’. After reaching the Third Fleet, the Shikkeron was assigned escort duty, accompanying a small covey of transports on to more distant colonies in the Trizentine. From there, it was to take up a three month patrol before returning to the Crontiriny Navy Depot for its long needed refit.

  Captain Bedan quietly fussed the lateness of the hour as Euroaquilo silently paced the captain’s bridge waiting Darla’s arrival. He looked over at Bedan, musing, “There is plenty of time before the window closes upon our opportunity for departure. Some of the ships are still at the loading docks and are awaiting the remainder of their officers and crews. The major will be here soon enough.”

  Bedan politely grumped that an officer in charge should already be at station at such a late hour, not off wandering about aimlessly, leaving junior officers to be saddled with those weighty responsibilities.

  Euroaquilo raised an eyebrow, staring into Bedan’s face, pondering. Bedan was little older than he, was loyal enough to cause, he guessed, but lacked the natural leadership abilities necessary to command in the Empire’s Navy… at least as far as Euroaquilo was concerned. He had not been pleased when Mihai had approved Anna’s suggestion that Darla make the Shikkeron her command ship for this tour of duty, and was pleased even less when he realized the animosity Bedan displayed toward Darla.

  Something was amiss with Bedan regarding Darla - more than just the fear of usurpation of his office should difficulties arise. Possibly it was the rumors being bandied about concerning the woman’s mental constitution, or possibly Ardon’s unrestrained blathering regarding her during the long trip to Chrusion and back aboard the Starlight. Still, Euroaquilo did not like it. Darla, though, had rejected his suggestion that she request transfer to another ship, replying that one does with what one has and that there stood a good chance Bedan’s feelings about her might well be that of any other Navy commander.

  It was about this time that Darla arrived at the spaceport. Though things were quieting, many of the crew already aboard their ships, there was still a merry circus of well-wishers and others basking in long goodbyes. Several ships’ bands still played happy marshaling tunes as the new major opened the door of her carriage, stepping down on the tarmac near the Shikkeron. The breeze carried the sweetness of summer freshness and an early evening glow lit up the graying sky in its dazzling red brilliance.

  A familiar voice called out to the woman as she started for the Shikkeron’s belly ramp. Looking up, Darla saw Mihai’s smiling face as she waved her salutations. Beside and behind her were several of Mihai’s officers of the court, including Terey and Anna. General Planetee stood off to the side with Darla’s three staff officers, a certain Leftenant IlanitAnthos, Master Sergeant SaraiTeknion, and also Leftenant ArdonKenath.

  Mihai eagerly stepped forward, arms spread wide. Hugging Darla, she extolled her love for the woman, wishing her a safe journey and quick return. Though acting kingly, Mihai could little help but reveal her private trepidation over sending her little sister into the distant wilds, knowing that Asotos would surely be searching for the woman.

  Holding Darla’s upper arms, Mihai admonished, “Now… now you take care of yourself, promise? Don’t be taking any unnecessary chances, or going off to chase down those evil miscreants on your own! Remember that your duties are to reconnoiter with your Marine units stationed about the colonies and to do a little patrolling. No heroics! Hear?! Just out and back in a month or so, promise?”

  Darla grinned like a child being lectured by an overly protective mother, making a hushed reply. “As you wish… no heroics.” She kissed Mihai. “I’ll be home as soon as may be. Besides, with all these eyes watching me, how can your little girl get into too much trouble, anyway?” She shot an anxious glance toward Ardon.

  Mihai squinted, staring into an impish face attempting to appear so innocent. “Don’t toy with me! You have a way of making things happen even when eyes are watching.” She pleaded, “Listen please, do be careful… for me...”

  Darla stared silently into Mihai’s eyes. Both women knew the real dangers existing out there in deep space. Even without the possible direct threat to Darla, there were the Stasis Pirates and other possible enemy agents haunting those distant worlds. Then there was the chance of mechanical failure, a growing problem faced by an aging, under-maintained fleet. The Shikkeron was old, and even with its upgrade from brigantine to imperial brigantine, it was still well overdue for a serious refit. Danger always lurked out there in the blackness of space.

  Darla finally broke her silence. “I promise to do my very, very, best to stay safe. I don’t want to be made into some laboratory specimen for the Evil Worm! I’ll keep my wits about me, and I have Ardon to protect me, if need be.” She grimaced.

  Terey interrupted the two, stepping up beside Mihai, reaching out, taking Darla’s hand, congratulating Darla on her promotion. Darla pulled Terey up close in an affectionate hug, crooning, “Back from the grave you are, back from the grave! They had told me you were arrived at Palace City, but I could not believe the good news, wishing so much to see you before leaving on this cruise!”

  Terey thanked Darla for her kindness, explaining, “The surgeons say that I’ll be up and about as fit as a fiddle in a week or so.” She cast a long glance down at a still bandaged hand. I feel it may be the ‘or so’ before I’m mended completely.” Then breaking into a grin, shared, “I have been informed that my 17 was discovered undamaged. It will soon be delivered here, to Palace City, until I can find another ship’s bay to harbor it in.”

  Mihai began to politely fuss, declaring Terey’s need to remain in Palace City to assist her on the council, and to take a little more time mending up. Terey laughed, pointing at Mihai while speaking to Darla. “Fussy mother here takes all the fun out it… you know… the danger and excitement of it all.”

  Darla smiled, silently nodding her agreement. Mihai was little pleased, seeing no humor in the thought of her dear companions being injured or worse, still… Terey stepped up to Darla, holding two jade ear pins. She replacing Darla’s with hers. When finished, she kissed the woman softly on the lips.

  Looking into Darla’s eyes, she cooed, “My soul will journey on in peace now that it has listened one more time to the beating heart of the one it loves. May the hour soon arrive when we shall not have to part the golden fields of the Crescent Moon...”

  Crescent Moon were flowers that chose no special season to blossom, even braving the winter snows to cast their radiant glory toward the sky. They had become symbolic of the hope held in the children’s hearts that soon the world would be at peace again and all things would be as they had been before.

  Darla leaned forward, thanking Terey for her gift and returning her kiss, though with more than a little suggestive desire carried upon it. Terey nearly blushed, the flirt unexpected, but teasingly accepted.

  Before she could make reply, Anna had stepped up close, whispering her endearing hellos. She, too, kissed Darla on the lips, sliding her tongue in between the woman’s teeth and teasing an unexpected mouth in such sensuous ways. Darla’s eyes popped open wide with surprise, as her heart began to race with hopeful longing and her head spun with lustful desire.

  Opening her eyes to see Darla’s stare, Anna paused. She could feel the woman’s passionate desires growing in shaking limbs. Releasing her witching spell, she smiled sensually, whispering in Darla’s ear, “Oh, the shame we have not shared our hearts before this day. Pl
ease, my darling sister, make your return swift so that my soul may not languish in desires unfulfilled...”

  Anna pulled from her blouse a necklace of chrysolite and priceless gems, securing it about Darla’s neck. “There.” She crooned. “Wear this token of my love until we can consummate it properly after your return.”

  Catching her breath, Darla reached up, clasping the giant diamond hanging upon the necklace. Anna tenderly placed a hand over hers. “My love, the swallow must fly so far away to seek its home beside the foaming sea. One day our hearts must bind together in the refuge both so longingly seek. You and I must draw upon each other’s strengths in such dark hours as this.”

  Darla dumbly nodded, unable to speak. Softly patting Darla’s pounding heart, Anna blushed poetic. “Should my love send sweet letters of endearment to me, then I shall not pine in the evening darkness. Oh, lovely one, so will my heart sing joyous songs, knowing your passion still burns bright for me.”

  Darla stammered, breathless, the ache for passion unfulfilled tearing through her body, “I… I will… I promise… I promise.”

  Anna grinned. “Remember me by this token I’ve given my lovely one. May it be the guiding light that will deliver you home.” She turned, extending a hand. “By approval of our new king, I have made arrangements to have my personal attaché, Leftenant IlanitAnthos, accompany you as one of your staff officers.” She leaned close, whispering in Darla’s ear. “Her dreams shared will remind you of the one awaiting your arms. Good she is, so gentle and caring.”

  She kissed Darla again, this time less amorously. Then staring into Darla’s face, mused, “You are, oh, so beautiful! Who among men would not find you most desirable… most desirable?”

  Stepping back, Anna offered her parting salutations. “Keep safe, and may your journey bring you to the one who desires you so.”

  Mihai came forward, taking Darla’s hands just as the Shikkeron’s band struck up ‘Farewell to All My Heart’ the Navy’s versions of Taps. “Well, I guess this means you must be going.” Mihai shrugged, resigned.

  Darla kissed Mihai, reassuring her. “Only for a moment…only for a moment, and then we shall be together again.”

  Everyone said their parting goodbyes, Planetee finally directing Darla over to her staff officers. As the others boarded their coaches, Darla made acquaintance with her officers. Ardon was filled with trepidation, fearing the reception he was soon to receive, but no! Darla acted the fine commander, greeting each person with equal cordiality and respect.

  After proper introductions, Darla stepped back, addressing her staff. “This tour should be a rather mundane affair such as peacetime escort and patrol duty offers. Never the less, my expectations are high. We are the Watchers, the guardians protecting those aboard this ship and the Trizentine’s many colonies. It is your duty to keep this vessel safe and its passengers secure. You are to familiarize yourselves with every part of the Shikkeron. Find out whatever you can about its mechanics and defense systems, come to know its crew… their strengths and weaknesses, the ship’s strengths and weaknesses. A good officer is a knowledgeable officer. Stick to the books if need be, to learn all that you may.”

  She lifted a hand, shaking a finger. “Remember, should I send you on an assignment, it is as if I went, myself. My voice becomes your voice, my authority becomes your authority. So gain an understanding of your commander, how I think, how I execute my decisions. When you carry out my orders, act as though I was there with you.”

  Shaking hands with each of the staff officers, she issued her final commands before dismissing them. “Make time this evening to acquaint yourselves with your fellow officers and enlistees. You are joining a family, a cadre. We are officers when need be, companions the remainder of the time. Leftenant IlanitAnthos and Master Sergeant SaraiTeknion shall share Cabin 4, C deck, and Leftenant Ardon is to room with Captain KristinaDulamay, the Shikkeron’s senior Marine officer, Cabin 12, B deck.”

  As the staff officers hurried away with their duffle bags, Ardon could not help but wonder, puzzled. He had expected nothing less than a sound verbal beating, and possibly a physical pummeling, but no, Darla had treated him the same as her other staff officers. He shuddered, thinking that her attacks might come later, when no one was around, or possibly this Captain Kristina was to do her dirty work for her. With that trepidation flooding his mind, he timidly made his way aboard the Shikkeron in search of his new accommodations.

  From a distant tower, two emerald-green eyes stared off toward the spaceport. A distraught person mourned, “I have sent my child to her doom, bringing to ruin everything she holds dear! Will she ever be able to forgive me?”

  A fleeting hand brushed its shadowy fingers across the person’s back, a haunting voice answering reassuringly, “You had no other choice…that you have long known. No more can you put off her hour of destiny. Cast her to the wolves, you must. In death there comes renewed life and, for this child, a chance to live free of her demons within.”

  “But at such a terrible cost...!” The first person moaned.

  The whispering voice softly replied, “My ZoeStethos, you can return life to a broken soul, but the heart must mend itself. This child must find her own cure for her madness within. You have only set the stage. Let us hope the actors play their parts well, and then you shall have success.”

  Zoe bowed her head, weeping. “I do so hope my child will understand… that there is no other way, not now, not at this late hour! To save this child, I must preserve Hell. To preserve Hell, I must burn Heaven. Hell must then run its course to the finish so that Heaven may be reborn. Oh, the dread of it all...”