Valerie ran back to the other girls with the box. She handed it to Danielle, eagerly waiting for her to open it. Her imagination ran away with her as she tried to picture what the shoes would look like. Danielle lifted the lid, and they gasped in awe.

  “Oh, my goodness! They’re the most exquisite shoes I have ever seen in my life!” cried Danielle. “Even my two spoiled stepsisters have never had anything so beautiful. I bet it was one of them that turned down this dress.”

  “The heels look like glass!” exclaimed Samantha.

  “They really do,” said Snow. “The tops are so pretty. They sparkle like they’re covered in diamonds.”

  “These shoes couldn’t be more perfect or striking if they were covered in diamonds mined by the dwarves themselves,” Danielle said as she admired them.

  “The dwarves?” Snow asked.

  “Yes,” she replied. “You have never heard of the seven dwarves?” Her attention turned to Valerie and Samantha. “Have you?”

  The three girls shook their heads. Valerie and Samantha had perfected their “poker faces” playing their card game over the years, so their lie didn't raise Danielle's suspicions.

  “No one is exactly sure where they live or where their mine is, but all the gems in these kingdoms come from them. Some say there is a powerful spell that hides the mine and their home.”

  This time the three girls exchanged glances and knowing smiles. Valerie and Samantha already knew who owned the small cottage, but now Snow White did, as well.

  Danielle put the shoes on. It was no surprise to Val when she exclaimed, “Look, they are a perfect fit! I can’t believe we just happened across that woman. Thank you, Otter!” Danielle gave Val’s dog a loving pat on the head.

  Otter was obviously unimpressed with the situation. She walked to a corner, deciding it was as good a place as any to take a nap. She curled up and went to sleep.

  Val, Sam, and Snow ran back into town to check with Wilhelm so he wouldn’t worry about them. He gave the okay to oversee the ball from a distance, but he wanted them home before it got too dark and warned them about going too close to the castle.

  “And stay out of trouble,” he added.

  They hurried back to the cave, got Danielle, then headed toward the castle to sneak her into the ball. After leaving her, they went around the back and found a path through a gorgeous garden that took up the entire backyard. It was big enough to require a few park benches for people to rest at along the way. It even had a huge fountain at its center, big enough to swim in.

  Valerie pointed toward the castle. “See there? Right past the fountain, there are stairs going up to the back entry of the ballroom. You can get in that way, since you don’t have an invitation.”

  “I see it!” Danielle said. “Thank you, girls. I guess this is it. I hope I can see you tomorrow before you have to leave.”

  “We’ll make sure we do,” said Snow. “I’m sure Wilhelm will let us say goodbye to you.”

  “We have to hear the details about your night, anyway,” Samantha added. “And the beautiful dresses, so I can get some ideas for my creations.”

  “Have a great time.” They waved goodbye, then hurried up the hill for a better view.

  Danielle immediately stopped at the top of the stairs to talk to a handsome gentleman.

  “It’s the prince!” Snow squealed. “Oh my goodness, she walked right into the prince!”

  “He seems to like her,” Samantha said. “With all the people there, he doesn’t know if she belongs there or not. Wilhelm told us that the prince didn’t want to get married. I’m sure he was trying to sneak away himself. Now he’s probably fallen in love at first sight with her!”

  “You two sure seem to know a lot about this stuff.” Snow let out a heavy sigh. “I wish I was someone special and that there would be a story about me someday.”

  Although the girls again wished they could tell her everything, they knew it wasn’t possible. Somehow, everything had turned out here, and they were not going to interfere with the way things were supposed to be.

  The girls had a wonderful time watching the dancing and the fireworks. They didn’t lose sight of Danielle very often; the prince didn’t leave her side but once all night. They enjoyed the evening so much, they didn’t realize how late it had become. Hearing footsteps behind them, they around, scared at first, until they realized it was Wilhelm.

  “You girls promised you wouldn’t stay too long. It’s almost midnight. I was sick with worry.”

  “Sorry, but everything is so wonderful we lost track of the time. Look at the fun everyone is having.” Samantha pointed toward the ballroom.

  Someone running caught Wilhelm’s attention. “Hey, that looks like a girl I know from the market. Danielle is her name. What could she be running from?”

  The girls found who he was pointing at. It was Danielle. Not only was she running away, she was obviously crying as well. They took off after her with Wilhelm close behind, but she ran away before they could catch up to her. When they reached the ballroom stairs, the prince was desperately trying to shake loose two ladies who clung to his arms.

  “They must be her stepsisters,” said Snow. “I wonder what they could have done to make her run away crying like that.”

  Finally, the prince shook himself free and ran down the stairs toward them.

  They were heading his way when he stopped. Even from where they stood, they could see the light glittering off the item at his feet. The object glistened as if it were covered in a thousand diamonds. It was Danielle’s shoe.

  He picked it up and closed the gap between himself and the girls. “Do you know that girl? The one who ran away? This is her shoe. I must find her. I must! I’ve spent the best evening of my life with her, and now those two stupid, insolent ladies up there…” He stopped talking as he glanced back up the stairs. The ladies were gone. “Please. I need to find her. Do you know where she has gone?”

  Snow was the first to step forward. “We do know her. She’s our friend.”

  “Take me to her, please. I must see her, now. Please!”

  Wilhelm caught up to them, completely out of breath. “What is this, girls? Can one of you please explain what this is about?”

  “Are these your children?”

  “No, but they are with me. Is there a problem?”

  “No. Well, yes. I mean…” He turned back to them. “Please, girls. You must take me to Danielle.”

  “Of course we will. Follow us. You’ll need a lantern, but it’s not far,” Val explained. “There’s only one place she would be.”

  “Will one of you please tell me what is going on?” pleaded Wilhelm.

  Samantha explained to him about meeting Danielle the day before, and about the rescue earlier that day. Both he and the prince listened intently as they made their way to the cave.

  Otter hopped up to attention at the sight of the prince, as if she were guarding the entrance. She relaxed, however, when she spotted the girls at his side. Her stance went from “standing guard” to “tail-wagging mode.”

  Once inside, they found Danielle sitting in a corner, weeping. Her body jerked slightly as a soft gasp escaped her. She had been startled to see the prince with them. Standing, she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Oh girls, you shouldn’t have brought him here.” Looking past him, Danielle caught sight of her friend from the market. “Wilhelm? What are you doing here?”

  “For better or worse, I guess I’m responsible for these girls at the present. Are you okay?” He approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “I have never been so humiliated. Everyone, please go. Please just leave me alone.” She turned away and flopped back onto the ground.

  The prince stepped forward. “Danielle. I know your stepsisters were lying. You are not a mere servant like they claimed you are. You are nobility, and that home and land is more yours than theirs.” He reached for her hands and stood her up. “When we separated for a short time tonight, I did s
ome checking with our elders. I wanted to know why I did not know of such a beautiful and caring person in my kingdom. It saddens me to think you lived as a servant all these years, when you should have had so much more. I am not so sad though, because it has made you the loving person you are. You know what my father has asked of me tonight.” He knelt down on one knee. “If you’ll have me, I would like you to be my wife.” He took her leg by the calf and gently slid the shoe on her foot.

  She cried out and dropped down into his arms, giving him a hug as tears once again filled her eyes. This time, however, they were tears of joy. She muttered a weepy “Yes” into his shoulder. He hugged her tighter.

  When Danielle could finally bring herself to let go of the prince and stand up, she rushed over to the girls and Wilhelm, where they shared many hugs of congratulations.

  “I shall see that your stepmother and stepsisters are sufficiently punished for what they have done.” The prince claimed Danielle’s hand. “We must go back to the party and announce our engagement to my mother and father. Then we will deal with those three. Is everyone coming?”

  “Oh, no,” protested Wilhelm. “Not these three. I’m afraid they have been up to enough mischief for one night. They will come back to the shed with me. We need to leave early in the morning and get back to my wife.”

  “Aw, Wilhelm…” they whined. They didn’t put up a fight, though, and went over to Danielle for a long hug goodbye.

  The prince shook Wilhelm’s hand. “You be sure to return to my kingdom soon, sir. You and your wife shall be welcomed like family. Without your help and that of these girls, I may have never found my queen.” He bent slightly at the waist, which made Wilhelm feel proud. The prince was bowing to a commoner such as himself? What a grand day indeed!

  Chapter 14