
  Daemon came to the conclusion that Thomas and the rest weren’t going to leave so he’d have to try to make them angry enough to do something stupid. He started by pointing out how easily he’d killed the boys they’d sent to the farm. He was surprised how upset they were getting; someone even shot at his side of the gorge a few times. He had no idea how much ammo they had, but he did know they had to have a limited amount. Daemon decided he was on the right track and really started taunting the men. He continued talking about Jake and the others, making up stories about how they’d died. He even mocked them with how easy it had been for him to lead them into this trap.

  Daemon needed to keep them occupied for another few hours to give the girls a chance to increase their lead. He was confident he’d be able to catch up to them fairly quickly. Sara was not used to hiking and Angelica was only a little better. He’d have to go back to where they’d spent the night and grab his packs but that shouldn’t slow him down too much. His only real concern was that the girls had gotten lost and were going in the wrong direction. Going over the gorge instead of around it had saved them over a day’s travel but he didn’t expect any Rift monsters would be this far away from the Rift.
Daniel A. Jones's Novels