Page 14 of Veso

  Glen kept distanced from the downed man by backing up. She turned, stared out at the trees across the cleared space, then closed the door. She locked it in case someone else showed up at the cabin.

  Veso came down the ladder less than a minute later, empty-handed. He strode over to the backpack on the floor near her and dropped to his knees, opening it up.

  “I should have checked here first.”

  Glen frowned at the sight of the old-fashioned shackles Veso withdrew. They were bulky restraints with about a foot of chain between the cuffs. “What the hell?”

  “I’m guessing he got these from a Vamp. They’re stronger than normal handcuffs.” Veso turned, walked on his knees to the guy lying on the floor, and rolled him over. He shackled his wrists behind his back.

  “They look a little rusty. Maybe we should find some rope or something else.”

  “If they were good enough for me, they are good enough for him.”

  Glen opened her mouth, then closed it. It wasn’t worth arguing over. She’d heard every word exchanged and Veso had been right. The man was working with the master. He’d have shot a dart at Veso to knock him out and returned her to that horrible mine if he’d been able to. “I’m starving.”

  “Shower first. You’re cold.”

  “Do you think there’s hot water?”

  “Probably. He’s got solar panels and a utility shed in the back. It means there’s a generator and possibly a water tank. I’m going to check out our weapons situation.”

  In other words, he wanted her out of his way. She didn’t complain. At least he wasn’t ordering her to cook him food this time.

  Glen rushed toward the bathroom, grateful the cabin had electricity when she flipped on a switch and the light came on.

  She closed the door and frowned at the crude bathroom. It had a shower stall and a toilet but no sink. It didn’t matter though when she turned on the water and waited half a minute, running her fingers under the spray. It began to warm.


  Veso couldn’t help but smile when he heard Glenda mutter that single word. He had been pretty certain the cabin would have hot water. It had been built sturdy for year-round use, not just some summer hunting shack. He located two guns in the cabin, including a shotgun, and then returned to the sleeping human. He rolled him onto his side and knelt low, getting close.

  “Wake and look at me,” he demanded.

  The human’s eyes opened and Veso focused, pushing his power at the man’s mind. “What were your exact orders about the woman?”

  “King Charles wants her alive and unhurt. She’s important to him.”

  “I bet she is.” It still pissed him off thinking about the master’s plans for Glenda. “How many other people are out working with you during the day?”

  “There’re eight of us.”

  “How many close to here?”

  “Three more.”

  “Where are they?”

  “Bob and Linda have a cabin two miles down the stream where it meets up with the river. Chuck is about four miles to the north.”

  “Describe them to me.”

  Veso listened, realizing neither of the men were the two who had attacked them earlier at the river. The human grew silent, staring at him. “Does anyone come here at night?”

  “No. We’re not allowed to go out after the sun goes down, until it rises. We’re to ignore any sounds unless we think it’s you or the woman. Then we’re supposed to call it in but must stay inside.”

  It was just like he’d thought. The master feared his soldiers would kill his human thralls. “How do you get supplies?”

  “I walk to Bob and Linda’s place and pick them up.”

  “How do they get supplies?”

  “They have a boat.”

  It wasn’t what Veso wanted to hear. “Do you have a vehicle? Do they?”

  “I have a dirt bike but I’m low on fuel for it. Bob owns the boat and a small backhoe. They’re about to expand on their cabin. Linda is pregnant.”

  Veso felt pity for the humans. It wasn’t their fault that they were helping the Vampires. The fact that the woman was pregnant made it worse. The master would dispose of them when he had no use for them anymore. “Go back to sleep and stay that way until I tell you otherwise. You’re exhausted.”

  The human closed his eyes and his body relaxed. Veso gripped him, lifted, and went over to the closet. He jerked open the door, gently laid the man down in the confined space, and left him inside. He closed him in and blocked it so the human couldn’t get out. Then he walked over to the cabin door.

  Glenda had locked it but she hadn’t noticed the secondary way to secure it. He lifted the two sturdy bars and shoved them into the brackets on each side of the frame. The human had probably had a few bears attempt to enter his cabin and had added the brace system to help keep them out.

  There were solid shutters on the interior of the windows. He closed and barred the two on the lower floor and then checked the loft. It didn’t have a window. Bears must be a big problem in the area for the human to have taken such measures. It was a good thing. It would make it harder for a Vampire to break into the cabin, and they’d have to put some effort into it. He turned on a light in the loft, a small lamp, then just jumped down to the main floor.

  Veso glanced at the closed bathroom door, then entered the kitchen, flipping on the light. They both needed to eat. The human was well supplied on canned food. He used his claw to slice open the tops of two of them and dumped the stew into a pot. He scowled at the plug-in burner and figured out how to turn it on. The kitchen was as basic as it got and there wasn’t a fridge.

  The water turned off in the bathroom and Veso realized Glenda wouldn’t have clothes, unless she put on her damp ones. He probably should return to the loft and get her something to wear but he remained where he was, using a spoon to stir the chunky meat and vegetable mix inside the pot. A smile curved his lips. He liked seeing her in a towel. He might even steal it off her body again.

  His amusement quickly faded though when the bathroom door opened and she did step out in just a towel. Her skin was pink from the warm water, her hair wet, and the sight of her exposed limbs and the tops of her breasts gave him a whole new hunger. He wanted her. His dick stiffened and desire spread through him.

  Shit. The attraction isn’t fading. I can’t want a human.

  “That shower felt like heaven. There is hot water. I made sure I left some for you. I’m assuming it’s limited, right? I mean, there’s probably a really small water tank for this cabin. I looked in the cabinets. No new toothbrushes but he had dental floss and lots of toothpaste. I think I did a good job with my finger of getting my teeth clean. I’ll never take that for granted again.” She smiled. “Did you see any clothes upstairs that we can borrow?”


  She walked to the ladder, then froze.

  Veso stirred the pot again but kept his gaze locked on her. She had such soft-looking skin. Delicate. Both pale and pink, so foreign to him. VampLycan women tended to be tan and really fit. Bigger. His dick didn’t seem to care that Glenda wasn’t his normal type or that she was human.

  “Problem?” He guessed why she paused. She’d have to let go of her grip at the top of the towel to climb. It might actually fall off and expose every inch of her to him.

  She looked into his eyes. “Um, why don’t I finish cooking that and you go up there to find me something clean to wear?” She turned a little and stepped closer.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he warned.

  She halted, her eyebrows arching. “Do what?”

  “Come near me.” He lowered his gaze, fixating on the tops of her breasts exposed over the edge of the towel.

  She took a step back. “Don’t even think about it. Your eyes are changing color again.”

  He jerked his gaze up to hers. “Don’t wear so little around me then.”

  “There was nothing else in the bathroom to put on. Let’s n
ot go through this again. Train wreck, remember?”

  “As if I could forget.” He tore his gaze away to glare at the stew. “Get up there and find something. Do it now. I won’t look.”

  Motion out of the corner of his eye assured him she followed his order. He wanted to peek but the last thing he needed was to get involved with her more so than he was already. The blood they’d been forced to share should have worn off by now. The fact that he still felt so attracted to her irritated him. Worse, it scared him. What if it wasn’t just the blood link that drew him to Glenda? What if it wasn’t a feeling that would pass with time?

  “Goddamn,” he snarled.

  “Be careful. Did you burn yourself?”

  He glanced up at the ceiling, able to track her by sound as she moved across the floor up in the loft. “Just put on clothes. The stew is about as warm as I’m willing to make it. I’m starving.”

  “Me too.”

  But again, he wanted her more than food. His anger grew. He couldn’t mate a damn human.

  Chapter Eleven

  Glen put on an oversized T-shirt and a pair of boxers. The rest of the pants options she’d found were either dirty or jeans she couldn’t fit into. The owner of the cabin seemed to have a limited choice on what to wear. She climbed down the ladder and found Veso placing two bowls on the tiny table. There was only one chair but he motioned her to it.

  “Thank you.”

  “He only has water and booze to drink.” Veso curled his lip. “I’m going to shower. Yell out if you hear the human moving around in the closet, got it? Don’t confront him yourself or move the chair I used to lock him in. I’m sure he’ll stay asleep but I’d rather be safe than sorry. His hands are secured behind his back but that doesn’t make him less of a threat to you.”

  “What about your food?”

  “I’ll hurry and won’t close the door all the way, so I can hear you if you need me.” He left the small kitchen area and entered the bathroom.

  Glen sat down and stared at the contents of the bowl. She usually didn’t like stew but hunger made her change her mind as she lifted the spoon, blew on it, and took a bite. She closed her eyes, chewing. It was a bit too hot but she wasn’t going to complain. It had been a long time since morning and it beat the breakfast she’d had.

  She glanced around the cabin and remembered that the owner had a cell phone. It was tempting to find and use it. Veso would be pissed though, and she remembered how easily he’d seemed to take over the mind of the man he’d captured and put in the closet. His warning about the cops not being able to help her replayed as well, and she finally understood. A Vampire could do the same to the police, take over their minds and control them.

  “Damn.” She finished her food and stood, taking the bowl and spoon to the small sink. She was about to wash them but instead just set them down. She’d wait until Veso ate and do them all at the same time.

  Noise drew her out of the kitchen right as Veso exited the bathroom. The sight of so much of him wasn’t getting old. He had the best body, and she hated noticing all those muscles as she scanned him fast before he caught her. He was staring at the door, as if to make sure she hadn’t messed with it. She hadn’t. He turned more and his gaze met hers.

  “No problems?”


  “The sun should be down enough for the Vampires and soldiers to be on the prowl.”

  That was a grim thing to say. “Fun.”

  He frowned, his lips twisting downward. “Sarcasm is never attractive, Glenda.”

  “How would you like me to react to you telling me that? Wring my hands and cringe? Cry? I understand that it’s getting dark.”

  “It was a warning. And they have damn good hearing. A woman isn’t supposed to be here. It’s probably best if we don’t talk at all.”

  She lifted her hand and saluted him. It was tempting to bend down three of her fingers and thumb to give him a different kind of salute, but she resisted. It still earned her a low growl and he came closer, stopping less than a foot away. She had to tilt her head back to keep looking into his eyes.

  “I’m not in the best mood.”

  “I had no clue.”

  A brighter gold color spread through his irises, taking over the brown. The way he could do that still amazed her. His emotions caused a physical reaction in his eyes.

  “What did I say?”

  “Not in the best mood,” she repeated.


  “It’s not attractive.”

  “Exactly. I’m going to go upstairs and find something to wear.”


  He stepped around her, brushing his arm against hers. His skin felt a little damp and really warm where they touched. She turned her head, watching him as he began to climb the ladder. The towel wrapped around his waist didn’t fall off but it did hug his ass each time he lifted his legs, reminding her that he had a nice one. A little guilt surfaced when he reached the top and moved out of sight. Part of her had wished she had seen him lose that towel.

  She faced forward, stared at the door, and hoped nobody showed up in the night.

  “That would be bad,” she whispered.

  The loft creaked. “What?”

  She turned around, finding Veso standing at the top of the loft. “Nothing.”

  “Don’t talk at all. You don’t listen well.”

  She sealed her lips and entered the kitchen, out of his sight. A jug of bottled water sat on the counter. She found a glass and poured a little of it, drinking it all. It was a good thing she was tired. Sleep sounded good. She walked over to the only couch and took a seat. She flinched when she drew her legs up, a reminder that her thighs were tender. She lifted one, bent forward, and saw the redness there where her wet clothing had irritated her earlier while riding Veso’s back. The light abrasions would fade though. It wasn’t bleeding. Things could be worse.

  A soft noise drew her attention and she straightened up, peering over the back of the couch. Veso just sported another pair of boxers. They looked a bit tight around his hips and she could clearly make out the outline of his cock. She twisted her head, staring at the fireplace instead of him. The mantel was wood but the fireplace was built out of small stones and what looked like cement.

  Veso ate. It was so silent, she heard the slight clink every time his spoon touched the bowl. The dim room was beginning to bother her. She was in a strange place, and she didn’t need Veso to remind her of what might be outside the cabin. She’d spent enough time locked inside that mine that she’d probably never feel safe again at night, now that she knew what could crash through the door. Her kidnapping flashed through her memory.

  “Or come through the windows,” she muttered under her breath.

  “They are shuttered closed with bars across them.”

  Veso’s soft voice made her startle and she watched as he took a seat a few feet away from her. “Don’t you make a sound when you move?” She realized she’d clutched her hand to her chest. He’d given her quite a scare.

  “I assumed you were talking to me.” He twisted a little, staring at her.

  “I talk to myself at times. That was one of them.”

  “You’re not supposed to make any noises.”

  “We’re almost whispering.”

  “And a Vamp can hear that.”

  “I’m nervous,” she admitted.

  “They will either attack us or they won’t.”

  She adjusted her body to face him and it rubbed part of her thigh against the rough material of the couch. She flinched at the slight pain. Veso leaned closer.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Don’t lie to me. Are you hurt?” He sniffed. “I don’t smell blood.”

  “I’m just a little tender.”

  “Your muscles?”

  “My clothes were wet and they rubbed against my skin. It isn’t bad. More like a rash.”

  “Let me see.”

  “No w
ay.” She scooted back on the couch. “It only happened on my inner thighs. That’s where we rubbed together the most.”

  He turned his head away, staring at the door. It made her afraid, and she tensed. It was possible that he could hear something she couldn’t, like a Vampire.

  Long seconds passed and he stood. She glanced around for a weapon, anything to use if someone kicked in the door. Veso walked to the fireplace and gripped the mantel. He just stood there.

  Glen glanced between him and the door. More time passed and she finally relaxed. “What are you doing?” she whispered as softly as she could.

  “Don’t ask,” he rasped.

  “Okay.” She frowned.

  He finally released the mantel and turned. His face was in the light from the other side of the cabin and his grim expression didn’t bode well as he locked gazes with her. His eyes were more golden than brown again, also never a good sign. She’d figured that out after spending so much time with him. He took a few steps closer and then stopped.

  “Infections are easy for humans to get. Let me see your damn thighs.”

  “I told you it’s nothing.”

  “We don’t need you sick. I figure by tomorrow night we’ll reach VampLycan territory if you ride me again. That means you need to be well enough to hold on to me, and not in pain. Let me see. I’m able to heal you.”


  “My blood.”

  She shook her head and grimaced. “No thanks. No more injections for me and I’m not drinking your blood.” She got up. “I’m going to sleep. Do you mind if I take the bed?”

  “Glenda.” He frowned.

  “Good night.” She fled around the couch and climbed the ladder to the loft. The lamp didn’t put off much light but she wanted it on. That way if anything tried to break in, she wouldn’t be in the dark. She was so sick of that.

  The bed wasn’t a big one, maybe a full, and she was pleasantly surprised when she lay down on it. It was comfortable and had some give, not overly firm. It was much better than sleeping on the ground or on that horrible cot that the Vampires had provided her with in the mine. She lay on her side, curled into a ball, and closed her eyes.