Page 21 of Veso

  She wasn’t about to ask for the year he was born. It seemed rude. That also reminded her of her manners. “Would you like to have a seat?”

  He came closer and sat in a chair on the other side of the coffee table. “Thank you, Glenda.”

  “It’s just Glen, please.”

  “My son calls you Glenda.”

  “I’m aware. He seems to have a problem with shortened names, unfortunately. Veso told me about you.” She glanced down at the mug, smelling coffee. She looked back at him. “How you left your clan to care for him when he was just a boy. He loves you a lot.”

  His expression softened. “He shared that with you?”

  “Yes. He told me about his mother too. She sounds like she was pretty terrible to you both.”

  Bran’s mouth compressed into a tight line.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Veso told me about how you built a cabin for him, and you sacrificed a lot to raise him.”

  “It was a privilege, not a hardship. He’s my son.” Bran suddenly leaned forward, his eyes growing brighter. “I want you to tell me the truth.”

  She lowered her gaze fast, staring at the coffee. “Please don’t try to control me.”

  He sat back in the chair. “My son told you about our gifts.”

  “He did.” She glanced up to find Bran’s eyes had returned to their normal color, the unnatural brightness gone. “I won’t lie to you. Just ask me whatever you want to know.”

  “Why are you refusing to be my son’s mate? Is it because he’s a VampLycan?”

  “I didn’t know anything about you until I was kidnapped. The world was round and the scary things in life were diseases and killer criminals. Human ones. I have a life I built and worked hard for. Staying here would mean giving all that up. Plus, I don’t know him all that well. It’s kind of nuts to know a person for less than a week and then promise to spend the rest of your life with them.”

  “The world is still round. Disease and human killers remain frightening for you. That hasn’t changed. Your knowledge has just been expanded, Glen.”

  “That’s true.”

  “The world you lived in will never be the same. You’ll look at pale humans at night now, wondering if they just avoid the sun or if they are Vampires. Do you know what they would do if they believed you knew what they were? They’d come after you. Knowledge is a dangerous thing to them. You’d be seen as a threat, the enemy, and treated as such. You spent time with Vampires. Did you have fun?”

  “No.” She knew where he was going. “I can’t just stay with Veso out of fear though, and because I know he’d keep me safe from them.”

  “Do you feel anything for my son?”

  She bit her lip, not sure how to answer that.

  “Are you confused?”

  She nodded.

  “It’s in your human nature to question things, to be wary of being hurt. Have you had your heart broken by someone in the past?”

  “Everyone has.”

  “Not everyone, but I know the pain that comes with trying to love someone who is incapable of returning those feelings. I wanted to mate Veso’s mother. She birthed my child. It was only right that we join together and become a family. She didn’t agree. It deeply hurt me for a while. It isn’t natural to have a child the way we did. She tricked me.”

  “Veso told me.”

  Bran placed his arms on the sides of the chair, curling his fingers into fists. “He never wanted a mate. We’ve discussed it many times. His mother made him believe he wasn’t worthy of being loved by a woman. I always hoped he’d meet some VampLycan who would change his mind. Instead, he brought you home. I don’t care that you’re human, Glen. It wouldn’t even matter to me if you were a Vampire. My son wants to make you his mate, and I hope you agree. You’d be a fool if you say no.”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond to that but obviously Veso got his attitude from his father.

  “No human will protect and care for you as well as my son would. I know about your world. He won’t have an affair or abandon you one day. A mate is for life.”

  “We haven’t known each other all that long.”

  “Stop acting so shortsightedly human. You’re more than that now.” Bran leaned forward again but this time he didn’t do that funky thing with his eyes. “Try listening to your heart and your instincts. That’s what VampLycans do. We feel deep emotions and go with our gut. My son has chosen you because his instincts, his feelings, his gut tells him you’re the right one for him. You’re compatible with my son in ways that no one else has ever been. He was dead set against it. Think about that. He’s willing to take the biggest risk of his life with you. Won’t you do the same for him?”

  Bran stood. “Eat. Think long and hard while you do, Glen. My son’s heart hangs on your decision when he returns.” He crossed the room to the door and peered back at her. “If he returns. We do die, you know. His mother did. He hasn’t felt much since then—until you. That matters a hell of a lot to me. I hope it does to you too. Your life that you knew will never be the same after all of this. Stop dwelling on that and think of your future. You could have a good one with my son.”

  Glen watched the door close and she sighed, reaching for the coffee. She tugged off the lid and blew, taking a sip. He’d put sugar and milk in it so it wasn’t bitter.

  Bran had given her a lot to think about. That wasn’t how she had imagined their conversation would go down. She was pretty sure he’d want her to leave the territory as soon as possible. Veso had a problem with her being human, but his father didn’t. He just wanted his son to be happy.

  What if Veso never came back? The thought made her chest hurt. “Damn.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Veso just wanted to go find Glenda but he had to stay at the meeting. Lorn had insisted everyone who’d taken part during the mission be in his office for the debriefing in case there were questions. His new clan leader had them all on a conference call with the three other VampLycan and the GarLycan leaders.

  “We took out a total of seventeen soldiers, counting the ones Veso told us about when he first escaped the nest. We found the secondary location where the master was sleeping during the day. It was a dugout where the mine used to store explosives. Three sleeping bags were there.” Lorn paused. “The master confirmed for us that Decker Filmore was working with the Vampire Council in Chicago.”

  “I’ll send scouts that way.” Lord Aveoth sounded furious. “Why do you think there were so many soldiers? Were they expecting us to attack them?”

  “Doubtful.” Veso spoke up. “The master wanted to be called a king. He was a pretentious prick and probably loved having those things at his beck and call.”

  Velder’s voice came out of the speakerphone. “Are you certain you got them all?”

  “Pretty sure.” Chaz glanced around. “The new soldiers were being kept inside the mine and most of the ones in the woods hunting were damn near rabid. Those ones ran at anything that made sound or moved. The motorcycles worked like a charm to draw their attention. We could patrol the skies around that area at night for the next week if you think it’s needed.”

  “Do that,” Aveoth growled. “Those bastard Vampires have harmed enough humans in that area. It’s already going to draw attention, since someone is bound to report those turned or killed as missing persons. What about Vamps?”

  “I killed one when I escaped with Glenda. I killed the master tonight.” Veso had taken him out faster than he’d intended but it was done.

  “I killed a third one.” Lorn adjusted in his seat. “He was hiding with the dead bodies of the victims they’d bled out, probably hoping the decay would hide his scent. It didn’t.”

  “Great joint venture,” Velder praised. “Thank you.”

  Veso gazed at Fray and Chaz, nodding toward them. The other scouts were on the roof, waiting for the twin brothers before flying home to the cliffs. They’d made it out of the human territory before the sun rose. They could fl
y over VampLycan territory home without being spotted by anyone except clan.

  “This is how the clans should work together.” Lord Aveoth paused. “Thank you for inviting us to the hunt, Lorn.”

  “Thank you for offering your scouts. They were amazing.”

  Veso was done listening to the political bullshit and backed up until he reached the door. He spun then, ignoring his father’s frown, and fled. He had heard enough. The clans were getting along. Lorn would be a good leader. He wanted to go see Glenda.


  He’d made it halfway down the stairs when his father’s low voice stopped him. He gripped the railing and twisted, glaring up at him. “I want to see Glenda, not listen to them pay tribute to each other for not fighting about what needed to be done. That nest was a threat to us all.”

  Bran walked down the stairs to him and gripped his shoulder. “I understand but I wanted to speak to you first.”

  “You aren’t talking me out of taking Glenda as my mate. Get over her being human.”

  His father’s grip tightened painfully but Veso didn’t flinch away. “Don’t insult me.” His fingers eased and released. “I am glad you found a woman you want to share your life with. I was just going to suggest you take things slow for her. She is human, after all. They don’t trust their instincts, if they even have any. The time you’ve spent together has been stressful. Perhaps she’d agree if you showed her a less violent side of yourself.”

  “She’s getting me for a mate. This is who I am.”

  “It’s not an insult but she’s not a VampLycan. Her world was much softer than the one we live in. I’m positive that the bloodshed she’s witnessed has traumatized her.”

  “She’s tougher than you believe, Father.”


  “Yes. I expected tears, for her to break down or even start screaming when I had to kill in front of her. She could have tried to run away from me but she didn’t. Glenda is brave and strong inside. Even when I showed my temper she stood up to me. She saw what I was capable of, yet held her ground.”

  “She’s losing a lot if she stays here with you. Have you considered that? I’m certain she has.”

  “We both know she’ll never be safe returning to the life she had. What if that master told his council about his plan to breed her with a VampLycan? He only had two Vampires with him—that we know of. And I’m betting he left a nest behind somewhere in order to come here short term. I can’t see that asshole not growing a large one to make them adore his stupid ass. They may know her name and go after her to seek vengeance for his death.”

  “How did she react to that theory?”

  “I haven’t mentioned it to her.”

  “Why not? It might help her agree to be your mate.”

  “She’s mine regardless of what she wants.” Veso turned and quickly went down the stairs and headed toward the kitchen, where the basement stairs were located. He heard his father coming after him again and spun, halting fast, and growled. “What now?”

  “You can’t just mate her against her will. She’d grow to hate you,” Bran argued.

  “Let me handle Glenda. It won’t be by force once I sink my fangs into her and share my blood.”

  “I think you should give her more time.”

  “I didn’t ask for your advice.”

  “Do you think I wasn’t tempted to bite into your mother and make her take my blood to form a bond? I was. She had my son, yet refused to allow me to take you out of this hellish clan. It was my worst nightmare. She pledged you to Decker to be raised as one of his assassins. I figured she’d at least share my misery at what she’d done if she had to feel it through our link. I didn’t though. It’s wrong to force a mating, regardless of the circumstances.”

  “Glenda and I are meant to be mates. I was resistant at first but she’s mine. She’ll realize we belong together once she stops being stubborn.”

  Bran shook his head. “It will be a mistake.”

  “It’s mine to make.”

  “You’re my son, damn it! I’ve seen you miserable enough for too many years. Take her home today, spend time with her, and allow her to get to know you when you aren’t being chased or hunted. Give her a few days. As your mate, she deserves your best effort to make her happy. It’s not just about you, Veso.”

  He took a deep breath and blew it out, thinking. His father had always been too wise. “I would do anything for her.”

  “Then give her a few days. Don’t force this on her. Seduce her, charm her, and wait for her to agree.”

  “Fine. I’ll take her to my den. Will you trail us to make certain there are no issues? I don’t want to have to kill anyone else in front of her if they decide to be rude to my human.”

  “Not your den. Take her to your home.”

  “It’s safer there.”

  “You’re still in the mindset that Decker rules this clan, but he doesn’t. There’s no need to hide your human. Word will spread or Lorn will announce it at some point. I’ll guard your home so no one can attack without getting through me first. It’s best to learn who your enemies are. Let them strike if they plan to. We’ll take them out. That’s what Lorn has done.”

  Veso considered it. “She’d be more comfortable in my home than the den.”

  “That’s very true. Just be patient with your Glenda.” He paused. “She also enjoys being called Glen.”

  “It’s a man’s name. I refuse.”

  “It’s the name she chooses. Respect that.”

  Veso growled and spun, resuming his walk to the stairwell of the basement. His father didn’t follow him that time.

  Davis sat in a chair in the hallway with a book. He smiled when he saw him, standing.

  “You’re back. I’ll let Kira know and go upstairs with her. Is Lorn in his office?”

  “Yes. He’s filling in the other clans. Thank you for guarding Glenda.”

  “It’s been quiet. The most aggressive ones have already challenged Lorn, if they were unhappy about him mating Kira and taking over the clan, so it’s the sneaky ones we have to watch out for.”

  “I expect they’ll have issues with me taking a human mate. At least Kira was raised with us.” Veso just didn’t give a damn. He’d rip anyone apart who tried to hurt Glenda.

  “No one at the lodge would gossip so I doubt many are aware that she’s here. You might want to speak to Lorn about announcing it to the clan at once, so you can see who reacts badly to it and we can watch them.”

  “That’s what my father spoke of. Right now, I just plan on taking her to my place and resting.”

  “Of course. We’re just glad you’re not dead. We thought you were for a while.”

  “I’m grateful to be home.” Veso passed Davis and entered the one-bedroom guest quarters. He paused inside the door, meeting Glenda’s stare from the small kitchen. She was doing dishes.

  She turned off the water, rounded the small island, and rushed at him.

  “You’re okay!”

  It pleased and surprised him when she threw herself against him, hugging his waist. He grinned, holding her close. “You’re happy to see me.”

  She lifted her chin. “Of course I am. I was worried.”

  “You do care.”

  She tried to back up and let him go. He hugged her tighter.

  Glen had been so worried that she’d just reacted instinctually when Veso had walked in. Happy didn’t cover what she felt, knowing he was alive and well. Elated, overjoyed, and relieved were words that came to mind. One glance at his expression though had her pulling it together. “Do you have to look so smug? They had dart guns and you went in at night, when those creeper things weren’t lying on the floor half out of it. I imagined the worst.”

  “We had plenty of support. I’m an excellent fighter. There was no doubt that I would survive.”

  “Well, I wasn’t so sure.” She realized he had dried blood on him and cringed. “Ewww. Let me go.”

  He finally released
her and allowed her to back up. She studied his clothes. He’d changed them before he’d left, since he wasn’t wearing what he had been the last time she’d seen him. The fact that they were covered in blood, some ashy soot, and other things meant he’d gone after the nest in what he now wore.

  “You should take a shower. Are you hungry? Davis brought some groceries over. I could make you something.”

  “That’s a caring chore a mate would do.” He grinned. “Worrying about me, wanting to feed me.”

  He might be amused but she wasn’t. “Go shower. I’ll fix you something.”

  “I want to take you to my place right now.”

  “The den you told Lavos you wanted to stash me in? I have to admit I’m so tired of dirt and rock, being below ground in that mine for as long as I was.”

  “I’ve changed my mind about taking you there. I have a cabin. It’s something I built. You’ll like it.”

  “Am I no longer in danger?” She’d felt welcome at the lodge.

  “Possibly. It’s complicated.” He held out his hand. “Come with me. I want to leave the lodge.”

  She trusted him. He’d kept her safe so far. “Okay. I think you should shower first.”

  “I will when I get us home. My clothes are there.” He led her out into the hallway. Davis was gone. They exited a stairwell that led upward and to the back of the building. Veso kept hold of her hand and led her into the woods. She spotted some homes but they didn’t go close to any of them, keeping off the trails.

  “How far out do you live?”

  “Far. Do you want me to carry you?”

  “No. I was just curious.” She saw fewer homes as they walked deeper into the woods. He kept at a fast pace that she struggled to keep up with. “How big is your, um, territory?”


  “Don’t you guys have ATVs or something?”

  “We do but they are annoying. We have enhanced hearing and the noises from the engines tend to grate on our nerves. They are only used if we have to bring something extremely heavy or large to homes.”