Page 4 of Veso

  “Yes!” Glenda sounded excited.

  A second later, one of his arms came free. He lowered it. The handcuff was still attached to his wrist but the other side wasn’t hooked to metal anymore. He glared at the offensive restraint. Once he got home he’d be able to get them off, or perhaps he could find tools at the house he took her to so she could call for help. He would need to think up a story to implant into her mind to tell the human authorities.

  “One down, three more to go,” she announced.

  He clenched his teeth and refused to thank her. He was going to save her ass, and it really irritated him that his freedom depended upon her.

  Humans were nothing but trouble. They feared what they didn’t understand and would want to attack his people if they ever discovered others existed. Her kind would never change. Only their weapons advanced with time. Villagers had once hunted Vamps and Lycans with pitchforks and swords. Now they had guns and bombs.

  He focused his anger on the master who had decided to capture and breed a VampLycan. His keen hearing had picked up most of the conversation Glenda had with the supposed Vampire king. He stifled a snarl. As if any daughter of his would end up the companion of a suckhead. Veso sure as hell wouldn’t fuck a human, either. They were too weak and fearful. She’d probably run screaming the first time he shifted forms or flashed a little fang.

  “Almost there,” she whispered.

  Something dropped a few inches from his face, and he stared at the screw that landed in the dirt. She was literally taking the gurney apart. He had to give her credit for intelligence. He was curious as well, if he had to be honest. Was she really using a piece of her bra as a tool? And then there was her show of bravery. Most humans would be frozen with terror at being locked up inside a room with someone like him.

  Metal popped and his other arm was freed. He had a set of handcuffs attached to each wrist but at least he could move. He wanted to push up his chest and throw the gurney off him but held still so she could free his legs.

  “Two down, two to go.”

  “I’m aware. I can count.”

  Does she think I’m dense? She probably does; humans believe they’re the only intelligent life on the planet.

  He clenched his teeth and tried to be patient. He focused on a plan of escape while he waited. She told him she’d counted nine soldiers, one full Vampire, and then the master. The odds weren’t in his favor since he could still feel drugs in his system, but he had rage on his side and determination. He had a real chance to fight his way out of the nest.

  “So much for being thankful,” she muttered. “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re kind of a grump?”

  She reminded him a little of Kira, who was the result of a VampLycan mating with a human, taking mostly after her weaker mother. He’d been ordered to train her to fight. At first it had been a pain in his ass but he’d tolerated her well enough, despite her human tendencies. “Yes. There’s a woman where I live who says that often.”

  “She’s right.”

  “I’m having a bad night.”

  “I’ve had a bad few nights or weeks. I lost track of time but I’ve been down here way longer than you, buddy. You don’t hear me growling and grumbling or being rude.”

  She had a point. He wasn’t going to admit it though.

  “And I’m the one who doesn’t have claws,” she went on. “I keep questioning my sanity over letting you go. Don’t you think I’m aware that you could be lying? You gave me your word but I don’t know you from Adam. You could be a big ol’ liar. You’d better not be.”

  He had to give her credit for taking a huge risk. He wasn’t so sure he’d be as willing to trust a stranger if he were in her position. “I won’t harm you, Glenda.”


  “You’re a woman. I refuse to call you by a man’s name.”

  “Veso is a weird name but I’m not refusing to call you that. The name is Glen. Please use it. I told you, I got teased about being a movie witch, so I prefer just Glen.”

  He wasn’t going to argue with her over a name. “Fine, woman.”

  “You want to play it that way? I’ll just call you big and scary.”

  He actually smiled. She had spunk.

  One of his legs dropped away from the table. “I know what you’re going to say, Glenda. Three down, one to go.”

  She sighed. “Almost done, scary dude.”

  It surprised him when the urge to laugh surfaced. It wasn’t the appropriate time to find humor but she amused him. “Dude?”

  “I’m originally from Southern California. I grew up by the beach.”

  “Where do you live now?”

  “Oregon. My job transferred me there about eight years ago.”

  She was a long way from home. “Where do you think we are?”

  “Somewhere in Oregon.”

  He didn’t correct her. It might distract her from freeing his leg. “How were you taken?”

  “I was sitting on the couch after work, eating dinner and watching a show. It was about eight o’clock.” She sucked in a sharp breath. “Ouch.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. The wire is getting messed up from fighting with these stupid screws. Some of them are rusty.” She paused. “Anyway, I was eating dinner and minding my own business when I heard a window break in the bedroom. I thought one of the neighbors’ kids threw a ball, since I live on the second story. That happened once last year. I ran in there to try to see who did it, but Vlad and two of those creepers were climbing inside. I tried to run but they’re too fast. Vlad tackled me and I hit the floor. He shoved something stinky over my face and it knocked me out. I woke up here.” She laughed humorlessly. “So much for that bullshit about how Vampires can’t enter your home without permission. I sure didn’t invite them in.”

  “That’s not true. It’s a story humans tell each other to feel safer.”

  “Like the myth about wooden stakes through the heart? You said it doesn’t kill them.”

  “It will hurt them and give you time to run away if you pierce their hearts. They have to heal enough to get their heart pumping, yank it out, before they can move around much.”

  “What about silver bullets and Werewolves? Is that bullshit too?”

  “It hurts like hell but silver is just another metal.”

  “Fantastic. So what kills Werewolves?”

  “Are you thinking about trying to kill me?”

  “No.” She sighed. “I’m just passing the time. This is all new to me. Wouldn’t you be curious?”

  “Yes,” he admitted. “Werewolves can die if you cause enough damage to make them bleed a lot. They heal faster than a human but not like a Vampire. Beheading them works every time.”

  “I’m starting to see a theme here. ‘Off with their heads’ must be your motto when you fight.”

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  “Almost got it.” She dropped another screw in the dirt. “This last one is really tough. The top of it is mostly stripped.”

  It took long minutes, with Glenda grunting a few times, but his leg finally dropped to the ground. He lifted up a little and turned his head, spotting her on her knees. He rolled, tossing the gurney in the opposite direction. The skirt she’d tucked over him earlier lay on the ground, so he grabbed hold of it and stood, clutching it against his groin.

  Glenda sat down on her legs and stared up at him. He saw fear when she glimpsed his full height. He glanced at the black silky material fisted in his hand. It was tempting to just toss it aside, since nudity didn’t bother him, but she was a woman not of his kind. It would probably send her into hysterics. That was the last thing he needed.

  He breathed through his nose and caught the scent of blood. He lowered his gaze to her hands curled together near her knees. A small stain of red showed on her fingertip. “You’re bleeding.”

  She lifted one hand, revealing her index finger. “I cut it. It’s no big deal unless you’re thinking I’m dinner. I’m so not

  “I don’t drink blood. I’m mostly Lycan.”

  “Thank goodness.” She seemed to recover but her gaze kept darting to his chest and arms. “You’re like a house on legs.”

  He wasn’t certain what that meant and frowned.

  “You’re huge. What are you? Six foot four? Five?”

  “Does it matter? I’m strong and a good fighter. We need to lure them into opening that door.” He turned his head, glaring at it. It appeared too solid to knock down. Part of it was metal around the edges with thick wood in the center.

  “Are you like, talking to them with your mind? Calling to them?”

  He looked at her and scowled. “No. Stop comparing me to whatever movies you’ve seen.”

  “Just checking,” she muttered, climbing to her feet. She sucked on her injured finger and turned her back. “I won’t look. You said you had to pee. They left a bucket…how medieval of them. Put the skirt on after you’re done. It’s got an elastic waist. It’s not going to be the manliest look, but it beats flashing me your goods.”

  He couldn’t help but stare at her legs after she faced away from him. She had nice ones. The shirt she wore fell just a few inches lower than her ass. The ass didn’t look bad either. He glanced down at the skirt and sighed. “I guess it will work until I can steal something better.” He quickly relieved his bladder.

  “Maybe we can find your clothes down here.”

  “I wasn’t wearing any when I was taken.”

  She twisted her head, gaping at him. “Did they grab you in the shower or something?”

  “No. I was on patrol.”

  “You walk around naked?”

  “I wasn’t in skin when they drugged me.”

  She paled and her eyes widened.

  “I’m a shifter. You must know what that is, don’t you? I have a television and movie collection too. I change forms, Glenda. I tore off my clothes in case I wanted to transform to have four legs to fight them. And fur is harder to tear into than skin.”

  “Oh shit.” She faced away and actually grabbed hold of the wall. “I’m so going to need therapy if I survive.” She paused. “No. Cancel that. They’ll lock me up in a mental ward and think I’m nuts if I tell anyone about this.”

  Veso grinned. She did amuse him. “You’ll be fine.” He’d wipe her memory and replace it with something less traumatic. He put on her skirt then bent, cutting off some of the length with a claw so it didn’t confine his movement around his knees.

  “I hear that! That was my favorite one,” she muttered.

  “I’m covered.”

  She turned and glanced down his body. “So what do we do now?”

  Chapter Three

  Glen tried not to gawk at the giant muscled guy. He had shredded the bottom of her skirt so the ragged ends covered his groin area and down his thighs about a foot. She’d teased him about not looking manly but with that body, he could have worn one of her dresses without losing his appeal. His inhuman eye color helped that masculine image in an odd way. He screamed supernatural being to her.

  “We’ll draw them to the door so they open it.” He seemed to be assessing her.


  “I won’t hurt you. Remember that.”

  What is that supposed to mean?

  He suddenly lunged at her, snarling. His hands opened and his fingernails grew into sharp claws.

  The scream tore from her throat as she tried to run. She slammed into the rock wall, forgetting in her terror that it was even there.

  His big body pressed up against hers. His skin was hot, and she squeezed her eyes closed, waiting for him to tear into her skin with those sharp nails.

  He didn’t. He just snarled.

  Glen peeked—and saw fangs. His mouth was open and his eyes were terrifying. They were pure yellow and glowing. All the brown in them seemed to have totally disappeared.

  She shoved with her hands, slapping them on his muscled chest. Another shriek tore from her.

  He twisted his head and stared at the door. He had her pinned against the rock wall and those claws of his were inches away from her sides. He threw his head back and a roar of rage nearly deafened her.

  She screamed again, terrified. She sucked in a lungful of air, ready to let another cry loose, when he backed off.

  “Stay put and don’t move,” he growled low.

  She looked down her body, expecting to see blood. There wasn’t any. Her shirt was intact, not torn to shreds. Her ribs didn’t even hurt from having his chest pressing her tight against the rock wall.

  He crept silently toward the door and moved to the side, leaning against the wall.

  Keys jangled and the door was torn open. Vlad rushed inside.

  His eyes widened when he saw what was left of the gurney. He was already pale, but Glen swore he turned even whiter. His mouth opened, revealing those yellowed fangs. He shrieked like a terrified little girl and turned, probably planning to flee, but Veso suddenly blocked his path and fisted the front of Vlad’s clothes, shredding material. The big man threw his other arm forward, seeming to slap the Vampire hard.

  Something warm and wet splattered Glen. She automatically flinched away when she felt it on her cheek. She saw drops of red across her arm. It took a second to realize it looked just like blood.

  She lifted her chin and became confused. Vlad was gone, and something like dust billowed in the air near the floor. The dirt floor between her and where the Vampire had been was marred with dark spots. Parts of his clothing remained, still clutched in Veso’s hand.

  “Where did he go?”

  Veso scowled when he looked at her, then dropped the material in his hand and bent. He went through the clothing and produced a key. “I removed his head. Vampires turn to ash when they die.” He unlocked each handcuff and let them drop to the floor. “Let’s go. Stick close to me. I don’t have time to baby you. Be brave or die.”

  Veso was a man who didn’t mince words, that was pretty clear. Glen had fantasized about escaping, and she finally had a chance to do just that. She rushed after him. The big, scary dude wearing her skirt charged out into the darkened tunnel and she wanted to stay right on his ass. He didn’t seem the thoughtful type to wait for her to get over her trauma.

  She hoped he could see with those weird eyes of his because she could barely make out anything but his bulky, shadowy shape. The ground tilted upward as they walked. She was pretty sure she’d have noticed that much difference in the rise of the floor, so they were headed somewhere she hadn’t been before.

  They approached some lit sconces on the wall and she almost regretted being able to see better when two of those creepers suddenly came hauling ass toward them. They were white-skinned freaks wearing all black. One made a high-pitched screeching noise.

  Veso stepped back and slammed into her. He threw his arm out, knocking her into the wall. It hurt, but she realized why he’d done it when a pale hand tried to reach around him to grab her.

  Veso snarled and snatched both of the things by their throats. He lifted them, putting them closer to the burning candles. It gave her a good enough view to see that he’d literally embedded his claws into their flesh. Blood poured out of their throats and over the backs of his hands. The creeper with long, raggedy locks got a little too close to the flames. His hair caught fire.

  Veso flung that one down the tunnel and slashed at the other still held by his claws. Glen managed to suck air into her lungs, but wished she hadn’t when the stench of burnt hair almost choked her. The one on fire shrieked and rolled on the floor about six feet away. The flames had spread to his clothes so a secondary unpleasant smell followed.

  She glanced away from the creature in time to witness the horrific sight of Veso removing the head of the other creeper. The body hit the floor but the thing’s head remained in his hand, where he held it by the hair. He tossed it and stormed forward, going after the one who’d just managed to put out the flames.

  Glen couldn’t move, glad th
e rock wall was holding her up. Her knees wanted to give way as she watched Veso bend, slashing one claw-tipped hand at the downed creeper trying to get up. Its head rolled one way, the body dropping in place.

  Glen opened her mouth, not sure if she was going to puke or scream. A noise came out of her, reminiscent of a squeak.

  Veso looked back at her, his golden-yellow eyes bright in the darkness. “Don’t freeze up. Keep moving!”

  Her entire arm shook when she pointed at the body in front of her. “You said they turn to ash. That’s not ash!”

  He snorted. “These things leave bodies behind if they were recently made. They were newer. Step over it. There are at least seven more. Don’t forget that.”

  She shoved away from the wall and almost tripped on the body she had to step over. “Shit. Okay. I’m moving. Don’t leave me.”

  He growled, a look of disgust on his features. “Humans,” he huffed. “Don’t look at them if it bothers you.”

  She had serious doubts about trusting a man who’d just done that to two… Not people, she reminded herself. Creepy things. Bloodsucking murderers deserve to die. Move your ass. Scream or puke later.

  “I’m right behind you.” She had to glance down though to avoid stepping on the second body. She made it past and rushed forward, sticking close to the big guy wearing her skirt and sporting razor-sharp claws that had grown from the tips of his fingers. I’m glad he’s on my side. The floor grew steeper but she trudged onward.

  “There are people down here. We need to save them.” She was proud she could think around her fear and manage to remember the other victims.

  “Not my problem.”

  She grabbed at his arm. “Wait!”

  He didn’t look at her, watching the darkness ahead of them. It made her pause, staring too. She couldn’t spot anything, but what did he see?

  “Are there more of them?” she whispered, trying to keep her voice as soft as possible in case they hadn’t been seen yet.

  “No. It’s clear so far. We need to go.”

  “What about the other prisoners?”

  He twisted his head and glared down at her. “My people are going to come in here and clear this nest out. They can save the survivors, if there are any. I’m getting out of here to tell them about this place. You can come with or stay behind. Pick.” He tore his arm out of her hold.