Page 5 of B.A.D

  Maybe a little cuddling. I wonder if he cuddles? Oh well, maybe he can go to his wolf form and keep me warm - it's effing cold at night.

  I'm going crazy, I realized, I must be.


  My thoughts were automatically stopped when his warm breath blew across my ear when he said my name. I shivered with pleasure.

  I turned to look at him, he was close. His forehead only inches away. His blues eyes looked different up close - bluer with a smatter of gold flecks. It was hot.

  I wasn't even going to try and stop my mind from thinking about Rane - I might as well. Besides, I was going crazy, right?

  He sighed and the hot air blew onto my face, his breath minty fresh.

  "You're a werewolf," my voice came out a whisper, awed. I wasn't scared anymore - my reason of thinking saying that he could have easily killed me if he wanted to. His eyes would have portrayed his thoughts, they would have betrayed him if he has intent to kill me.

  He sighs.

  "I guess I have to tell you about werewolves now, huh?"

  Chapter 14

  We make our way back to the house, I stick close to Rane. I couldn't leave his side if I wanted to. I really didn't want to leave it, anyway. He seemed to really care. I wanted to take a chance, put my heart out there, for once.

  Also because a low growl would slip out of his throat if I was to move more than three feet away. It wasn't scary - it was actually sexy as all hell.

  He didn't touch me though. I was a little sad and somewhat relieved - more sad, I believe. I was sad because I crave his touch - for whatever reason, I do. Maybe it was a werewolf thing and because I was carrying his... pup?

  I was relieved a little because he was a werewolf after all. I mean, I was pretty sure he wouldn't hurt me, but it didn't change the fact that he could turn into a giant wolf in 2.0 seconds.

  When we arrived at the house, Rane's parents stood on the back porch. Their faces stricken with worry.

  "Elaina! Thank god!" I had just stepped out of the woods when I was almost tackled to the ground. Dainty little arms encircle my waist as blue eyes peer up at me. She is careful of my stomach as her arms tighten around me. "We were worried about you, you just up and ran. I must say, you were pretty fast too." A small smile came upon Jade's face as she looked at me. She was maybe my height, give or take a half inch.

  "Sorry," I whispered, the cold wind blowing my hair. I realized then how cold it was, it was definitely going to snow soon.

  "It's okay," she finally let me go and I saw Rane. His eyes were narrowed and he was watching his mother very carefully. His body was tensed until she let me go, he finally relaxed. I wasn't quite sure why he was like that, all she did was hug me. She has a husband... and a child. Did he think she was going lesbian or something? Like she would steal me away?

  I almost giggled at the thought. Right, me and Rane's mother dating... Raising his and my baby together...

  Damn, I really am going crazy. I should have my brain checked. Maybe a cat scan... what does a cat scan do? Does it hur-

  "Elaina?" I shook my thoughts away. Rane was looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.


  "I have been calling your name for a while..."

  "Oh, sorry." There was a silence after that, until Jade broke it.

  "Right! Why don't we go inside, Elaina's probably freezing and she most likely has questions." I nodded, I had goose bumps running along my arms and legs, even under my coat and tights. Now thinking about it, my teeth started to chatter. Rane moved closer to me, his arm slinging around me.

  He pulled me close and I was instantly warm - must be a werewolf thing, he was like an inferno. I drew closer to him, my heat source.

  We were all seated on coaches in the living room, me asking questions, Rane and Mr. Moore answering, and Jade bustling around doing whatever.

  "Soooo... Werewolves?" I had no idea where to start my questioning.

  "Ask a question and we answer." Mr. Moore told me, I had no idea what his first name was. I nodded, thinking.

  "How does it all work? Like alphas and everything."

  "Good question," Mr. Moore answers. "Think of it as a monarchy. The Alpha is at the top, like a king, with his mate, the queen. Below that would be his two betas and their family. After that would be enforcers, werewolves who protect the pack the most. To be an enforcer, you don't have to have special blood or even be male. You train to become an enforcer, most of the time you start around the age of five. The rest of the pack is after that, just common werewolves or retired enforcers."

  "You also have rogues who were exiled from their home pack," he continues. "Lately, they have been joining together to create their own pack. They shouldn't be trusted, most of the time, without a pack, their wolves take over or they go crazy. Especially if they haven't found their mate. Being in a pack is important."

  "What is a mate?"

  "A mate is someone destined to be together. Most find their mate and if you never do or yours dies, then you can mate someone else, it just isn't as good. When you mate, you will love that other person forever. There is no cheating in the relationship. For a male, it's revolting to even think of another girl in any way other than a friend. You are very loyal to each other. There is a possibility of rejection but it has never been used that we know of, basically a myth to most people." Mr. Moore seems to be answering all the questions.

  "So Rane has a mate?" I turn to look at him and try to keep a blank face. I don't want to think about him loving another girl. My heart was already breaking at the thought.

  "Yes, I do." Rane answers this one. I can't look at him. Instead I look at my fingers, fidgeting in my lap.

  "Do you know her?" Rane smiles.

  "I do!" his voice was so damn happy and yet my heart was breaking. I wasn't a werewolf, I didn't get the possibility to be loved like a mate would to their mate.

  "Oh." he moves closer but I try moving farther away. I feel like crying.

  "It's you."

  "Oh." my eyes are wide as I say this. I hadn't really considered what I'd do if I was his mate. "But... I'm a human..." I was so confused.

  "It has been recorded that a werewolf be mated to a human." Mr. Moore again. I just nod. Ha, I am Rane's mate. My heart soared.

  "And you're all mine." the last word came out more of a growl but damn it was sexy. He also pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my waist. I shivered, my body heating up. I should have been scared, but I wasn't.

  I heard a sigh come from Mr. Moore. "It's already dark outside." I jerked my head to the living room window. He was right, it was dark outside. "Babe!" he called for Jade. It was kind of weird, to hear him call someone babe - I mean, he was like... old.

  I heard a faint "yeah?" come from somewhere down the hall.

  "What time is it?"

  "About 9:30!"

  There they were, talking back and forth as I slowly stood up.

  "Where are you going?" Rane stood also, his chest pressing against my back. My body was getting heated - again.

  "Home. It's getting late." Rane frowned as I replied.

  I walked to the door and opened it. Outside the ground was covered in snow. It was still falling from the sky as I looked out. I really didn't want to go out there.

  "Elaina?" I closed the door, slightly relieved now that I wasn't cold. I turned my head to Rane. "Do... Do you want t-to s-stay the night? It's late and the roads... the roads would be icy... a-and dangerous." That stuttering thing was so cute. He bit his lower lip, automatically catching my attention.

  I don't remember what happened on the night of the party but I wished I did. It was my first time, I at least wanted to know if it was good, especially if a kid came along with the package. I wonder if we could do it again? We probably would, seeing as we're mates. I could feel my body heating up again as I fantasized about being in bed with Rane. Yummy-

  "Elaina?" My head jerked up and out of my naughty thoughts. Rane had amusement
clear in his voice, a smirk on his lips. He seemed to know the direction of my thoughts. I blushed like a kid who had his hand in the cookie jar... Mmmmm I hope it was Rane's cookie jar-

  What is with all of these thoughts today?

  I shook my head mentally and said, "Hmmmm?"

  "Are you.... going to.... stay?" he said it slowly, as if to a kid. I frowned.

  "I was zoning out. That doesn't mean I am illiterate." I snapped to him. I winced afterwards. "Sorry, I'm just all over the place today." I apologized to a very amused him. He slowly walked towards me. I stepped back, right into the door. His right hand rested above my head as his left went to my hip. I gulped and looked up at him. His face drew close to mine, a hair's breathe away. I wanted nothing more than to go up on my toes and make our lips meet.

  "Don't worry, you can make up for it later." he all but purred. This was definitely a turn on. He came closer-

  "Do you need to contact your mother?" this came from Jade, who was now standing at the kitchen doorway. "Oh, sorry to interrupt, please keep on. Haha be safe, wear protection..." she starts to walk back into the kitchen, we hear her soft laughter as she walks away. "Oh wait, too late for that..."

  Chapter 15

  Ever heard the saying "sleeping with your mate ends in sexual frustration and a sleepless night"? Well I haven't.

  But damn it's true.

  I am currently laying in the bed with a sleeping Rane pressed against my side. His big (muscular, sexy, hot...) arm wrapped around my waist. His - naked - chest and down was pressed against my back. I pressed closer to see what kind of reaction I would get and I was pleased.

  His "not so little" friend was currently straining against his boxers (the only thing he is wearing). A low groan/growl was heard as his nose pressed into my throat. The whole thing just left me all hot and bothered.

  How did I get into this position, you ask?

  Well after Rane's mother walked off, Rane pulled me up the stairs. He lead me into a room and I immediately said that I wasn't going to sleep in the room with him, nonetheless in the same bed. He only growled and said that I would.

  Demanding? Hell yes.

  I just turned my pretty little ass around and walked out. I was walking through a random hallway, trying to find a room to sleep in, when arms surrounded me, picking me up. I automatically knew who they were from and I wanted him to put me down.

  He just flung me over his shoulders - careful of my stomach - not even caring that I was hitting him. He just carried on. He was only wearing boxers and I must admit - I did have a great view. That ass - mmmm.

  My thoughts have been so naughty lately. I wonder why?

  He flung me on the bed after kicking the door closed and turning off the light. He jumped in afterwards and immediately trapped me down with that big arm of his. His leg also hooked around mine and I was stuck.

  His face went to my neck and then he was out - just like that. Then there was me, all hot and bothered with the closeness, wide awake.

  I turned over to see his face and his arm pulled me closer. We were now chest to chest - well chest to breasts.

  I just stared at his face, how peaceful and boyish he looked in his sleep.

  I pressed closer, my hips involuntarily rubbing against him. His eyes popped open. They stared down at me - the blue getting darker and darker with lust. He sniffed and his eyes went black.

  Not a second after he groaned and his lips came crashing down on mine. My body immediately reacted. I wasn't quite sure why I was so horny but I was. My hands went around his neck and I pulled him to me. My fingers ran through his soft hair, gently pulling. He flipped us over so that he was on top of me. I could feel his excitement with his "not so little friend".

  His body pressed into mine and my legs spread, his hips coming into contact with mine. We both groaned when he rubbed against me. He thrust his hips against me - clothing on.

  He bit my lip and I immediately opened my mouth. His tongue shot through - dominating. Our tongues clashed together and rubbed together like our bodies were. His hands were everywhere - my hair, my body. I was still in just my dress and tights, getting hotter by the minute.

  His mouth left my mine and traveled to my neck. He licked a line down to the pulse there where he lightly bit. I shuddered and he growled.


  His body was shaking now. He gave a strangled groan/growl. "I don't know... if I... if I can control him. My wolf." He rubbed against me again. My hips thrust up at the same time his did. I moaned and arched my back into him, breasts rubbing against his chest through my shirt. "SHIT!" he growled out.

  His breathing was rapid and so was mine. His face pressed into my neck and he gave a big whiff. "Damn.. You smell really good." he moaned into my hair, his nose pressed up against my neck.

  I didn't really care about anything at the moment. I was burning and his touch was the only thing that seemed to be helping the fire within me. I crushed him back onto me, hips rubbing and mouths clashing.

  He only shook harder, struggling with his wolf. His face came back up and I could slightly see fangs elongating from his teeth - sexy. His eyes were pure black. I wasn't scared, just turned on.

  "Just fuck me already." I almost growled out. I was sexually frustrated and I really needed him at the moment.

  I don't know if he lost it or what but he let out a ferocious growl. He looked down at me with black eyes and long fangs. His mouth crashed to mine, hips thrusting against me.

  Chapter 16

  I felt an arm pull me closer to a hot body and I shivered, loving the sensation. A leg, that I hadn't noticed until now, was securely layed over my legs. The arm not on my waist was around my head and touching my breast. I was pressed up against Rane - chest to back.

  Even in his sleep, he seemed to be protecting me, wrapping himself around my body. I didn't mind.

  When I opened my eyes, I didn't see him but I felt him. I also felt something poking me on the back but I didn't move.

  I was trying to turn my head over but felt a slight ping on my neck. It didn't necessarily hurt, it was just tender. Reaching my hand up, I lightly touched the tender flesh.

  I didn't feel anything - nothing at all. I frowned. There must be something. I then remembered Rane biting me last night. I didn't really know why he did but there doesn't feel like he did anything.

  I tried to slip out of bed to go and look in the mirror but Rane pulled me back to him. He grumbled something under his breath, too low for me to catch it, but didn't wake up. I turned around to face him, his hand moving from my breast.

  As soon as his hand moved away, he woke up. Haha - horny dog. He smiled when he saw me. I felt happy to know that he smiled when he saw me - I think I fell in love with it. His smile - not him... right?

  I smiled back up at him.

  "Have a good night sleep?" his voice was husky from just waking up.

  "The best." I probably sounded like a dying cat. His eyes drifted over to my neck and when they saw what was there they got really big.

  "Shit!" He sat up and I did too. The regret on his face made me flinch. Did he regret last night? Did he not want me? Was it a mistake? Was I a mistake?

  "What?" I really hoped he didn't confirm all of my questions. He turned sad eyes onto me.

  "I'm sorry." I was so confused. Why was he apologizing?

  "I-I..." he groaned. "We..." he took a deep breath. "I claimed you." I was still confused.

  "What's that?" My head tilted a bit, confusion evident. He sighs and lays back down. I lay back down too. We face each other.

  "When a male - or female - werewolf bites their mate, they mark them. They are signaling to all other werewolves that the female or male is taken. The marked wolf's scent changes when this happens, mixing slightly with the other wolf's. I-I claimed you."

  "What's the difference?"

  "A mark can fade, a claim cannot. A claim happens during sex - which we did." I nod, telling him to go on. "It means that we mated. That we'll be toge
ther..." he trails off and looks at me, a goofy smile etching his pink lips, "forever."

  I sat there, stunned. Ha. Rane had to be with me forever. I then frowned. He frowned too, a little confused.

  "What? You don't want to?" his eyes showed hurt and pain. The hurt in his eyes made me sad. I immediately shook my head.

  "N-NO! That's not what my look meant. I was just going to ask..." he nodded, telling me to just ask. "So you can't like... cheat on me?" Every girl has been going after him, I wouldn't be too surprised if he did cheat on me. A growl rose in his chest rose but I wasn't afraid, not anymore.

  "Never." he growled, eyes darkening. "After a male has his mate for the first time, there is no going back. It's disgusting to even look or think about another girl unless it's in the friend zone. The male will only think, act, and look sexually at his mate, there is no one else. Only one thing could break that bond." His eyes stared into mine, burning with its truth.

  I was happy, he wouldn't cheat on me. I suddenly had a feeling rise up in me. Actually, a lot of feelings. Sadness, hurt, pain, happiness, love, anger, joy, and so much more. I looked up at Rane.

  "What's going on?" He seemed confused for a second but then realization dawned on him.

  "You're feeling all the feeling I have ever felt. Now that we are mated, we can tell what our mate is feeling. It's incredible. I felt yours already, last night. A werewolf will feel it almost immediately. You're a human, it may be a little slower." I nod, the feelings all flitted through me. I stored them all away. I then realized something.

  "Even if I'm a human, a male wolf still feels the same about his... his mate?" I somewhat wanted the answer - somewhat didn't. He looked at me, eyes burning with an unidentifiable emotion.

  "Yes. You'll only ever be mine."

  He sealed the deal with a kiss - okay, maybe more than that.