So they walked on quietly thence some half a mile, and ever the Ladywould have Walter to walk by her side, and not follow a little behindher, as was meet for a servant to do; and she touched his hand at whilesas she showed him beast and fowl and tree, and the sweetness of her bodyovercame him, so that for a while he thought of nothing save her.

  Now when they were come to the thicket-side, she turned to him and said:"Squire, I am no ill woodman, so that thou mayst trust me that we shallnot be brought to shame the second time; and I shall do sagely; so nockan arrow to thy bow, and abide me here, and stir not hence; for I shallenter this thicket without the hounds, and arouse the quarry for thee;and see that thou be brisk and clean-shooting, and then shalt thou have areward of me."

  Therewith she drew up her skirts through her girdle again, took her bentbow in her hand, and drew an arrow out of the quiver, and stepped lightlyinto the thicket, leaving him longing for the sight of her, as hehearkened to the tread of her feet on the dry leaves, and the rustling ofthe brake as she thrust through it.

  Thus he stood for a few minutes, and then he heard a kind of gibberingcry without words, yet as of a woman, coming from the thicket, and whilehis heart was yet gathering the thought that something had gone amiss, heglided swiftly, but with little stir, into the brake.

  He had gone but a little way ere he saw the Lady standing there in anarrow clearing, her face pale as death, her knees cleaving together, herbody swaying and tottering, her hands hanging down, and the bow and arrowfallen to the ground; and ten yards before her a great-headed yellowcreature crouching flat to the earth and slowly drawing nigher.

  He stopped short; one arrow was already notched to the string, andanother hung loose to the lesser fingers of his string-hand. He raisedhis right hand, and drew and loosed in a twinkling; the shaft flew closeto the Lady's side, and straightway all the wood rung with a huge roar,as the yellow lion turned about to bite at the shaft which had sunk deepinto him behind the shoulder, as if a bolt out of the heavens had smittenhim. But straightway had Walter loosed again, and then, throwing downhis bow, he ran forward with his drawn sword gleaming in his hand, whilethe lion weltered and rolled, but had no might to move forward. ThenWalter went up to him warily and thrust him through to the heart, andleapt aback, lest the beast might yet have life in him to smite; but heleft his struggling, his huge voice died out, and he lay there movelessbefore the hunter.

  Walter abode a little, facing him, and then turned about to the Lady, andshe had fallen down in a heap whereas she stood, and lay there allhuddled up and voiceless. So he knelt down by her, and lifted up herhead, and bade her arise, for the foe was slain. And after a little shestretched out her limbs, and turned about on the grass, and seemed tosleep, and the colour came into her face again, and it grew soft and alittle smiling. Thus she lay awhile, and Walter sat by her watching her,till at last she opened her eyes and sat up, and knew him, and smiling onhim said: "What hath befallen, Squire, that I have slept and dreamed?"

  He answered nothing, till her memory came back to her, and then shearose, trembling and pale, and said: "Let us leave this wood, for theEnemy is therein."

  And she hastened away before him till they came out at the thicket-sidewhereas the hounds had been left, and they were standing there uneasy andwhining; so Walter coupled them, while the Lady stayed not, but went awayswiftly homeward, and Walter followed.

  At last she stayed her swift feet, and turned round on Walter, and said:"Squire, come hither."

  So did he, and she said: "I am weary again; let us sit under this quicken-tree, and rest us."

  So they sat down, and she sat looking between her knees a while; and atlast she said: "Why didst thou not bring the lion's hide?"

  He said: "Lady, I will go back and flay the beast, and bring on thehide."

  And he arose therewith, but she caught him by the skirts and drew himdown, and said: "Nay, thou shalt not go; abide with me. Sit down again."

  He did so, and she said: "Thou shalt not go from me; for I am afraid: Iam not used to looking on the face of death."

  She grew pale as she spoke, and set a hand to her breast, and sat so awhile without speaking. At last she turned to him smiling, and said:"How was it with the aspect of me when I stood before the peril of theEnemy?" And she laid a hand upon his.

  "O gracious one," quoth he, "thou wert, as ever, full lovely, but Ifeared for thee."

  She moved not her hand from his, and she said: "Good and true Squire, Isaid ere I entered the thicket e'en now that I would reward thee if thouslewest the quarry. He is dead, though thou hast left the skin behindupon the carcase. Ask now thy reward, but take time to think what itshall be."

  He felt her hand warm upon his, and drew in the sweet odour of hermingled with the woodland scents under the hot sun of the afternoon, andhis heart was clouded with manlike desire of her. And it was a nearthing but he had spoken, and craved of her the reward of the freedom ofher Maid, and that he might depart with her into other lands; but as hismind wavered betwixt this and that, the Lady, who had been eyeing himkeenly, drew her hand away from him; and therewith doubt and fear flowedinto his mind, and he refrained him of speech.

  Then she laughed merrily and said: "The good Squire is shamefaced; hefeareth a lady more than a lion. Will it be a reward to thee if I bidthee to kiss my cheek?"

  Therewith she leaned her face toward him, and he kissed herwell-favouredly, and then sat gazing on her, wondering what should betideto him on the morrow.

  Then she arose and said: "Come, Squire, and let us home; be not abashed,there shall be other rewards hereafter."

  So they went their ways quietly; and it was nigh sunset against theyentered the house again. Walter looked round for the Maid, but beheldher not; and the Lady said to him: "I go to my chamber, and now is thyservice over for this day."

  Then she nodded to him friendly and went her ways.