Michael Moore and Voting

  I have mixed feelings about Michael Moore. On one hand, I admire his boldness and his courage to stand up for what's right. I also like his analysis, cleverness and wit. On the other hand, it saddens me to see him become such an enthusiastic supporter of the Democratic Party. On his page, https://www.michaelmoore.com, he claims he will support any Democratic Nominee except Liebermann. (At least he has some standards :( ) Come on! What this country coming, that we hate Bush so much that ANYONE besides him will do? It's not right, folks. It's not right. Just think, in his book, he mentioned strongly supporting Nader even though Nader fired him in the past. Doesn't anyone get it? The Democrats suck too! Even if you are a leftist. Folks like Moore are killing third parties. I don't think Bush is that bad, that anyone but Bush is worth voting for.

  People need to get use to losing. People are too weak to be able to lose. But sometimes, you got to lose. Sometimes, you got to lose for what is right. America needs third parties.

  Lots of people blame Nader voters for Bush winning the election. But it wasn't Nader's fault, it was all the people who are of leftist persuasion who sat home when they knew an election was going on! For all you people who don't vote, I point the figure at you! Voting is not difficult. Lousy candidates are no excuse; write someone in or run yourself. I ran myself and I have written myself in. You can do that.

  What's this country coming to?

  The Democratic Party

  The Democratic Party is like a loaf of moldy bread. The question is when do you throw away this moldy piece of bread? If there is a spec of mold, I cut the spec off or throw that part of the bread away. But if there is a lot of mold, there is no point in eating the bread; it is corrupted the whole way. The Democratic Party has become more mold than bread, yet some people cling to it just because there is a spec of bread. Times like these, it's not only lonely to be a long distance runner (as the movie title goes), but also lonely to be a radical. I'm about the last radical left!

  Am I the only radical left these days?

  It seems as if I'm about the only radical left these days. Virtually no one seems to be wanting to vote for the third parties except the beloved loyalists. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party have little to offer me. I went to the official campaign pages of the Democratic Candidates. Almost nothing impressed me. In fact oddly, the candidate I found most impressive was Al Sharpton !

  Let's not kill the third parties this year. I love third parties. I cannot in good conscience vote for either the Democrats or the Republicans. Only five or six issues seem to ever concern these parties, issues that I do not find the most significant and relevant.

  Like other radicals, I as a radical I say: The current system does not offer me enough, we need to change it.

  This mindset of "Anyone but Bush" is very dangerous!

  Radicals do not vote Democrat.

  Folks, there are a wide variety of third parties, which correspond to wherever you stand on the ideological spectrum. You can find one to vote for.