

  Ackerman, Robert.

  1988:Let Go and Grow: Recovery for Adult Children. HCI Audio Books

  I did not see the subtitle right away, so I thought this audio tape was a standard self help tape about letting go of your past. It was good to find out it was about adult children of alcoholics. He had a pretty decent presentation style and he was able to inspire me some. He reinforced some uplifting beliefs about the struggle. Overall, he was attempting to tell adult children of alcoholics to celebrate in addition to just enduring therapy.

  Adams, Bryan

  2002:The Best of Me. Santa Monica, CA: A&M Records.

  I first thought this was a greatest hits album since it was called “The Best of Me”, but then I realized that “The Best of Me” was really a song name. Even though it is not a greatest hits album, there seems to be a lot of hits on this album.

  Adams, Scott

  1998: The Joy of Work: Dilbert's Guide to Finding Happiness at the Expense of Your Co-Workers. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

  Dilbert is a very cynical cartoon, but I suppose satire is more cynical than reality. I do believe the immense popularity of Dilbert reflects the suppressed dislike of corporate America.

  Adams, Scott.

  2002:Dilbert and the Way of Weasel. New York, NY: Harper Audio.

  Some of Adams’ best material. His satire expanded far beyond his typical domain of the business world and reached out for popular culture, politics, human relations, and society itself. It is one full of pithy satire that I am tempted to listen to again right away which is rare among audio books even good ones.

  Arroyo, Stephen.

  1991: The Psychology of the Sun Signs. Sebastopol, CA: Cadent House.

  Interesting I suppose, but maybe you shouldn't bother even if you are into astrology.

  Author Unknown: Narrated by Ben Kingsley

  1993:Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity. Nashville, TN: Carmichael and Carmichael, Inc.

  Partially dry, and a bit interesting in parts; it didn’t satisfy my need for stimulating audio tapes, which was a bummer.

  Bad Astronaut

  Year Unknown: Acrophobe. San Francisco, CA: Honest Don’s.

  The lead singer sounds a lot like the lead singer of Lagwagon. I would not be surprised if it was the same person. More mellow and less punk than I thought, but still good.

  Bari, Judi

  1997: Who Bombed Judi Bari? San Francisco, CA: Alternative Tentacles.

  Although I am not interested in environmental causes, it was very fascinating and also scary learning about her harassment on the hands of the FBI. If the tape was just about her environmental cause it might only be mildly interesting, but since it is about people's

  severe reactions to her cause, it becomes many times more interesting

  Beastie Boys

  2004:To the Boroughs. USA: Capitol Records.

  Are the Beastie Boys overhyped? It sure seems that way for me. Am I missing something?

  The Beatles

  1987: 1967: Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. USA: EMI Records

  This demonstrates that the Beatles are overhyped, though are some good catchy songs on here.

  Bennett, William J.: Read by William J. Bennett and an All Star Cast.

  1995: The Moral Compass: Stories for a Life’s Journey. New York, BY: Simon and Schuster Audio.

  An honorable premise, but the storytelling was full of dry fables which often told cheesy and basic lessons, through there were a few gems in there. My overwhelming feeling was one that this was dull to listen to.

  Bentley, Eric

  1994:Are You Now or Have You Ever Been. Santa Monica, CA: L.A. Theatre Works.

  L.A. Theatre Works shines best with their political plays that totally grip you. First class entertainment based on true politics. The drama of politics is wonderfully portrayed so you can second hand experience the hot action the originals must have experienced first hand.

  Brady, Sarah with Merrill McLoughlin: Read by Laura Hicks.

  2002:A Good Fight. Hampton, NH: Chivers North America.

  I hate it when famous people have to author a book with someone. In fact, if a famous person authors a book with someone else (besides people famous for writing), it is more than likely the other person did the bulk if not the entirely of the writing. I do admire crusaders a whole bunch and find their tales compelling. Sarah’s cause does not grip me, but I do know that causes are like that.

  Brandreth, Gyles (adaptation): Performed by Martin Jarvis.

  1996: Great Trials: Oscar Wilde. Amherst, NY: 1996.

  Oscar Wilde thought he was witty, but he really wasn’t. What we perhaps need is a lawyer like Rumpole the Barrister and a client like Oscar Wilde. That would really irritate the judges.

  Canfield, Jack, Mark Victor Hansen, and Heather McNamara

  1999:Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul: Inspirational Stories of Overcoming Life’s Challenges. Health Communications, Inc.

  The premise seemed like the best, but it just didn’t strike a nerve with me. Some of the quotes were great, but the stories just weren’t what I expected.

  Carville, James and Mary Matalin: Read by the authors

  1994: 1994: All's Fair: Love, War and Running for President. New York, NY: Audio Works.

  I haven't heard Carville talk that much so his thick accent surprised me. The relationship between these two has no current equal; it is one of a kind.

  Chadbourne, Eugene and Evan Johns

  Year Unknown: Terror Has Some Strange Kinfolk. San Francisco, CA: Alternative Tentacles.

  Fairly low level, but some a few good parts. Too crass and too goofy.

  Chopra, Deepak and Wayne Dyer

  1996: Living Without Limits. San Rafael, CA: Amber-Allen Publishing, Inc.

  It was hard to hear them; I had to crank up my tape player in order to get a reasonable volume out. I think it was partly because the recording quality may not have been the best and partly because people who have inner peace think they need to talk in way soft (sometimes almost inaudible) voices. I am becoming increasingly fascinated with karma and eastern thought, and hope to hear more expanded discussions of how they view life.

  Cocco, Susan

  1984:Assertiveness Training. New York, NY: Warner Audio.

  Although it’s good to expose oneself to assertiveness training, I feel like I hit a plateau, I don’t seem to be learning much new. It seems at this point, I just need to practice, practice, and practice.

  Phil Collins

  1998:…Hits. New York, NY: Atlantic Recording Corporation.

  I’ve noticed that Phil Collins likes to put pictures of his face on his albums, and this greatest hits album has his faces all over the place. About half these songs are really good; the other half are only alright.

  Covey, Stephen.

  1989:The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, NY: Sound Ideas.

  Laconic, but still insightful. Perhaps, in this case, I should have checked out the book, because this is way too brief for the important subject matter.

  Covey, Stephen.

  1992:Principle Centered Leadership. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  Perhaps more so than Covey’s other works, this hits the bull’s-eye about the right way and right priorities, organizations should embrace. Covey urges even businesses to put people and principles ahead of money making. That is truly admirable.

  Covey, Stephen R., A. Roger Merrill, and Rebecca Merrill

  1997:First Things First Every Day: Because Where You’re Headed is More Important Than How Fast You’re Going: Daily Reflections. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  Redundant as the same points are repeated over and over. Plus, these points I have heard times before since I have listened to Covey’s other audio tapes. This calendar format is fine for a calendar but it is really not the best for an audio tape.

  Davis, Patty
br />
  1992:The Way I See It. Beverly Hills, CA: Dove Audio.

  Another reason why expose and autobiographies are swell.

  Dershowitz, Alan: Performed by Chalton Griffin.

  2002:Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the Challenge. Albuquerque, NM: Americana Publishing.

  Just like everyone else, Dershowitz decided to address terrorism. More interesting that I may have thought it would be.


  1992:13 Flavours of Doom. San Francisco, CA: Alternative Tentacles.

  Not as appealing as other D.O.A. material. Except the song “Hey Sister”; that rocked.


  2004:Live Free or Die. Burnaby, BC, Canada: Sudden Death Records.

  D.O.A. remains one of my favorite hardcore bands. D.O.A. is ideal hardcore: lyrics you can hear, great beats, even some melody.


  1985:Dawning of a New Error. San Francisco, CA: Alternative Tentacles.

  One of my favorite cassette tapes, a D.O.A. tape, was, unfortunately, damaged. Then I discovered this great cassette deal by Alternative Tentacles. This album happens to have on it many of the songs which were on the destroyed cassette of mine. Plus, how can you go wrong with a song called “General Strike”? It is catchy to boot.

  Etheridge, Melissa.

  2004:Lucky. New York, NY: Island Def Jam Music Group.

  Most of the songs are only fair at best, but one song, “Tuesday Morning” is certainly one of the best songs I have ever heard. It is a ballad done so very right, sending a powerful message, exalting the nobleness of humanity, and also making a phenomenal political point. I just have to play that song over and over because it has a second to none impact that goes right to your heart. I am so glad she wrote that song because the hero Mark Bingham deserves all the praise he can get.

  Freudberg, David with Lisa Mullins

  Year Unknown: The Vegetable Chronicles.

  Neil Postman claims there are two types of minds, the less sophisticated type formed by television watching and the more sophisticated type formed by reading. He claims the very structure of the respective mediums is responsible. This work is clearly made for the purposes of radio, and thus is much fluffier than a comparable book on this same topic would be.

  Garbarino, James: read by Cotter Smith

  1999:Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster Audio.

  The approach sounds wise and thoughtful. It’s nice to not only see an in depth analysis of the problem, and also provide detailed sophisticated solutions. The case studies enhance it. A good mix of sociology and psychology

  Gardner, David and Tom: read by David Gardner

  2001:The Motley Fool Investment Guide: How the Fool Beats Wall Street’s Wise Men and How You Can Too. New York. NY: Simon and Schuster.

  David didn’t bring his brother in to co-narrate this one, but he did just fine by himself. Top rate presentation, and if I was inclined to invest in the stock market, I would find their advice to be useful. I really didn’t like when they claimed that it is virtuous to make money off the toil of others.

  Gardner, David and Tom

  1998:You Have More Than You Think: The Motley Fool Guide to Investing What You Have. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  The stock market has never really fascinated me, but this work made me interested in it, so applaud the work. The only problems are I believe the stock market to be unethical on several grounds, plus I don’t even have the minimum they suggest if I did want to invest.

  Graham, Stedman

  1997:You Can Make it Happen: A Nine Step Plan for Success (abridged). New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  A lot of it is the typical stock of motivational works, though he does have some powerful unique experiences that can teach us a whole lot. I am going to snap if I hear one more motivational writer suggest the idea that in order to succeed in the world all you need to do is be nice to people. That must have been how Hitler succeeded unlike few others, right? In one breath, Graham praises the virtue of perseverance then in another breath he repeats the trite cliché, “Doing what you always have done will lead to what you always have gotten.” For thoughtless gullible people the last cliché is entirely persuasive, but not to me. I know sometimes an action will not be rewarded right away, but it can be rewarded only after many times. Sometimes, you just need to keep trying to do it the way you’ve always done it. Practice makes perfect after all. You can’t give up. Perhaps, what I could conclude is that you do not want to quit trying for the end goal, though it is certainly acceptable to change and adapt the means to get there. Perseverance coupled with flexibility seems to lead people far. Keep going for the end goal, just being willing to try something new to get there? One of the biggest gems I can take from this book is his insight that if you find it hard to stay committed to the steps necessary to achieve your goal, you may not really feel passion enough about it. Such a thought is powerful motivation to get me going!

  Grant, U.S.: Narrated by Peter Johnson.

  1988: Grant on the Mexican War. Camp Hill, PA: A Recorded Book Production.

  More exciting than I expected. Grant also seems to be a better and more thoughtful person than what I have heard in the past. He even condemned mistreatment of animals!

  Green Day

  1995:Insomniac. Burbank, CA: Reprise.

  I have trouble listening all the way through to many of the cds I check out from the public library, but this one I was able to, which says a little about it. This album can be described by a Millencollen song, “Mediocre”. There was not even one or two toe tapping songs like there is with Green Day’s first album.

  Horizons Production

  1986: Children of Alcoholics. Beverly Hills, CA: Dove Audio.

  This is a wonderful and important topic that is rarely discussed. Unfortunately, this work was very light on useful information. Unfortunately, the format stifled its potential. Unfortunately, my hopes were let down.

  How to Overcome Shyness: Developing Charisma, Making Friends, and Conquering Fear. The Cassette College.

  Certainly admirable and useful. It is something I could have created myself. In fact, I have conceived similar plans to overcoming particular versions of shyness and have implemented them. The techniques are smart and are ones I recommend since with the use of behavior modification and my own ideas, I thought of them on my own.

  Hubbard, L. Ron

  1950:Dianetics Lecture Series 6: Understanding Dianetics. Bridge Publications.

  Interestingly, the St, Paul Public Library Sun Ray Branch had cassette tapes still to check out. I grabbed a bunch of the Dianetics ones. This volume of the series was about the only one that could work on my tape player. The tapes were very old, in fact before the time I thought tapes were out. I also thought it was a couple of years into the 50’s when Dianetics really got going, but from the talking on this tape it sounds as if Dianetics was really far already in 1950. Having not heard Hubbard’s voice before, I was not too impressed. He was not that eloquent of a speaker really, even though so many people have called him charismatic.

  Imbrigulia, Natalie.

  1998: Left of the Middle. USA: RCA.

  At Snyder’s Drug Store I got a super cheap compilation (about 25 cents) which had mostly so so music, the gem of the compilation was a song by Natalie Imbrigulia.

  Thus I was happy to find a full record by her. She has potential and maybe even savoir faire.

  Jackson, Alan

  1995:The Greatest Hits Collection. New York, NY: Arista Records.

  Not bad. Not bad at all.

  Jackson, Alan

  2004:What I Do. New York, NY: BMG.

  Stronger than I expected. “To Do What I Do” is a nice ballad and there are some catchy other songs too.

  Johnny Philko

  2002: Songs to Swear By. Kinkhead

  This band as
ked Federation Without Television to link to its page. We agreed. I just recently decided to purchase this cd. The political emphasis drew me in. It wasn’t quite what I expected. I expected something akin to Carl Klang, which it may be lyric wise, but musically, it seems more hard rock or even metal.

  Kasl, Charlotte Sophia.

  2001:If the Buddha Was In Love: The Spiritual Guide to Love. Boulder, CO: Sounds True.

  I like some of Buddhism and other parts I do not like. This audio tape has mostly the parts of Buddhism I find virtuous.

  Kean, Rob

  1999:The Pledge. Grand Haven, ID: NOIA Audio Books.

  I rarely red fiction. Part of the reason is that it seems to require great patience to find an intriguing book. Since I couldn’t find any good non-fiction audio books one day at the library, I started looking in the fiction section out of desperation. I stumbled across this, and since the whole topic of fraternities interest me, I had a feeling this would be a worthwhile visit to the fiction world. I sure was right. This is why it pays to have an open mind; if I can manage to look through the fiction, I think I may want to try some more in the future. This also demonstrates that sometimes when you can’t find what you need in one place, you resort to alternatives you would not consider otherwise, only to find them extremely virtuous. This is one of those edge of your seat books, with plenty of drama and plot twists.

  Kelley, Kitty

  1991:Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  A well written biography of a not so great person. The insights are great and you are well entertained.

  King, Martin Luther, Jr: edited by Clayborne Carson and Kris Shepard.

  2001:A Call to Conscience: the Landmark Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. New York: Time Warner Audio Books.

  It was valuable to have heard so many of King's speech along with the introductions from eminent individuals who made the introductions profound and thoughtful instead of merely praising King. Even the more obscure speeches are included here, so you should

  broaden your understanding of King and listen.

  Klang, Carl.

  1993-2002:Extremist Too. Boulder, CO: Carl Klang.

  Some of the best money I have spent! 25 dollars is a lot for a cd, but Carl’s cds are worth every penny! With songs such as “Stars and Stripes Upside Down”, “Federal Reserve Song”, “Watch Out for Martial Law”, “It’s Dangerous to Be Right (When the Government is Wrong)”, “Please, Please Federal Police Man”, “OKC Bomb Song”, “I Want to be an Extremist”, and the others will keep any critically thinking justice loving American playing this over and over. Carl Klang can be both witty and serious, a great combination to master. Carl Klang is one of those artists whose music almost never gets tiring no matter how many times you play it; you just can’t have enough of it. Right on lyrics full of powerful and observant points with ever catchy music is the combination which makes this one of the best cds in my music collection.


  2003: Blaze. San Francisco, CA: Fat Wreck Chords.

  Melodic punk bands like Lagwagon have a place in my music listening life; that is for sure!


  1989:Power of Lard EP. San Francisco, CA: Alternative Tentacles.

  Alternative Tentacles had a great sale of cassettes for only 3 dollars. I couldn’t turn that down. I had heard much of Lard, though I have heard a lot of Jello Biafra. You can see the Al from Ministry’s influence since the music isn’t really like the Dead Kennedys.


  1990:The Last Temptation of Reid. San Francisco, CA: Alternative Tentacles.

  Besides the song, “Drug Raid at 4 AM”, the album didn’t do it for me, and that song only a little. Too dark and convoluted sounding.

  Laube, Lydia: Read by Deidre Rubenstein.

  1996: Behind the Veil: An Australian Nurse in Saudi Arabia. Tullamarine, Australia: Bolinda Audio.

  Some many books about foreign culture diligently attempt to avoid ethnocentrism and judging, but this book is willing to criticize Saudi Arabian culture. In fact, I read one book about Saudi Arabia which went to great lengths to demonstrate why American ethnocentrism can be dangerous, but that book was not nearly as lively as this one, so I suppose sometimes one just prefers ethnocentrism, if for nothing else to make the work listenable or readable. It’s very good to not judge, but this book’s justified criticisms of Saudi Arabia make much better reading than the typical travel book.

  Lennon, John

  2004:Acoustic. USA: Capitol Records.

  The only really good songs were “Working Class Hero”, “Imagine”, and “God”. The latter two I have heard before, especially the first of the latter two, which I have heard many times. The chorus of “Working Class Hero” does not seem to directly connect to the verses content wise, but perhaps that’s the art of it. I prefer the non-acoustic version of “Imagine” to the acoustic version.

  Lieberman, David J., Ph.D.: read by Sam Tsoutsouvas.

  1997:Instant Analysis: How You Can Understand And Change the Most Common, Puzzling, Annoying, Self-Defeating Behaviors and Habits (abridged). New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers.

  Partially laudable, partially not. Changing bad habits is certainly good, the troublesome part is the rational emotive therapy type thinking the author, and so many psychologists today speak dogmatically about. I can’t believe the author does all these suggestions himself, if not, he should not be suggesting them. I diligently try to only suggest that which I myself do. Though a wide range of behaviors were covered, I believe some were still left out.

  Lunch, Christian

  1990:Unreliable Sources. San Francisco, CA: Alternative Tentacles.

  Until just now, I thought "Christian Lunch" was a blasphemous band name, but now I figure it's actually someone's given name. On this EP, the style of having a talking scene in the middle of the song was frequent


  2001:Greatest Hits Volume 2, New York, NY: Maverick/Warner Brothers.

  Some good selections for a greatest hits album; some not so good selections.


  2003:American Life. Beverly Hills, CA: Maverick Recording Company.

  Only a couple strong songs, which include “American Life”, “Hollywood”, and “Die Another Day”. Lots of synthesizers for better or for worse. The song “American Life” sounds just like the type of life someone like Madonna lives. “Hollywood” appears to be a banal critique of the city, which may be accurate.

  Martin, Janet Letnes and Suzann (Johnson) Nelson

  1998:Growing Up Lutheran: What Does This Mean?(abridged) St. Paul, MN: Highbridge Company.

  The authors said “This is most certainly true” many times over and over. If this was a song, that would be the chorus. This has the bite of satire, but it is pretty much all true, which is neat because sometimes real life is humorous enough without embellishment. The authors said that one of the main characteristics of Lutheranism is always accepting authority. Lutheranism is not for me. In fact, with that and the rest I heard on here I am ever glad, I, myself, did not “grow up Lutheran”.

  McGinnis, Alan.

  1991:Bringing Out the Best in People. Chicago, IL: Nighthgale-Conant.

  I love good motivational tapes. I was afraid it was going to be a little dry, but no, it was very exciting inside. I liked what he had to say and it is a good way to be! Motivation like this is super great.

  Mellencamp, John Cougar

  1989:Big Daddy. City Unknown: Mercury.

  Way too slow. John Cougar Mellencamp sure has created some catchy and inspiring songs, but these ones seem to lack any kick.

  Modest Mouse

  2004:Good News for People Who Love Bad News. New York, NY: Epic Records.

  I heard a Modest Mouse song on a mix cd and it was fairly decent, but none of these songs were good. It’s really fortunate I checked this out from the North St. Paul Libra
ry rather than purchase it, because purchasing it would have been a waste.

  Nerf Herder

  Year Unknown: How to Meet Girls. San Francisco, CA: Honest Don's.

  Fun catchy melodic punk music. This is another way of saying for me all the way!

  Nerf Herder

  Year Unknown:My EP. San Francisco, CA: Honest Don’s Motor Oasis.

  I thought Nerf Herder was more melodic than this, but whatever the case may be, Nerf Herder is still cool.

  Nerf Herder

  Year Unknown:American Cheese. San Francisco, CA: Honest Don’s Motor Oasis.

  Good Wit. Nerf Herder seems to have a lot of songs about famous people. Music doesn't always have to be deep to be fun and full of great lyrics. A punk band you should check out. I now own all 3 Nerf Herder cds, so pat me on the back.

  O’Rourke, P.J.: Read by Victor Slezak.

  1988: 1992:Holidays in Hell. New York, NY: Random

  House, Inc.

  I thought this would be about vacations where you get stranded in the middle of the desert and are charged an arm and leg for help or a cheap hotel with crabby

  workers, but it was even more interesting as it described fascinating travel to some of the worst places on earth (politically and socially). I really haven’t read much of O’Rourke’s before so this was a good start.

  Palmer, Robert.

  1989:Addictions Volume One. New York, NY: Island Records.

  Pretty much all of the real toe tapping songs were the hits like “Simply Irresistible” and “Addicted to Love” which I remember from my MTV watching days. Although I would not likely purchase this cd, checking it out from the library enhanced my jogging time since it provided some additional choices. Plus, folks, really slow and mellow songs (unless accommodated by some power) usually aren’t suitable for running, but songs like “Addicted to Love” and “Simply Irresistible” are. “Johnny and Mary” although with a less prominent tempo is a hidden gem, though on this copy, the cd skipped part way through.

  Patent, Arnold M

  1997:You Can Have It All: A Simple Guide to a Joyful and Abundant Life. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  Hogwash. From the sound of it, I really don’t want a “joyful and abundant life”, at least what he is offering.

  Richardson, Dr. Ronald and Lois Richardson, M.A.

  1996:Birth Order and You: How Your Sex and Position in the Family Affect Your Personality and Relationships. North Vancouver, B.C.: International Self-Counsel Press, Ltd.

  This birth order theory makes a lot of sense. This theory seems to contradict or perhaps minimize the theory of alcoholic families put forth by Sharon Wegscheider. Wegscheider argues that alcoholic families have strict and intense roles. The birth order theory seems to suggest pretty much all families have these roles anyways.

  RoAne, Susan.

  2000:How to Work a Room: the Ultimate Guide to Savvy Socializing In Person and Online (Abridged). Los Angeles, CA: Audio Renaissance.

  A little too much of the simplistic mindset that if you are a good person, people will always like you. Such is rubbish in the real world. Otherwise, there is much prudent advice, plus probably the description of how to down to earth.

  Shaw, Mark: read by Bill Evans.

  1993:Down for the Count: The Shocking Truth Behind the Mike Tyson Rape Trial. Los Angeles, CA: High Tops Sports Productions, Inc.

  I am drawn to court cases, famous or otherwise. This tale furthered my beliefs in the injustice and unfairness of the case. The style and information was excellent. The author did convince me that Tyson was wronged.

  St. James, Elaine

  1997:Simplify Your Life: Slow Down and Enjoy the Things that Really Matter. USA: Bantam Doubleday Audio

  Having exposed myself to other simplicity literature, I have learned about many of the ideas. Plus I have thought of or serendipitously discovered many, myself. More so than providing new ideas, this work affirmed the sound and clever simplification ideas I have already employed.

  Stewart, Elinore Pruitt: Read by Rebecca Burns

  1997: Letters of a Woman Homesteader. Newport Beach, CA: Books on Tape.

  I was impressed with how liberated this woman seemed during her time (early 20th century), but other than that, the book was fairly mundane.

  Tannen, Deborah

  1991: That’s Not What I Meant. New York, NY: Sound Ideas.

  It started out okay, then got more interesting as it went along.

  Teenage Fanclub

  1991: Bandwagonesque. Los Angeles, CA: The David Gergen Company.

  I needed some music cds to listen, I couldn't find many, the cover art and the band seemed interesting, so I thought I would try it and it wasn't too bad.


  Year Unknown:Collect ‘Em All. San Francisco, CA: Fat Wreck Chords.

  I really need to buy more punk cds like this for my collection. It’s hard to have enough punk cds like this in one’s collection.

  The Underhills

  2002: Belligerence is Bliss. Alhambra, CA: Gale-Force Records.

  The cover is full of alcohol litter, and it seems the band is pro-alcohol. None of the songs really stood out. I don’t think I will be buying any other Underhills albums.

  Various Artists

  Year Unknown: Anti-Floyd: the Terrier State. San Francisco, CA: Fat Wreck Chords/Honest Don’s.

  Anti-Flag, Descendents, and Nerf Herder, among others make me glad I acquired this cd.

  Various Artists

  Year Unknown: Floyd: Squawk Among Us. San Francisco, CA: Pink and Black Records/ Honest Don’s Hardly Used Recordings/ Fat Wreck Chords.

  I got this cd as part of a grab bag offer from I did not realize this cd even existed, though I am familiar with the line of Fat Wreck Chords. The collaboration between this affiliated record labels yields a positive punk product.

  Various Artists

  1999:All You Need is Love: Beatles Songs for Kids. Santa Monica, CA: Music for Little People.

  At first I thought this was an original Beatles recording, then I found it was children covering the Beatles. It was a good variation of the Beatles.

  Various Artists

  Year Unknown:The Exfloyded. San Francisco, CA: Fat Wreck Chords.

  It's nice that Fat Wreck Chords has this free cd. I do wonder what the point of having Pink and Black Records and Honest Don's listed as separate labels if they are all distributed and handled the same. But then again, it's fun to have different labels even if they are all pretty much just the same.

  Various Artists

  2004:Warped Tour 2004 Compilation. Los Angeles, CA: Side One Dummy.

  One of the most professional sounding life albums around; usually live albums lack the refined quality of studio produced albums, but if you did not know this album was live, you likely would not be able to tell the difference. Out of 52 bands, only a few were up my alley.

  Various Artists

  Year Unknown:Return of the Read Menace. San Francisco, CA: Honest Don’s and AK Press Audio.

  You would think political punk would be great, but in practice it was not. Learn from my mistake, and do not purchase this if you prefer more melodic punk (like me).

  Various Artists

  2003:United We Stand 2. Hollywood, CA: Capitol Records.

  The common denominator of these songs is that they are slow, and often too slow.

  Various Artists

  2001:God Bless America. New York, NY: Sony Music Entertainment, Inc.

  It seems that the idiosyncratic styles of these artists took away from the covers of the classics. But for the singers who song their own singers, the songs were quality and real.

  Various Artists

  1997:Greatest Hits of the 60’s 1963. Chadds Ford, PA: Creative Music Marketing, Ltd.

  Although most of us have heard the big hits from the 60’s, it sounded as if there were a couple songs on here, I had not previously heard. The alb
um was quite short, some songs were fairly catchy, but otherwise I don’t recommend purchasing this album.

  Various Artists

  1997:Poptopia: Power Pop Classics of the ‘70’s. Los Angeles, CA: Rhino Entertainment Company.

  Some songs are catchy; others are not.

  Various Artists

  2002: Feed Your Ears Vol. 1. Gainesville, FL: Fueled by Ramen



  Nothing really stood out, though I was glad to get an opportunity to listen to another record label.

  Various Artists

  2005:Facedown Records Spring ’05 Sampler CD. Sun City, CA: Facedown Records.

  Dreadful! My reactions to albums like this make feel old, because such an album sounds like just unlikable noise. Way too heavy without any melody. Liking new school punk makes me feel young, though. I just can’t accept music that is pure noise without any type of melody.

  Various Artists

  2003:Punkorama. Los Angeles, CA: Epitaph Records.

  I didn’t think I could find a good deal like this at Sam Goody. 2 cds for only $7.37. This just goes to show that it pays to look.

  Various Artists

  Year Unknown: Pure Punk Rock. Middle Island, NY: Punkcore Records.

  The purpose of a record sampler is to whet your tongue so you want to purchase full length recordings of the bands. On that ground, this sampler failed because I do not desire to purchase an album of any of these bands. A couple of songs were alright, but I guess I much prefer new school melodic punk over this harsher less melodic punk.

  Various Artists

  2004:Take Action Volume 04. Van Nuys, CA: Sub City Records.

  Great cause (suicide prevention); not so great music. The music is way too hard and rough for me. I did like the NOFX song, “Concerns of a GOP Neo-Phyte (Wrong Version)”, but that’s about it.

  Various Artists

  2004:Patriotic Country. New York, NY: BMG Music.

  This album seems to be as much glorification of small town life as the title suggests “Patriotic Country”. Patriotism can be fine in moderate amounts, but how can you glorify small town living? I have lived in a variety of places, including small towns and I must say one horse towns are among my least favorite places to be. Although the song, “My Town” has a catchy beat, the lyrics make me cringe.

  Various Artists

  2003: Punk Rock Fever. Cranbury, NJ: Jolted Records.

  For me, disappointing, I have a couple of these songs on another compilation, but that’s not their fault. It is true, punk is for me.

  Various Artists

  2003:Now That’s What I Call Music 13. Santa Monica, CA: EMI Records & Virgin Records Limited.

  A strange mix of trendy artists like Jennifer Lopez and alternative artists like the Ataris. Overall, a bit better than I would have expected.

  Various Artists

  2004:Springman Records #1. Cupertino, CA: Springman Records.

  Once again Springman Records proves how it loves to give us bargains. This cd like most Springman compilations cost only $2. It’s funny that major record labels don’t offer compilations this cheap, but Springman does. I love to support Indy labels. Springman is a good one to support.

  Various Artists

  Year Unknown: Victory Style 4. Chicago, IL: Victory Records.

  A decent use of 5 bucks.

  Various Artists

  2002:Punk-O-Rama 7. Los Angeles, CA: Epitaph Records.

  I was impressed to see the Minneapolis Central Library had this available for me to check out. How many other cool cds does the library have that are checked out? I liked the versions of the songs that Rancid and NOFX did of each other. The Bad Religion song I have listened to many times before, and although it is better than many other songs, is not my favorite Bad Religion song.

  Various Performers

  1995:Tutti Tchaikovsky. New York, NY: BMG Music.

  Way too slow and mellow. It won’t put you to sleep, because the performers already seem asleep or at least very groggy.

  Vidal, Gore: Narrated by Paul Hecht.

  2003: Inventing a Nation: Washington, Adams, Jefferson. Frederick, MD: Recorded Books, LLC.

  I was expecting an informative presentation about this historical subject, but I also got something unexpected: the author digressing about how his subject at hand indirectly and directly relates to current United States affairs. Such is not done nearly enough. Such seems to be one of the most valuable ways to use history.

  Weil, Andrew

  1997: 8 Weeks to Optimal Health. Canada: Random House.

  A lot of virtues of alternative medicine are included here. I like alternative medicine, but natural hygiene is still the best for me.

  Weil, Andrew

  2000:Eating Well for Optimum Health: the Essential Guide to Food, Diet, and Nutrition (abridged). Prince Frederick, MD: Recorded Books, LLC.

  Too restrictive for me, but many good health ideas. I liked how in the end he contrasted various diets, though he concluded the Mediterranean diet was best. He thought a vegan diet was incomplete, but I think a vegan diet is just about right, especially a healthy one.

  Weiss, Gary: read by Frank Whaley.

  2003:Born to Steal: When the Mafia Hit Wall Street. U.S.A: Time Warner Audiobooks.

  Goodness, I don’t want to be like this. The story was good though, educational as well as I didn’t know about chop houses before. It was also suspenseful.

  Woitiz, Janet.

  1988:Struggle for Intimacy. Deerfield Beach, CA: Health Communications, Inc.

  The seminar format detracted a bit from the amount of information that could have been included. Though a seminar format is preferable to a radio program format. Still, the cassette taught some useful lessons about the troubles children of alcoholics have in relationships and also about the therapy of recovering from being a child of an alcoholic. We need more not less of this type of deal. We need longer formats too!

  Woodman, Marion.

  1990:Dreams: Language of the Soul. Boulder, CO: Sounds True Recordings.

  I’m not sure I buy her theory of dreams, and even if I do, the presentation style was not analytic and detailed enough for my tastes.

  Woodward, Bob

  1994:The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  Unfortunately this early look into the Clinton presidency could not have provided us with the significant happenings of the later years, since much of the first term and the whole second term was not covered at all. I did get another angle of Bill Clinton, and even though the Democrats aren't the most interesting, the book was. It irked me to learn folks acted as if the "New Democrats" idea was transcending the traditional traps and categories. I don't think transcending traditional categories is something the Democratic Party is capable of doing.

  Woodward, Bob: read by Edward Herrmann.

  1991:The Commanders. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster Audio.

  Suspenseful and dramatic. Although the Gulf War was a crucial aspect of Woodward’s presidency, I would have liked it if Woodward would have dealt with other issues of Bush’s presidency too.

  Woodward, Bob: read by James McNaugthon.

  1999: Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

  Trying to hit all the presidents perhaps caused him to gloss over some important material. He emphasized scandals but he forgot to cover the ever important Ruby Ridge and Waco scandals. Those were much more significant in effects of government power than Monicagate or many others. Still fascinating reading.


  Volume 40

  Andrew Bushard