The way she said it made him laugh. She was exceedingly good at making him laugh, even though he knew she didn't intend it to be funny in any way.

  "If you really want to find out that much," she continued, "the bottle is still in the bathroom." She even pointed toward the door, an indication for him to let her go.

  Like hell he was going to fall for the bait. He licked her soft skin instead, and she gasped in response.

  "Are you going to disobey your boss?" he teased. "This boss demands you tell him what that scent is." He wanted to play with her. It was entertaining.

  Mia pulled a face again. "Are we still playing that game?"

  He laughed. "Nope. On to another game, then."

  She stared at him. "James?"

  "Hmm," he responded as he flipped her on her back.

  "We just did it, you know," she said, blushing intensely.

  "I know," he said, his hand on the bed sheet, intending to pull it away from her body. He didn't get very far, though. Mia tightened her grip on the soft material as she glared up at him.

  "What are you doing?" She sounded panicky.

  Shit! James certainly didn't want her to be terrified of him. He didn't want her to hate the sex or him.

  Thus, he gave her a smile, hoping to ease her fear. "Are you sore?"

  She bit her lip a she lightly shook her head. "No, not really. Just... Is it normal? To have sex so often in a day?"

  He laughed. "I can go all day if that's what you want."

  She widened her eyes in shock and uttered quickly, "No, of course not. I'm already exhausted."

  "Such a weakling," he said, shaking his head. "You'll get used to it."

  "I won't get used to it," she said, looking very adamant. "I'm sure I won't."

  "I know you will." He confirmed. Without further ado, he claimed her lips once again and passionately kissed her.

  Mia couldn't fight him off. The handsome billionaire was too strong for her to battle with. Not to mention that fact that he was also too bloody tempting for her sake, and in the end, she succumbed to his ardent lovemaking once again.

  * * * * *



  I didn't think I'd ever get to see Andy today, and I decided that billionaire James Maxwell was a shameless liar. I shouldn't have believed his word even though he'd promised he'd take me to my brother. I should have asked for a signed contract for a specific date and time for the requested meeting. It should have been written in the clauses of our contract. But I was stupid and had never thought about that. I was too naive and trustful.

  Oh God! My mind was going numb again.

  "James," I groaned. "James." I had to stop him before I was too far gone, before I lost myself to him again. Thus, I pushed him away from me, my puny palms against his massive, broad chest. When he finally responded and eased his weight from me, I slipped off the bed, intending to run to my own room.

  I only managed one step before he swiftly caught my wrist. I jumped the moment I felt his hot hand on my skin, because I knew I wasn't getting away.

  When I turned my gaze to him, there was no pleasant grin on his face. He was wearing his brooding, dark look that was both dangerous and alluring at the same time.

  "One more," he said bluntly and pulled me back to him.

  One more? But we'd only just done it. Twice! He had taken me twice straight after breakfast. And now he wanted another?

  I landed in his arms, my backside sitting intimately against his shaft. That almighty beast was already fully aroused, and I gasped at the heat and firmness against me.

  "But, James," I said meekly. "My brother. Isn't he waiting?"

  "The appointment isn't until this evening. Quit worrying," he stated bluntly.

  Oh, so now he told me. I'd thought I'd get to see my brother this morning. Wait, was it even still morning? I couldn't tell because we were still in James's bedroom, and there was no way I could tell the time. There was no clock or even alarm clock here. I wondered how he managed to get up on time. Perhaps he had a very good biological clock.

  James snuggled his nose against the nape of my neck, his face buried in my long hair; and I whimpered in response. I felt him rubbing himself against my backside, and I knew he wouldn't let me go until he had what he wanted, which was me. Unexpectedly, I felt my own body warming up and burning with need again. Shit!

  Without further ado, James moved me in such a way that I was on all fours, like a canine, with my backside in the air. While he himself was on top of me, wrapping his body intimately over me like a hot, heavy blanket. Then before I knew it, he was in me, and then he began prodding in and out of me again.

  "Ahhh..." I groaned and closed my eyes.

  He was even rougher than before, thrusting in and out, making my body move in rhythm with him. My legs shook as our bodies continued to dance erotically, and I knew I'd collapse soon. And then I did. I puffed out and then cried out his name, my body exploding in pure, agonizing pleasure.

  I ended lolling on the bed, my backside still in the air. The new position didn't faze James. His thrusting continued. If anything, it was stronger; the pounding was vigorous and demanding, drilling right to the deepest parts of me.

  "Ngh... Ahh... Hmmm..." I felt myself squeezing around him, sucking at him.

  Suddenly, he pulled out, leaving me empty and cold. I felt abandoned and wanted to cry. I wondered mindlessly and sadly if it was over, if he'd come. I wanted to find out but couldn't, as I had no strength left to even open my eyes.

  Then with one powerful move, he bored deep into me. I gasped. "Ngh... Eeeee... Ngh!"

  My whole world was twisting and blazing, and tears burned within my eyes as I came, intense and powerful. My whole body shook and my vision darkened.

  "Ja-James!" His name escaped my lips as I clutched onto the bed sheet. The overwhelming climax washed over me, long and slow, and somewhere in the middle, I lost consciousness. When I next opened my eyes, James collapsed on top of me, kissing my hair and back as his hands caressed the whole length of me. I lay there, breathless and dazed.

  I closed my eyes again, knowing I wouldn't be able to move until much later. My body was aching yet still buzzing from the after effects. All I wanted to do now was to be left alone in peace and sleep. I was about to doze off when I felt myself being rolled around.

  I lifted my heavy eyelids and saw James watching me. What was with him? Once again, he looked as energetic as ever. I didn't know if I could handle another round of hard sex, if that was indeed his intention.

  I was about to push him away from me when I felt myself being scooped up.

  "James, please," I begged. "I'm exhausted." I wanted to bash him in the chest, if only for him to put me down and leave me alone, but I was too exhausted to do so.

  He looked at me darkly, and ignoring my protest, he headed toward the bathroom. At this point, however, I knew I couldn't put up any fight. If he was going to do it to me again, I'd just lie there lifeless, like a dead fish.

  Was he going to take me in the bathroom? Did he want a change in scenery?

  Whatever the case, I just didn't care. I snuggled myself against his chest and closed my eyes. It was quite nice there, even though his chest was hard as a rock. A moment later, I felt the warmth of water in contact with my skin. I flicked my eyes open and saw both he and I were sinking into a big bath of soapy water. I couldn't help myself. I smiled and sighed with delight.

  Once we settled in the big tub, I made myself comfortable and nestled my face against his chest once again and then closed my eyes. I was content to just be in his arms and sleep, even in the bath.

  It wasn't long before I felt James caressing my arms, then my cheeks, my breasts, and now and again, he kissed me on the forehead and lips. It was a pleasant moment, and within the deepest part of me, I felt this glowing warmth, just like the sun was shining. I smiled as I dozed off.

  * * * * *



  When next I wo
ke up, my body was so heavy I didn't even have the energy to raise my head. I gazed up at the ceiling in confusion, my mind numbed.

  Where am I? I asked myself.

  I noted the sun was just setting on the west side of the room. The orangey glow gave out a most beautiful picture of the city.

  I groaned and wondered why I felt so tired. Then everything came back. The hard sex I'd had with James today.

  Wait. Was it still today? I bit my lip, and my mind quickly flicked to my brother. I was supposed to see him today. Had we missed the appointment?

  I turned over, and that was when I realized I was naked and my long hair was damp. I made myself sit up, my body protesting wholeheartedly, screaming in pain.

  "Hey," came the masculine voice at the door.

  I widened my eyes at the handsome man standing there. James had a smirk about his face that made my belly tingle.

  "Hi," I managed. I felt my mouth was as dry as dust and I was thirsty as hell.


  I nodded and added, "And very thirsty."

  "I'll get you something to eat and drink before we go."

  "Huh?" I queried, still a little confused.

  He cocked his head to one side. "That's if you're up to seeing your brother." He smiled, a humorous spark in his Prussian-blue eyes. "That's if you can walk."

  I blurted out immediately, "I can walk."

  I lied, of course. At that moment, I had no idea whether my legs would support me or not. I had no idea sex was so intense. But heck, I wanted to see my brother. I wanted to make sure he was really okay and this Matt person hadn't yet murdered my brother for the sake of his fun.

  "Can you?" he questioned as if he doubted my statement.

  I frowned. "I can walk," I declared.

  He folded his arms over his chest and leaned himself lazily against the doorframe, awaiting proof of my claim.

  I bit my lip for a moment, praying my legs wouldn't make a fool out of me. Then I flung off the bed sheet. I regretted it the moment I did, as my naked body flashed before my eyes and undoubtedly the eyes of James as well. Quickly, I pulled it back up against me, clutching it against my chest.

  "You destroyed all my clothing," I accused him darkly. "Like master, like dog, ruining all my belongings. Does it run in the household, by any chance?" I asked sarcastically. I meant to ask, Does it run in the family? But of course, a dog certainly didn't relate to its owner by blood. So household was the best I could come up with.

  "Clothes don't suit you," was his blunt reply. "You look better without any."

  I blushed profusely at his suggestive comment. "How rude," I muttered. "Now what am I supposed to wear?" I demanded indignantly.

  "I'll buy you new ones," he said.

  "You better, because I certainly don't have the budget to go shopping every week just to replenish my wardrobe."

  That got him laughing. My words weren't meant to amuse him. They were meant to piss him off.

  With my head held high, I wrapped the bed sheet around me and then put my feet onto the floor. He watched me like a hawk as I did so. Then slowly, I lifted myself from the bed. God, I felt heavy, just like that time during my hospitalization after the car crash.

  Once I stood, I felt quite proud of myself for getting that far. First, I took one step and then another, and it was going good. Then I took another, and my legs couldn't take my weight. They went out from under me, and I collapsed to the floor with a puff.

  James was by my side in an instant.

  "Such a nuisance," he said, scooping me into his arms.

  I glared at him. "Thanks to you," I retorted, my face red with both anger and embarrassment.

  "You're not supposed to be walking," he said, smiling, his eyes on me. "Not after what I've done to you."

  "Do you always do that to your women?" I couldn't help asking. Inside, I wanted him to say no. I didn't know why I wanted him to deny my statement, because really, I didn't have anything to do with his other women. I was merely his mistress, wasn't I?

  To my disappointment, he didn't respond to my query. Instead, he said, as he descended the stairs, "What do you feel like eating?"

  I was determined not to think about him and his other women, especially that beautiful Sophie back at his mansion, and said, "Just whatever you have is good."

  "Hmm." He nodded.

  He planted me on the very soft, comfortable sofa in the living area instead of the barstool in the kitchen. I guessed the barstool would be too hard on my backside. How very considerate of him, I thought sarcastically. He even turned on the TV for me to watch and arranged the cushions around me for me to laze myself on.

  I eyed him as he headed to the kitchen and then proceeded to prepare something for me to eat. Even though the TV was on, I wasn't paying any attention. I was too busy thinking about Mr. James Maxwell, my eyes on him.

  What had he done to me in that bath? I wondered. Did he take me again even though I'd been asleep? I couldn't believe I'd fallen asleep in the bath.

  James lifted his head and looked at me a brief moment, a hint of a smile on his lips. I quickly looked away and turned my attention to the TV. I arranged myself properly on the couch, making myself comfortable.

  While I sat there awaiting my meal and staring mindlessly at the program before me, I was aware my body was aching something dreadful. I tried to ignore the pain, but it was hard. I wondered if I should take a pain killer. Did most females feel like this after sex?

  James appeared before me with plates of sandwiches in his hands. He placed them on the coffee table and left again to get some drinks. Once two mugs of hot coffee were done, he returned and joined me, sitting right next to me. He was even nice enough to hand me a sandwich.

  "Thanks," I said, taking it from him. Then I proceed to eat. "It's delicious." I couldn't help it. I was hungry after all.

  James relaxed back on the sofa and watched me chomp down my food as he sipped his coffee. I was just on my third piece when he said, "I got you some clothes."

  I turned my eyes to him. "Oh... Thanks..." I cocked my head to one side. "When?"

  "While you were sleeping," he said.

  I blinked. "How long did I sleep?"

  "Four hours," he said. "Quite a long mid-afternoon siesta, don't you think?" There was a hint of a tease within his tone.

  I blushed. "I don't usually sleep during the afternoon."

  "It wasn't exactly in the afternoon when you dozed off in the bath," he explained, taking another sip of his coffee.

  "Huh?" I slowly bit into my sandwich. As I chewed, savoring the taste of lettuce, cucumber, and cold chicken, my mind wandered. His words made me wonder how long we'd spent having sex. Surely we hadn't spent all morning and the majority of the afternoon doing it? Right?

  Suddenly, I felt his hand stroking my long hair. I turned my gaze to him as he dipped his head and kissed my cheek. When he moved his lips toward my mouth, I pushed him back and said, "I'm full. Thanks for the food."

  He still didn't move away from me as he continued to stroke my hair.

  "James?" I began, licking my lip. "My brother?"

  He moved back then and sighed. "I suppose," he said and stood. "Come on. Let's get you dressed."

  I stood, intending to take myself up to my own room to get ready. He wouldn't have any of that, however, and scooped me up into his arms.

  "You know I can walk, right?" I stated as he ascended the stairs.

  "I know you claim you can walk," he said. "But whether you can or you cannot is another story."

  I pulled a face at him. I couldn't help myself.

  Once we were in my own bedroom, I noted the bed was all made up and the room itself was tidy and clean. I wondered if the billionaire himself had clean the place or had he phoned one of the maids and requested a clean? Either way, I was quite pleased with the result.

  As he put me down, I noted a dress and some underwear neatly folded on the bed.

  "Are those for me?" I asked, staring at it. I knew ev
en from this distance those items weren't cheap.

  "Hmm." He turned on his heel and headed out the door. But before he left, he said over his shoulder, "Do you want some help?"

  I shook my head vigorously. "No. No. I'll be fine," I said quickly. "I promise I won't take long."

  He nodded and then left, shutting the door behind him. Alone, I turned my attention to my new clothing. First, I picked up the dress. It was a lovely summer dress of a floral design, and the material was so soft in my hands. Then I picked the underwear as well and headed to the bathroom. Of course, my body was still sore as I walked, but I managed somehow.

  In the bathroom, I unraveled the bed sheet from my body, relieved I didn't have to clutch onto it as if it were my lifeline or something, afraid it'd unwrap itself from me without me knowing. I was just preparing the panties when I noticed myself in the length of the mirror.

  My eyes widened in shock as I mindlessly gaped at myself. Shit! I couldn't believe it. My body was bruised with hand and bite marks and black and blue everywhere.

  My whole body involuntarily shook, and I whispered, "James!"

  I couldn't believe it. My body looked like I'd been tortured brutally. I couldn't believe sex with James Maxwell did this to me.

  I decided then I really needed to talk to him about our sex routine and he must tone it down. That decision made, I returned my attention to getting myself dressed.

  Once done some moments later, I stared at myself. The bite marks along my neck and arms were still visible. I needed something long to hide those. At least the dress suited me and the underwear, too, to my surprise. I wondered how James figured out my size. Suddenly, the thought that he'd gone through my stuff while I was asleep didn't sit well with me. It was just plain weird. Another question I needed to ask him.

  I headed out the door, got my now very light backpack, and then descended the stairs.

  "James?" I called out.

  The great man emerged from his office. "You're ready?" He was heading my way, and I noted he had small traveling luggage ready. Was he going on a business trip out of town somewhere?

  * * * * *



  A private jet? What were we doing here at a private airport, heading toward a private jet? I couldn't help myself as I stared at James, my eyes large in confusion.