* * * * *



  I didn't believe James's words that it wasn't safe for me to be alone until I was back in my motel room half an hour later. Only then did reality really sink in. The reality that my world was changing. Instantly, my heart leaped with something akin to fear and dread. I was no longer living in Mystic Spring of New Hampshire where my everyday life revolved around working and making ends meet. Here, my life revolved around keeping myself and Andy safe, finding that two million dollars, and of course, this man beside me.

  James clicked the door shut and surveyed the room with interest. I noted the bed was a mess, my small belongings scattered haphazardly across the floor, the bathroom door stood ajar, and the table and two chairs were on the floor as though someone had been angry and rampaged through everything. Yes, this room looked as though it had been ransacked.

  I shakily sat on the bed and took in a deep breath. James easily lifted the chairs and table and arranged them properly. Then he took a seat on the chair, facing me.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  I tentatively nodded, unconvincingly. I didn't want to reply because I knew my voice would be shaking with fear, and I didn't want James to know I was so scared.

  "Looks like they've been here," he said quietly.

  I glanced at him, my eyes watering. "Who? William's men?"

  James shook his head. "I know William. It's not his work. He's too honorable for this type of bullshit."

  "They were looking for me, I suppose?" I asked stupidly.

  He nodded.

  "Because of Andy?"

  Again, he nodded.

  "But I've only been here half a day," I protested, tears blinding me.

  James noticed my tears and came over to me. He sat beside me and took me into his arms. I gasped in surprise as he pressed my face against the crook of his shoulder. He was so warm and strong, and his scent, his wonderful scent played havoc on my senses. I didn't need any further encouragement. I closed my eyes and breathed in deep. He made me feel safe.

  Suddenly, he kissed my forehead gently, and I shivered deliciously. What was going on? Was this even right? The man who wanted me to pay my brother's debt with my body was comforting me like he would his daughter? I was confused by this man's character.

  "If you didn't come, they would have flown to New Hampshire to find you," he said, matter-of-fact. "It's the way things are."

  I shook my head, not understanding. I didn't understand how James Maxwell's world worked, and a part of me didn't want to know. But apparently, it was too late now, because whether I liked it or not, I was part of it thanks to Andy and his friends.

  I sighed, comfortable in James's arms. I moved just a little and looked up at him. "Do you know who it is?"

  He looked down and smiled kindly. I tried not to be affected by that handsome grin of his, but it was hard.

  "I have my suspicions," he said.

  I saw the gleam in his eyes and knew something was up. I wanted to ask him, but he cut me off.

  "Now then, a safe place to keep you away from those greedy bastards," he said.

  "The police?" I suggested naively.

  He laughed. I loved his laugh. It was sonorous, rumbling from all the way deep within his throat.

  "No, not the police, sweetheart. My apartment."

  My heart skipped a beat.

  "Nowhere else?" I queried meekly.

  "Nowhere else," he replied and stood. "Let's get your things together."

  I watched as he gathered all my torn clothing and stuffed it into my bag. Once that was done, he grabbed my arm and led me out the door. He kept me close as we headed to the reception area.

  Out of the corner of my eyes, I noted two black cars in the parking lot and four men standing there, watching us from afar. These men didn't wear black suits like William's men. They wore casual clothing and appeared ready to strike. I knew immediately they were another group of people who were after me. I knew also if I were alone, they'd beat me senseless and then drag me away with them.

  "It's all right. They won't do anything," James whispered into my ear. I shivered and gave him a look that questioned his confident statement. He grinned. "They're not that stupid."

  I didn't understand the meaning behind his words but was pleased that once I was checked out and in James's car, they indeed had not acted. To further my relief, they didn't follow us as James drove out into the streets.

  I sighed and relaxed in my seat. James laughed, and I took offense. "It's my first time," I snapped. "I've never had to deal with these types of people back home."

  Suddenly, James veered the car to the right and stopped. He turned to me and said, "I believe you."

  In a second flat, he had his hand behind my head and his lips were against mine. His kiss was hot, and I felt my whole quivering with delight as his tongue slipped between my lips and invaded my mouth. I groaned and as my body melted onto his and he kissed me deeper. When finally he let me go, I was dizzy and my brain was a muddled mess.

  He stroked my sore lips with his thumb when he whispered to me, "Don't look at me like that, Mia. Your expression makes me want to fuck you so badly."

  I blinked. My mind began to clear, and when his words finally sank in, I angrily slapped his hand from my lips.

  I was still having difficulty breathing when he returned his attention to the car and started driving out. I was pleased he didn't make any conversation during the twenty-minute drive to his apartment. Once he parked in the underground lot, he led me, with his arm around me of course, toward the elevator. I tried to push him away, but the man would have none of it.

  "Do you mind?" I asked in exasperation. "Personal space here, mister!"

  He chuckled. "All right, personal space," he said and let go of me. He even had the courtesy to take a few steps back.

  "Thank you," I said.

  Yes, I needed space and time away from this man. In only half a day, he had kissed me twice. In only half a day, he had already made a wanton wench of me. I came to the realization that Mr. James Maxwell was a bad influence on me, and I needed to be free of him. But it was hard when a number of ruthless thugs were after you, and the only person able to keep you safe was the person you wanted to run away from. Yet I didn't truly want to run from this gorgeous Mr. Maxwell.

  James had to swipe his key card in order to get into the main building and then again to get onto the elevator. I noted security cameras on every corner, even in the lift itself. Security was indeed tight in this building, and instantly, I felt safer.

  The door dinged open, and James led me to a grand doorway across the hall. He flipped out his keycard once again, inserted it in the slot to the side, and then punched in his pin number. The lock clicked open.

  "After you," he said, holding the door for me.

  I nodded and took a step in. Instantly, the light flashed on by itself. I gazed around in amazement. The hallway was indeed grand, and I was impressed. I waited for James so as not to be rude, walking into someone else's home before the owner. James passed me and led me straight into the living area.

  I sucked in my breath. And here I'd thought the hallway was grand. The living area, in comparison, was a hundred times grander. The place was bright and the area was open and spacious. Glass windows stretched from floor to ceiling. I walked down the few steps and stared off at the vast city before us. The view of city lights was indeed breathtaking.

  I couldn't help myself. I had to ask. I had to know. "Are you sure you want me to stay here?"

  "You don't like this place?" he asked bluntly.

  I blushed. "That's not what I mean," I said. "It's just so... grand."

  He cocked his head to one side and then chuckled. "Then you like it?"

  I bit on my lower lip and nodded.

  "The view is even more beautiful during the day," he said.

  I nodded in agreement. Oddly enough, I couldn't wait until morning to see it.

  I was lost in
my own world, imagining what the view would look like in the morning as the sun was rising. I felt a large, strong hand around my wrist.

  "Come on. I'll show you to your room."

  I nodded, allowing myself to be led up the stairs and then into a large room. A king-sized bed was positioned to one side. The window once again stretched from floor to ceiling.

  "The bathroom is there." James pointed to the door to my left. "I'm going to make some coffee. Do you want some?"

  Mutely, I nodded my head. Before he left me alone, however, I asked, "James?"

  He turned. "Hmm?"

  "Is this your bedroom?"

  He gave me that handsome grin of his and his eyes twinkled. "Would you like this to be my bedroom?" he teased.

  I blushed. "Shit!" I blurted out.

  He roared with laughter. I'd never seen any man laugh so hard before, and somehow, it made my belly glow with warmth.

  When I heard William laughed in the parking lot, I knew immediately it was a forced, fake response. But with James, it was real. With James, it was from the heart, and it made my whole body quiver with delicious sensation. God, my attraction to him was worse than I'd originally thought. Yes, I had to get away from this billionaire as soon as possible. Once Andy's affairs and safety had been sorted out, of course. Meanwhile... what must I do?

  When he calmed down, he said, "You're learning."

  Before I could ask him what he meant, he was out the door, humming to himself.

  Alone, I threw my bag onto the bed and then sat down.

  "What a weird man," I murmured. Then, because I couldn't help myself, I stood and headed to the walk-in wardrobe. I yanked open the door, my heart thundering within my chest.

  Nothing. There was absolutely nothing in the wardrobe. I sighed in relief. This wasn't James's room. If it were, then his clothing would have been in there. I was sure of it.

  I chuckled and turned my attention to the vast view of the city outside. It was beautiful, and once again, my mind drifted back to my brother. Was he okay? Like me, was he in hiding from those many people who were after him?

  I sighed, feeling a headache coming. Thinking about that now wasn't going to help. I needed to phone him, and to do that, I needed to first get James to give me the number.

  * * * * *



  Turning on my heel, I marched downstairs. I found James still humming in the open-plan kitchen, preparing two cups of coffee. I went to sit on one of the barstools at the center island.

  He placed a cup in front of me and then took a sip of his own. I wrapped my hand around the mug and inhaled the steamy aroma. It soothed me somehow, and I closed my eyes.

  "You marched down those stairs like a woman on a mission," he teased.

  I flicked my eyes open and gazed up at him watching me. "You said you'd let me phone Andy if I played nice at dinner."

  Slowly, a smile spread across his face. His eyes still on me, he rested his chin in his palm as he leaned on the counter. "A promise is a promise."

  I waited patiently as he took out his cell and dialed. His eyes never left my face as he said into the phone, "Max? James here." Then suddenly, he laughed, which made me wonder what he found so amusing. "Play nice with Andy, Max. I have his sister here with me."

  I frowned as he handed over the phone.

  I took it and placed it against my ear. "Andy?"

  All I could hear was heavy breathing and then a groan. A deep, faint voice that didn't belong to Andy said, "Here, it's your sister."

  "Andy?" I said loudly into the phone.

  A moment later, a shaky voice whispered, "Mia?"

  My body shook in reaction and my heart leaped with relief. "Andy! Are you okay? Where are you?"

  Deep breathing continued and then another groan. "Mia... Ah... Shit... Fuck!" More deep breathing and then, "Stop it! I said stop! Let me go, you bastard!"

  There was a loud thud as though a heavy object landed on the floor and then the noise of footsteps running. I could hear the ringing of a man laughing in the distance. My heart jumped with sickness when I heard a door bang shut.

  "Andy? Andy? Talk to me. Please talk to me," I said, my voice weak with concern.

  Before me, James was hiding his laughter. I was angry. That bastard. He was enjoying watching me under such stressful circumstances.

  I ignored him and tried to get my brother to talk to me again. But all I could hear was groaning and heavy breathing.

  "Oh, Andy, please be all right," I said. To James, I demanded, "What is that man doing to my brother?"

  James just grinned at me as if he knew a secret. Be damned, but I really wanted to know what he was hiding and what he found so oddly amusing.

  "Mia?" I heard Andy's voice. I quickly turned my attention to the phone.

  "Andy? Are you okay? What's that man doing to you? Are you hurt?"

  I could make out a strange voice, as though my brother were having difficulty breathing. "I'm... I'm fine, Mia."

  "Oh, Andy, tell me everything. Please tell me everything. I'm here in Los Angeles. I'm going to get you out of this mess."

  "Mia, I'm sorry..." More heavy breathing. "I can't talk. I'm sorry. I just can't. Not like this. I'm awful. I hate myself. That bastard. He makes me this way. I... Mia? I can't talk... not now."

  I understood the meaning behind his words. That bastard Matt wouldn't allow Andy to talk. I knew it. Was Andy being imprisoned somewhere? My stomach lurched with sickness. Oh please, let Andy be all right. Please.

  "Mia, I want to see you. Then we can talk. We need to meet up. But Matt..."

  I nodded. "I understand," I said, glancing up to James. I knew I wouldn't be allowed to see my brother until he got what he wanted. Either that two million or a contract with me as his--

  "All I want to know is you're okay."

  "Yeah... Yeah, I'm... I'm okay."

  I wasn't convinced. Andy sounded like he was in pain. Was Matt torturing him? The thought made me feel sick to my stomach, and my body trembled with fear and anger.

  "Andy, I promise I'll do anything in my power to save you from that man," I said, my resolve solid. I meant what I said. I'd do anything to save my brother, even if I had to become a mistress to Mr. James Maxwell.

  I heard Andy give out a shaky laugh. Then he groaned again. "Just like you, sis," he said.

  The sound of hard knocks against a door through the phone made me jump.

  "Oi, Andy. Open the fucking door. I'm not done with you yet. You think you can hold on much longer? The game's not over yet. I said open the fucking door!"

  I sucked in my breath. "Andy?" I whispered with concern. "Run. Hide. Don't let him get you."

  "Sis, I can't... I..." Andy's voice sounded weak, as if he'd surrender to the inevitable.

  I gritted my teeth as tears brewed in my eyes. "Andy..."

  "I said open the fucking door, Andy. I'm going to finish you off. You know you can't bloody hold out much longer. You want to fucking kill yourself or something?"

  Tears flowed down my cheeks. I couldn't help myself, knowing my brother was in such distress.

  "Andy..." I managed to get out but couldn't go further. I couldn't think of what else to say.

  I heard Andy laugh sadly. "I'm sorry, Mia. He's right. I can't hold out much longer. We need to finish this. See you soon, then," he finished and then hung up.

  "Andy, wait. Please. Run. Hide from him..." I said urgently to the silent phone. Of course I knew it was useless since Andy couldn't hear me.

  I wiped tears from my cheeks. Slowly, I handed the phone back to James and slipped off the barstool. My mind was completely numb with shock.

  "Thanks," I said quietly without looking at him. I just couldn't. I didn't want him to see me like this, crying like a child. I was vulnerable and wanted to be alone.

  Before I turned, James caught my wrist. I reluctantly turned my gaze to him. "It's not what you think. Matt won't hurt Andy," he said seriously. "Mia, you know what to do."
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  I nodded. "I'll think about it tonight," I said, twisting my hand free from his clutches. Then I headed up the stairs and into my assigned room.

  * * * * *



  James's eyes followed Mia all the way up to the top of the first floor landing. Fuck! He really couldn't help himself. It was Mia, and he just couldn't miss the enticing view of her climbing the steps. Once she was out of sight, he returned his attention to his coffee, a smirk playing about his lips.

  "Matt," he said under his breath, shaking his head. "You're playing dirty, my man. I hope Andy can handle you."

  Like Eric said, Matt would fuck the shit out of the boy, and James had no doubt tonight was one of those nights.

  Damn! He was pretty sure Mia was confused and outraged when she'd heard her brother on the phone. It was amusing watching her expressions. The panicky look and then the suspicion that Matt was hurting her brother, and then there were the frustrated and surrendered looks. She was beautiful. And he remembered the lust he had seen in her eyes when he'd kissed her in the car.

  The reminder only brought forward a powerful surge of passion in his blood, and he gulped another mouthful of coffee to clear his head. Suddenly, her sadness, those tears flowing down her cheeks, appeared in his mind. It was enough to make him feel sick to his stomach. Oddly enough, he felt his heart aching. It was unlike him.

  He dismissed the thoughts of Mia and returned his attention to the phone. He dialed the house number, and a few moments later, Ms. Lane answered. He requested an audience with his daughter.

  "Daddy?" Aria's voice came through not long after.

  "Hey, sweetheart," he said softly, smiling.

  "Did you find her? Did you find her, Daddy?" came her eager question.

  He had to chuckle. "I did."

  "When is she coming over, Daddy? I promised to have dinner with her. We're going to have so much fun together."

  James shook his head. Aria was just so cute. "As soon as I can, but not tonight, sweetheart. She's busy."

  Now wasn't the right time to bring Mia home. The girl was tired and confused and needed to sort out what she needed to do next.

  Prior to his encounter with her, his plan was to simply recover the two million Andy had lost. Once he laid his eyes on her, however, everything changed. He was attracted to her and wanted her, hence his offer. Now he no longer gave a shit about that two million. Heck, he could make two million in a heartbeat. The only problem was now he was worried about her welfare.