Page 12 of Love Profound

  “It’s a lot of work, but we love them all. Annie is our biological daughter. James, the oldest, is, as well. He’s heading off to Texas Tech next fall. Makes me so sad.”

  I leaned against the counter and looked into the living room. James was sitting next to Wade and a boy named Thomas, playing a video game.

  “My parents had seven kids, so I love the chaos.”

  Wanda chuckled. “Chaos, indeed. We wouldn’t change a thing.”

  I couldn’t pull my eyes off of Wade. He had amazingly spent equal amounts of time with each kiddo. I would have never known seven of the kids were not his own blood. He treated them all like kin.

  “Wade sure is good with the kids,” I said, my internal thoughts slipping out.

  “He is. Always has been. Lord, that boy was good with his little sisters, too. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them. Broke his leg once climbing up a tree to save Grace’s cat who was stuck. A branch he was standing on snapped, sending him to the ground. Do you know he got up and climbed back up and got the cat?”

  Grinning, I replied, “That sounds like something he would do. He’s such a gentleman.”

  “Indeed, he is. How do you know Wade?”

  Her question pulled me from my trance. “He’s my brother’s friend from college. When Trevor found out what had happened to Wade’s family, he offered him a job on my father’s ranch.”

  She lifted a brow. “What does he ranch?”

  “Cattle, mostly. Goats, grain for feed. They want to go organic, and Trevor said Wade was the guy to do it.”

  Wanda grinned. “Well, it’s good seeing him smile. The last time we saw him he was a bit of a mess. I think coming to Texas was the right thing for him to do.”

  I nodded, not really sure how to respond.

  “Go on in there. If you don’t pull him from the game now, y’all might be spending the night.”

  With a chuckle, I made my way into the living room. Wade glanced up and smiled. My stomach dropped and I prayed like hell my cheeks hadn’t turned red. The naughty things that had been running through my mind about Wade were starting to get out of control.

  Zeroing in on his lips, I let my wayward thoughts run wild again.

  What would those soft, plump lips feel like on my skin?

  Was Wade into rough and fast sex? Or slow and romantic? The latter I’d never experienced before. I only wrote about it.

  The idea of his hand slipping into my panties and making me come was almost too much to take.

  Jesus. What is wrong with me?

  I sat down on the sofa, keeping a good distance between us.

  “Can you play, Amelia?” James asked.

  Laughing, I said, “The only thing I can play is Frogger. I’d kick your butt, though.”

  Wade looked at me. “Want to make a bet?”

  My smile grew. Boy, oh boy, could I think of some things for us to bet on.

  “What should we bet?” I asked.

  Wade pointed to James. “You pick.”

  Damn it. My bubble popped.

  “How about loser has to cook dinner for the winner.”

  Okay, that was safe. Although not what I had in mind. By the look on Wade’s face, I was going to guess he had some different ideas, as well.

  “Sounds perfect!” I said.

  After changing out the games, I was handed a controller and Wade and I started to play.

  Ten games later, I was up nine to one. “I’m pretty sure I’ve won,” I said while attempting to hide my victory smirk.

  Wade rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I let you win.”

  “You did not!” I gasped while pushing his shoulder.

  He looked at me in that moment and we burst out laughing. He’d been schooled in Frogger…by a girl. And he knew it.

  Wade dropped the controller on the coffee table. “We need to run, y’all. Let’s plan something soon.”

  The next thing I knew, Wade was grabbing my hand and leading me out of the house. I’d never in my life felt my heart pounding like it was in that moment. The feel of my hand in his was the most amazing thing ever.

  What. In. The. Hell.

  He was guiding me out of the house, not kissing me! Yet, by the way my heart raced, you’d think we were making out in the truck. When he dropped my fingers, I instantly missed the connection. I shook my hand to get the tingles out of it.

  Oh, dear Lord.

  I’m falling for Wade.

  This is not good. Not good at all.

  Or is it?

  Wade walked out of the print shop carrying two boxes filled with pens, magnets, and notepads. He only teased me once about the cover of my last book while I was looking over the swag. The model on it had his shirt hanging open, abs on full display. It was a steamy cover, if I did say so myself.

  “So, what got you into writing romance?” Wade asked.

  With a shrug, I responded. “Jane Austen. I fell hard for Mr. Darcy, and the rest is history.”

  He gave me a blank expression.

  “Please, tell me you’ve read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.”

  Nothing. His gray eyes seemed to be lost. “Nope.”

  I clutched my chest while he put the boxes in the back seat of his truck. “Wade, tell me you’re kidding. You had to have read it in high school.”

  “I remember The Scarlet Letter, but no Prejudice and Pride.”

  My knees wobbled. He couldn’t even get the title right.

  “There has been an injustice in your life. This is something we have to fix. Right away. Immediately.” My fingers went to my temples. “I’m not sure we can be friends right now.”

  Wade laughed. “Why don’t you read it to me on the way back?”

  I nearly pulled a muscle in my neck as I looked back at him. “You want me to read Pride and Prejudice to you?”

  He shrugged. “Why not? Unless you don’t have the book on your phone or you need to work.”

  The way my head was spinning was not good. Wade Adams was inching his way into my heart. The heart that I had on lockdown. No man was ever going to break it again.

  Before I could stop myself, I was agreeing. “I’m actually ahead on my word count goal. What makes you think I have it on my phone?”

  He flashed the smile that made me want to rip my panties off and tell him to take me right in the cab of his truck. “My mother loved to read. She had a Kindle app on every device she owned. Phone, laptop, iPad. She could access any book at any given moment. When one device’s battery died, she just powered up the second or third. I figured you were the same. I mean, you have to have a love of reading to be a writer, right?”

  I want this man. Like…right…this…second.

  “You’re killing me.”

  He frowned. “Huh?”

  Shit. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. With a wave of my hand, I brushed off my outburst. “Nothing. You’re right. I have it on my phone. I’ll read it off my Kindle, though, since it’s also on there.”

  Reaching into my bag, I pulled out my Kindle Fire, causing Wade to chuckle.

  “Hey, laugh now, but I promise you, you will be in love with Mr. Darcy,” I shook my head and giggled. “I mean, you’ll be in love with Elizabeth Bennet within the first few chapters.”

  “Bring it on.”

  I pulled up the book and cleared my throat. My heart was racing, and I couldn’t help the heat on my cheeks. I had no idea why I was so nervous. Maybe because I was sharing something with Wade—something I loved.

  Before I started, I glanced over. With a smile, I focused on my Kindle and started to read aloud. We were soon lost in the world of Mr. Darcy, Charles Bingley, Elizabeth, Jane, and Mrs. Bennet.

  Before I knew it, Wade was parked in the driveway and I was still reading.

  Hitting the top of my Kindle, I bookmarked the page and turned it off, stowing it in my bag.

  “What are you doing?” Wade asked.

  I tried to hold back my smile. “We’re home.”

p; “So? What happens next?”

  I stared at him. “Are you for real? I mean, you check on April. You adore kids, you like classical literature. You’re like a dream man.”

  He smiled. “Your dream man?”

  My heart plummeted. I had the urge to say yes. Instead, I winked. “You wish.”

  Before he could say anything else, I grabbed my bag and got out of the truck, my pulse racing. I had never walked so quickly up the steps of my parents’ house in my entire life.

  “Hey!” Wade called out. “What do you want to do with your swag?”

  I stopped and spun around. “I’ll put it in my office.”

  “You have an office?” Wade asked.

  I stood there like an idiot. No, I didn’t have an office. I shared one with my mother. I had taken up half of it storing boxes of books and swag items.

  I started to have an anxiety attack. What if things do go to the next level with Wade? Or any guy? I have no house! I still live at home, for fuck’s sake!

  The feel of Wade’s hands on my arms caused me to jump.

  “You okay, Amelia?”

  Wade’s eyes were filled with concern. Tears filled mine, and I had no idea why. “I still live at home. I’m almost twenty-three years old, and I still live at home and share an office with my mother. How sad is that?”

  He leaned down, eyes level with mine. “I don’t think it’s sad. You’re lucky to be able to get along with them well enough to live with them. Besides. Your parents’ house is damn huge. I don’t think I’ve even seen them in passing one time.”

  With a half-hearted smile, I shook my head. “I need to grow up and move out. It’s not like I can’t afford to live on my own.”

  With pinched brows, Wade asked, “Amelia, what in the world brought this on?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m feeling emotional. I’m sorry. If you could please put the boxes in my mother’s office, I’d really appreciate it.”

  Stepping back and out of his grasp, I turned on my heels and headed straight to my room. By the time I hit the top step, tears were streaming down my face, and I had no fucking clue why.

  Mitchell handed me a beer and sat down next to me. He was staring out at the dance floor with a scowl on his face.

  “You look like you want to beat someone’s ass,” I said.

  He let out a gruff laugh. “I do. My brother Tripp.”

  I followed Mitchell’s gaze to the dance floor, where Tripp was spinning Corina around.

  “You like her?” I asked.

  He pressed his beer to his lips and took a long drink while shrugging. “I don’t think he’s that into her. He’s only dating her because he knows I was attracted to her.”

  “Why did you let him ask her out?”

  “He said he liked her first. Brother code, and all that shit.”

  Two women walked by, batting their eyelashes and laughing.

  Mitchell and I tipped our heads to them and said hi. I was glad when they kept walking, and I got the feeling Mitchell was, as well.

  “They’re not exclusive though, are they? I saw Tripp all over another girl the other night.”

  Mitchell turned to me. “No shit?”

  I nodded.

  Leaning in close, Mitchell demanded, “Define all over.”

  “Kissing, hands on her ass, grinding into her while dancing. That type of shit.”

  Now Mitchell looked pissed. “I can’t imagine Tripp would ever cheat.”

  Focusing back out on the dance floor, I said, “Why don’t you ask him?”

  “That’s a great idea,” he said. “Go cut in and start fishing Corina for answers.”

  My head snapped over to him. “What? I said for you to go ask. Not me!”

  Mitchell was still watching them dance. “If Tripp thinks I’m the least bit interested, he’ll play games with me.”

  “Really?” I asked with surprise. “He’s your brother. Why would he screw around with you like that?”

  Mitchell grinned. “That’s what I would do.”

  I shook my head. “Seriously? Why would you mess around with Corina’s emotions?”

  “Corina’s, I wouldn’t. If it was a random hook-up, I would.”

  “And you think Tripp would do that to Corina?”

  Mitchell looked back at them. “No, they’ve been dating for a few months now.”

  Right about then, Tripp and Corina stepped apart. She headed to the bathroom while Tripp made his way to us. The girl from last night stepped in front of him. He smiled and shook his head. I couldn’t help but notice how Mitchell sat forward and took it all in.

  Tripp leaned down to her ear and said something, then laughed. They parted ways and he walked straight to us.

  “What’s up, boys?”

  Now I was pissed. I didn’t like picturing any of the Parker brothers as cheaters.

  I wasn’t giving Mitchell the chance to think about this any longer. It was time to nip the shit in the bud. “Dude, I saw you with that girl last night. You’re not stepping out on Corina, are you?”

  Tripp stared at me like I was insane. “What? No. Corina and I broke up a couple months ago.”

  “What?” Mitchell and I said at the same time.

  “Why are y’all still going out?”

  Tripp looked at Mitchell. “I ran into her. She’s here with Paxton. Girls’ night.”

  Mitchell dropped back in his seat.

  Taking a seat next to Mitchell, Tripp slapped his back. “I know you like her. I liked her, too, but we never connected. I’ll admit I was being a dick by hanging on longer than I should. Corina told me a few months back she didn’t have strong feelings for me, which is probably why we never slept together.”

  Now Mitchell was sitting straight up. “What? Y’all never slept together?”

  Tripp took a drink of beer. “Nah. I’m going to take a guess that she was probably still hung up from that one-night stand y’all had.”

  My eyes widened. “You slept with Corina?” I asked, staring at Mitchell.

  Mitchell closed his eyes. “Dude, I was going to tell you, but Steed told me to let it go.”

  Laughing, Tripp shook his head at his brother. “That’s why a part of me wouldn’t let her go. I was pissed. It’s water under the bridge. If you like her, Mitch, go for it.”

  “Go for what?” Cord asked as he placed three beers on the table in front of us. “Girls at the end of the bar bought them for y’all.”

  I leaned around Tripp and tipped my hat. They all waved and giggled.

  With a sigh, I sat back. “Don’t y’all ever get tired of this game?”

  “Endless pussy? Fuck no,” Cord said before heading back to the bar. I glanced over my shoulder to see Trevor behind the bar. He was busy, but not too busy to stop and flirt with a girl standing there.

  “Trevor and Cord, I get.” Looking back at Tripp and Mitchell, I narrowed my eyes. “But you two, I don’t. You’re not interested in settling down? Having a family?”

  I could see it in both of their eyes. They were tired of the rotating door of women.

  Tripp shrugged. “I guess if the right girl comes along. Mine came and went a long time ago. Haven’t been able to find anyone like her since.”

  My curiosity got the best of me. “Who was it?”

  He grabbed the beer and took a long drink. “The one who got away.” He stood and let out a sigh. “I’m calling it a night, y’all.” He reached his hand out for mine. “Make him ask her to dance, will ya?”

  With a grin, I nodded. “I will. Goodnight.”

  “Later, Tripp,” Mitchell said.

  Mitchell and I watched as Tripp made his way to the bar to say goodbye to Cord and Trevor. I swore he looked like someone had just delivered him bad news.

  “Her name was Harley,” Mitchell said. “High school sweetheart. Tripp was planning on asking her to marry him before they left for college.”

  “What happened?” I asked.

  Mitchell slowly shook his head. ?
??She didn’t want the same things Tripp wanted. He wanted to come back to Oak Springs. Start a law practice.”

  “Let me guess? She was tired of the small-town living?”

  “Pretty much. She loved horses. Went to vet school and never came back. Walked away from Tripp like it was no big deal. He never got over it.”

  I looked down at the table. “Damn. That sucks.”

  Mitchell hit me on the back. “Sucks is right. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Mr. Adams. I see a beautiful blonde who needs dancing with.”

  I watched Mitchell make his way toward Corina. She wore a huge smile as Mitchell led her out to the dance floor.

  “About damn time,” Trevor said, sitting down next to me. “Boy’s been pining for months.”

  I sipped my beer and turned to Trevor. “What about you, Parker? No girl caught your eye yet?”

  He tossed his head back and laughed. “Hell, no. I’m only twenty-four. Why would I want to settle down when I’m having so much fun?”

  When his eyes met mine, his smile faded some. “What about you, Wade? Don’t you think it’s time you moved on?”

  My chest squeezed, and for a moment it was hard to breathe.

  “I’m not in a rush. If it happens, it happens.”

  He stared like he could see into my lying eyes.

  I do have feelings for someone. Your sister.

  “You’re a good guy, Wade. Don’t let fear stand in your way.”

  I let out a chuckle and shook my head. “Yeah. Maybe I just need to get laid.”

  He waved his hands in front of him. “Take your pick. I’m pretty sure you could find a girl in here who would love to spend a few minutes alone with you. If that’s what you want.”

  I knew he was right. Hell, I could probably take one in the bathroom and have a quick fuck. That wasn’t what I wanted, though.

  “Not interested.”

  He nodded. “Didn’t think so.”

  We sat there for a few minutes as we watched the crowd.

  I finally broke the silence. “I’m not going to lie to you, Trevor. You’re too good of a friend. There is a girl I’m…I guess, attracted to. Have feelings for. Hell, I don’t know what the fuck it is. I like her.”