Page 18 of Love Profound

  Steed: We got the text. Thanks for telling Chloe about the text alert system, by the way.

  Laughing, I jumped into the truck and fired off another text.

  Me: Sure!

  I tossed my phone on the seat. It went off, and I glanced down to see Steed’s reply.

  Steed: Asshole. I know you’re laughing right now.

  I took off and drove down the old dirt road like a bat out of hell. I was familiar with the cabin. Amelia and I had been there a number of times. The last time I had pulled out all the stops and cooked her dinner. Fresh flowers covered every surface, and I made one of her favorite meals. Fish tacos. We spent the night in the cabin wrapped in each other’s arms. The only way I could keep myself from making love to her was to be sure I didn’t have any condoms. I knew neither one of us would break that rule.

  When I finally pulled up, I raced down the path and into the cabin. Throwing the door open, I called out, “Amelia!”

  She jumped and threw her cup of coffee straight into the air.

  “Oh, my gawd and all the stars in heaven! What in the hell is wrong with you, Wade Adams? I just peed my pants!”

  I looked down at her cute little pajamas. They were blue and white stripes. “You did?”

  She reached down and picked up the mug that had somehow managed not to break. “Yes! Oh, my gosh. You scared the piss out of me, literally!”

  “She’s in labor!” I cried out.

  Amelia dropped the mug again. “April?”

  “Yes! You have no cell signal out here. I’ve been trying to call you! We have to go! Now! There are hooves!”

  “What? OH, MY GOD, let me change my pants.”

  “There is no time!”

  Turning to face me, she pulled her pajama bottoms and panties off. “I tinkled in my pants, Wade! There is time!” She slipped on yoga pants then ran to the table and grabbed her phone.

  “Go! Go! Go!” she said as we rushed out of the cabin to my truck.

  “Wade, drive fast! If I miss this birth I’m flying to New York and losing my shit on someone! Does that giraffe know how much of my writing time she has stolen? I need to see this birth!”

  I hit the gas, and we took off.

  “Can’t you drive faster, you pansy ass? This isn’t Driving Mrs. Daisy. Floor this bitch!”

  “Stop yelling at me! You’re making me nervous!” I cried out.

  “I’ve got a signal! We’ve got a signal!”

  “Yes!” I said, fist pumping the air.

  “I didn’t mean to call you a pansy ass!” she quickly said as she pulled up the website. “Oh, my God! Hooves. Legs! Wade, look!”

  She shoved the phone in my face. I got one quick look then focused back on the road.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” I said, pressing the gas down more.

  “You might want to slow down,” Amelia said.

  Looking at her, I pinched my brows together. “You just told me to speed up.”

  Pointing, she shouted, “Dip.”

  I turned back, but it was too late. We were going airborne.

  I hit the dip, and my truck flew off the road. Amelia screamed out like she was riding a damn bull.


  The truck hit the road, jarring my teeth hard.

  “Yeehaw? Was that fun?”

  Amelia chuckled. “Hell yeah, that was fun. Mitchell was the only one of my brothers who had the guts to do that. Tripp tried it once and broke something on my father’s truck. He was grounded for two months and none of the other boys ever tried it again.”

  I shook my head. “Oh, I’m sure I broke something.”

  Pulling into the driveway of the foreman’s house, Amelia jumped out before the truck even came to a damn stop.

  She rushed in through the front door and screamed.

  “Did we miss—”

  Clearly I hadn’t calculated the steps because I tripped on the last one. My ass went down hard.

  “Fuck!” I shouted, as I stood up and reached for my knee.

  “Wade! Stop playing around. It’s about to happen!”

  I limped through the door and into the living room where Amelia was standing in front of the TV.

  She glanced my way. “Why are you limping? What happened to your jeans?”

  “Tripped. Last step. Fell hard.”

  Running over to me, she kissed me on the lips. “I’m sorry, baby. I’ll make it better…after the baby’s born!”

  And like that, she was back in front of the TV.

  “This is it! Here she comes!”

  I stood next to her and took her hand in mine.

  “I can’t believe our April is having her baby,” I said as I fought the tears in my eyes.

  Holy shit. If Trevor saw me right now he’d give me hell.

  “Wade! Oh, my gosh, we made it just in time! Look!”

  We stared at the TV and watched as the baby giraffe was born. Tears streamed down Amelia’s face. She sank to the ground and I followed her, pulling her to me while she leaned against my chest.

  It must have been an hour before we actually stood up, continuing to watch the live feed.

  Amelia let out a sigh. “That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “I agree. And it’s about damn time. I’m glad I pulled it up on the TV.”

  With a giggle, Amelia fell back on the sofa. “I’m exhausted. I feel like I gave birth to the calf. And I’m starved!”

  “How about I make us breakfast?” I asked, heading into the kitchen.

  Amelia got up and followed me. “I’ll help.”

  “Do you need to get back to writing?”

  Wrapping her arms around me, she let out a sexy moan. “Nope. I stayed up pretty late last night. Being at your old house really inspired me to put my current book down and write the historical one that was playing out in my head.”

  I placed my hands on her hips. “I’m glad. I can’t wait to read it.”

  When she pulled her lower lip into her mouth, her eyes turned dark.

  “Something on your mind?” I asked with a slight grin.

  She nodded. “You. Me. Fourth base.”

  I gripped her hips tighter, drawing her closer to me. “I want you, too, Amelia. More than you know.”

  Her hands landed on my chest. “Then make love to me, Wade. I don’t think I can stand to wait much longer.”

  Cupping her face in my hands, I gazed into her eyes, teasing. “Did watching that giraffe have a baby turn you on?”

  As a slow smile grew over her face, I realized I was falling head over heels in love with Amelia.

  “If I say yes?”

  I picked her up, causing her to let out a gasp.

  “Then who am I not to satisfy the woman I’m in love with?”

  Amelia’s eyes grew wide and her breath sharpened. Biting on her lip, she buried her head into my chest as I walked us into my bedroom. I had the room set up for tonight anyway. Tonight was going to be the night I made her mine. No reason not to bump it up a few hours.

  I glanced around the room. “Keep your eyes shut, okay?”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I was planning something special for tonight, so I need to make a few adjustments. I’m going to set you on the bed, but don’t open your eyes.” I ran the back of my hand down her cheek and whispered, “Promise me, darlin’.”

  Her body shivered as I caressed her. “I promise I won’t look.”

  I lit the candles and pulled the gift box from the closet, gently setting it on the end of the bed. Shutting the blinds, I darkened the room. The candles gave off the perfect glow.

  Pulling one of the red roses out of the vase, I walked back to her. I took her hand in mine and gently pulled her to her feet.

  “Keep those eyes closed.”

  Amelia giggled and nodded.

  Taking the rose, I ran it over her face, causing her take in a sharp breath.

  “I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I knew the first moment y
ou smiled at me that you were going to be the holder of my heart.”

  “Wade,” Amelia whispered.

  “Three months ago I never dreamed I’d be able to open my heart again, but being here with you and your family has taught me so much.”

  Her hands wound in my T-shirt.

  “Open your eyes, Amelia.”

  The moment she did, our eyes met and she never looked away.

  “These last couple of months with you have been the happiest times of my life. You’ve showed me it’s okay to be happy, even while I’m still hurting from the loss of my family. You’ve proven that love gives us the strength we need to begin again. To take that leap of faith and spread our arms wide and let things fall where they fall. I thought I knew what love was until I kissed you for the first time. Ever since then I’ve been falling and let me tell you, it’s been the best free fall of my life, Amelia Parker.”

  Tears fell from her beautiful blue eyes. Her lips pressed together as she continued to gaze up at me.

  Amelia lifted her hand and wiped her tears away, then looked around the room for the first time. She gasped and covered her mouth, more tears quickly replacing the others.

  “Oh, Wade! This is beautiful.” Shaking her head, she took it all in then focused back on me.

  When I took her hands in mine, she gave me the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen. My knees shook and my heart felt like it was diving straight to the floor.

  “I was so afraid of giving my heart away, and then you came along and I was even more scared,” she said. “The things I feel for you leave me in awe every single day. I know now that what we share is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I don’t care if someone says we couldn’t possibly have fallen in love so fast, because I know I fell for you the first time I saw you dancing with Chloe. I can say without a doubt in my mind, my heart is yours, Wade Adams. I also wanted to say that waiting for this moment has meant more to me than you will ever know. It only proves to me what an amazing man you truly are.”

  My eyes stung with the threat of tears. We had both admitted to falling for each other, but were we ready to say the words?

  Staring into those big, blue eyes, I had my answer, and I knew the exact moment when I wanted to tell her.

  My heart pounded as Wade and I stood and gazed into one another’s eyes.

  I dropped my head to his chest and let out a chuckle. “I feel like a teenager about to have sex for the first time!”

  Wade’s laughter rolled over my body like a warm blanket, instantly making me relax.

  His fingers brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. “You’re so beautiful, Amelia. You take my breath away.”

  When his lips found the sensitive skin on my neck, I let out a long, soft moan.

  “Wade. You’re driving me crazy.”

  I could feel his smile as he peppered soft kisses along my neck. His hand laced into my hair and tugged it back, exposing more of my neck. When he ran his tongue over my skin it felt like a path of fire was left in its wake.

  “Oh God,” I gasped.

  His hands moved to my shirt. He lifted it over my head and tossed it to the floor. My chest rose and fell, each breath heavy as I anticipated his next move.

  I jumped when his finger traced the outline of my bra. Wade’s thumbs rubbed over my nipples, a shot of pleasure racing to my core. I could feel my panties getting wetter. The hunger for this man grew with each second that ticked on his dresser clock.

  “More!” I whispered.

  He chuckled while unclasping my bra. It slipped down my arms to the floor.

  The way his eyes took me in made me feel amazing. Licking his lips, he bent down, took my breast in his hand and sucked on my nipple. His other hand pinched and pulled at the other.

  My body was on fire. The throbbing sensation between my legs grew, and if he didn’t touch me soon I was going to have to touch myself.

  My hands found his jeans and I promptly unbuttoned them. I was disappointed to find boxer briefs, but at the same time, knowing he was a little bit hidden from my touch fueled my desire.

  Letting go of my breast, he moved to the other one, not giving it nearly enough attention like he did with the first one. Wade lifted his body and looked down into my eyes.

  “Are you wet, Amelia?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Yes.”

  A crooked smile slid across his face. “Let me find out for myself.”

  “Thank God,” I whimpered as he pulled my yoga pants down. Kicking them to the side, I held my breath, awaiting what he had in store next.

  Wade kneeled, lifted my leg and licked between my lips. I let out a small whimper as I pushed my hands into his hair and tugged his face closer to me.

  “Yes. Oh, God. Wade, yes.”

  When he pulled away, I cried out in protest.

  Wade stood and pulled his shirt over his head and pushed his jeans and boxers off. I knew he was trying to stay in control, but I also knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  He guided me to the bed and I sat, then crawled backwards, my breath insanely erratic.

  Wade moved over me, cupping my face with his hands.

  “You’re so beautiful, darlin’. I will never be able to get enough of you. Never.”

  My head was spinning. From his romantic words to his mouth on my clit, the man drove me insane. I couldn’t even imagine what him being inside of me would do.

  His lips pressed against mine in the sweetest kiss. It wasn’t rushed or hungry. No, this was classic Wade. Slow and determined. Innocent, yet utterly sexy. His hand moved over my body, touching and feeling his way around me while we kissed. There was magic in this man’s touch. Wade’s fingertips moving across my skin left me weak and needing so much more.

  “Amelia, I cannot wait to make love to you.”

  I hadn’t even realized my eyes were shut. I opened them to see him staring down at me. His breathing just as hard and fast as mine.

  “Love me, Wade. Please.”

  He kissed me once more before leaning over and opening the side drawer of his nightstand. I watched him as he rolled a condom onto his impressively large dick. My body trembled. I’d never wanted to be with a man as much as I wanted to be with Wade. I couldn’t even think of any other man I had ever been with.

  Wade was it. The first man I’d truly given my heart to.

  When he moved over me, I opened myself to him. I was positive we were both holding our breath.

  Sliding his hand down my body, he softly pushed his fingers inside, preparing me for what I was sure would be the most amazing moment of my life.

  Wade cradled my face within his hands as he positioned himself. The feel of him barely touching me sent my body into hyperawareness. Every breath he took, move he made, and word he whispered was multiplied by a hundred.

  He slowly pushed into me, and our eyes met. What happened next was the most incredible thing I’d ever experienced.

  “I love you.”

  We’d said it in unison, like we’d choreographed this moment.

  Wade stopped moving, and we stared at each other before we started laughing.

  “Oh, my gawd! We said it at the same time!” I giggled.

  Wade shook his head and kissed me on the lips. “If that isn’t a damn sign, I don’t know what is!”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him into me with my legs.

  “It feels like I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life. I’ve been waiting for you, Wade.”

  A smile spread across his face and his eyes burned with passion. “I’ve been waiting for you, too, Amelia. You’re the answer to my prayers.”

  My breath caught. When I looked into his eyes every fear and doubt quickly vanished. Placing my hand on the side of his face, I whispered, “Make love to me.”

  With a wink and another kiss on the mouth, Wade replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

  It was both pleasure and pain. The feel of him slowly sliding into my body was one of the most pleasurable moments of my
life. What was painful was how much I needed him. I needed him to fill me deeper. Stay inside of me all night. The feeling of us as one was so powerful it caused every nerve in my body to light with fire.

  “Jesus, Amelia. You feel so damn good.”

  My fingers moved lightly over his back as Wade reached under me, pulling my ass toward him so he could get deeper, fill me more. He moved in and out of my body in the most delicious way.

  “I’m not going to last very long, darlin’.”

  “Feels so amazing. I don’t want this to end,” I panted. I wanted him to take his time, yet I wanted to feel more from him.

  Our mouths crashed together while Wade moved slowly.

  “This going slow is killing me.”

  Smiling, I let out a chuckle. “Same here.”

  He pushed in deep, his body flush against mine.

  “Wade, faster. Please, go faster.”

  “Thank fuck. I need more of you,” he grunted while he pulled out and slammed into me so hard and fast I cried out.


  “You like that, darlin’? Are you getting close?”

  “Oh God,” I panted.

  Our bodies were covered in sweat as we became lost in one another, our hips meeting thrust for thrust. My orgasm was beginning to build, and I could feel it in my toes.

  “Wade!” I cried.

  “That’s it, baby. I can feel you squeezing my dick. I’m so close, Amelia.”

  He pushed in and let out a growl from the back of his throat, sending me into sweet oblivion.

  “I’m going to come. Oh God, yes, I’m coming!” I cried out, and my entire body shook as stars danced behind my eyes. I could feel Wade grow bigger.

  “Amelia,” he groaned out. “That’s it, baby. You feel so good falling apart with me inside you.”

  Moving his hands under me, he grabbed my ass and pushed in deeper, sending me diving off the cliff into another round of utter bliss.

  It felt like it lasted forever.

  “Look at me, Amelia,” Wade said as he pushed deeper.

  My eyes opened, and I felt like I was floating down from heaven.

  I’d never experienced sex like this. It was beyond amazing.

  No. This wasn’t sex. This was Wade making love to me.